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P. H. Gilbert MICHAELMAS TERM 1975

J. S. Gowdey Captain of School: N. St. L. Kyrke-Smith
J. W. McClure Prefects: J. B. Baker
A. C. Middleton Elizabeth M. Bowyer-Jones
Julie Scott G. Coulthard
R. Sheppard R. M. A. George
S. A. Westrop
W. C. Newbold, Esq. Sacristan: J. A. H. Booth
Artist: Sheila Jones
NUMBER 313 Captain of School: G. Coulthard
OCTOBER 1976 Prefects: C. V. Atkinson
S. M. Blakey
J. A. H. Booth
P.W. S. Skinner
"AN APPEAL FROM THE EDITORS" Sacristan: C. J. C. Hilling

If this prestigious magazine fails to please;

And you think it unworthy of soaring fees;
Do not hesitate to scold and vent your ire;
But don't use it as fuel for your wolfish fire.
If you' re shocked, and think we ought to change tack,
And agrily demand your lost money back,
Please do not rebuke us humble editors,
Try our chief, he is quite used to creditors,
All the features are piquant, sharp and witty,
Nothing as ridiculous as this ditty.
We discuss matters like music, drama, sport,
(Don't blame our cricketers if they're out for nought),
Vital things like Arts Centres, master's wages,
Or whether the Shell should be kept in cages.
So before you us too heartily condemn,
Please, oh!, please reconsider and look again.
Staff Notes
Last year's issue having so few changes to note missed the himself always maintained he didn't play a great enough part in
arrival of Deryck Wareing to instruct Prestfelde, Moreton Hall and house matters, he was in fact a loyal supporter and a valuable
Ellesmere in the techniques of violin playing. Having welcomed a tutor. We shall miss him, and wish him, and Phillipa and the family
new musician; in the next breath we must say goodbye to the a successful and happy time at Woodbridge.
longest serving member of the Music Department, Mrs. Rosemary
Brown; (Shall we ever forget her 'big timpani'?) who has been K.J.S.
appointed Director of Music at Packwood Haugh.
At Easter Michael Marshall took charge of the Physics
Department; we hope that he and his wife have a very enjoyable
stay at Ellesmere. ROSEMARY BROWN
The only other change for September concerns mathematics
for Mike Boothroyd is leaving for Woodbridge. His place as tutor to What a marvellous asset Rosemary would have been to the
Talbot and mathematician is to be taken by S. A. Elwell-Sutton. court of Nebuchadnezzar! She would have had them all under her
thumb — flute, harp, sackbut, dulcimer, psaltery, and, given a
week or two's notice, probably the cornet as well! How lucky
Packwood is to have acquired a musician of her versatility to be its
Director of Music!
To his colleagues in the Common Room, Michael
Boothroyd's absence will be noticed, if not earlier, then at the start
But to give the impression of Rosemary as a musical Jill-of-all-
of the next examination season, and his successor as master in
trades would be to do her less than justice. She is a highly
professional musician with an impeccable sense of rhythm and a
charge of G.C.E. will have a difficult task in following such a
dedicated man. One admired his patience and thoroughness in
sensitive feeling for the right shape of a musical line. Her standards
are of the highest and her pupils are never allowed to forget it.
tackling this unrewarding task, and these qualities stood him in
At the same time she is also a severely practical music teacher.
good stead in other spheres of school life. After a spell of losing
and finding O.T.U. boys as a regular expedition weekend man, he
She remains convinced there is no point in asking people to play
turned his attention to the C.C.F. and ended up doing the same
music that is clearly beyond their capacity, and for two reasons:
thing: during the most recent outing he found time to redirect a
firstly, they would not play them well, and this offends her musical
few scouts as well. As master in charge of tennis he was at least as
standards; secondly, they would get no pleasure out of it, and this
is contrary to another main article of her musical creed — making
successful as his predecessor, but in sporting matters he will
music is meant to be fun. Those who have made music with her in
perhaps be best remembered as a cross-country runner, his tall
lean figure seen on the inevitable cold winter's day, either leading
the groups she organised from time to time will testify to the in
his men in training, or, disguised in a heavy raincoat, standing at
fectious enjoyment which they shared. Her pupils, too, will bear
the end of the course computing the results. While computer
witness to the sympathy and understanding with which their
science may not have been his strongest point, nevertheless
problems and difficulties were received. Her departure will indeed
leave a gap in our musical life, but all we can do now is to say how
Michael gave valuable service in the Maths Department, as suc
cessions of average boys gained the '0' level passes they needed.
grateful we are for her work among us, and to wish her every
success in her new responsibilities.
To many of these he gave a good deal of care and attention: this
was also true of his tutees in Talbot House, and while Michael M.W.H.G.

