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GravityRP Installation

@ create a windows user seperate in client server

@ Login the server with appropriate username and password
@ Copy necessary file to the server (ie: gravity setup folder), in future necess
ary file needed copied to same folder. so that we can support through online.
@ Installation of SQL Server
- Follow the standard steps to be installed
- When Instance Configuration appears need to give a Instance name as the SQL
version name name (ie: SQL2000, SQL2014)
- When server configuration appears need to give windows username and passwo
rd (ie: domain name\username, password)
@if domain syntax DOMAIN NAME\WINDOWS USERNAME (Grandmart0\Gravity)
@if Nodomain syntax is SYSTEM NAME\WINDOWS USERNAME (Gravity\GravityRP)
@Change all the Startup Type to Automatic
- Database Engine Configuration:
@ Select Mixed Mode
@ Password Gravity@SLN
@ Select add "current user"
- Analysis server configuration
@Select add "Current user"
- Reporting Services configuration
@ Select Install and Configure
- Distributed Replay Controller
@ Select add "Current user"
- Follow default configuration
@Restoring the Database:(General:give the file to be restored & Files: Give the
location where it stored )
- Maindb
- GravityRP
- GravityPOS
Select the device option and select the database to be restored.
Then select files option and give ok.
@ Creation of SQL User:
- Run the query for create user.(SQL User - SqlAdminUser.sql)
@Initalize database - GravityRP
- Run the query for initialize the database.(Init - Gravity RP)
@Initialize POS server
- Run the query for initialize the POS server. (Init_POS Server)
@Database Gateway Setup
- In MainDB create/update the record for company setup.
@Deploying the reports:
- Define datasource (Buisness intelligence -> Shared Data Sources -> DS Report
-> Right click -> Open -> Edit -> Connection properties -> give server name ->

Usernamelpassword -> Save my password

@username: sqladminuser/ password: dasafavspINTL
@Installing Client Application
- Install Gravity RP
- Delete the Current EXE from Short Cut and Start Menu
- Map the Network Drive to R:
- Create New Shortcut from Map Network Drive
@ODBC connection:
ODBC name: MainDBRP
Server : sqladminuser
username : likeintl
password : likeintl@321
default database = MainDB
Install SQL2000
Need to install the SQL 2000 because of error
"ActiveX componentcan't create object"

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