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Running head: STRATEGIC PLAN 1

Organizational Strategic Plan Project

Nicole Cory, Lisa Martinez, Judy Spoor, and Jennifer Williams

Ferris State University



Diabetic Solutions: A skin, foot, and wound clinic is a diabetic care clinic that will service the

Mecosta County area. The clinic is necessary due to the lack of adequate diabetic support in the

area, and a large number of overweight, elderly, and already diagnosed diabetic patients in the

Mecosta County Area. The main idea of the clinic is to improve the quality of life for diabetic

patients by providing diabetic education, skin assessment, and the treatment of diabetic ulcers.

The clinic’s staff will consist of a Medical Director, Nurse Practitioner, RN Clinical Coordinator,

Medical Assistant, and a Biller/Receptionist.


Organizational Strategic Plan Project

Diabetic Skin Solutions: A skin, foot, and wound clinic will provide a necessary service

to the residents of Mecosta County who are diabetic. The main goal of the clinic is to improve

the quality of life for patients diagnosed with diabetes, and to decrease the overall occurrence of

complications related to this devastating disease. Skin care is an important aspect of diabetic

care, and diabetic ulcers can be an overwhelming complication for a diabetic patient.

Environmental Community Assessment

Services Currently Available

There are many services available in the Mecosta County area. The local Mecosta

County Medical Center has a dietitian-nutritionist program. This program provides care by:

“assessing, planning, educating, and counseling individuals with specific needs. These

services may be related to diabetes, heart disease, weight management, child nutrition,

digestive problems, or other medical conditions. A health care provider or physician

referral is required for this service.” (Mecosta County, n.d.)

There are also community education classes through Mecosta Medical Center. This

program is called the Diabetes Self-Management Education* Program (DSMEP). Reed City

Hospital provides Diabetes Self-Management Education and Spectrum Health Reed City

Hospital currently offers a comprehensive diabetes self-management education program by Lori

King, RN.

It is very important to have information to properly manage diabetes when an individual

is newly diagnosed. Diabetes support and education offered by these programs provide the latest

information and give a practical approach that puts patients in charge of their health. In addition

to the educational classes, Reed City and Big Rapids hospitals offer podiatry services.

The number of services in this area is vast; however, the services provided by Diabetic

Skin Solutions will be a focused Diabetic education delivery program with a focus on skin, foot,

and wound care. This unique combination of detailed Diabetic services is not yet available to this

area. This organization would serve as a referral source asset for many of the health care

businesses in Mecosta County.

Capability of the Environment to Support Services

Mecosta County is a rural community with the closest major health system approximately

60 miles away. In addition, many smaller communities surrounding this area travel to receive

medical care in the area. There is a high obesity rate, in turn increasing the risk for diabetes

within the county. Some statistics show that there are an increased number of children with

diabetes as well. This is directly related to the increase in obesity amongst our young population.

The presence of many retirement communities in the area also contributes to an increased

population with health problems.

Additional benefits to the creation of this organization include: affordable local

advertisement rates, physicians groups supporting referrals, and available office space within an

established procedure clinic.


There are certain forces that would assist in the establishment of this organization. A

convenient office location near the local hospital will provide an excellent referral source. The

clinic will be overseen by the local internal medical associates, providing needed support from

the hospital. This should in turn provide an excellent client source. In addition to these assets,

there is currently no other specified diabetic skin care and wound clinic in Mecosta County. The

ability to service multiple counties and the lack of this type of service will create a large client

base. A charity and pay per scale program will be offered to uninsured or underinsured clients to

assist with maintenance of clientele.

Forces against this type of organization are inevitable. Funding may be an obstacle

because of the need for grant money. Also, attempting to obtain certification for private

insurance and Medicaid can be a lengthy and difficult process. Medicaid would most likely not

be accepted related to lack of payment for these types of services. Lastly, new services are often

unfamiliar to communities and take time to become “established”. However, with excellent

community ties and the creation of strong organizational relationships, Diabetic Skin Solutions

will be able to overcome these negative forces and provide a necessary service for this


Health Trends

According to the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH, 2007), it is

estimated that 1300 adults in Osceola County have Diabetes. Diabetes affects approximately 700

males and 600 females in Osceola County. Diabetes related deaths have increased from 14.8 to

20.2 per 100,000 population since 1989 (MDCH, 2009). There are no free clinics listed for

Osceola County (TIPDON, 2009). Our clinic will provide a needed service for those who may be

not be able to receive it in another setting. This can in turn decrease the amount of co-morbidities

and death related to the mistreatment or under treatment of Diabetes.

Mission Statement and Philosophy

Our Mission will be to improve the quality of life of patients diagnosed with Diabetes

through education and treatment, with a focus on diabetic skin and foot care. We intend to create

an environment for inclusive diabetic education and understanding for both newly diagnosed and

seasoned diabetics.