The death of Sir Offley, Custos and Senior Fellow of the

Corporation of SS Mary and Nicolas is a significant break in the life
of the Woodard Schools and of Ellesmere in particular. His father,
scholar (a first in History and in Law at Eton and Christchurch and
brother of Henry,Founder Fellow of Keble, Fellow of All Souls and
Church Historian), Barrister, keen sportsman and holder of many
offices in Salop and in the House of Laymen began to be
associated with Canon Woodard when Provosts Loweand Meynell,
Sir Arthur Haywood and others had founded the Midland Division
of the Woodard Schools and with these men, he became a non-
residentiary Fellow in 1879 and with Peak, Vicar of Ellesmere and
Earl Brownlow was responsible for the school at Ellesmere. From
1879 he was the Scrutineer i.e. the Custos of Ellesmere and this
post he held for forty years. He was succeeded by his only sur
viving son; the Sir Offley we know so well, who was Custos for 42
years. Between them, father and son represented Ellesmere on the
governing body of the schools for 82 years, unique in the history of
Woodard Schools; indeed his service extended another four years R.A.E.P. and |
as Fellow, Patron of the Old Ellesmerian Club and of the School Sir Offley Wakeman, Bart., C.B.E., J.P., J.P., D.L, M.A. |
Appeal. dominant member of the education committee, and there was
Sir Offley had many of the qualities of his father — capable,
hardly on organisation in Salop from the Archaelogical Society to
sincere, very kind, deeply religious, approachable, devoting his
the Young Farmers Club which did not demand his help over a
great qualities of mind to doing service in Church and State, not period of 50 years. Amongst his multifarious activities his chief
only in his county but in Whitehall and in countless committees.
concern was education — a new school in Shrewsbury bears his
Both were magnificent in their gifts, and richly so to Ellesmere. It name __ the Church (for many years he was a Lay Reader and he
may not be an exaggeration to say that the Chapel, as we know it,
preached regularly) and the welfare of youth. To Ellesmere he was
would not have existed had it not been for the Wakeman family. a constant welcome visitor. Whenever we had a 'great day', Sir
Sir Offley was brought up in the traditional way of life on his Offley was present, ready to speak for all good causes. There are
father's country estate, at Yeatdn Peverey near Shrewsbury in a hundreds of our old boys who will remember with pleasure, visits
house designed by Sir Aston Webb, a noteable feature of which is to his home, and especially to his Hunting Lodge at Dorrington,
the private chapel. There is little doubt why the Fellows chose Sir and many others will have met him as a Company Commander in
Aston to design our chapel in 1920. Educated at Eton and the Home Guard in the local battalion, or in the countless com
Christchurch, Offley was commissioned in the Grenadier Guards. mittees he sat on in the County. The Memorial Service held in
He served in France, and was severely wounded in the head (in October 1975 at St. Chad's, Shrewsbury was attended by
later life he was sorely handicapped by the effects of these representatives of many of these organisations. Our visitor, the
wounds), but recovered sufficiently to be appointed A.D.C. to the Bishop of Lichfield, former Provost, the Headmaster, the Custos,
Viceroy of India, an appointment he resigned at the end of the war. members of the Common Room, the Captain of School and
When living in London he sat on the L.C.C. and the L.C.C. Prefects, and several members of the Club, represented the
Education Committee. In Salop he was an Alderman for over thirty Woodard Schools and Ellesmere. He is survived by his widow and
years, and Chairman of the County Council for 20 years, High
his sons and a sister.
Sheriff in 1934 and Vice-Lieutenant for twenty years. He was a

