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Year 8

Architectural letters

Students are to plan, design and
produce an A4 size Architectural
letter using a theme that
represents or is significant to

Date due:
Week 5


Achievement standards:
Students develop planning skills for art-making and practice techniques
and processes to enhance representation of ideas in their art-making.
Learning intention: student will be able to develop their planning and
art making techniques and processes by constructing a three
dimensional letter following their design.

Working in your visual diary draw a title page for the project Architectural
Brainstorm a list of 20 possible themes that represent or are significant to
you, for your artwork and choose one.
Collect or draw 2 a4 pages in your diary of images that relate to your
Design the font style for your letter remember it needs to be able to
stand up.
draw your letter onto a4 paper cut it out (neatly) this will be youre your

Using your theme complete the designs

for the surfaces of your letter front,
back and sides.
Watch the teacher demonstrations on
construction of your letter.
Construct your letter as per
Cut letter out of form core
glue together
wrap letter with gum tape

Decorate your letter as per your design. You can paint,

draw, collage, embellish ect.

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