Our philosophy will be, to make a difference by empowering diabetic patients with

exceptional education, innovative treatments, continuous improvement, and compassionate care

by maintaining a trusting relationship while involving patients and families in the prevention of

complications related to Diabetes and skin care issues. It is important to this organization that

patients, families, and supporting individuals are comfortable with their learning environment

and are empowered to promote diabetic health.

Goals and Objectives

The Diabetic Skin Solutions clinic will improve diabetic compliance by providing

comprehensive education focused on the disease process and complications of uncontrolled

diabetes. The clinic will provide inclusive, individualized diabetic education to patients and

families. Diabetic solutions will provide individualized care through a team approach and

implement creative methods to caring for the diabetic patient. An important goal for the clinic is

to develop and enhance support systems for those affected by diabetes through collaboration

with other caregivers.

The clinic will provide a one hour initial assessment and an annual comprehensive skin

exam with continued education about the diabetic effects on skin and feet. The clinic will attempt

to motivate the diabetic patient to incorporate physical activity into their lifestyle. Diabetic

solutions will also provide emotional support and resources to assist patients and families in

dealing with a diagnosis of Diabetes. Finally, Diabetic Skin Solutions will continue to improve

on the organizational strategy of including confidentiality and communication with patients,

patients’ families, and other health care providers,


Organizational Structure

Our organization will be a flat or decentralized organization. Decision making will be

spread commonly amongst many people. Additionally, there will be encouraged autonomy and

independence. This organization will exist as a referral source for the community. Our target

client will be newly diagnosed diabetics with a need for teaching and instruction as well as

seasoned diabetics with a need for teaching reinforcement. Education on both prevention and

treatment for total diabetic skin care is our main goal.

Our Employees

Our organization staff will consist of a Medical Director, Nurse Practitioner, RN Clinical

Coordinator, Medical Assistant, and a Biller/Receptionist. The Medical Director will oversee the

organization from an observational and as needed basis. The nurse practitioner will provide

diagnosis, treatment, consultation, and follow-up under the supervision of a physician.

The RN clinical coordinator will oversee the clinic and will provide teaching and

instruction to the patients regarding their treatment plan, as well as assess patients, recommend

treatment plans, and manage community resources in relation to diabetic skin/foot care.

The Medical assistant functions as a member of the medical team, and will work under

the supervision of the clinical coordinator. He or she will greet and interview patients, provide

basis care assessments, assist with ordering and stocking, and assist the clinical coordinator as


The biller/receptionist will be responsible for patient reception, obtaining insurance and

basic patient information, filing and chart compilation, perform basic monetary transactions,

answering telephones and scheduling appointments, assistance with ordering of supplies, billing

and insurance, data processing, and any other delegated tasks. It is important to our organization

to provide individual, specialized, and comprehensive care to each patient with a diabetic

diagnosis. Our employees will be appropriately trained to deliver compassionate, appropriate,

and timely care.

Preparation of the Organization’s Budget

Budget Summary

In our initial budget we have chosen to recruit a physician on a consultation basis only, as

our nurse practitioner will be able to see and treat patients. In addition, we have made an

organizational decision to not provide benefits to our staff related to the part-time status of the


With research, we found that many of our initial needs will be provided by our sponsor

company that will be allowing us to lease our office space. Much of the needed equipment for

office set up already exists within the office space. We have set aside additional budgets for

supplies and miscellaneous needs that may be unexpected.

Calculations show that we will run somewhat in the red with our reimbursements; the

plan is to apply for a yearly grant to supplement our establishment. Grants are approved

according to need; therefore we will be requesting a set amount per year. We will also be

implementing charitable relationships for cash donations as well as patient equipment supplies.

Excess revenue will be utilized by the organization for additional needs and to purchase new

equipment. Yearly budgets will be created and adjusted in comparison to the previous year’s

profits or losses.


Diabetes can be extremely difficult illness to manage. Newly diagnosed diabetics are at

especially high risk for complications of this illness. It is important to empower patients to

implement appropriate strategies and preventative care plans to treat Diabetes. Community

research has shown that there is a need for a comprehensive diabetic care clinic that is focused in

education and prevention of diabetic complications. There is funding available from both

government grants and Medicare reimbursement that will assist in the support of a clinic. With

the creation of this organization, the community of Mecosta County will have a focused and

unique solution to the lack of comprehensive diabetic care within the area.


Michigan Diabetes Surveillance Tables. (2009). Estimated Number of Adults with Diabetes.

Retrieved from

Diabetes-related Deaths and Death Rates, Osceola County. (2009). Osceola County Residents.

Retrieved from


Diabetes Outreach Network (TIPDON). (2009). Resource Directory 2009. Retrieved from


Mecosta County Medical Center. (n.d.). Mecosta County Medical Center. Retrieved from

Medical Specialties & Services. (n.d.). Welcome to Spectrum Health System. Retrieved from

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