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The Constitution of the

Student Council of Tiger International

Stony Point High School
Established on October 24, 2015

Contents of the Constitution

Article I: Name
Article II: Mission Statement
Article III: Objectives
Article IV: Membership
Article V: Officers
Article VI: Departments
Article VII: Executive Members
Article VIII: Meetings
Article IX: Rules
Article X: Regulations
Article XI: Amendments
Article XII: Class Councils
Appendix A: Reporting Hierarchy
Appendix B: Positional Responsibilities
Appendix C: Merits and Demerits

of the Student Council of Tiger International, in order to form a unified

student body at Stony Point High School, and establish this unification through academic enrichment,
cultural awareness, and spirit encouragement through various means of communication, involvement
and outreach, and by directly working the student body, do ordain and establish this constitution for
the Student Council of Tiger International at Stony Point High School.

Article I: Name
This organization will be named Student Council of Tiger International, herein referred
as the Council. The Council will embrace its global aspects as an International Baccalaureate
World School as well as its local aspects of Tiger pride. The Council will be conducted in the style
of a business with incorporation of a democracy which is clearly outlined in the following
articles. The Council of 2015-2016 established this in order to provide a realistic scenario of the
true modern world.

Article II: Mission Statement

Our mission is to unify the Stony Point student body through academic enrichment, cultural
awareness, and spirit encouragement, through various means of communication, involvement and
outreach, and by directly working the student body.

Article III: Objectives

Strive to be a good influence in the school and to display good citizenship and
To promote and participate in school events
To organize events as per the quotas and department requirements as well as go above
and beyond the requirements of an SPHS student.
To respect all individuals in the SPHS community and those outside of the SPHS
To promote harmony, spirit, and academic excellence and achievement.
To provide an opportunity for the student body to voice their opinions, concerns, and
questions and to be the voice of the student body.

Article IV: Membership

Section A: Member Eligibility

All members in Grades 9-12 that are a student attending Stony Point High School shall
have the opportunity to be nominated, to vote, to apply, and to present ideas at Council Action
Section B: Member Group Designations
The following Boards are only applicable within the Council.
The Administrative Board is comprised of the CEO, Assistant Principal Sponsor, and
The Management Board is comprised of the Officers (see Article IV), and the Department
members (see Article V).
Section C: Representatives Qualifications
The following criteria must be met by the representative, who is herein referred as a candidate
for a Council position.
1. Skills
1.1. Must be an organized, dedicated, and persevering individual.
1.2. Must display an optimistic attitude and positive characteristics.
1.3. Must display strong personal, interpersonal, and intrapersonal qualities.
1.4. Express a visible interest in joining the Council.
2. Academics
2.1. Must have a B or higher in overall average, wherein a B grade constitutes as
anything greater than or equal to 80 in terms of academic grades.
2.2. Must have at least two classes in which the representative has a standing A grade
wherein a A grade constitutes as anything greater than or equal to 90 on a 100
grade point scale.
3. Discipline
3.1. The candidate may not have any negative discipline records in their educational
career. A referral or suspension are examples of such negative discipline records.
3.2. A negative mark on the candidates record may not exist. This could be a
consistent complaint from several teachers and inclusive of other students which
are notably persistent about the candidates reflection of their behavior.
3.3. Consequently, if there are any disciplinary actions taken upon the candidate at
any point in time during their term in office, the Sponsor in conjunction with the
CEO maintain the right to remove them from their post.
3.3.1. If the President is the person of issue, the Sponsor in conjunction
with the Assistant Principal Sponsor and/or the Principal maintain the