Cecil Howard died at his home near Ashford in January, 1976

after a short, serious illness. He had been badly handicapped for
many years from arthritic and rheumatic complaints. Last summer
on his return from his annual Shropshire holiday, he was badly
shaken and cut in a car accident.
He joined the Common Room in 1926 and retired after 41 years
service, first to teach History and English, then to take over the
post of Senior History master and the Housemastership of Talbot
in 1930. He held this latter post for 28 years, by far the longest
period in our history. He was acting Headmaster for a term in 1935,
and became Second Master on the appointment of Ray Evans-
Prosser as Headmaster. This post he held for 32 years.
The funeral service, held on 27 January at Ruckinge Parish
Church, was attended by the Headmaster, and the O.E. Club and
Talbot House were represented by John Senior, J. Lidgate, R. Der
L. Wheeler, the Reverend Raymond Davis, R. Chance and Rev.
Skene Catling.
A memorial Service was held in the Chapel on St. George's
Day and about 30 O.E.s attended together with representatives of
the Fellows, all the Common Room masters who were his former
colleagues, boys and friends from the Ellesmere district.
The Chaplain conducted the Service, the choir sang
beautifully, Richard Taylor, former Captain of Talbot House read
the lesson and the Hon. Secretary of the O.E. Club gave the ad
dress. "This service", he said, "is not for sorrow but for
thanksgiving —, thanksgiving for one who was devoted to the
school in ways rare and blessed . . . those who knew him only as
crippled with pain, the sad shuffling figures of recent years, ad
mired his courage, his absence of self-pity, his determination to live
without grumbling. In his younger days he had energy and was a
forceful character ... he was a devoted schoolmaster from his
appointment by Mr. Healwroth. Dr. Billen appointed him in 1930 to
the Housemastership of Talbot when very young and he was
devoted to the boys .... to the school he was tied emotionally, for
he loved being in the community, and this life he left sadly on his
retirement. . . his annual summer visit he cherished as the highlight
of the year." From his Cambridge days—, he was an exhibitioner
of King's College,— he loved music, poetry and
especially drama, and it was as an actor and producer here that he
found an outlet for his undoubted talents. From form plays, house
plays, religious plays to the annual play of the Shakespearian
Cecil Howard
Society he was acting and producing for nearly thirty five years.
For as long he was Librarian. He was co-founder of the Y.F.C. and
vice-president of the Seven Club. "None who remember the
difficult days of the 20's and 30's will forget how hard he worked
with a few others to save the school from bankruptcy... it was an
Headmaster's Speech
enduring source of pride that in 1935 he was made acting Head
master . . . and his rejoicings when Ray Evans-Prosser was made
Headmaster was only equalled by his increasing devotion to his It seemed to me apposite as I wrestled with the problem of
successor Ian Beer." Cecil delighted in seeing the school prosper how to present the facts of Ellesmere to you this morning, together
throughout the last thirty years despite the horror of the fire and with my thoughts about its future, that I should base it on the
the ensuing two years of discomfort. He happily agreed to give up theme of freedom, because, the freedom of the individual and its
his post as Senior History Master and his Housemastership and preservation is the most important single challenge facing our
gladly helped his successors. . .As a teacher, the speaker quoted society today.
extracts from letters he had received from Jack Perrier, his first 'A'
level candidate of fifty years ago and this year's President of the A recent paper from Lancaster University claims that formal
O.E. Club, from Alastair Macleod-Smith C.M.G., the first of his disciplined education is infinitely more desirable than a liberal
pupils to get a First in Modern Greats and from Robin Jeffs, scholar education, in which it appears people do what they like, when they
of Trinity College, Oxford in History, paying tribute to his work as like, if they like, and never come to terms with discipline or hard
one wrote "Cecil was the most kindly and considerate of men — work. The Lancaster findings did not come as a surprise. Many of
his influence on those he taught was positive and beneficial. I recall us have been saying this for years. The surprise is that so many
later in life how good his teaching was. Such is the abiding worth children have been allowed to leave our schools undisciplined and
of his lessons. knowing very little with virtually no protest from the public at large.
"Cecil was a devout man, who loved to worship in our chapel Mark you, it is not as surprising as you might think if you believe
and in his village church ... his gifts to this school, both material that it is a carefully calculated policy on the part of Marxist
and moral were great; to his pupils he gave understanding and educationalists to reduce our country to a state where the
affection, and to his friends both young and old, he gave kindly population is ripe for exploitation and suppression. If you really
tolerance and generous friendship, not least in his later years when think the Marxist believes in indiscipline and no hard work, you
illness and immobility would have been justifiable excuses for his have only to read the complaints about a weekend course for
living a crabbed life. This school has been fortunate in many of its young people held by them recently. These complaints were of no
servants, and of them all Cecil Howard was one of the Ellesmere's time for relaxation, long hours spent at lectures in the classroom,
greatest, taking little, giving much. We have good reason to give far too early bedtime and unreasonably strict dormitory discipline.
thanks today for his life and work amongst us." No! your Marxist knows that effective individuals must be trained
in a disciplined community, and that any society that is ill-educated
and ill-disciplined is easily taken over by a determined well-
organised group.
But enough of generalisation — what of Ellesmere? I put it to
you that everything we do here is concerned with freedom. First
we aim to provide the freedom to learn. This is achieved by having
a right atmosphere, and a right attitude. The atmosphere is, in part,
concerned with good facilities. A good library; the best of modern
teaching aids, and methods but next year we shall add to our
facilities a video-tape recorder so that telvision material can be
integrated in the time-table, while in curriculum development we
shall move to teaching a full Nuffield course in '0' level Physics. provide a second freedom. The freedom to live a full life. Academic
Above all, a Common Room that is intellectually alive and com success is paramount, but on its own is sterile. Furthermore, it
municates enthusiasm for its subjects and from whom a right cannot be fully achieved unless a man fulfils himself completely as
attitude springs. This attitude respects the need for quiet in certain a person and this i%where our wide range of activities outside the
places, at certain times, and results in a disciplined framework classroom plays a vital part in the education we provide. This year
within which pupils learn to work not only in class and prep time, we have a good record in many fields. At the end of last cricket
but also when spare time presents itself for positive use. Corporate season, Christopher Butler was vice Captain of the Rest of England
discipline is only partially successful, unless it leads to personal Public Schools XI at Eastbourne — our second representative in
discipline. two years, and this year our cricketers are doing well, our only loss
In my opinion our academic results show that we do being against Shrewsbury. On Wednesday, we narrowly failed to
provide this freedom to learn. At the one end we shall have three beat Wrekin, and have already beaten Rydal and tied with Mer
freshmen including Elizabeth Bowyer-Jones — one of the first chant Taylor Crosby. On the same day, we also beat Rugby at
entry of ladies to Selwyn while another academic achievement to athletics, having also beaten Bromsgrove, Oswestry, Rugby and
note is that of Mark Owen, also at Selwyn, who has crowned his Rossal. Earlier this year the rugby footballers won the Woodard VII
double first in chemical engineering with the award of a Thoron a-side tournament; but the highlight of a good season in which we
Scholarship tenable at Pennsylvania State University — one of only won 8 of our matches was the victory over Rydal, their only defeat
30 to be awarded from a strong national field. At the other perhaps of the season. More football fame has come our way from our old
our greatest achievements are more humble, for brilliant scholars boys with Peter Kyrke-Smith gaining a third blue for Oxford at
need little teaching. Rather guidance on the right lines, inspiration Twickenham, while Bill Beaumont and Mark Keyworth both gained
from time to time, and a humility in the schoolmaster that is caps for England. The hockey XI too played well winning 7 of their
prepared to wave goodbye when they pass beyond our limits. It is matches. Our final success that deserves mention, is the winning
an exciting experience. Here we earn our bread and butter in of the Shropshire Squash Rackets under 19 Championship by
enabling the average pupil to achieve his or her potential, and this Charles Edwards.
