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What is LTE CoMP? - the basics Coordinated multipoint transmission and reception actualy refers oa wide range of techniques that enable ‘dynamic coordination or transmission and reception with muliple geographically separated eNBs. 1s aim Is to ‘enhance the overall system performance, use the resources more effectively and improve the end ser service ual, ‘one of the key parameters for LTE a5 a whole, and in parcular 4G LTE Advanced Is the high data rates that are achlevabl, These data rates are relatively easy to malnain close tothe base station but as distances increase they become more dificult to maintain, ‘obviously the cell edges ae the mast challenging. Not only isthe signal lave in strength because ofthe distance ‘rom the base station (eNB), ut aso interference levels from neighbouring eNBS ae likely to be higher asthe UE Will be coser to them. 4G LTE CoN, Coordinated Multipoint requires close coordination between @ number of geographically separated {eNEs, They dynamically coorinate to pravide joint scheduling and transmissions as wll as proving joint processing ‘ofthe recelved signals. In this way a UE atthe edge ofa cell sable tobe served by two OF more eNBs to improve ‘signals reception / transmission and Increase throughput particularly under cell edge conditions. CoMP Principles > Solution to cell edge problemati > Definition of CoMP: » Coordinated transmission/reception of data among several transmission/reception points to reduce or even exploit interference > Transmission/reception points: base stations, rolays, acooss points, remote radio heads, usor equipments > Coordination is not for roo: backhaul infrastructure » High bandwidth, low latency (beyond X2) » Fiber, dedicated micro-wave links » Central coordination unit LTE CoMP - the advantages though LTE Advanced CoM, Corenated Mulpoint sa complex st of tchniques brings many advantages to the ser 5 el she network operator. + Makes beter niteation of network: 2y pring connections o several base stations a once, sng Con daa can be passed trough least oaded base statons fo ete resource utils. + Provides enhanced reception performance: Using several cel stes for each connection means that overall reception il be improved andthe number of Cropped cas shoul be reduce. + Multpesite reception increases received power: The jpn reestion rom nlp base tations or ses sing LTE Coordinated Mutipont techniques enables the overall receved power atthe handel to be + Incerference reduction: by vsing speciale combining echniques ft possible to ule the ntererence constucively rather than destructive, thereby reducing irerterence eves Concept of LE Advanced CoMP - Coordinated Multipoint Imessence, 4G LTE COMP, Coordinated Multipoint falls nto two major categories: + Joint processing: joint processing occurs where there is coordination between multiple entities ~ base ‘Stations that are simultaneously transmitting or receiving to or from UES. + Coordinated scheduling or beamforming: This often referred to as CS/CB (coordinated scheduling ‘coordinated beamforming) is 3 form of coordination where @ UE is transmitting witha single transmission or recention point - base station, However the cormmunication is made with an exchange of control among, several coordinated entities. To achieve either ofthese modes, highly detalied feedback is required on the channe! properties in 2 fast manner so that the changes can be made. The other requirement Is for very close coordination between the eNBs to ‘acltate the combination of data or fast switching ofthe cells. ‘Te techniques used for coordinated multipoint. CoMP are very cfferent forthe uplink and dowmlink. This results ‘rom the fact thatthe eNBs are in a network, connected to other eWEs, whereas the handsets or UES are indliéual laments, Downlink LTE COMP The downlink LTE CoMP requires dynamic coordination amongst several geographically separated eNBs “ransmittng tothe UE. The two formats of coordinated multipoint can be divided forthe downlink: + Joint processing schemes for transmitting in the downlink : Using this element of LTE CoMP. data is ‘ransmitted to the UE simultaneousty from a number of different NBS. The aim Isto Improve the recelved ‘signal qualty and strength, tt may alsa have the alm of aciely canceling interference fram twansmissions that are intended for other UES. “This form of coordinated multipoint places a high demand onto the backhaul network because the data to be transmitted to the UE needs to be sent to each eNB that willbe transmitting it to the UE. This may easily {double or triple the amount of data in the network dependent uaon how many eNBs will be sending the data, {In addition to this, joint processing data needs to be sent between all NBs involved inthe COMP area. Coordinated scheduling and or beamforming: Using tis concept, data to a single UE Is transmitted from ‘one eNE, The scheduling decisions as well as ary beams are coordinated to conttol the interference that may be generated. “The advantage of this approach fs thatthe requirements for coordination across the backhaul network are considerably reduced for two reasons: © UE data does not need to be transmited from multiple eNBs, and therefore only needs to be dected toone eNB. ‘© Only scheduling decisions and details of beams needs tobe coordinated between muliple €N8s, (@) Coordinated beamforming/Coordinated scheduling saree cor evar ered se ae acolo arcane (b) Joint processing Coherentition-coherent transmission {b-1) Joint transmission Instantaneous cell selection {b-2) Dynamic cell selection Figuro 8 Downlink CoMP transmission

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