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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning

Elementary Lesson Plan Template

UNLV Student:
Lesson Plan Title:
Grade Level:

Glendy Marquez

PSMT Name:
Lesson Plan Topic:

Jen Zalazar
Language Arts

Estimated Time:
School Site:

30 minutes
Rex Bell ES

1. State Standard(s):
RL.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about
key details in a text.
RL.K. 2 With prompting and support, retell familiar stories including
key detail
2. Teaching Model(s):
Lemov's Strategy:
3. Objective(s):
Students will answer story comprehension questions,make predictions,
and actively participate in the reading discussion.
4. Materials and Technology Resources
book: The little Mouse and The Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big
Hungry Bear by Don Wood and Audrey Wood
Little Mouse worksheet
Projector and Elmo
5. Instructional Procedures:
a. Motivation/Engagement:
Teacher will ask students "Name an animal that likes to eat fruits" (DOK 1) "Do
mice eat fruit?" (DOK 1) "What king of fruit you thing mice eat?" (DOK 1).
Teacher will show students the front cover of the book, read the title, and ask "what do
think the mouse is doing?" "what do you think the mouse intends to do with the big
red ripe strawberry?".
b .Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
Teacher will read the story . Teacher will pause a few times giving students the
opportunity to make prediction of what will the mouse actions be next (DOK 2).
Students will afterwards answer the following questions related to the story:

Who was talking to the little mouse?"(DOK 1)" " What was the little mouse going
to do?" "Who was the mouse afraid of and why?"(DOK 1)" " What were some ways that
the little mouse tried to hide the strawberry from the bear?" (DOK1) "Who did the mouse
share the strawberry with?" "What did the mouse and the narrator do with the
strawberry?" "Do you think there ever really was a bear?" "If you were the mouse, how
would you hide the strawberry?" (DOK 3) "If you were the bear, explain how you you
would find the strawberry? " (DOK 3)
After discussion, student will return to their tables and illustrate one way little mouse
kept the strawberry safe, and illustrate what they think the bear might look like.
c. Closure:
To wrap up the lesson, students will share their illustration with the whole class and
summarize the story.
d. Extension:
After reading the story, hand out the Big A- Little a sheet. Go through and name each
letter. Allow the children enough time to cut out the lowercase letters. As
a class match each lowercase letter to the correct uppercase letter.
Once all the letters have been matched, allow the children to color
each strawberry.
6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:
Accommodations: As students work individually at their desk, teacher
will circulate the classroom to provide assistance to those who needs
it. Allow ELL students to work with a peer, if necessary.
Modifications: Teacher will allow students to take more time to
complete a task.
Differentiations: Teacher will use equity sticks to call students during
reading discussion and use a variety of different questions to ask at
students level.
7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:
a. Formative:
Teacher will assess students knowledge by having them predict what
they think will happen to the little Mouse and the red ripe strawberry.
b. Summative:
participation during reading discussion and completion of the activity
will determine if students learned the lesson.
8. Homework Assignment:
Fruit & Vegetables Match & Sort Worksheets. Students are going to
help little Mouse sort through all the fruits and vegetables.

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