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Who made the better argument, and why?

I believe that while both are well written, Lincolns, even without
bias, is the better written between the two. Lincolns speech focuses on
what has happened, what the logical steps from here are, and what, if
anything, can be done for the future. Both speeches desire good public
relations between the two nations. Lincoln backs this up by saying
that America will not be the one to attack and if it comes to that point,
then there must be no mollifying these people as they are no longer
even under the rule of the American Constitution. Davis seems to focus
more so on what the goals of the country in the future, regarding
slaves and the economy, are headed. While Lincoln is still trying to
reconcile the past and find a way out of the mess he and the rest of the
northern country are currently in, the Southern country is ready to
declare themselves independent, call the northerners rude, and have
nothing to do with them ever again unless it is for purely economic
reasons. Lincoln acknowledges that his part of the country may have
not followed the Constitution, but the Constitution did not exactly spell
out what was to be done about this issue and how far, exactly, the
legislature would be able to enforce the laws such as fugitive slave
laws. By not following the Constitution, he views this as immoral,
however, if the Constitution is no 100% clear on what it ishe does
recognize that the Constitution cant spell out everything, it isnt
possiblethen the interpretation is up to whom it regards, thus it is a
rather objective matter to be tried and defended. Davis focuses on
how the south or Confederacy is being or has been oppressed against

and how it seriously needed to get away or it was going to explode.

Lincoln recognizes that as they split from the Union, more and more
little sections will be splitting from the Confederacy until they are all
their own little territories which have been divided by war.

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