year the oustanding example is Andrew White, who came with Moving from sport, but still on the physical side, the activities
limited expectations, contributed greatly to school and chapel life, of Scouts, O.T.U. and C.C.F. have continued to flourish. The
and left to be an apprentice cabinet-maker, the holder of 5 '0' riflemen of the scouts have again taken second place in the
levels and a craftsman responsible for making two magnificent Connaught Cup for Scouts of the Commonwealth, the O.T.U.
credence tables for Smallwood Chapel. have gained 4 Duke of Edinbrugh Gold Awards while the C.C.F.
There is one way in which we make a positive contribution in Patrol Competition have won the West Midlands District Patrols
providing freedom to learn, and that is in the field of dyslexia. Many Competition for the fourth year in succession. These are highlights
people, mostly men, of high intelligence, find considerable dif of a well-planned continuous programme every Friday throughout
ficulty in reading and spelling, that without expert help their talent the year, backed up with expedition weekends and holiday activity.
is shackled by an inability to obtain and record information. We I mentioned them as being physical, but they extend well into the
provide the expert tuition that enables them to overcome this realms of the spirit, for they provide the opportunity to find the
difficulty. Our Head of English, Frank Sutterby, spent a sabbatical peace and solitude which is needed, not only in a school com
year at Bangor University studying teaching methods in this field munity, but throughout life.
and later this term will receive the degree of Master of Education Liberation of the spirit is found, too, in the evenings in our Arts
for his work. Our Head of Physical Education has been studying at Ellesmere timetable. Deserving special mention, are the drama
hard also, for earlies this term he gained the degree Bachelor of and music. I was delighted — and a little apprehensive — when we
Arts in the Open University. I suspect it speaks volumes for the agreed on Hamlet for the Senior play, but it came off. A convincing
understanding of his wife! Good schoolmasters — and good performance which was enhanced by the splendid costumes made
schools — owe a great deal to understanding wives. It is their almost entirely by the ladies of the College, who also dressed the
contribution and tolerance that in no small measure enables us to Junior play "Oh what a Lovely War", another expert and thought
provoking production. On both occasions co-operation with the development in the individual of a sense of responsibility, to look
music department including compositions by Andrew Hammersley beyond himself and be of service to his fellows. That service which
added to the atmosphere and colour of two excellent evenings Christians believe is perfect freedom. It is in this spirit that the great
entertainment. It was a small part of the performances and also a new venture of the Arts Centre has been conceived so that the
small part of the vigorous musical life of the College. The choral enthusiasm for a full life which is one of the marks of a truly
work was for me, again, the highest point of the year. We joined Christian Community of North Shropshire and beyond. Where
with Presfelde and Moreton Hall singing the St. John Passion. there was a Junior Hall and grassland stands a magnificent
Concerts by the orchestra, the string orchestra, string and brass complex of practice and teaching rooms for music, studio theatre
groups all are evidence of the enthusiasm for music in the school. with projection room for drama, films and music, a listening room
Theadvent of Deryck Wareing brought about an almost miraculous to house a library of tapes providing recorded poetry and literature
emergence of string players, while the arrival of Roger Allen has as well as music, all linked by a spacious foyer, which will serve to
shown us a new dimension in organ playing. He has recorded, house exhibitions of original art, changing regularly to enable the
along with the choir, an L.P. which will be on sale shortly in a best of the painting, sculpture and modern art forms to be shown
sleeve designed by Huw Lambert, and I hope you will all buy a here, enriching the experience of all who come to the centre. We
copy, as well as giving them to all your friends for Christmas. have been fortunate in obtaining the services of the Revd. Anthony
Nowhere is music more important than in the Chapel. Our thanks Miller who has already turned a ruined Cistercian Abbey at Holm
are due to an excellent choir who enable us to worship daily in a Cultram in Cumbria, into what many believe to be the finest Art
happy atmosphere and emphasises a fourth vital freedom that Centre in the United Kingdom. As a priest trained at Mirfield, he is
flourishes here, but which is under constant threat outside, the fully in sympathy with the Woodard tradition, as a schoolmaster he
freedom to worship. It may seem paradoxical to quote freedom to understands the problems of working with a Common Room, and
worship with compulsory chapel, but as I have said once before integrating with schools activities, while over all he is acknowledged
voluntary chapel is in fact compulsory non chapel for all, but a very as an expert in the field of the Arts.
few who can easily become an unhealthy holy huddle. Many This survey of our achievements and ambitions has, I hope,
parents, often unbelievers themselves, choose to send their sons to shown you that we are a community where true freedom can
schools like ours because they want them to make up their minds flourish. It is all too easy to take it for granted. There are many
and learn about the Christian gospel within a practising com working actively, by subtle means to bring about our destruction
munity. along with that of all independent schools. As John Buchan said
This freedom to choose is probably the freedom that I defend some fifty years ago, our peril is indifference, for rust will crumble a
most dearly and is the main reason why I persuaded the Governors metal, when hammer blows will only harden it. If we value the
to allow a new 11 + day boy entry. College and what it stands for, then we must be prepared to fight
However, there is a hollow ring to the phrase, freedom of and perhaps make sacrifices (as many of you do now to enable
choice, for there are many who would choose our system if they your sons to come here), to ensure it continues as a healthy part of
could afford the fees needed to send their sons to us. This is the national life. And what is true for Ellesmere is true for all in
driving force behind my determination to raise an endowment. dependent schools. Our country needs a healthy independent
Until a few weeks ago the fund stood at merely £11,000. Two recent sector large enough to maintain the freedoms I have mentioned
bequests, have now raised this total to £20,000 and I hope this against whatever political system may be in power. Once destroyed
generosity will inspire others to help. I hope too, that industry will — or worse reduced to a vestigial attraction of four or five schools
come to realize the fundamental value of our schools and the to be visited like the Tower of London — it can never be restored.
freedom we stand for, and lend their support. We have an inheritance which it is our duty to preseve for future
In seeking to provide an environment where all these freedoms generations. It is a challenge that is bringing about change for the
can flourish, I believe it can only be justified if it leads to the better in our communities. It is a challenge that I believe we shall
Prize List
BlakeyS. M. McClure J. M. (Classical Studies)
Jagger, C. J. U. Vijeyasingam R. (Chemistry, Physics)
Coulthard, G. Reynolds W. M. H. (English, Geography, History)
DukeJ. (French, Latin)
SPECAIL PRIZES MiddletonA. C. (Biology)
Art: Barber J. G. M., Lambert H. J. KelsallJ. M. (German)
Creative Design: Harding-Rolls M. A. C. Cook M. J. (Mathematics)
Pottery: Khayami E. M. Hulstrom R. P. (Mathematics)
Colin Russell Biology Prize: Bonell A. C. Rocholl N. H. (Technical Drawing)
Shakespearian Society: Westrop S. A. TomsC.J.W. (History)
Smith Historical Essay: Westrop S. A. Lowarch P. (English)
The Lovel Prizes for English Literature: Atkinson C. V. Westrop S. A. Borton R. E. T. (Mathematics)*
Musical Instrumental:
Senior: Appleton R. P. B. FOURTH FORM
Intermediate: Entecott M. G.
Junior: Bellamy P. J. Clark J. (Classical Studies)
Music Vocal: Gilbert P. H. WoolfreyA. M. (Chemistry)
For Services to the Choir: Allen C.A., Douglas J. C. L. Streeter-Smith T. J. (Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics)
Corp I. N. (Creative Design)
WringeM. (English, French, Geography)
Lamb C.H. (German)
Crane N. J. (Ancient History) CluttonC. (History)
Chamberlain G. B. E. (Biology) McMahonM.J. (Latin)
Alamouti K. (Economics, History) Sharp C. T. (Technical Drawing)
Samson Miss H. (Economics, Geography) Lea T. J. W. (Creative Design)
Atkinson C.V. (French)
Crouch F.W. A. (Physics) SHELL
RochollT. M. W. (Chemistry)*
CobboldT. R. (Classical Studies, Physics, French)
LOWER SIXTH Chapman L. R. (Chemistry)
Thomas R. G. (Biology) Ryland A. P. (Creative Design)
Gilbert P. H. (Chemistry)
Bellamy P. J. (English, History, Mathematics)
Emberton P. C. L. (Economics, French) GasserC. J. (Geography)
Westrop S. A. (History) Lees (ii) T. W. (German)
Ward S. M. (Geography)
Miller C. K. (Technical Drawing)
Robinson P. N. (Mathematics) Cutting E.M. (Latin)*
Wynne-Griffith R. C. (Mathematics)
Napier M.J.W. (Physics)
* Improvement Prize
Pourat (i) H. (Mathematics)*
MiriM. (Mathematics)*

