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COM 2323 Media Education

Report on Social media

According to the given text, write the research report (at least 800 words)
on Social media:

Instagram and

The research should be about lucrative side of listed networks.

You should be focusing on advertisements and other means of earnings.
In how many ways the visitors/users can be exposed to the content that is
not made by the people who they follow, or are friends with?
What does the term targeting and positioning mean?
Students will conduct this research in pairs.
Due date for the research paper is 29-09-2015 11:59pm and it has to be
submitted under the section Assessments on BBL.

Academic Honesty
Cheating is an attempt to gain grades dishonestly. It is important that you
read page 10 of the Students Handbook, paying attention to the Definition of
Cheating as well as the practical examples.
Plagiarism is copying and the presentation of someones work as your own.
This could be from other students assignment/projects, books or the Internet.
This can be either intentional or unintentional (did not know it was necessary to
reference material used in essays or written assignment). Plagiarism is also
considered as a form of cheating and the penalty for cheating is outlined in
student Handbook. Any student found guilty of cheating will be dismissed by
the Vice Chancellor on the recommendation of the College Director. A record of

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