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1.- a teacher
2.- a doctor
3.- an engineer
4.- a judge
5.- a musician
6.- a cook
7.- a driver
8.- a lawyer
9.- a shop assistant
10.-a waiter / waitress
11.- a plumber


a.- helps and serves people in a shop

b.- fits, repairs and fixes water pipes, toilets, etc. Mario Bros is a plumer. Duh!
c.- teaches about life, the wonderful world and love 13 13
d.- saves peoples lives and appears on TV programmes.
e.- designs machines, uses complex calculations and earns more money than a teacher
f.- drives buses, trains and other means of transport
g.- cooks delicious meals
h.- advises people about laws and represents them in a court or writes legal documents
i.- plays instruments and sings songs
j.- serves customers at their tables and brings them food
k.- decides how criminals should be punished or makes legal decisions

What they do for a living

Key Expressions they made use of to say what their jobs were


Find the right COLLOCATIONS. Go back to the

previous job advertisements to find the missing

1.- Looking ____

2.- Experience ______

3.- Depend ____

4.- Responsible ______

5.- Knowledge _____ 6.- Prospects

7.- Report _____

8.- Fluency


1.- How long has Sunjit lived in England?

2.- How long has Mr Pahtel been working at home?
3.- How many people work from home in Britain?
4.- What are the advantages and disadvantages of
working from home?

Match the expressions with their meaning.


1. time consuming

a) organising your time effectively

2. time management

b) taking up a lot of time

3. workstation

c) time spent at work and home

4. work-life balance

d) use time doing something

5. spend time

e) the place in an office where a

person works with a computer

Make sentences using the PROMPTS below

a- Pepito / work as a designer / graduated
-----------------------------------------------------------------------b- I/ know Juanita / six months.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------c- Francisco / be dead / decide to skip English 3
-----------------------------------------------------------------------d- How long / they / be here ?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------e - I / write / a whole book so far today
-----------------------------------------------------------------------f- She / look exhausted. / She / pack / all day
-----------------------------------------------------------------------f- Petunia / live in Chacoli / she get a job there.

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