Matching of Charts A New Approach Color

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Matching Of Charts:

A New approach
Tej K. Zadoo, India
Volunteer: Maurcio Avila, Brazil

Dr. Tej K. Zadoo born on Deepawali day
1948 at Srinagar, Kashmir in a Brahmin
family. Got introduced to astrology in
1966, mostly self study of classical texts,
he has a Ph.D. degree in Physics, was
working in the education dept. of J&K
Govt. as a teacher and retired recently.
Besides astrology he is interested in
'Ramal' shastra and paranormal subjects.
He can read write Urdu, Hindi and
Sanskrit. His article BCP & Longevity
was praised by senor astrologers as one of
the finest articles ever to appear in any

hile commenting on the

author's article "3 simple
rules of marital disharmony"1
an astrologer friend asked the author:
"By using the rules given in your article one
can see whether a person is prone to tension
in his or her married life or not. If the native
has combinations in his or her chart which
indicate a troublesome married life the
solution you have suggested is to match the
charts. But the problem is that we usually
use "Guna Milan" method and this method
doesnt give correct results all the time.
There are charts where the number of points
(Gunas) that are matching are very high
but the married life is miserable or there is
separation; and there are charts where
number of points (Gunas) that are matching
are very low and there are doshas like Nadi
dosh, Gana dosh etc. but the couple is
leading a very harmonious and blissful

Dr. Tej K. Zadoo: "3 simple rules of marital

disharmony" SA Magazine Vol. 9.

married life. What use is it then to know whether there are tension points in the persons
chart or not, if there is no good method for matching the two charts."
It is in response to this that the present article is presented. In this context the
author would like to draw the attention of the readers to two very good articles on
matching of horoscopes' that have already appeared in Saptarishis astrology
magazine. The article by Sh. Jagdish Raj Ratra2 is a path breaking research in the
field of matching of charts. The article by Sh. M.P. Pathak3 is a very effective and
simple method for the same. Most of the charts that are given in the example
section are taken from these two articles.
In Guna Milan system the astrologer checks eight factors:
iii) Tara;
iv) Yoni;
Graha maitri;
vi) Gana;
vii) Rashi Kut;
viii) Nadi.
The total points (Gunas) for all these factors are 36. If in matching of two charts a
total of 18 (or more) is reached, the astrologer gives a go ahead for the marriage.
However it is seen that in many cases even if the number of Gunas that are
matching is very high the married life of the couple is miserable. The probable
reason for the failure of the system is because the first four factors are related to
Dharma Sastra and the approach to Dharma has undergone a lot of change. So these
factors may not be applicable in present times.
The Meena System of Stellar Astrology4 or Nadi Jyothisa was developed by Late Sri. R.
Gopala Krishna Row (Meena 1) and Late Sri. N. V. Raghava Chary (Meena 2) in the
late thirties. Invaluable astrological principles which are not found in the classical
astrological works were given, upon which one can reliably proceed in the
delineation of a horoscope. In this system the authors have emphasized the use of
Jeeva and Sarira for analyzing a bhava. They say that if Jeeva and Sarira of a bhava
are inimically disposed towards each other, the results will not be good.

J. R. Ratra: "A new method of Horoscope matching" SA Magazine Vol. 8, page 986.
M. P. Pathak: "Horoscope Matching" SA Magazine Vol. 2, page 221.
R. Gopalakrishna Row 'Meena': "Nadi Jyotisha or the Stellar System of Astrology".

In the present article the author suggests study of Jeeva of some bhavas of male
nativity and Sarira of some bhavas of the female nativity and see whether they are
enemies or friends and on that basis decide whether two charts are matching or not.
First we give the method for finding the Jeeva and Sarira of a Bhava.
The Jeeva planet is the Lord of the constellation in which the lord of a Bhava is posited and
the Sarira planet is the lord of the star in which the Jeeva planet is situated.
1. If the Jeeva planet is in a group with other planets, the powerful or stronger
planet amongst the group becomes the Jeeva planet. In other words the stronger
or powerful planet snatches away the right of the other planet. This may
happen in case of Sarira also.
2. In cases where the Bhava Lord is in his own constellation the Bhava Lord
himself becomes the Jeeva Planet. The Lord of the house in which the Jeeva
Lord is tenanted is the Sarira Planet.
3. At times the Bhava Lord is not only situated in his own constellation but also
placed in his own house and in such case the Jeeva planet itself becomes the
Sarira planet.
4. With this background we should also remember that for marital life of a native
one has to study the following Bhavas5: 1st house for self, 2nd house for Soubhagya
of the spouse, 4th house for domestic happiness, 7th house for marriage in general
and also span of married life, 8th house for span of married life and sex ability
and the 12th house for bed pleasures. Besides this 11th house and 10th house also
play an important role. Finally the Navamsa chart (D9) has to be given
importance equal to D1 chart and we also need to study the 7th house from natal
However to make things simpler we do not consider all these Bhavas but only some
of them and postulate then as follows:
(a) Locate Jeeva of 7th of male and Sarira of 7th of female and see whether they are
friends or enemies.
(b) Locate Sarira of 7th of male and Jeeva of 7th of female and see whether they are
friends or enemies.
(c) Find relation between the Jeeva of 8th house of male and Sarira of 8th house of
(d) Find relation between the Sarira of 12th house of male and Sarira of the 12th house
of the female.
(e) Find Jeeva planets for the Darakarakas of the two charts. See how they are


