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Serial Mayhem

Brad Harris

Last Year by James Matthew Wearing

Pulled from IGN.com

Serial Mayhem

Brad Harris


Game Title
Serial Mayhem
Horror FPS
High Concept
What if you were the serial killer in an 80s horror film? In this game, you are
the killer. Choose your weapons and go kill some rebellious teenagers.
Play Mechanic
In this game, the player is placed in different scenarios similar to those in an
80s slasher horror film, where you get to go around and find weapons with the
sole purpose of killing all the teenagers in the area. A certain level of stealth is
required in each level in order to make sure that you are not detected, otherwise
victims could scream for help and someone could phone the police and then you
get killed or busted. Think about the mechanics of Metal Gear Solid. How you
have to hide behind walls and not make noise. Same concept applies here. Youll
have to use your wit to make sure you can sneak up on your victims, but that
doesnt mean a certain level of creativity cant still be involved.
Plot Summary
You start off as a lowly janitor at a high school. All the kids make fun of you and
even some of the teachers and staff. Your father raped and killed your mother
and both were employees at this same high school. Growing up in foster homes,
you were made fun of because of a facial deformity. You grew up torturing
animals but really, you wanted to torture the other kids.
You overhear about the popular kids going to a camp out on the lake to spend
their summer. The summer camp is secluded and away from the town. Its the
perfect time to strike, and thats just what youll do!
This is a game that definitely requires the use of newer gaming consoles such as
the PS4 or Xbox One.
Target Audience
All horror fans between the age 14 to 35.
There really isnt a game out there right now that is quite like this, the only one
Ive seen is a game scheduled for release in 2015 called Summer Camp
(which is basically exactly the same as what Im pitching here), but Im trying to
Serial Mayhem

Brad Harris

take the game outside of just 1 setting to other settings such as high schools,
cities, suburban small towns, etc.
Sure there are horror games, but they all have one thing in common. They all
place the player in the position of being the victim to a killer instead of being the
bad guy themselves. Thats what makes this game different, it allows the player
to reverse roles for once and actually become the bad guy.
With that said, other horror games such as Resident Evil and Silent Hill still
serve as competition for this type of game. Even games like Mortal Kombat,
which are using horror film characters now, serve as competition.

Serial Mayhem

Brad Harris

ITEMS AND EQUIPMENT [Audience: In-World, except where stated otherwise.]

Key Item 1: Dads Machete
Short Description: Your dads machete, used to hack up your mother. Your grandfather
used it when he used to cut weeds on his lawn. It was given to your father but nothing
was said about the sentimental value of the weapon. Kept in the evidence room of the
local police station for the past 20 years, you have found the murder weapon used to put
your dad away for life and can now use it against your unsuspecting victims.
Function: Simply put, this weapon allows the player to murder their victims with as little
noise as possible. Its light in weight and can be hidden easily if needed.
Appearance: The machete has a wooden handle and a long sharp metal end on it. The
metal is rusty and the wooden handle is stained, used and old. There is a lot of years on
this weapon.
Lore: On the wooden handle of the machete is a pentagram symbol, which is etched into
the wood. The symbol represents a satanic cult that goes back hundreds of generations.
There is also magic that is held within the handle of this machete.
Since the players character in this game is a sadistic, evil, serial killer, much of
the lure around the character must also be evil in nature. Therefore, with the pentagram
symbol etched into this particular weapon of choice, its likely that the information for
this lure is discovered within the confines of a magical book, such as the Necronomicon.
The ultimate source of pure evil. This book is another key item within the game, which is
interconnected with this key item.
The metal blade on the machete can be enchanted with a location spell from the
Necronomicon, that can help the player to locate victims to slaughter. Remember the
rules to surviving a horror movie. 1) You cant drink or do drugs, 2) You can never have
sex, and 3) you can never say Ill be right back. Most of the victims in the game are
breaking 1 of these 3 rules. Your job is to catch them in the act and kill them swiftly,
quickly, and in the most creative manner possible.
Through further research found in the game, it explains that a killer named Jason
Voorhees during the numerous murders at Camp Krystal Lake used this same machete.
Now the weapon has some fame to it. Throughout the game, references to famous horror
film icons will appear through library books, notes on places like refrigerators, and
through the Necronomicon itself.

