Didi Park: Esoterra Magazine 1999. Print

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Didi Park

Works Cited
Akita, Masami. "The Beauty of Noise: An Interview with Masami Akita of Merzbow. Intervew by Chad Hensley."
Esoterra Magazine 1999. Print.
Essential primary source, contains quote by Merzbow, "If music was sex, Merzbow would be pornography."
Attali, Jacques. Noise: The Political Economy of Music. Tran. Brian Massumi. University of Minnesota Press, 1985.
Cultural/political Functions of music. Chapter "Repeating" most importantly discusses the
recorded/reproductive aspect of todays music through modern technology.
Earogenous Zones: Sound, Sexuality, and Cinema. Ed. Bruce Johnson. Equinox Publishing, 2010. Print.
A 'method' text, analyzes music as it functions in pornographic film. Sonic representation of sexuality in cinema.
It is a compilation of essays and I may later choose one or two as central sources rather than citing the entire
Hegarty, Paul. Noise/Music: A History. Continuum International, 2007. Print. Chapters "Power", "Japan",
Discusses sadomasochism and noise, power, reproduction/proliferation of images and sounds, history of
Japanoise, ecstasy, and contains close listening of Merzbow's music .
Beyond Ultra Violence: Uneasy Listening by Merzbow. Dir. Kaganof, Aryan. 1999.
Primary source material with footage of Merzbow speaking and performing, includes footage of Merzbows snuff
film in which an actress commits harakiri on camera.
Novak, David. Japanoise: Music at the Edge of Circulation. Duke University Press, 2013. Print.
In-depth history and analysis of the Japanoise scene, discusses circulation and reproduction, circulation, and
proliferation theme as thesis material .
Steintrager, James. "Speaking of Noise: From Murderous Loudness to the Crackle of Silk." differences: A Journal of
Feminist Cultural Studies 22 (2011): 249. Print.
Contains discussion of noise as extreme and Japanese erotica as extreme, acoustic fetish.
Williams, Linda. "Power, Pleasure, and Perversion: Sadomasochistic Film Pornography." Representations.27 (1989):
37-65. Print.

Analysis of extreme, violent pornography, discussion of snuff films (Merzbow filmed a harakiri snuff film) and
aesthetic sadomasochism.

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