P. M. Padia: "Marriage life - Divorce rules" SA Magazine Vol. 7, page 790.

If the pairs referred above are friends then we can say that the charts are matching
and if they are enemies then there will be strife in married life.
To make things simpler we allot 20 points to each of the five pairs that we are
considering making a total of 100 points. We postulate that if the total points are 60 or
more than 6o then there will be compatibility and if the points are less than 60 there will be
no compatibility between the two partners.
Here we will remember that if the two planets 'x' and 'y' under consideration:
i) are friends then allot 20 points;
ii) are enemies then allot zero points;
iii) are neutral to each other then allot 20 points;
iv) 'x' is friendly to 'y' and 'y' is inimical to 'x' then allot 10 points;
v) 'x' is friendly to 'y' and 'y' is neutral to 'x' then allot 20 points;
vi) 'x' is enemy of 'y' and 'y' is neutral to 'x' then allot zero points.
The table of planetary friendship is given below:


























Mars Sun

Sun Mars

Sun Mars

Sun Mars











We will try to illustrate the rules for matching given above by some examples.

Example 1

Male: 2 Dec 1969, 11:15 Hrs 72 - E 55, 17 N 41

Asc:18Cp30 Su:16Sc27 Mo:17Le19 Ma: 26Cp38 Me:25Sc17 Ju:4Li02 Ve:3 Sc36 Sa(R):9Ar34 Ra:23Aq25 Ke:23Le25

Female: 29 Sept 1972, 12:25 Hrs - 74 E 0, 17 N 42

Asc:4Sg38 Su:12Vi45 Mo:6Ge06 Ma:5Vi27 Me:20Vi06 Ju:6Sg52 Ve:29Cu38 Sa:27Ta06 Ra:28Sg44 Ke:28Ge44

As per Gun Milan only 19 points are matching. There is Nadi dosh. But the couple
has an easy life without much friction.
Now let us apply the above said rules to these charts:
In case of male, Moon is the 7th lord, in the nakshatra of Venus, so Venus is Jeeva.
But Venus is in a group where Sun is strongest so Sun is Jeeva of 7th Bhava. Sun is
on nakshatra of Saturn so Saturn is Sarira.
In case of female, Mercury is 7th lord on nakshatra of Moon, so Moon is Jeeva of 7th
Bhava. Moon is on nakshatra of Mars, so Mars is Sarira. Again Mars is in a group
where Mercury is strongest, so Mercury becomes Sarira.
Applying rule (a)
Jeeva of 7th of male 'Sun' and Sarira of 7th of female 'Mercury' are friends.

Applying rule (b)

Sarira of 7th of male is 'Saturn' and Jeeva of 7th of female is 'Moon'. The two are

Now let us study 8th houses of the two charts:

Sun is the lord of 8th house of male. Sun is on the nakshatra of Saturn, so Saturn is
Jeeva for 8th of male.
Again Moon the lord of 8th of female is in nakshatra of Mars so Mars is Jeeva.
Again Mars is in a group where Mercury is strongest, so Mercury becomes Jeeva.
Mercury is on the nakshatra of Moon so Moon is Sarira for the 8th of female.
Applying rule (c)
Jeeva of 8th of male 'Saturn' and Sarira of 8th of female Moon are enemies.

Now study the 12th house:

In case of male Jupiter is the 12th lord, Jupiter is in nakshatra of Mars, so Mars is
Mars is on its own nakshatra so Mars is the Sarira for 12th of male.
In case of female, Mars the 12th lord is in nakshatra of Sun, so Sun is Jeeva. Sun is in
a group with swakshetri Mercury so Mercury qualifies to be the Jeeva. Mercury is on
nakshatra of Moon, so Moon becomes Sarira.
Applying rule (d)
Sarira of 12th of male 'Mars' and Sarira of 12th of female 'Moon' are friends.
Venus is Darakaraka for male nativity. It is on the nakshatra of 'Saturn' so Saturn
is Jeeva.
Rahu is Darakaraka for female nativity. It is on nakshatra of Sun, so Sun is Jeeva.
Sun is in a group where Mercury is strongest, so Mercury is Jeeva of Darakaraka.
If we take Mars as Darakaraka for female nativity. It is also on Suns nakshatra, so
Sun is Jeeva, which gives place to Mercury.)
Applying rule (e)
The two Jeevas, Saturn and Mercury are friends.
Now we see the points gained by two charts. (a) gives 20, (b) gives zero , (c) gives zero, (d)
gives 20 and (e) gives 20. A total of 60 out of 100. We can safely say that the two charts are

