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1. A 60 year old female has hyponatraemia, hyper kalaemia and acidosis. What hormonal
D. Aldosterone
E. Cortisol
2.A person drank 2l of water. In which segment water reabsorption is maximum?
C. Descending LOH
D. Asending LOH
E. Collecting duct
3.What is the appropriate fluid for a healthy person for 24 hrs
A. 2.5l N. saline
B. 2.5l 5% Dextrose
C. Il N.Saline +1.5l 5% Dextrose
D. 1.5l N. Saline+ Il 5% Dextrose
E. Il Hartmann+ 1.5l 5% Dextrose
4.pH-7.39 (7.35-7.45)
A. Compensated metabolic acidosis
B. Compensated metabolic alkalosis
C. Compensated respiratory acidosis
D. Non compensated respiratory acidosis
E. Non compensated metabolic acidosis
5.A 6Oyr old patient gives a hx of acute abdominal pain. He diagnosed to have MI& AF. His
ABG reading was below. What Is the diagnosis?
A. Diverticulosis
B. Small bowel obstruction
C. sub pyloric obstruction
D. Acute appendicitis.
E. Diabetic ketoacidosis
6.What is the main cause for a patient with LVF developing pulmonary oedema?
A. Increased permiability
B. Increasedprotein leakage

C. Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure

D. ~
7.A patient with extravascular haemolytic anaemia has Increased urinany
A. Haemoglobin
B. Bilirubin
C. Bile salts
D. Urobilin
E. Myoglobin
8.A patient C/O right side hearing difficulty. For Rinne's test, he can able to hear better after
placed on mastoid process and kept near R/ ear. What might be the lesion?
A. wax in R/ear
B. L/temporal lobe damage
C. Partial R/nerve lesion
D. R/Ossicular chain damage
E. R/vestibulo cochlear nerve damage
9.A patient has decreased UOP,but Increased filtration fraction. What happened?
A. Afferent arteriolar constriction
B. Efferent arteriolar constriction
C. GFR decreased
D. Na reabsorption increased
E. Increased reabsorption of water in collecting duct

Hormones /Factors
a) IGF-I
b) IGF-Il
c) Corti sol
d) Atdosterone
e) Insulin
f) Glucagon
h) GH
l. A newborn child got lrritable with unrecordable blood sugar level. U/S reveals hepatomegaly &
spleenomegaly. 2D-Echo shows cardiomegaly. Which hormone excess might causes it?
2. A 60 yr old hypertensive patient C/O poly urea,polydypsia& having increased fasting glucose.
He developped easy fragility & bruises. Which hormonal defect causes this?
a) P wave

b) Q wave
c) R wave
d) S wave
e) ST interval
f) QT interval
g) T wave
3. Depolarization of the base of the heart shown by?
4. Depolarization +Repolarisation of the ventricle shown by?
a) Na+ voltage gated
b) Na+ ligand gated
c) K+ voltage gated
d) K+ ligand geted
e) Ca2+ Channel
f) CI-Channel
5. Lignocaine acts on?
6. Nifedipine acts on?
a) Severe sepsis
c) Septic shock
e) Sepsis
f) ~
7. An acute pancreatic patient develop ped SOB, had high airway pressure & hypoxic. What is the
8. A patient had HR-120, RR-30, WBC count-20000, Temp-39*C & BP-80/40 even if treated with
enough IV fluids. what might be?
a) 45 80%
~ ~
b) 52 65%
c) 45 47%
d) 65 78%
e) 70 88%
f) ~
9. A patient develops frequent wheezing & early morning difficulty breathing. finding possible?
10. An emphysematous patient?


1. T/F
A B Predicted
FEV1 1.5 2.2 4.2
FVC 4.0 3.2 5.0
1. A had poor respiratory effort
2. A has lower PFR
3. B has diaphragmatic paralysis
4. B has Idiopathic lung disease
5. A improves with B2 agonist
2. p02-55 ,pCO2-64, pH-7.3, HCO3-12
1. Hypoxic hypoxia
2. Improves better with 02 by face mask
3. RR-30
4. 5. ~
3. Patient with thyroidectomy, stridor due to Hypo parathyroidism
1. Has increased excitability
2. Bowel stasis is a feature
4. T/F
1. Tonicity at tip of the LOH is less than PCT
2. Tonicity at DCT is more than at PCT
3. ADH causes increased urea level in medullary collecting duct
4. MedulIary tonicity is maintained if GFR is increased
5. Tonicity in PCT will be less when water intake is more
5. Acute loss of 10% blood causes
1. Tachycardia
2. Reduced renal blood flow
3. Acidosis
4. Increased Renin-Aldosterone mechanism
5. Reduced haematocrit
6. [H+] secretion
1. 1mg/kg body weight of H+secreted per day
2. In PCT, limiting pH is 4.5
3. Increased in hypokalaemia
4. NH3 production is Increased in chronic acidosis
5. ^
7. 4 Hrs after a meal, a boy found a chocolate in a fridge. what can happen?
1. Vago-vagal reflex increases
2. Gastrin secretion increases
3. Pancreatic enzymatic secretion increases
4. Motilin release increases
5. ~

8. A patient has a tumor in adrenal gland. Which of the features differenciate pheochromocytoma
from cortical tumor. Cortical tumor has
1. Hyperglycaemia
2. Hypertension
3. Hyponatraemia
4. Hypokalaemia
5. Alkalosis
9. Active transport
1. SGLT-2 mediated glucose absorption in PCT
2. Na+ absorption in base lateral membrane is by Na+/K+/ATPase
3. H+ secretion in PCT
4. Gastric acid secretion
5. Glucose absorption in brain
10. Osmotic diuretics will act
1. on thick ascending limb to prevent Na+/K+/ATPase pump
2. due to substances which are not filtered
3. Causes prevention of reabsorption in desending LOH
4. will not alter the medullary tonicity.
5. w
11. CSF
1. Glucose transport by simple diffusion
2. Protein content is 10% of plasma
3. Composision is almost same as CSF-ECF
4. Secreted by arachnoid villi
5. Cribriform plate plays a role in reabsorption
12. Increased iron absorption seen in
1. Vit.C deficiency
2. Vit. A deficiency
3. Increased acid secretion
4. phytate diet
5. '
13. T/F
1. Ca2+ absorption in small interstine needs a protein
2. Increased in the presence of Vit D
3. Increased absorption when PO4 is increased
4. Mostly absorped in distal small intestine
5. ~
14. T/ F
1. Vit K absorption depends on bile salts
2. ~

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