Lab10 DC-DC Boost Converter

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)

Department of Electrical Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering

EE322: Computer Aided Design and Simulation

Faculty Member:____________________

Dated: ____________________


Section: ____________________

Lab10: DC-DC Boost Converter


Reg. no.

Marks / 10

Marks / 5


Design an ideal and then a practical Buck Converter with the following specification:

Input Voltage: 13.5V

Output Voltage: 20V
Load Resistance: 50
Voltage Ripple : 2%
Current Ripple : 2%
Mode: Continuous
Show all calculations on the back side of
the page and clearly draw all the current
and voltage curves of switch, inductor,
resistor, capacitor and diode.

Boost Converter

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