Example 2

Male: 14 Oct 1954, 20:51 Hrs - 72 E 50, 18 N 58

Asc: 12Ta04Su: 27Vi31Mo:01Ta54Ma: 2Cp25Me(R): 20Li43 Jup:4Ca57 Ve: 4Sc37 Sa:16Sc19 Ra: 15Sg12 Ke:15Ge12

Female: 16 Oct 1956, 09:10 Hrs - 83 E 0, 25 N 20

Asc:10Sc54 Su:29Vi30 Mo:17Aq32 Ma:20Aq06 Me:12Vi22 Ju:27Le35 Ve:18Sc15 Sa:7Sc18 Ra:10sc54 Ke:1054

Male janma nakshatra is Krittika and Shatbisha is of female. 31 points (Gunas) are
matching as per Guna milan. But marriage took place on 21 April 1983 and divorce on
7 August 1983.
Male: 7th lord Mars is on nakshatra of Sun, which becomes Jeeva. Sun is on
nakshatra of Mars which becomes Sarira of 7th house.
8th lord is Jupiter which is on nakshatra of Saturn which is Jeeva of 8th house.
12th lord Mars is on nakshatra of Sun, which becomes Jeeva. Sun is on Mars
nakshatra, which become the Sarira of 12th house.
Moon is Darakaraka on nakshatra of Sun, so Sun is Jeeva.
Female: 7th lord Venus is on nakshatra of Venus, which is Jeeva. Venus is on its
own nakshatra, so bhava lord Sun becomes Sarira. Sun is in a group where Mercury

is stronger so Mercury qualifies as the Sarira of 7th house.

8th lord Mercury is on nakshatra of Moon which is the Jeeva of the 8th house.
Moon is on nakshatra of Rahu which is the Sarira.
12th lord Venus is on nakshatra of Venus which is Jeeva. Lord of bhava i.e. Sun
becomes Sarira. Sun is with stronger Mercury; hence Mercury is Sarira of 12th
Saturn is Darakaraka, which is on the nakshatra of Saturn, so Saturn is Jeeva.
Now apply the rules:
(a) Jeeva of 7th of male Sun and Mercury the Sarira of 7th of Female. Sun and
Mercury are friends. 20 points.
(b)Sarira of 7th of male is Mars and Jeeva of 7th of female is Venus. Mars considers
Venus as neutral, Venus considers Mars as enemy. Zero points.
(c)Saturn is Jeeva of 8th of male and Rahu is Sarira of 8th of female. Rahu and Saturn
are friends. 20 points.
(d)Sarira of 12th for male is Mars and for female it is Mercury, Mars considers
Mercury as enemy. Zero points.
(e)Sun is Jeeva of Darakaraka of male and Saturn is Jeeva of Darakaraka of female,
the two are enemies. Zero points.
Total contribution from all factors is 40 points, which is less than 60, so the charts are not

Example 3

Male: 5 Feb 1970, 15:30 Hrs - 78 E 40, 27 N 38

Asc: 21Ge39 Su:22Cp45 Mo:10Cp10 Ma:15Pi3 Me:27Sg15 Ju:12Li12 Ve:25Cp33 Sa:9Ar35 Ra:19Aq58 Ke:19 Le58

Female: 9 June 1972, 04:58 Hrs - 78 E 40, 27 N 38

Asc:19Ta36 Su:25Ta43 Mo:4Ta47 Ma:24Ge40 Me:1Ge 58 Ju(R):11Sg49 Ve(R):7Ge33 Sa:17Ta44 Ra:4Cp37 Ke:4Cn37

Only 14 Gunas (points) are matching. There is Nadi, Gana, Bhakoot and Yoni dosha,
still the marriage is a success and there is excellent harmony and progress in life.
Applying the above proposed laws we have:
(a)Male: Jeeva of 7th is Rahu. Female: Sarira of 7th is Ketu. Rahu and Ketu are
friends, so 20 points.
(b)Male: Sarira of 7th is Rahu. Female: Jeeva of 7th is Jupiter. Rahu and Jupiter are
neutral to each other so 20 points.
(c)Male: Jeeva of 8th is Ketu. Female: Sarira of 8th is Saturn. Ketu and Saturn are
friends so 20 points.
(d)Male: Sarira of 12th is Saturn. Female: Sarira of 12th is Ketu. Saturn and Ketu are
friends so 20 points.

