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The movie John Q, shows the unconditional love of the father to his son.

Our par
ents are willing to do everything for our good and the betterment of the family.
It reminded me of the struggles of the marginalized communities. The lack of he
althcare coverage, financial problems and the feeling of hopelessness.As a stude
nt, and being part of the health care team, it saddens me to know the inhumane a
nd materialistic ways of people that handles the needs of the public. In my hone
st opinion, what John Q did was right, although his decision to hostage is still
wrong, I understand why he's doing such thing. He does not intend to hurt anyon
e, his intention was to save his son, Which for me is morally good and acceptabl
e giving consideration to his financial capacity and intention.
Unwilling to let his child die. Out of options, John Q. takes the emergency room
staff and patients hostage until hospital doctors agree to do the transplant. T
his action makes John guilty of kidnapping, and is morally unethical. At times
in life, we come to face with decisions that will put ourselves into test. John'
s courage is righteous but on the other hand, we sometimes cannot avoid the cons
equences of our motives may bring. We tend to affect other people's lives and ma
y cause positive or negative outcomes for them just for the sake of our motive.
Nontheless, what matters is his intention to save a life not the act of violence
to other people.
the character I will relate with ethics is Rebecca Payne. Rebecca's action shows
the principles of John Stuart Mill's utilitarianism. Utilitarianism requires in
dividuals to make choices that will provide the greatest amount of good or pleas
ure for the greatest number of people. While John has no money to pay for the tr
eatment that they had not paid for, Rebecca thinks giving Mike free treatment w
ill not do society any good because the hospital functions as a private entity,
and were establish to make a profit.

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