Housemaster: J. M. Scorer, Esq.

Tutors: B. W. Poll, Esq., N. R. Panting, Esq.,
D. J. H. Wareing, Esq., J. M. Marshall, Esq.
Captain of House: N. St. L. Kyrke-Smith (Michaelmas Term)
C. J. U. Jagger (Lent and Summer Terms)
House Prefects: R. G. Bielby, S. L. Smith, K. Alamouti, I. R. E.
Burns, M. G. Handley, N. J. Phelps.

The year has been successful not only on the sports field but providing such exotic food. Theatre outings included trips to The
academically too. Neville Kyrke-Smith gained a place at Oxford and Gateway at Chester and the Victoria Theatre at Stoke. Musically
Elizabeth Bowyer-Jones has achieved the distinction of being one the House has had a lean time in the past, but there was distinct
of the first girls to be admitted to Selwyn College, Cambridge. She promise for the future in the emergency of a nine man ensemble for
was also, incidentally, Ellesmere's first female School Prefect. the music competition, led by Andrew Spittle and coached (?) by
On the sports field there have been many successes. The Mr. Wareing.
Senior Rugby came close to success in a competition Lambart has At long last the house bathrooms were refurbished, an im
never yet won, but once again lacked forward power. The Lent provement much appreciated. Plans are in hand to 'do up' the
Term was undoubtedly the most successful the house has ever had, dayrooms now, and to raise funds for this the entire house will do a
no less than six house competitions being won. The Senior Hockey sponsored walk in the Michaelmas term.
Cup was retained for the third year running under M. G. Handley, Rugby Colours were awarded to R. G. Bielby, Cricket Colours
and for good measure the 6-a-side competition was added. Five to C. J. U. Jagger, R. N. A. Hull and R. F. Smail. House Colours
members of the first XI came from Lambart. More surprising but no were awarded to C. J. U. Jagger, R. G. Bielby, S. L Smith, M. G.
less pleasing was the squash success in both Senior and Junior Handley, I. R. E. Burns, N. J. Phelps and R. N. A. Hull.
events. The Senior Cross-Country and the Junior 7s cups were also Among those who have left mention must be made of Messrs.
taken. In the Summer Term, the Junior cricket team reached the Kyrke-Smith, Alamouti, and Smith. Each is the last of three
final, the SwimmingTeam came a very close second to Talbot, and brothers all in Lambart over the last ten years, all of whom have
again in the Water Polo. The Senior Athletes swept the board led served the school and house with great distinction. Their leaving
by Guy Bielby who went on to represent the County in the All marks a definite end of a chapter. To them and all other leavers we
England Championships. wish every success. They are R. G. Bielby, I. R. E. Burns, G. B. E.
Other events this year included a fancy dress party which went Chamberlain, Victoria Crosland, M. G. Handley, M. C.
down very well and was much enjoyed. The major prize was Honychurch, P. D. Houston, R. N. A. Hull, C. J. U. Jagger, M. C.
awarded to a former Housemaster who came as Old Father Time! Jones, J. P. Larder, N. J. Phelps, D. J. Sleath, G. P. Talbot,
We owe our thanks to Mrs. Scorer and the Tutors' wives for Vijeyasingam, and A. H. White.

Housemaster: J. C. Wolters, Esq..

