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Report about school

Visit to Arbor Primary School
By: Yolanda Lysakowski






Collage from school visit

The story behind the collage

Report from school visit


From a simple sketch

to a scale model...

Colour and inspiration added to the whole atmosphere

of the class

The story behind the collage:

I was privileged to be allowed to attend Arbor Primary School, in Benoni. I chose to do two
classes (Technology and Computers) due to the time constraint I could attend each class
once a week for four hours at a time.

As you can see Ive tried to portray the type of lessons the children experienced. We have a
central or focal picture depicting the children getting advice / instructions from their
teacher. I was fortunate to participate at a time when the technology class was finishing off
sketches and making models from their drawings.

The computer class took me to a different world. The classroom was very colourful and
covered with inspirational words. The children were given a great opportunity to learn
hands on. The children are clearly focused.

You can see the contrast between group / team work presented by the technology group,
and the individual based work represented by the computer group. Both groups were
expected to follow instructions and complete their work.


Arrange to visit a school of your choice, identify a class and a teacher you would like to
shadow and spend at least two (2) days) observing. Write a report about your observations.

The time I spent as observer in class gave me the opportunity to see and experience lessons
first hand. It is always easy to sit behind a book and agree with the theory, but to actually be
involved in practical part gave me an even greater respect and appreciation to teachers.

Teacher - I observed that both teachers used the explaining/instructional method of

teaching. The technology teacher also incorporated collaboration, whereby the

students got together in groups to discuss the project they were asked to complete.
Both teachers were aptly prepared for their lessons. I found the computer teacher to
be adaptable in her lessons, she felt the mood of the children and adjusted her
lesson to incorporate a less intense activity when she realised the mood of the
children was less focused.

Learners the learners were very enthusiastic about their lessons. With the
technology class you could see the difference between the written / theoretical part of
the lesson and the practical part. Those children who were keenly involved in the
written aspect, tended to be observers when it came to the practical part of the
lessons. The computer classes, although mostly instructional, allowed for a bit of
creativity and personal flare.

Classroom and school environment The computer teacher had taken the time

and effort to put up inspirational posters and transform the class into a hive of
productivity. I am sure many of the children will fondly remember being a student in
this class I know I enjoyed the brief time I spent there.

Activities given to the learners - Let me start with the Technology classes. The

children here were given quite a lot of freedom to complete their task. I was
fortunate enough to come at a time when a drawing was being completed and the
sketch was to be implemented to produce a working model. Children were required

to draw a sketch of a crane that would rotate 360o and they had to make a circuit
that would switch on a light to indicate the crane with a magnet was working.
In the computer class, each lesson started with a quick quiz, whereby children had
to open a file, find their individual folder and complete a timed test. This got their
minds and fingers working. Following that, the children were asked to open up a
document of theirs which they had started previously and they were given
instructions in order to expand on the work they had done. The older groups were
expected to open up their files and complete a text by editing fonts, creating
headings and adjusting paragraphs. The seventh graders were preparing a CV with
headings and information as well as a photograph of themselves.

The teachers were readily available to answer questions and give explanations where
requested. The children showed a tremendous amount of interest in their work. The best
part of the class was seeing children come to the realisation that they can do it. Within the
given instructions, they also had the opportunity to put in their own creativity. I found that
the children were keen on attending the lessons and the teachers used the time they had
with the children very effectively.

Based on this report I deduced that if the environment is effectively created to enhance
learning, children will be compliant in their lessons. The children enjoyed their classes and
one could tell that the teachers really enjoyed their work. Although the teaching and
learning styles were limited, due to the nature of the classes, there was still an element of
inclusion to some degree.

Thank You.

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