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Ma Riza Uy ge 8ep 19, 2015 ‘A. Howard-Grenville, Jennifer, etal. "CLIMATE CHANGE AND MANAGEMENT." Academy of Management Joumal June 2014; 6154. Business Source Elte. Web. 14 Sept. 2015, B.Gimate change has become a major iseue everywhere, end this ete focuses on management industry. The way people deal and handle this problem couldafectthe global econcmy. Industries and organizations have to be smarter with their resources and find other attematives to be more eficient, mobility must aiso be changad into something more aco-iealy, transportation of products trough & huge distance uses a great chunk of energy (companies stould opt ‘obe local and produce ther own goods), agricultural productvty, reshaping value chain ow carbons replacing {ossl fuel) etc, The artct also teckles the effects on work patterns and people's everyday lives, wherein their ‘elatonsti and how thay irtract wth each other because of cima change. Their workolace should be fy cose to where thay reside; thus social change also occurs. C. It'san interesting reed because not only isthe environment affected, but the people's relationships as well and how they lve their day-to-day ves. This aril listed the efforts of companies such as Coca-Cola the city New Yor, ets, and other up to cate solutions. Since it focused on social change, | think it would have been better if they listed solutions for specific groups of people aso,

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