Serial Mayhem

Brad Harris

CHARACTER PROFILES [Audience: In-World, except where stated otherwise.]

Player Character Profile: The Coach
Purpose: To coach you in the art of being a serial killer. Youll learn a skill before you go
out on each murder mission.
Lore: Said to have been your fathers football coach when he was in high school. Also
your grandfather/father of your murdered mother. Discovered through mug shots that hes
been arrested several times for disorderly conduct and armed robbery. Currently an
escaped convict.
Always hated your father for causing him to lose the state high school football
championship during your fathers senior year in high school. Remember, its laces out
when kicking the field goal. He was also arrested for sexually molesting a high school
cheerleader. This must have been what caused him hatred toward high schoolers.
Is suspected by the locals as being an accomplish to your mothers murder but not
enough evidence to prove it in court. Lets just say he had a really good alibi on the night
of your mothers murder. He has also went to Harvard Law and played football (no
wonder he was a football coach), this has given him the knowledge to not only be a good
lawyer for himself, but to know how to get away with a lot of things that others wouldnt
know about.
Later in the game, you start discovering that maybe your father didnt rape and
murder your mother, that it might actually be possible that this man framed your father in
an attempt to get rid of your mother for finding out too much about her own father that
could have gotten him in a ton of trouble.
Appearance: Kind of hefty and overweight, which would be typical of a guy in his late
60s. Wears an old high school coaching jacket, whistle on a string around his neck, and a
black ball cap on his head. Hes not entirely bald but there is a big bald spot in the middle
of his head surrounded by gray hair.
Barks [Barks are brief, re-usable statements that crystalize a characters personality and
usually give gameplay-sensitive information. Include one of each of the following for the
Tagline/Idle: These kids arent going to slaughter themselves!
Alert: Breathing Brats around the bin!
Success: Whos your coach, ha ha!
Failure: 10 years at Harvard and I still cant coach, ugh!

Serial Mayhem

Brad Harris

LEVELS AND LOCATIONS [Audience: In-World, except where stated otherwise.]

Major Location 1: Camp Blood, a horror themed summer camp
Short Description: A summer camp themed around horror films. Away from local towns
and cities.
Appearance: Log Cabins, a lake, Lots of Forest, Dirt Trails that runs through the camp
and through the woods to off beaten trails. Everything you can expect when you think of
a summer camp.
Contents: Camp Counselors, who you can kill if you attack at just the right moment.
Think of them as guards from Metal Gear Solid. You need to have stealth in order to take
them out. Teenagers, who you can also kill but they scream louder so make sure you are a
good distance away from others when you do kill them or youll likely alert the rest of
the camp and be discovered. Forest Animals such as squirrels, deer, etc. These animals
are likely to mess with you while you are hiding, if you make sudden movements then
these animals can give away your location.
Lore: With Camp Blood being a horror themed summer camp, camp visitors expect to see
people dressed up as masked killers and deformed beings running around. However, the
history behind the camp is much scarier than people want to admit.
As stated earlier, your fathers machete is discovered at some point to be the
machete of famed mass murderer Jason Voorhees. Its also discovered to have magical
powers. This is the camp where Jason murdered his victims. Renamed from the famed
Camp Krystal Lake, Camp Blood has been the site of satanic cults doing virgin sacrifices
as well as Witch Burnings dating back to the Salem Witch Trials.
In the process of discovering the truth about the camp through letters, journals,
and notes, youll soon find out that you arent the only evil lurking within the camp.
Originally, Camp Blood was created as a Wiccan Burial Ground where witch and
warlocks could be buried after the trials or where sacrifices could be buried without
headstones or identifying documents to show that they are there.

Serial Mayhem

Brad Harris

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