Hope After High School Application 2015

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Universal Promise (UP) provides individuals and institutions in impoverished regions with the academic resources needed to

ensure educational and career opportunities that will promote just, civil, and hopeful societies.


Your completion of this application does not guarantee your receipt of the award. By completing, signing, and
submitting this application, your guardian and you agree to the terms set forth in this application.
Submit the application to Anna Burnley, Hope-after-High School Coordinator, at annab@universalpromise.org.
Applicant Name
Date of Birth



Guardian Name


Guardian Signature
16 October 2015

Application Deadline: applications may be submitted prior to this deadline.

October/November 2015

School administrators and educators provide a record of each applicants grades,

attendance, character, and extra-curricular participation.

November 2015

UP makes its selections based on the above record and the application and
notifies the recipients.
If chosen, the recipients guardian must sign a waiver agreeing to indemnify,
defend and hold harmless UP, its officers, directors, employees, agents,
licensors, suppliers and any third party information providers to the service from
and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable
attorneys' fees, resulting from this agreement or any violation of this agreement
(including negligent or wrongful conduct) by you or any other person accessing
the service.

ESSAY QUESTIONS: Your answers should be as long as required to express yourself well. They must reflect a
significant amount of effort. Essays that are too short and that fail to convey your answers will not be successful.
What are your dreams for the future?
Who is the person who has inspired you the most? Why?

Submit the completed application to Anna Burnley, HHS Coordinator, at annab@universalpromise.org.

The deadline is 16 October 2015. No exceptions.
PO Box 128, Newport, RI 02840 USA / www.universalpromise.org / annab@universalpromise.org

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