right to remove them from their post and promote the Assistant CEO and
Deputy CEO. In such a case, an application process shall open to fill the
seat of the Deputy CEO, where members of the Council may also apply.
Should an existing Council member take the place of the Deputy CEO,
they must give up their previous position on the Council. No Council
member shall maintain two positions.
Section D: Eligibility for Candidacy
A candidate must meet and/or undergo the following requirements before they can
become a representative.
1. The candidate must complete the application.
2. The candidate must submit two letters of recommendation from current teachers.
a. Exception: If the student is a transfer, they may provide two letters of
recommendation from previous school.
3. The candidate must attend the interview following the submission of application.
a. Interview Reschedulings: If the candidate is unable to attend the
interview time they were given, they may request to attend a rescheduling
which may or may not be granted at the discretion of the Sponsor and/or
the Assistant Principal Sponsor and the current/previous President as
Section E: Elections
Voting, if applicable, will occur at the discretion of the Sponsor and/or the Assistant
Principal Sponsor. If elections are to take place, it will factor as 20% for the candidates election
The officers-elect must be determined by the end of April. At the end of the school year,
the exact date is to the discretion of the Sponsor and the current President, a ceremony in
conjunction with a banquet will be organized. The officers-elect will organize the banquet, in
which the officers will officially hand over the Council proceedings to the officers-elect. In the
duration between the determination of the officers-elect and the banquet, the officers will
appropriately train the officers-elect with respect to their positions. .
Section F: Election Points
Election points determine which candidate receives the position on the Council for which
they are running. Election points are to ensure fairness and to allow for all aspects of the
candidate to be viewed and the criteria by which points are determined will be issued by the
Administrative Board. The final say will be given to the Assistant Principal Sponsor.

The breakdown of the election points by percentage is as such. Option A will be used in
the case that voting takes place. If not, Option B must be used.

Option A

Option B







Letter of Recommendations






The candidate who has the most eligibility points for each position will receive the
position and will be instated to said position for the upcoming school year.
Section G: Powers and Duties
Each representative shall be responsible for performing the duties in accordance to their position
as described in Appendix B: Positional Responsibilities.
Section H: Terms of Office
Each term of office will be one calendar year beginning from June 1st until May 30th.
Section I: Removal of Officers
An officer or representative may be removed from office upon voting by the Council if there is
over 50% vote for removal. This may only occur if the officer fails to meet the requirements
stated in this constitution or fails to:
Perform their duties
Attend less than 90% of the meetings held
Failure to meet academic standards as mentioned in the entirety of Section C.2 of
this Constitution.
Section J: Other Members
: The sponsor will be appointed by the Principal/ Assistant Principal Sponsor and
will be present at the Council meetings and work in conjunction with the CEO. The CEO should
seek the Sponsor for advice and approval for all motions.

Assistant Principal Sponsor

: The Assistant Principal sponsor will be appointed by the
Principal and will be present at the Council Administrative Board meetings and will work in
conjunction with the Sponsor and the CEO. The CEO should seek the Assistant Principal Sponsor
for advice and approval for all executive level motions.

Article V: Officers
Officers are as listed below. See Appendix B for the duties, roles, and responsibilities of each
officer position.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Assistant CEO
Deputy CEO

The following positions are Clerical Officer positions and herein are referred to as Clerical
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Chief Operations Officer (COO)
Documentations Officer

Article VI: Departments

The Departments are as listed below by their functions in the Council. See Appendix B for the
descriptions and job functions of each position within each department.

Cultural Awareness
This department is responsible for creating and organizing an events encouraging
cultural awareness.

Involvement and Outreach

This department will focus on getting the student body to participate in the
Council based events and will promote them within the Stony Point and if applicable, the
Round Rock Independent School District community.

Public Relations
This department is responsible for the maintenance for the Council website, social
media, and providing announcements to the SPHS community.

Student Enrichment
This department is responsible for organizing events, such as seminars and
workshops for students to attend in order to enrich the student population at Stony Point
High School.

Tiger Spirit
This department is responsible for working with the Blue Crew to encourage and
increase pride and spirit in the Stony Point community. This department is also
responsible for helping with the pep-rallies and organizing community pep-rallies.

The Prowlers
This department is responsible for being the intermediary between the student
body and the Council CEO. The Prowlers will hold meetings at which the student body
can voice their opinions, concerns, and issues which will be reported at the Council
Meetings, and action will be taken accordingly.

Article VII: Executive Members

Executive members are those who choose to join Departments as official members. They
will obtain any benefits as any Department officer would, but not those of a Council member,
where a Department officer constitutes as both.
Executive members will pay a registration fee of $15 and will receive a form of
membership such as certificate, t-shirt, or ID, which will be in accordance of the policies of that
school year in conjunction with the discretion of the Assistant Principal Sponsor.