Captain of House: J. A. H. Booth
Senior Prefect: J. T. Keable
Prefects: R. C. M. Ashworth, J. C. Sym, M. H. Leake, S. P.
House Secretary: H. A. Samson

English, French and German. In the Summer Term we were the

Meynell has enjoyed a quiet but satisfying year. Luck has not
guests of Mrs. Anne Gray and C. D. Foyston Esq at a "Fete
gone our way on the games field, although our Junior sides have
Champetre"; unfortunately the weather curtailed our activities
enjoyed success in swimming, cricket and cross-country and have,
slightly but the evening was enjoyed by all and was a pleasant
on the whole, acquitted themselves well. Our efforts on the Rugby
field were spirited and the captain, J. C. Sym led the side well, lack
Music was undoubtedly a high point of the year. In the House
of experience however, was our downfall. Throughout the year our
Singing Competition we made our usual vociferous noise, un
sides enjoyed themselves in the various competitions and in
fortunately the more subtle renderings of the opposition proved our
retrospect, although we would perhaps have liked to have won a
downfall. In the Instrumental Competition we were more suc
few more cups, I feel that this is the most important thing.
cessful, we won the ensemble section playing a piece especially
It was off the games field that Meynell really came into its own
written for the occasion by Andrew Hammersley, — "Midnight
this year; determined to renovate our house premises before the
Thoughts" — attracted much praise from people of considerable
" powers that be" found the time and money to do so, we bran
musical knowledge! Our thanks must go to Andrew Hammersley,
ched out into various money making activities which brough great
Robert Appleton and James Collins for so ably directing the house
satisfaction to many. The Victorian evening, held during the Spring
Term for the parents of the members of the house was a complete
Gratitude must be expressed to J. C. Wolters and his wife who
success, as was the Medieval Banquet held during the Summer
are the real driving force behind Meynell House, ably assisted by a
half-term. Our thanks must go to R. W. Allen Esq., and Mrs.
variety of House Tutors. C. D. Foyston deserves a special mention
Rosemary Brown for the invaluable help they so willingly gave in
as Senior House Tutor, his role as bank manager has been ex
arranging the music for the Victorian Evening. These events and
ceptionally well played out and we are very grateful.
the Sponsored Walk held last summer provided sufficient funds to
During the year House Colours were presented to C. D.
refloor and refurnish the Dayroom. Our customary Christmas party
Foyston, Esq., J. A. H. Booth, J. T. Keable, R. C. M. Ashworth,
held after the Carol Service was again a great success and we feel
M. H. Leake R. P. B. Appleton. S. P. Boulcott and J. C. Sym. On
that this one fixture that should be upheld.
the whole, then, a successful year and one that has laid the
Our policy of immersing the Sixth Form in gastronomic ex
foundations for what we hope will be many more.
cellence continued and the Dining Club flourished, attending three
meals during the course of the year, these being respectively; J. A. H. Booth
Housemaster: H. R. Hill Esq.
Tutors: K. J. Shuttleworth, Esq., M. J. Boothroyd, Esq., A. F.
Thomson, Esq., W. C. Newbold, Esq.
Captains of House: R. M. A. George, R. P. J. Robinson, C. V.
House Prefects: P. L. Brereton, C. D. Edwards, R. A. Houghton,
R. G. Scotter.
Perhaps more important was the condition of the House itself.
Last year was undoubtedly a successful one in many fields for
An excellent Lower 6th form provided a great deal of help for the
the House and in general, passed off very well. The number of
Prefects, for which we are very grateful. Not only on the sports
victories on the sportsfield was not so great as in some years and
field but also in the House they were admirable. A spirit of co
the number of cups nailed triumphantly to the trophy board was
operation was undoubtedly present overall, which was another
therefore somewhat diminished, but there were nevertheless some
pleasing factor. People showed a willingness to help rather than be
fine performances. In the Michaelmas Term the Seniors won the
awkward and when the second Noah's flood descended on us, this
rugby in convincing fashion, with one of the strongest house sides
was very noticeable. Although some areas were less than perfect,
in recent years and the Juniors, although beaten by Woodard,
there were no serious defects, and the general state of the house is
showed tremendous determination in the way they fought back
encouraging for the future.
after a bad start. Seven-a-side rugby in the Lent Term consisted of
The House Party at the end of the Christmas Term was a
narrow defeats in the house finals, and on the hockey scene the
tremendous success in which the normally drab trunk loft was
Juniors distinguished themselves by winning the six-a-side. The
literally transformed into a glittering Dining Hall, and in which the
Lent Term, of course, is the height of the squash season, and
entertainment, food and wine was of a high quality. One full-
special mention must be made of C. D. Edwards, whose brilliance
blooded celebration per year is better perhaps than three tepid ones
on court was both entertaining and eye-opening.
and most members of the House would, I think, wish to keep this
In the Summer Term the Senior Cricket was won with stylish
as the social highlight of the year.
ease — P. L. Brereton and I. Attoe (playing fine golf shots)
In the Christmas Term Senior House Colours were awarded to
demolished the Meynell attack. The Juniors were narrowly beaten
R. P. J. Robinson, P. L. Brereton, C. D. Edwards and R. G.
after a tie with Lambart, and were perhaps a little unfortunate. In
Scotter, and in the Summer to C. V. Atkinson and R. A.
the Shell and Fourth Athletics Standards however they put up an
Houghton. Junior House Colours were awarded to M. G. Entecott,
excellent display winning narrowly over Woodard, an achievement
A. P. Killen, D. J. Roskams. I. Owen, M. V. Taylor and A. Waite.
which was followed by a similar, and this time more convincing
At the end of the Summer Term C. V. Atkinson, P. L.
success, in the Swimming Standards. The Water Polo Cup was
Brereton, R. G. Scotter, R. A. Houghton, C. D. Edwards, P. L.
won for the sixth consecutive year and the Seniors fought off a
Harris, K. W. Nicholls, R. G. Wynn, M. C. Lewis, J. M. Hales, M.
challenge from Lambart in the swimming.R. P. J. Robinson was
Broadhurst, T. W. Davies, A. R. Varley, and T. J. Scott were
the mainstay of the team, ably supported by P. Whitehead. Our
leavers. We wish them all success in their future careers.
performances in the Athletics were moderate and we came in a
middling position in all groups.
Mr. M. J. Boothroyd, whose quiet efficiency and helpfulness
have been a great asset to us, leaves the staff this term, and we
On the musical front we pulled up well in the House Com
would like to extend our gratitude to him and to wish him and his
petition after a bad start to be second. The standard of singing in
family every happiness in their new school. Finally a word of thanks
Chapel was not particularly inspiring in spite of being en
thusiastically led by the Senior Tutor (where does he get to on
to H.R.H. and K.J.S., who run the House so well in all aspects.
those top notes?) C. V. Atkinson.

