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World History

Foley 4*
Lesson Plan
Lesson: Judges-Gideon and Deborah
Standards Addressed:
Objectives: SWBAT create a skit/comic strip of Gideon and Deborah by
working in a group, reading the two articles, and then sharing the
information in order to create the skit/comic strip.
Materials Needed: Bible, notes from class, blank paper, and a writing utensil.
Outline of Day:
1. complete warmup,
2. review how day is going to work, give the students the two options
3. create working groups for the students.
4. remind students of what they need to do as group members.
5. then have the students complete the activity
6. review the activity as a class in the skit or have them turn in the
Activity: Students will be placed into groups and can complete one of two
options. The first option is to make 3/4th of a comic strip about the story they
chose (Deborah or Gideon). Then students will share their comic and its
accompanying story with their partner. The partner will then take the comic
and then finish it for the person, the remaining 1/4th of the story. The second
option is for the students to create a skit. This will be done in groups of 4.
Half will read Deborah (handout for less proficient readers) and the other
have will read Gideon (more proficient readers). They will bullet point their
summary of the information and then use it for the skit that will be
performed at the end of the class.
Assignments: Students will then be assigned the task creating a skit/comic of
the two remaining judges. If they do not finish the skit, it will be performed at
the beginning of next class. If they do not finish the comic, it is due at the
beginning of next class.
CFU/Assessment: CFU will come in the form of the turning in of the comic and
the acting out of the skit and the turning in of their summary.
Notes: Students are given two different reading they can do based on their
reading proficiency.

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