What Is Pancreatic Cancer?: Primary-Metastatic

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What is Pancreatic Cancer?

Cancer of the pancreas is a malignant neoplasm that arises in the pancreas. It strikes approximately 9 out of
every 100,000 people every year in the United States and is one of the deadliest forms of cancer. It is
estimated that this year 45,000 Americans will be diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas. An almost equal
number of patients (some diagnosed previous to this year) will die from pancreatic cancer during this year.
Cancer of the pancreas is not one disease. In fact, as many as twenty different tumors have been lumped
under the umbrella term "cancer of the pancreas." Each of these tumors has a different appearance when
examined with a microscope, some require different treatments, and each carries its own unique prognosis
(predicted or likely outcome). An understanding of the different types of neoplasms of the pancreas is required
for rational treatment. different types of pancreatic tumors is required for rational treatment.
Cancers of the pancreas can be broadly classified as:


Primary cancers are those that arise in the pancreas itself.

Metastatic tMetastatic cancers are cancers that arise in other organs and only later spread to

the pancreas. These are usually not considered a pancreatic cancer, instead they
are considered cancers of the organs from which they arose.

In the vast majority of cases the term "cancer of the pancreas" refers to primary cancers of the pancreas
cancers that arose in the pancreas. Primary cancers of the pancreas can be broadly subgrouped into those that
look like endocrine cells under the microscope (have endocrine differentiation) and those that look like exocrine
cells under the microscope (have exocrine differentiation). The distinction between endocrine neoplasms and
exocrine neoplasms is very important and will greatly impact on treatment and outcome.
Pathologists examine histological slides (slides of tissue samples) using a microscope to diagnose and classify
pancreatic cancer. To make the cells visible the slides are stained with various dyes. A change in color from one
slide to another does not indicate any disease or abnormality. The different colors indicate that a different dye
has been used or a different part of the cells is stained. Pathologists identify abnormalities by changes in the
size, shape or arrangement of cells. The classification of neoplasms of the pancreas given below is based on
pathological examination.

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