(e)Male: Darakaraka is Saturn, its Jeeva is Ketu. Female: Darakaraka is Mercury, its
Jeeva is Mars. Mars is with stronger Mercury so it qualifies as Jeeva of Darakaraka.
Ketu considers Mercury as friend but Mercury considers Ketu as enemy, so only 10
Total is 90 points which indicates a top class matching.

Example 4

Male: 4 Nov, 1936, 11:05 Hrs - 78 E 57, 20 N 4

Asc:23Sg10 Su:18Li39 Mo:26Ge26 Ma:0vi47 Me: 9Li58 Ju: 1Sg06 Ve: 21Sg44 Sa(R):23Aq00 Ra:3Sg37 Ke:3Ge37

Female: 23 Nov 1943, 14:29 Hrs - 77 E 42, 19 N 36

Asc: 11Pi58 Su:7Sc08 Mo:15Vi03 Ma(R):24Ta20 Me:14Sc26 Ju:3Le19 Ve:20Vi38 Sa(R):1Ge51 Ra:17Cn10 Ke:17Cp10

23 Gunas are matching but there is Nadi dosha. There is complete harmony between
the partners.
We apply the above postulated rules:
(a) Male: 7th Jeeva: Jupiter. Female: 7th Sarira: Mars. They are friends 20 points.

(b) Male: 7thSarira: Ketu. Female: 7th Jeeva: Saturn. They are friends 20 points.
(c) Male: 8thJeeva: Jupiter. Female: 8th Sarira: Moon. They are friends 20 points.
(d) Male: 12thSarira: Rahu. Female: 12th Sarira: Mars. They area enemies so zero
(e) Male: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Mars. Female: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Saturn.
Mercury and Mars are enemies so zero points.
60 out of 100 points, good matching.

Example 5

Male: 25 May 1948, 4:40 Hrs - 74 E 0, 19 N 13

Asc:18Ar46 Su:10Ta31 Mo:3Sg44Ma:9Le26 Me:2Ge06 Ju(R):3Sg30Ve:16Ge30Sa:23Cn52 Ra:20Ar01 Ke:20Li01

Female: 8 March 1956 - 74 E 13, 21 N 34

Asc:6Cp02 Su:24Aq02 Mo:1Cp27Ma:12Sg04 Me:1Aq32 Ju(R):0Le41 Ve:6Ar49 Sa:9Sc33 Ra:19Sc18 Ke:19Ta18

Only 14.5 points are matching and there are doshas but this is a satisfied marriage.
Applying the above proposed laws we have:
(a) Male: Jeeva of 7th is Rahu. Female: Sarira of 7th is Jupiter. Rahu and Jupiter are

neutrals to each other so 20 points.

(b) Male: Sarira of 7th is Budha. Female: Jeeva of 7th is Sun. The two are friends so
20 points.
(c)Male: Jeeva of 8th is Ketu. Female: Sarira of 8th is Ketu. The two are the same so
20 points.
(d)Male: Sarira of 12th is Jupiter. Female: Sarira of 12th is Moon. Jupiter and Moon
are friends so 20 points.
(e)Male: Darakaraka is Mercury, its Jeeva is Mars. Female: Darakaraka is Jupiter,
its Jeeva is Ketu. The two Jeevas are enemies hence zero points.
A total of 80 points are matching, hence it is a good matching.

Example 6

Male: 31 March, 1972, 2:30 Hrs - 74 E 13, 16 N 42

Asc:5Cp33 Su:16Pi47 Mo:28Vi11 Ma:8Ta56Me(R):17Pi55 Ju:13Sg53 Ve:2Ta22 Sa:9Ta12 Ra:8Cp24 Ke:8Cn24

Female: 16 March, 1973, 3:55 Hrs - 72 E 49, 18 N 57

Asc:9Cp42 Su:1Pi43 Mo;23Cn53 Ma:28Sg46 Me(R):27Aq38 Ju:10Cp39 Ve:25Aq25 Sa:21Ta00 Ra:19Sg15 ke:19Ge15

24.5 points (Gunas) are matching but the couple is separated.

Applying the above proposed laws we have:
(a) Male: Jeeva of 7th is Venus. Female: Sarira of 7th is Jupiter. Venus and Jupiter are
enemies so zero points.
(b) Male: Sarira of 7th is Surya. Female: Jeeva of 7th is Venus. The two are enemies
(Venus is stronger than Mercury) so zero points.
(c) Male: Jeeva of 8th is Surya. Female: Sarira of 8th is Moon. The two are friends so
20 points.
(d) Male: Sarira of 12th is Surya. Female: Sarira of 12th is Venus. They are enemies so
zero points.
(e) Male: Darakaraka is Venus; its Jeeva is Sun. Female: Darakaraka is Sun, its
Jeeva is Jupiter. The two Jeevas are the same so 20 points.
Total is 40 points out of 100, the charts are not matching.