Housemaster: P. B. Privett, Esq.

House Tutors: D. T. Walker, Esq., T. C. Howitt-Dring, Esq.,
A. E. D. Dowlen, Esq., M. Rulliere, Esq., R. F. Taylor, Esq.
Captain of House: S. M. Blakey
Captain of School: G. Coulthard
House Prefects: R. M. Higham, H. J. Lambert, J. N. G. Chater.

This year has proved somewhat more successful than previous The enthusiasm within the House has been increasing
years in that we have improved our collection of Cups to seven. We throughout the year and I am sure that the potential which at the
started the year by winning the House Singing Cup for which many moment lies in the younger part of the House, will in the next year
thanks are due, not only to Mr. Dowlen, but also to P. Gilbert or two, enable us to make more effective challenges for the major
whose organisation not only won us this cup, but also the House sports.
instumental later in the year. As we strive to achieve a close linking and happy atmosphere
Our Junior rugby players shone this year and offer much for within the House, a vital link is that of communications. This year
the future; they won the Junior Rugby Cup convincingly, and only we have introduced such a system by way of a House Committee,
narrowly lost the 7-a-side competition in the dying seconds to which has contributed many useful points and helped in the
Lambart. running of the House.
Although we had no outstanding squash players, with a By the end of the year Senior Colours had been awarded to R.
balanced team we managed to reach the finals of the Senior Higham and Junior Colours to A. Twist, M. McMahon, and K.
Competition. The House was in good spirit throughout the year Braithwaite.
and in the Summer Term our attention was brought to our young This year we say goodbye to: G. Coulthard, R. M. Higham, H.
athletes, not only did T. Ashley and D. Braithwaite win the Junior J. Lambert, J. N. G. Chater, I. A. Smith, V. G. Gwillim, T. Das, M.
and Colts individual Victor Ludorum cups, they helped us to win Khayami, J. Green, R. E. T. Borton and also to Mrs. Brereton.
the Junior and Colts Athletics cups. This was the start of a Many boys in the House have good reason to be grateful to Mrs.
triumphant end to the Summer Term for we then won the Colts Brereton for her sympathetic understanding and we wish her, and
Swimming cup by a clear margin, the Diving Competition, and the all our other leavers, well for the future.
Senior Tennis for which our thanks go to D. Smith who not only
captained our House Team but also the School Tennis Team. S. M. Blakey


Housemaster: N. R. Ainscow Esq.

Captain of House: P. W. S. Skinner
Senior Prefect: N. J. Crane
House Prefects: C. H. Clarke, A. P. Greenall, A. R. Durant, T. J.
Crane, M. J. Clews

This year we were very pleased to welcome Mr. R. W. Allen as

a tutor who has taken a very keen interest in the house and has
always been willing to help. On the sportsfield we have been rather for us despite the efforts of I. A. Clarke, the captain. We did
unfortunate, losing in the finals on a number of occasions, but we however win the House League Cricket Cup for which G. Jackson
have still won a few cups for our efforts. Credit must go to A. P. deserves credit in his fine efforts as captain. The Water Polo took
Greenall and D. M. Brown for their efforts at captaining the house on a different light this year as the team was keenly led by G. P.
rugby team. We lost narrowly to Talbot in the finals but we Chambers, for we won one match, a great achievement as we had
achieved a convincing victory in the Senior Sevens in the Lent not won a match for years. The two losses we had were both
Term. In the House Singing Competition we were ably led by P. W. unfortunate as we were only just beaten minutes from the end. The
S. Skinner, our House Choregus, but it was rather a difficult task to House Swimming proved a rather difficult event for us; though J.
regulate the vocal chords of the back row! The annual House Party G. M. Barber displayed some fine efforts for which we owe him
at the end of the Michaelmas Term proved to be most enjoyable much credit. On the Athletics track D. M. Brown's efficiency was
and once again we finished the term on an elevated note. very notable but despite having the largest VI form in the school we
In the Lent Term our Cross-Country Teams did very well with only managed to come third in the Seniors. The House
the Colts taking the Cup but the Juniors came second. The squash Instrumental Competition proved an enjoyable event with great
competition was rather disappointing as we did not reach the final variation particularly displayed by J. G. M. Barber who wrote a
in either the Senior or the Juniors. This has been a field in which piece for the guitar which he played with great flair.
we have excelled for many years. The hockey was competently During the year Senior House Colours were awarded to: P. W.
organised by A. R. Durant who took us to the final but we lost S. Skinner, N. J. Crane, C. H. Clarke, A. P. Greenall, R. W. Allen,
again to Lambart very narrowly after they scored during extra time. Esq., A. R. Durant and T. J. Crane.
During this term "PerpetualPing-Pong" was played one weekend Junior House Colours were awarded to: T. M. Bird, A. N.
to try and raise some money for the house and our thanks must go Jevon, G. J. B. Jackson, R. J. Crane and S. D. Lushey.
to the tutors for patiently watching over it during the late hours of At the end of the year we say goodbye to: P. W. S. Skinner,
the night and early hours of the morning. We raised a total sum of N. J. Crane, C. H. Clarke, A. P. Greenall, A. R. Durant, T. J.
over £115 for which we are grateful to our willing sponsors and Crane, M. J. Clews, D. M. Brown, J. G. M. Barber, D. J. Hudson,
much of this has been spent on a new house television and a T. N. W. Rocholl, G. J. Lushey, T. W. Price, G. J. B. Jackson, S.
dartboard. R. Pamely, and H. H. Daniel, and we wish them every success in
The Summer Term had its mixture of successes but this year their future careers.
we had not been gifted with great cricketers at Senior level. We
were beaten by Meynell in the first round who proved too strong T. J. Crane