Article VIII: Meetings

Section A: Attendance
All members must be present all meetings otherwise will result in consequences and increase in
demerit counts (see appendix C). Those who are unable to attend must inform the CEO and the sponsor
ahead of time, by at least 24 hours with the reason for why they will be unable to attend via email
only. Any other form of communication cannot be accepted; if the member wishes to prove their

attendance with any other communication means that is not via email, the Council can chose to void it.
This section is only applicable to the Management Board members.
All absentees must check the meeting minutes to be informed of meeting happenings and
proceedings and to take on responsibilities, if applicable, as work can be assigned at meetings. The
minutes must be posted before 9 AM two days following the meeting.
Section B: Meeting Requirements
All members must attend all meetings. All members are required to be prompt and punctual in
attendance to all meetings. All attendance must time stamped electronically. The Chief Operations
Officer, herein referred as COO, must keep track of all attendances and meeting minutes which must be
shared with the CEO, Sponsor, Assistant Principal Sponsor, and the involved members. See Article
VIII, Section C for details.
Section C: Meeting Minutes
All Management Board meeting minutes must be taken by the Chief Operations Officer and
must be accessible by all Management Board members, the Sponsor and the Assistant Principal
Sponsor only. It can also be accessed upon request by the Principal or school district for purposes such
as auditing.
All Executive Board meeting minutes (which are all Department meetings conjoined) must be
taken by the Head Deputy Director of each Department accessible by all Management Board members,
all Executive Management Board members, the Sponsor and the Assistant Principal Sponsor via the
website. These meeting minutes will be available to the public and will not be aimed to reveal
only some inner workings of the Council, specifically the Departments.
All Administrative Board meeting minutes should be taken by the CEO and be accessible to the
Sponsor, Assistant Sponsor, and if applicable, the Assistant and Deputy CEOs only. It can also be
accessed upon request by the Principal or school district for purposes such as auditing.

Article IX: Rules

The rules can be found in the SPHS Student Council Handbook and are subject to change.
However the Regulations are not subject to change and are located in Article X.

Article X: Regulations
All Council members are only allowed one vote for all motions that take place. This
applies to both Executive and Management Board members.
All Council members must fulfill their job roles as specified in this Constitution.

All Council members must represent Stony Point with pride, dignity, and proper social
etiquettes and mannerisms.
All Council members must attend all meetings.
All Council members are responsible for reporting to the responsible party or parties
depending on the scenario.
All Council members must check in with the CEO at least once a month.
All Council members will collaborate with one another.
All Council members will treat the Class Representatives* with the same respect as other
Council members in all aspects.
* See Article XII

Article XI: Amendments

Amendments of the rules can be made if more than 50% of the Council in favor of the
amendment and is approved by the Sponsor and/or the Assistant Principal Sponsor.

Article XII: Class Councils

Class councils will each have their respective sponsors. The Council is responsible for having
meetings at which the Class councils sponsor and their President/CEO is present. Not all Council
meetings are open to Class councils. Class councils have specific roles and is given below:
Freshman Class Council: Fundraising for their Senior Year, an annual project and variety of
activities upon choosing.
Sophomore Class Council: Fundraising for their Senior Year, and an annual project which will
be planning, fundraising, and creating and establishing a Winter Ball starting from the Fall Semester
of 2016.
Junior Class Council: Prom planning, fundraising, and creating and establishing the event.
Senior Class Council: Graduation related projects and events.
Members of the Class Council, specifically the President and Vice President of the Class
Councils will be present at Student Council meetings and herein will be referred as Class

Appendix A: Reporting Hierarchy

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Assistant CEO
Deputy CEO

Clerical Positions
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Chief Operations Officer (COO)