Example 7

Male: 20 October 1942, 7:30 Hrs - 75 E 52, 25 N 10

Asc:2Li35 Su:2Li57 Mo:12Aq33 Ma:28Vi9 Me:17Vi32 Ju:1Cn17 Ve:26Vi00 Sa(R):18Ta03 Ra:9Le52 Ke:9Aq52

Female: 28 April 1947, 5:15 Hrs - 77 E 17, 28 N 38

Asc:2Ar55 Su:13Ar44 Mo:14Cn32 Ma:9Pi16 Me:25Pi24 Ju:1Sc35 Ve:10Pi19 Sa:9Cn21 Ra:9Ta36 Ke: 9Sc36

Guna Milan technique gives only 14 points, but the marriage is very successful and
life peaceful and harmonious.
We apply the above postulated rules:
(a) Male: 7th is Jeeva is Mercury. Female: 7th Sarira is Moon. Enemy/Friend so 10
(b) Male: 7th Sarira is Moon. Female: 7th Jeeva is Moon. Same planet so 20 points.
(c) Male: 8th Jeeva is Mercury. Female: 8th Sarira is Moon. Friend/Enemy so 10
(d) Male: 12th Sarira is Rahu. Female: 12th Sarira is Venus. They are friends so 20
(e) Male: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Jupiter. Female: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Jupiter.
Same planet so 20 points.
80 points out of 100, excellent matching.
Example 8

Male: 27 July 1951, 20:55 Hrs - 77 E 18, 28 N 25

Asc:11Aq20 Su:10Cn36 Mo:1Ta27 Ma:22Ge36 Me:6Le49 Ju:20Pi54 Ve:20Le26 Sa:5Vi10 Ra:17Aq19 Ke:17Le19

Female: 28 June 1953, 15:20 Hrs - 79 E 27, 28 N 22

Asc:23Li2 Su:13Ge10 Mo:29Sg40 Ma:16Ge16 Me:8Cn41 Ju:18Ta19 Ve:27Ar37 Sa:27Vi21 Ra:10Cp6 Ke:10Cn6

Only 12 Gunas are matching. There is Nadi and Jati dosh. Divorce took place three
years after marriage.
Applying the above proposed laws we have:
(a) Male: Jeeva of 7th is Saturn. Female: Sarira of 7th is Moon. The two are enemies
so zero points.
(b) Male: Sarira of 7th Surya. Female: Jeeva of 7th is Rahu. The two are enemies so
zero points.
(c) Male: Jeeva of 8th is Ketu. Female: Sarira of 8th is Rahu. The two are friends so 20
(d) Male: Sarira of 12th is Saturn. Female: Sarira of 12th is Mars. The two are enemies
so zero points.
(e) Male: Darakaraka is Moon; its Jeeva is Sun. Female: Darakaraka is Mercury, its
Jeeva is Saturn. The two Jeevas are enemies, so zero points.
Total contribution from all is 20 points, which is less than 60, so the charts are not matching.
Example 9

Male: 4 March 1968, 6:32 Hrs - 72 E 49, 18 N 57

Asc:11Aq34 Su:20Aq7 Mo:13Ar49 Ma:18Pi42 Me:24Cp48 Ju(R):5Li50 Ve:22Cp24 Sa:18Pi1 Ra:27Pi15 Ke:27Vi15

Female: 26 May 1974, 10:30 Hrs - 74 E 30, 18 N 6

Asc:15Cn4 Su:13Ta0 Mo:8Le38 Ma:29Ge18 Me:4Ge59 Ju:21Aq51 Ve:2Ar56 Sa:10Ge36 Ra:26Sc38 Ke:26Ta38

22 Gunas are matching. Divorce took place on basis of impotency in male.

Applying the above proposed laws we have:
(a) Male: Jeeva of 7th is Jupiter. Female: Sarira of 7th is Mercury. The two are
enemies so zero points.
(b) Male: Sarira of 7th is Ketu. Female: Jeeva of 7th is Rahu. The two are friends so 20
(c) Male: Jeeva of 8th is Mars. Female: Sarira of 8th is Mercury. The two are enemies
so zero points.
(d) Male: Sarira of 12th is Mars. Female: Sarira of 12th is Mercury. The two are
enemies so zero points.
(e) Male: Darakaraka is Rahu, its Jeeva is Mercury. Female: Darakaraka is Venus,
its Jeeva is Ketu. The two Jeevas are Enemy/Friend, so 10 points.
Total points are 30. So the charts are not matching.

