Telephone - The Telephone Is One of The Most Popular Ways To Communicate

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Important Inventions
What is an invention? By definition, an invention is a

Match the words with the correct

1. Century

To reach the goal/ to finish work as planned

can change the way you live. Many inventions started

2. Flaws

To plan / draw something new

as flaws, but with time they improved and gave way to

3. Communicate

To feel good/ relax

4. Deaf

100 years

5. Mute

Someone who cannot speak

6. Succeed

Things people carry

7. Comfortable

Ways that people talk with each other/

exchange ideas

8. Design

Someone who cannot

9. Discoveries

To find out/ to get knowledge of something


10. Luggage

Something that is not perfect

new and useful machine or piece of work. Inventions

other inventions and discoveries. These inventions

have given people a new world to live in. The following are the some of the
inventions that have affected our lives deeply:
Telephone - The telephone is one of the most popular ways to communicate.

to travel

Alexander Graham Bell, who was an instructor in charge of deaf and mute
people, invented the telephone. He wanted to invent a way in which he can talk
to his friends without moving. And he succeeded. With the telephone, you can
easily talk to your friends and family even if you are in far away country. As time
passed, there have been many changes in the design and working of telephone.
Airplane - This invention has changed the way people travel. It has made


travelling easy and more comfortable. The airplane was invented by the Wright
Brothers in the beginning of the 21st century. It gives you the chance to find out
different places in the world and travel to places where you could only think off
in the past. It is also used to carry luggage.

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