Ech 430 A 3 Keyscientificknowledge

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Key Scientific Knowledge (KSK)

Bounce and fall: The physics of balance and gravity

Ashlee Hodge, Alissa Thompson & Alma Toth
Key Scientific Knowledge


Lessons addressed in

Force: The cause of motion or a change in

speed or direction of motion.

Crawford, J., & Kinney, K. (2000). Physical science.

Richmond, Virginia: Time Life

1. Forces: contact vs noncontact forces.

2. Exploring gravity through bounce and fall
11. Excursion Questacon.
12. Project/Science fair

Motion: The movement of objects.

The new book of popular science (2008). Chemistry,

physics, biology (3). Scholastic Library Publishing,

1. Forces: contact vs noncontact forces.

11. Excursion Questacon.
12. Project/Science fair

Contact force: Result of physical contact such

as push or pull.

Crawford, J., & Kinney, K. (2000). Physical science.

Richmond, Virginia: Time Life

1. Forces: contact vs noncontact forces.

12. Project/Science fair

Non-contact force: Also referred to as field

forces which work without physical contact
such as gravity.

Crawford, J., & Kinney, K. (2000). Physical science.

Richmond, Virginia: Time Life

1. Forces: contact vs noncontact forces.

5. Body balance
11. Excursion Questacon.

Gravity: The force responsible for the attraction Crawford, J., & Kinney, K. (2000). Physical science.
Richmond, Virginia: Time Life
of separate objects. The strength of the force
depends on the mass and the distance between
Primary Connections. (n.d.A). Gravity. Retrieved from
the two objects. an object hits the floor the gravity pushes
it down and it becomes compressed, in return
the floor accelerates it back up creating it to
Doherty, P. (2003). Bouncing balls. Retrieved from:
bounce (Doherty, 2003). This continues until the
energy from the movement of the ball falling is
decreased, and the gravitational pull becomes
lower and lower until it eventually stops.

1. Forces: contact vs noncontact forces.

2. Exploring gravity through bounce and fall
3. Mass and matter
4. Balance
5. Body balance
10. Gravity in space
11. Excursion Questacon.
12. Project/Science fair

Gravitation: is the force that allows the Earth to Primary Connections. (n.d.A). Gravity. Retrieved from around the sun, causing the seasons and

10. Gravity in space.

11. Excursion Questacon.

Pendulum: A swing apparatus that

demonstrates the conversion of potential
energy into kinetic energy.

The new book of popular science (2008). Chemistry,

physics, biology (3). Scholastic Library Publishing,

1. Forces: contact vs noncontact forces.

11. Excursion Questacon.

Balance: To balance an object its centre of

gravity must be above the points of support.
The centre of gravity depends on the weight of
an object's distribution.

Surfing Scientist. (2014). Science tricks: nailing the act of

balance. Retrieved from

3. Mass and matter

4. Balance
12. Project/Science fair

Inner ear balance: The inner ears are

responsible for balance. Fluid and hairs in the
inner ear canals respond to movement and
send messages to the brain and muscles that
allow us to balance.

Primary Connections. (n.d.B). Human senses a: Sight

and sound. Retrieved from

6. Human balance.
11. Excursion Questacon.

UCSB Science line. (2015). Encouraging Curiosity for a

Mass: Mass is the amount of matter in an
lifetime. Retrieved from
object. To measure mass it must be measured
using a comparative balance such as scales, by
hanging two objects on either beam, then
determining how much one side of the beam is
pulled down. Balancing an object using scales
is determined the distribution of the mass and
its gravitational pull.
The more mass an object has the greater its
gravitational pull.

3. Mass and matter

12. Project/Science fair

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