Example 10

Male: 25 September 1930, 00:54 Hrs - 79 E 2, 26 N 47

Asc:29Ge44 Su:8Vi07 Mo:9Li38 Ma:23Ge31 Me(R):2Vi14 Ju:24Ge36 Ve:23Li51 As:12Sg32 Ra:0Ar51 Ke:0Li51

Female: 23 Jan 1938, 23:09 Hrs - 76 E 48, 14 N 54

Asc:20Vi36 Su:10Cp05 Mo:14Li30 Ma:1Pi54 Me:15Sg58 Ju:14Cp56 Ve:7Cp20 Sa:7Pi44 Ra:11Sc16 Ke:11Ta16

Guna Milan technique gives 28 points and birth nakshatras are the same, the
marriage is very successful and life peaceful and harmonious.
We apply the above postulated rules:
(a) Male: 7th Jeeva is Jupiter. Female: 7th Sarira is Rahu. They are neutral so 20
(b) Male: 7th Sarira is Mercury. Female: 7th Jeeva is Moon. They are enemy/friend
so 10 points.
(c) Male: 8th Jeeva is Ketu. Female: 8th Sarira is Moon. They are enemies so zero
(d) Male: 12th Sarira is Jupiter. Female: 12th Sarira is Rahu. They are neutrals so 20
(e) Male: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Mercury. Female: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Venus.
They are friends so 20 points.
70 points out of 100, the charts are matching.

Example 11

Male: 6 Nov 1973 ,20:15 Hrs 75 E 48, 33 N 19

Asc:5Ge49 Su:20Li33 Mo:29Aq1 Ma(R):4Ar18 Me(R):29Li10 Ju:11Cp12 Ve:7Sg30 Sa:10Ge52 Ra:7Sg21 Ke:7Ge21

Female: 17 July 1974, 13:08 Hrs 74 E 49, 34 N 5

Asc:5Li4 Su:0Cn51 Mo:0Ge10 Ma:0Le5 Me:12Ge6 Ju:24Aq12 Ve:1Ge51 Sa:17Ge00 Ra:23Sc58 Ke:23Ta58

Guna Milan technique gives 23 points, the marriage is a failure and they are not
living together, but are not formally divorced.
We apply the above postulated rules:
(a) Male: 7th Jeeva is Moon. Female: 7th Sarira is Mars. They are friends so 20
(b) Male: 7th Sarira is Jupiter. Female: 7th Jeeva is Ketu. They are neutrals so 20
(c) Male: 8th Jeeva is Rahu. Female: 8th Sarira is Ketu. They are friends so 20 points.
(d) Male: 12th Sarira is Rahu. Female: 12th Sarira is Mercury. They are friends so 20
(e) Male: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Ketu. Female: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Ketu. Same
planet so 20 points.
A total of 100 points, the charts are matching, but in actual life the marriage is a failure.
The technique is completely failing in this case.

Example 12

Male: 14 May, 1967.18:00 Hrs 78 E 28, 17 N 23

Asc:21Li21 Su:29Ar37 Mo:26Ge01 Ma(R):22Vi31 Me:3Ta04 Ju:5Cn15 Ve:11Ge25 Sa:15Pi05 Ra:13Ar25 Ke:13Li25

Female: 22 April, 1970. 10:30 Hrs 72 E 49, 18 N 57

Asc:12Ge13 Su:8Ar12 Mo:14Li37 Ma:8Ta54 Me:27Ar11 Ju(R):7Li34 Ve:29Ar39 Sa:17Ar18 Ra:17Aq16 Ke:17Le16

28 Gunas are matching according to Guna Milan System.

According to present method:
(a) Male: 7th Jeeva is Venus. Female: 7th Sarira is Rahu. They are friends so 20
(b) Male: 7th Sarira is Rahu. Female: 7th Jeeva is Rahu. Same planet so 20 points.
(c) Male: 8th Jeeva is Rahu. Female: 8th Sarira is Ketu. They are friends so 20 points.
(d) Male: 12th Sarira is Sun. Female: 12th Sarira is Ketu. They are enemies so zero
(e) Male: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Sun. Female: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Rahu. They
are enemies so zero points.
A total of 60 points, the charts are matching.

