Lesson Plan 3 - Confucius and Pope

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World History

Foley 4*
Lesson Plan-Midterm
Lesson: Popes Visit Conclusion and Confucius Introduction
Objectives: SWBAT identify/define the ways the Popes speech to Congress
relates to Confucius Analects by taking notes on the Analects and reading
the Popes talk and then highlighting the similarities between the two.
Materials Needed: PowerPoint, Warm-Up question (what are some issues you
remember the pope talking about?), transcript of the Popes speech, loose
leaf paper, writing utensil,
Outline of Day:
1. complete warmup,
2. review the Popes speech by asking students what they remember
3. complete introduction on Confucius
4. complete PowerPoint on Confucius and the Analects
5. Ask if the students see any similarities between Analects and what
Pope spoke about (hopefully relate to Golden Rule)
6. Have students work with classmate to find similarities between the
Analects and Popes speech
7. wrap up-discuss those similarities
Activity: Students will review the Popes speech. This speech will be a great
tie in for our next chapter, India & China. We are starting with Confucius and
his Analects. Students will find similarities between the Analects by taking
notes on Confucianism and then comparing those with the transcript of the
Popes speech to Congress. Then, we will have a class discussion.
Assignments: Read the transcript of the Popes speech and take notes on
CFU/Assessment: CFU will come in the form of cold call and class discussion
throughout the presentation. Assessment will be in the form of the CFU and
checking their notes/warm-up.
Notes: Notes will be taken by the students throughout the class. They will be
connecting the notes to the Popes speech to CFU and deeper thinking.
Students will have to explain their reasoning to why they decided to connect
that specific sentence from the Popes speech to that specific Analect.

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