FRIT 7331 KA Section VII Planning For The Future

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Croom, Crum, Moore, West

Key Assessment Section VII

Croom, Crum, Moore, West

Long Range Goals

Goal 1. Improve the physical space of the
media center to allow easier accessibility for
handicapped and special needs students,
encourage collaboration, and create quiet
spaces for silent reading.

Short Term Objectives

Description of Evaluation

Objective 1a. For our handicapped students

there is a necessity to make the entrance way
more accessible as well as make sure there
are desk that accommodate wheelchairs, gait
trainers, seating systems, walkers and other
positioning devices.

Evaluation 1a. SLMS will collaborate with teachers

and determine the immediate need for changes
based off of student records, IEPs, educational
progress, etc. Once a year, at the beginning of the
school year, this collaboration will take place to
make sure every student has whatever
accommodations they need

Objective 1b. Begin weeding nonfiction and

fiction sections following the CCBOE
Collections Policy on pg.30 of the Media

Evaluation 1b. SLMS will run circulation and history

reports from the Destiny system on all nonfiction
and fiction books in the library. Books that have not
circulated(checked-out) in five years will be
discarded. Complete weeding of books should take
approximately three to four months.

Objective 1c. Re-arrange, re-purpose, and/or

discard bookcases to create new spaces for

Evaluation 1c. The current setup of the bookcases

take up the majority of the space in the library. The
bottom shelf on every bookcase is also not being
utilized for shelving books. Therefore, the amount
of bookcases that are currently in place are not
needed to shelve books. Some bookcases will be
repurposed for student centers, while others will be
available to teachers for classroom use.

Objective 1d. New spaces will include maker

stations, secluded silent reading areas,
updated furniture, and collaboration areas for

Evaluation 1d. SLMS will investigate options for

updated furniture, tables and chairs, and materials
to provide in the maker stations. The SLMS will

Croom, Crum, Moore, West

Goal 2. Provide a technology device for each

student to use during the school year.

Goal 3. Develop a PLN, virtually and

physically, to provide resources for teachers to
enhance student learning.

small and large groups as well as whole class


develop a budget for the new items to present to

the school principal for approval.

Objective 2a. Survey teachers and students to

assess the preference of tech devices to
include iPads, E-Readers, and Chromebooks.

Evaluation 2a. SLMS will create a survey in which

teachers and students will complete in order to
show the need and use of devices.

Objective 2b. Create a technology committee

of teachers, students, administrators, parents
and media specialist to establish a plan of
action to obtain devices.

Evaluation 2b. SLMS will recruit teachers,

administrators, students, and parents to become a
member of the technology committee.

Objective 2c. The committee will research

different resources for funds to obtain these
devices for students including book fairs,
fundraisers, grants and proposals.

Evaluation 2c. Once the committee is formed,

members will research different areas to obtain
devices. Areas may include budget sources,
donors, grant programs and success of other

Objective 3a. Survey teachers to assess the

specific technology and resource needs.

Evaluation 3a. SLMS will create a

technology/resources survey for teachers. This
survey will determine the exact tools, resources,
and materials that teachers are requesting
assistance with as well as content specific needs.

Objective 3b. Virtual Space: Develop and

maintain a virtual PLN that is easily accessible
and user friendly to teachers.

Evaluation 3b. The SLMS will create and maintain a

PLN that will host a variety of resources; tutorials,
lessons, Web 2.0 tools, databases, etc. This PLN
will be linked to the Media Center webpage under
the Teacher Resources tab for easy access.
Teachers will be encouraged to create their own
PLN to be shared on the webpage also.

Objective 3c. Physical Space: Provide hands-

Evaluation 3c. SLMS will attend vertical team

Croom, Crum, Moore, West

Goal 4. Create opportunities to collaborate and

co-teach lessons and/or units using the media
center resources.

on training workshops and an updated

Professional Learning section in the media
center for teachers.

meetings to establish a focus for purchasing new

Professional Learning material for core content
areas. The SLMS will also provide a calendar of
scheduled learning workshops for teachers to
attend at their convenience and research having a
professional trainer come to the school.

Objective 4a. Survey teachers to assess the

interest of collaboration and co-teaching with
the SLMS.

Evaluation 4a. The SLMS will create a survey in

which the teachers will complete to show the
interest they have to collaborate and co-teach with
the SLMS.

Objective 4b. Determine a focus for


Evaluation 4b. Teachers that are interested in

collaborating with the SLMS will provide a needs
assessment to the SLMS. What areas are students
struggling with? How can the SLMS provide
assistance to the teachers in a collaborative

Objective 4c.SLMS and teachers will meet to

plan and collaborate on lessons and/or units to
be co-taught using media center resources.

Evaluation 4c.Outlook calendar or Google calendar

will be shared with all teachers to schedule
collaboration meeting days and days to
present/teach the lessons with the SLMS.

Croom, Crum, Moore, West

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