Example 13

Male: 21 March, 1959. 4:30 Hrs 78 E 28, 17 N 23

Asc:1Aq21 Su:6Pi18 Mo:15Cn19 Ma:25Ta30 Me(R):19Pi38 Ju(R):8Sc41 Ve:6Ar45 Sa:13Sg11 Ra:19Vi51 Ke:19Pi51

Female: 13 August, 1963. 08:20 Hrs 80 E 20, 26 N 35

Asc:0Vi58 Su:26Cn18 Mo:7Ta34 Ma:17Vi04 Me:21Le14 Ju(R):26Pi07 Ve:21Cn39 Sa(R):26Cp25 Ra:26Ge47 Ke:26Sg47

23 Gunas are matching; they enjoy a happy married life.

According to present method:
(a) Male: 7th Jeeva is Saturn. Female: 7th Sarira is Venus. They are friends so 20
(b) Male: 7th Sarira is Ketu. Female: 7th Jeeva is Mercury. They are friends so 20
(c) Male: 8th Jeeva is Mercury. Female: 8th Sarira is Sun. They are friends so 20
(d) Male: 12th Sarira is Mercury. Female: 12th Sarira is Venus. They are friends so 20
(e) Male: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Saturn. Female: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Jupiter.
They are neutral so 20 points.
A total of 100 points, the charts are matching.

Example 14

Male: 11 October, 1927. 3:53 Hrs 81 E 0, 26 N 50

Asc:19Le59 Su:23Vi45 Mo:24Pi15 Ma:27Vi02 Me:17Li11 Ju(R):3Pi18 Ve:17Le27 Sa:11Sc28 Ra:28Ta01 Ke:28Sc01

Female: 8 October, 1934. 17:30 Hrs 78 E 13, 27 N 17

Asc:13Pi34 Su:21Vi34 Mo:20Vi03 Ma:1Le14 Me: Ju:6Li28 Ve:11Vi00 Sa(R):28Cp49 Ra:15Cp03 Ke:15Cn03

13 Gunas are matching, 7 years after marriage the husband started living with other
woman dumping the wife without divorce.
According to present method:
(a) Male: 7th Jeeva is Sun. Female: 7th Sarira is Moon. They are friends so 20 points.
(b) Male: 7th Sarira is Jupiter. Female: 7th Jeeva is Rahu. They are neutrals so 20
(c) Male: 8th Jeeva is Venus. Female: 8th Sarira is Moon. They are enemies so zero
(d) Male: 12th Sarira is Sun. Female: 12th Sarira is Ketu. They are enemies so zero
(e) Male: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Ketu. Female: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Ketu. Same
planet so 20 points.
A total of 40 points, the charts are not matching.
Example 15

Male: 11 Nov 1948. 21:14 Hrs 0 W 10, 51N30 (00.west)

Asc:10Cn07 Su:26Li15 Mo:0Pi54 Ma:25Sc34 Me:9Li22 Ju:6Sg08 Ve:19Vi36 Sa:11Le56 Ra:11Ar45 Ke:11Li45

Female: 1 July 1961, 13:29 Hrs 0 E 30, 52 N 50 (0.00 west)

Asc:28Vi53 Su:16Ge08 Mo:28Cp29 Ma:8Le11 Me(R):9Ge59 Ju(R):11Cp48 Ve:0Ta51 Sa(R):4Cp30 Ra:4Le51 Ke:4Aq51

27 Gunas are matching according to Guna Milan System, but in real life the marriage
was a failure.
According to present method:
(a) Male: 7th Jeeva is Ketu. Female: 7th Sarira is Mars. They are enemies so zero
(b) Male: 7th Sarira is Rahu. Female: 7th Jeeva is Moon. They are enemies so zero
(c) Male: 8th Jeeva is Ketu. Female: 8th Sarira is Mars. They are enemies so zero
(d) Male: 12th Sarira is Ketu. Female: 12th Sarira is Ketu. Same planet so 20 points.
(e) Male: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Jupiter. Female: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Sun. They
are friends so 20 points.
A total of 40 points, the charts are not matching.

Example 16

Male: 25 Oct 1982. 19:36 Hrs, 18 E 28, 50 N 13 (1:00 east)

Asc:8Ge 47 Su:8Li24 Mo:16Cp48 Ma:1Sg48 Me:23Vi0 Ju:23Li07 Ve:6Li02 Sa:2Li23 Ra:12Ge59 Ke:12Sg59

Female: 9 April, 1987. 10:55 Hrs, 21 E 0, 52 N 15 (2:00east)

Asc:8Ge47 Su:8Li24 Mo:16Cp48 Ma:1Sg48 Me:23Vi0 Ju:23Li07 Ve:6Li02 Sa:2Li23 Ra:12Ge59 Ke:12Sg59

13 Gunas are matching, the charts are not matching according to Guna Milan System
but married life is harmonious.
According to present method:
(a) Male: 7th Jeeva is Jupiter. Female: 7th Sarira is Jupiter. Same planet so 20 points.
(b) Male: 7th Sarira is Venus. Female: 7th Jeeva is Mercury. They are friends so 20
(c) Male: 8th Jeeva is Mars. Female: 8th Sarira is Saturn. They are enemies so zero
(d) Male: 12th Sarira is Ketu. Female: 12th Sarira is Saturn. They are friends so 20
(e) Male: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Ketu. Female: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Jupiter. They
are neutrals so 20 points.
A total of 80 points, the charts are matching.

