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Name of Lesson:
Methods of Collection

Duration: 60 minutes

For students to be able to justify
and use appropriate methods of

Curriculum Objectives:
General Outcomes:
Collect, display and analyze data to solve problems.
(Alberta Education, 2014, page 33)
Specific Outcomes:
Select, justify, and use appropriate methods of collecting data,
Electronic methods
(Alberta Education, 2014, page 33)

Graphing paper, computers/iPads
Formative Assessment from last
A discussion will be had amongst
the class, about the differences
between the three graphs discussed
in class on the previous day.




Link to Previous Lesson(s):

Students will be asked if they can recall the example graphs from last
Learners Differentiation:
Challenged or ELL learners: ELL students will be encouraged to
develop questionnaires in their own language.

Students will hypothesize what constitutes these different methods of collection

and when they are used. Teacher will clarify with accurate definitions.
Students, in groups, will then create either a questionnaire, experiment,
database, or electronic method of collection.
1.Students will be split into groups of 3. Each group will be asked to come up
with what they think are the definitions for questionnaires, experiments,
databases, and electronic methods of collection. Each group will share with the
2.Teacher will then clarify, giving accurate definitions of what constitutes these
methods, followed by some examples. Each group will be assigned one of the
four methods of collection.
3.Each group will be asked to create either a questionnaire, experiment,
database, or electronic method of collection.
4. For homework they will prepare a short presentation to be done at the
beginning of lesson 4 about which method of collection they used, and explain
its strengths and weaknesses.
Make sure students are focused on the methods of collections strengths and
Allow enough time for students to come up with their own definitions.

Assess the presentation at the beginning of lesson 4 using a variation of the

process & presentation rubric. (Lau, 2011)

Link lesson 3 to lesson 1 & 2, reinforcing the idea of statistics, representation of data and accurate
methods of collection.

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