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In my opinion, Informal (in-class) feedback is linked to student engagement and

participation. The students who actively participate in the class discussions and
exercises are those who will receive the most in-formal classroom feedback. The
teachers job is to get every student to actively participate so that he can ascertain
the level of understanding and learning on behalf of his students.
Before I started teaching my year 11 Accounting class for the 4 week block, I was
lucky enough to have attended a few of their prior lessons and sit in the back to
observe their level of participation, understanding and engagement. My mentor
provided me a class role (with pictures) so I can memorise their names and also to
point out which students were strong, weak or had behavioural issues. I acutely
focuses my pre-teaching observations on the weaker / behavioural students. I
observed them (through discussions and observation) to be intelligent and capable to
excel if they participated in-class and became engaged in their learning.
When I started teaching the class the subject of budgeting in Accounting, I
deliberately implemented the following three-fold strategy that I thought was
appropriate for Accounting:

Explaining the work

Practically showing the work
Getting the students to reproduce the work.

Every lesson was structured (as much as possible) according to the above teaching
strategy (in that order). Imbedded in this strategy of teaching is continuous feedback.
For example, I would spend 5-10 minutes teaching them the appropriate theory of
Budgeting. Then, I would have pre-prepared an appropriate class exercise and go
though it together on the backboard in which I walk them through how to complete it.
This class exercise would consist of me eliciting the answers from the students
through questions and guiding them to the appropriate answers. Through the
responses of the students (to my elicitation and questioning strategy) I can gauge
their understanding and I can correct or guide them appropriately. Then, after the
class exercise, I get them to re-produce their understanding in a similar exercise,
which they complete individually in the class. Those students who do not complete
the exercise in the class were requested to complete it at home, and show me at the
beginning of the next class together. This is the only type of homework I gave the
students, because it was apparent to me that the majority of the students did not
regularly complete their homework. In the following lesson, I would quickly go
through the homework on the board (where the students provide the answers), this is

continuous feedback, and this is how I taught for the entire chapter. By the end of the
chapter, I provided the students with a SAC, a lot of students got 100%, and of the 3
weak students who were identified to me (on the first day of my observation), 1 of
them got 98%, the second got 78% and the third was sick on the assessment date. If
I had these students in my own class for an entire year, I believe I could have built
their confidence up by engaging them in class (through learning as a group).

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