Example 17

Male: 21 Nov 1981, 6:08 Hrs, 36 E 49, 1 S 17 (3:00 east)

Asc:3Sc0 Su:5Sc07 Mo:4Vi38 Ma:23Le50 Me:24Li10 Ju:5Li12 Ve:21Sg48 Sa:24Vi34 Ra:0Cn40 Ke:0Cp40

Female: 8 Sep 1980, 15:09 Hrs, 15 E 47, 44 N 18 (1:00 east)

Asc:16Sg48 Su:22Le28 Mo:13Le18 Ma:13Li12 Me:3Vi52 Ju:26Le07 Ve:7Cn17 Sa:4Vi49 Ra:26Cn34 Ke:26Cp34

16 Gunas are matching, the charts are not matching according to Guna Milan System
but marriage is successful.
According to present method:
(a) Male: 7th Jeeva is Venus. Female: 7th Sarira is Venus. Same planet so 20 points.
(b) Male: 7th Sarira is Jupiter. Female: 7th Jeeva is Sun. They are friends so 20 points.
(c) Male: 8th Jeeva is Jupiter. Female: 8th Sarira is Mars. They are friends so 20
(d) Male: 12th Sarira is Jupiter. Female: 12th Sarira is Mercury. They are enemies so
zero points.
(e) Male: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Sun. Female: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Sun. Same
planet so zero points.
A total of 80 points, the charts are matching.

Example 18

Male: 9 June 1978, 19:29 Hrs, 16 E 59, 45 N 40 (1:00east)

Asc:23Sc58 Su:24Ta59 Mo:8Cn35 Ma:4Le05 Me:19Ta10 Ju:17Ge26 Ve:28Ge45 Sa:1Le50 Ra:8Vi50 Ke:8Pi50

Female: 29 May 1979. 3:20 Hrs 19 E 5, 45 N 46 (1:00east)

Asc:28Ar54 Su:13Ta34 Mo:20Ge15 Ma:16Ar04 Me:12Ta29 Ju:11Cn10 Ve:19Ar51 Sa:13Le50 Ra:19Le47 Ke:19Aq47

30 Gunas are matching, the charts are matching according to Guna Milan System.
According to present method:
(a) Male: 7th Jeeva is Ketu. Female: 7th Sarira is Jupiter. They are neutrals so 20
(b) Male: 7th Sarira is Saturn. Female: 7th Jeeva is Ketu. They are friends so 20
(c) Male: 8th Jeeva is Rahu. Female: 8th Sarira is Jupiter. They are neutrals so 20
(d) Male: 12th Sarira is Ketu. Female: 12th Sarira is Venus. They are friends so 20
(e) Male: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Ketu. Female: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Ketu. Same
planet so 20 points.
A total of 100 points, the charts are matching.

Example 19

Male: 7 Aug, 1963. 21:41 Hrs, 83 E 58, 21 N 27 (5:30 east)

Asc:22Pi33 Su:21Cn05 Mo:20Aq14 Ma:13Vi41 Me:13Le24 Ju:26Pi07 Ve:14Cn56 Sa(R):26Cp49 Ra:26Ge57 Ke:26Sg57

Female: 30 June 1962. 0:13 Hrs, 88 E 22, 22 N 34 (5:30east)

Asc:28Pi19 Su:14Ge11 Mo:16Ta42 Ma:29Ar59 Me:22Ta44 Ju:19Aq20 Ve:21Cn25 Sa(R):16Cp54 Ra:15Cn55 Ke:15Cp55

24 Gunas are matching according to Guna Milan System. Married life is harmonious.
According to present method:
(a) Male: 7th Jeeva is Venus. Female: 7th Sarira is Moon. They are enemies so zero
(b) Male: 7th Sarira is Saturn. Female: 7th Jeeva is Moon. They are enemies so zero
(c) Male: 8th Jeeva is Saturn. Female: 8th Sarira is Moon. They are enemies so zero
(d) Male: 12th Sarira is Moon. Female: 12th Sarira is Moon. They are enemies so zero
(e) Male: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Jupiter. Female: Jeeva of Darakaraka is Sun. They
are friends so 20 points.
A total of 40 points, the charts are not matching. The theory fails in this case.

Note: Charts for examples 15 to 19 have been taken from an e- article by Samir Shah:
"Principles of marriage matching".


he author has suggested a simple method for matching of charts for

marriage purposes. The author does not claim the method to be fool proof
as is evident from the fact that out of 19 cases it is completely failing in 2
of them. As the author is not a professional astrologer, he does not have access to a
large number of birth charts and has used the examples given by other authors.
However, it is for the younger astrologers to study the technique and refine it so
that it gives hundred percent results.

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