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Operating Troubles
Troubles and Damages with Engine Parts


Hot running of a piston

Possible indications:
(although the combustion is in order)

Increase of piston cooling oil outlet temperature

Increase of jacket cooling water outlet temperature

Increase of piston underside temperature

Possible causes

Remedial measures

Gas blow-by via defective or worn piston rings

Scuffing at cylinder liner surface to due lack of
cylinder lubricating oil

Cut out injection of affected cylinder for a while (see

Increase cylinder lubrication oil feed rate of affected cylinder
by varying to a higher adjusting position for upper and lower
pump elements of corresponding pump module (see 72181
Pump element)
Should temperature still not drop, or rise again after injection
is cut in, cut injection out again (see 05101) and stop engine as soon as possible, then wait until cylinder and piston
have cooled down
Check running surface of piston and cylinder liner
If the damage is slight, seizure portions can be smoothed
out with an oil stone
If the damage is heavy, replace piston, piston skirt and cylinder liner
Should a replacement of these parts not be feasible for any
reason, remove piston, taking necessary precautions (see


Hot running of running gear parts

Possible causes

Remedial measures

Defective oil pipe or pipe connection

Reduce speed (power) and increase bearing oil pressure

Water in lubricating oil (rusty journals)

Dirt in lubricating oil

If temperature continues to increase, engine has to be

stopped and allowed to cool down

Physical damage to bearing or journals during


Take necessary precautions for preventing crankcase explosions (see 04601)

Insufficient bearing clearance

Inspect and dismantle bearing which has been running hot

Bearing deformation (waisted studs not tightened according to instructions)

Insufficient bearing oil pressure (check pressure gauge and oil pressure monitoring system)

Depending on possibilities, either overhaul or replace damaged parts, or remove defective running gear (see 05401)

Level in oil tank too low. Pump partially drawing air

Wrtsil Switzerland Ltd

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