Documentations Officer

Departmental Positions
Director of Public Relations
Assistant Director of Public Relations
Head Deputy Director of Public Relations
Deputy Director of Public Relations
Deputy Director of Public Relations
Director of Cultural Awareness
Assistant Director of Cultural Awareness
Head Deputy Director of Cultural Awareness
Deputy Director of Cultural Awareness
Deputy Director of Cultural Awareness
Director of Tiger Spirit
Assistant Director of Tiger Spirit
Head Deputy Director of Tiger Spirit
Deputy Director of Tiger Spirit
Deputy Director of Tiger Spirit
Director of Student Enrichment
Assistant Director of Student Enrichment
Head Deputy Director of Student Enrichment
Deputy Director of Student Enrichment
Deputy Director of Student Enrichment
Director of The Prowlers
Assistant Director of The Prowlers
Head Deputy Director of The Prowlers

Deputy Director of The Prowlers

Deputy Director of The Prowlers
Director of Involvement & Outreach
Assistant Director of Involvement & Outreach
Head Deputy Director of Involvement & Outreach
Deputy Director of Involvement & Outreach
Deputy Director of Involvement & Outreach

Appendix B: Positional Responsibilities

Chief Executive Officer
[CEO] (Formerly known as President.)
The CEO represents the student body at school, district, and civic meetings and events. The
CEO is responsible for running and regulating the student council meetings. They will also plan,
organize, and oversee events hosted or sponsored by Student Council as well as oversee all operations of
the Council.

Assistant CEO
(Formerly known as Senior Vice President.)
The Assistant CEO represents the student body at school, district, and civic meetings as
requested by the CEO and in the event that the CEO is unable to attend. The Assistant CEO will
operate in the absence of the CEO and will assist the CEO at the meetings, events, and in executive
decisions. The Assistant CEO will also be responsible for reporting to the CEO what is occurring
within the Council and is the acting middleman between the Student Council Departments and the

Deputy CEO
(Formerly known as Junior Vice President.)
Represents the student body at school, district, and civic meetings as requested by the CEO
and/or the Assistant CEO in the event that they are unable to attend. The Deputy CEO will operate in
the absence of the Assistant CEO and will assist the Assistant CEO at the meetings, events, and in
executive decisions. The Deputy CEO will also be responsible for reporting to the Assistant CEO what

is occurring within the Class Councils and is the acting middleman between the Class Councils and the
Chief Operating Officer
(Formerly known as Secretary.)
The COO is responsible for write-ups, periodical reports, and meeting minutes. These will made
available to the Student Council board and a version will also be accessible to the members and student
body, which the COO is responsible for.

(Formerly known as Parliamentarian.)
The analyst is responsible for analyzing a solution for problems that may occur at meetings or
at events and also to report any misconduct by any Student Council member as according to the
Student Council Handbook and Constitution.

Chief Financial Officer

(Formerly known as Treasurer.)
The CFO is responsible for the maintenance of accounts of the Student Council as well as its
treasury. The CFO should budget and allot funds as necessary; the CFO should work with the Officers
in order to make sure funds are being used properly and appropriately. Lastly, the CFO is also
responsible for collecting and raising funds through fundraisers and permissible donation collections.
Documentations Officer
(Formerly known as Historian.)
The Documentations Officer is responsible for maintaining an e-scrapbook containing visual
and audio documentation of meetings and events that is organized and/or attended by the Council. The
Documentations Officer is also responsible for creating a video and/or slideshow to show at the End of
Year Banquet, which shall be a compilation of best moments of the Council events and its members.

(Formerly known as Committees.)
Department Directors must assign specific responsibilities to their Department members in
accordance to the job responsibilities of said department. The Director of each department must allot
these responsibilities after consulting with the CEO and receiving the approval of the CEO and the

Appendix C: Merits and Demerits

Merits will be awarded to those who go above and beyond their expected responsibilities and
work quotas. Merits can correspond to physical awards or recognitions at the discretion of the CEO in
conjunction with the Sponsor and Assistant Principal Sponsor. Merits can also be given as points
which can be allotted toward a reward or recognition.
Demerits will be given to those who do not fulfill their responsibilities in respect to their
position and their lack of fulfillment of work quotas in the same regard. Demerits will be given as
Demerit Points and an amount of Demerit points will result in certain consequences which are
outlined in the SPHS Student Council Handbook. The Handbook also outlines the Demerit Point
values for each infraction.

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