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My heart

Coronary arteries
Coronary arteries are the arteries (like small pipes)
that supply the heart muscle with its own blood.
The left and right coronary arteries come off the
aorta and divide many times to give all parts of the
heart muscle wall the blood and oxygen it needs.
Coronary arteries



Coronary arteries

2009 National Heart Foundation of Australia.


No further reproduction
20092012 National
Foundation of Australia.
No further reproduction allowed.

Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease is a chronic (long-term)

condition that affects many people.

Coronary heart disease is when coronary arteries

become clogged by fatty material called plaque or
atheroma. Plaque slowly builds up on the inside
wall of the arteries, making them narrow. This
process is called atherosclerosis. It can start when
you are young and be well advanced by middle age.

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If your arteries become too narrow, less blood can

reach your heart muscle. This may lead to symptoms
such as angina (see page 7 for more information).
If a blood clot forms in the narrow artery and
blocks the blood supply to part of your heart,
it can cause a heart attack.
Heart Foundation

My heart, my life

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