We were both privileged and pleased to welcome the new
Bishop of Lichfield to the College this summer to administer the
Sacrament of Confirmation. The number of candidates was smaller
than usual but over the years it has become apparent that the
practice of boys being confirmed before they come to Ellesmere is
on the increase and consequently smaller confirmations seem likely
to continue. This is by no means a bad thing for most of those
confirmed early remain faithful, and it is certainly true that many
children at an early age have a very ctear idea of what a sacrament
is even if they do not know the word at all. Many normal actions in
a happy home have sacramental significance; e.g. when a mother
goes upstairs to say good night to her child that child understands
that protection, security, and love, are all involved in it. In my view
it is useful to build on this experience before the child appears to
lose it in the turbulence of adolescence.
We also welcome to the staff the Rev. A. T. Miller, the
Director of the new Arts Centre. He seems likely to add an ex
cellent leaven of Welsh "hwyl" to the present mixture of Scottish
canniness and Cisterian extravagance.
A year ago we received from Bishop Simkin, who died in New
Zealand, a bequest of some money which has enabled us to make
two important improvements. Firstly we were able to refurnish Big
School as a Divinity Study Centre with the facilities for visual and
aural aids, and also with rather more comfortable chairs; secondly
we were able to purchase some new vestments for the Chapel
which were much needed. The setting up of the Simkin Room has
in fact coincided with an expansion in the number of boys who are
considering possible vocations in the priesthood.
We have also been given a very beautiful oak credence table
which was made for the Chapel by Andrew White (O.E.). We are
extremely grateful both for the gift and for the bequest.
Our thanks are also due to Mrs. Skipper and the ladies who
week by week provide us with very beautiful flowers in the Chapel,
and also to the Sacristan, Christopher Hilling, and his staff on
whose sense of responsibility the priests of the community have
come to rely so much.
Choir Notes
After Christmas, increased competition from almost arctic
temperatures as well as preparations for the St. John Passion did
not daunt the choir's activities. After the record was safely 'in the
can', a full programme of anthems was sung, including Eccard's
At the start of the year we welcomed Mr. R. W. Allen as 'Presentation of Christ in the Temple' and Ireland's 'Greater Love'
Assistant Director of Music, whose prowess on the organ has with Andy Booth who had joined the ranks of the basses, as
already become a notable feature of Chapel Services. An article baritone soloist. As a contrast to singing for services the choir
on his gramophone record of organ music appears elsewhere in appeared in a concert, in this case, of Music for Lent; they sang
this issue of the magazine. This year was also noted for the ex Mozart's' Ave Verum' with string accompaniment, and two Lenten
cellence of the trebles and the sight reading ability of the lower Anthems 'Out of the Deep' (Tomkins) and '0 remember not'
parts which contained many experienced and talented singers. (Purcell).
Such experience enabled us to perform Mendelssohn's celebrated During the Summer term, ten anthems were sung including
motet 'Hear My Prayer', for many the highlight of the year, and a Rutter's 'Praise ye, the Lord' at the Commemoration Service,
piece not sung in Ellesmere College since before the war, (or so 'Evening Hymn' (Balfour Gardiner), and two Whitsuntide motets
RALL tells me), with the famous solo divided between Edward 'If ye love me' (Tallis) and 'Oh holy spirit, Lord of Grace' (Tye).
Cutting and Christopher Green. Other new music during the term During the sub-tropical temperatures at the end of term, 'Hymn to
included a Bruckner motet: 'Locus iste' and, at the Harvestide the Trinity' (Tchaikovsky), 'Thou wilt keep him' (Wesley) and
service, a Seasonal Sentence by Peter Aston. At this service Peter 'Rejoice in the Lord alway' (Purcell) kept everyone busy. The term
Gilbert was again the soloist in 'Thou visitest the earth'. was also notable for some excellent congregational singing,
The talent and enthusiasm of the choir enabled us to attempt a particularly in the Stanford Jubilate at the Commemoration Ser
rather more ambitious programme of carols than in the past, some vice.
of which were new to Ellesmere. As usual William Mathias' As in previous years, an outing was arranged and the choir
controversial 'Sir Christmas' continued to divide opinion rather spent an enjoyable, if stuffy, evening in Liverpool at an exciting
more so than Walton's 'All this time' and Rutter's jaunty performance of 'Carmen'. At the end of term the Headmaster and
'Shepherd's Pipe Carol', while the Madrigal Society sang sym Mrs. Skipper again entertained the choir to a barbecue when an
pathetically in Joubert's 'There is no rose'. More traditional carols enjoyable evening was had by all despite the inclement weather. To
included 'Adam lay ybounden' (Ord), an arrangement of the'Sans them, many thanks. My thanks to all those who have helped with
Day Carol' and Harold Darke's 'In the bleak midwinter', in which choir 'admin' during the year, particularly to James Collins and
Philip Leech sang most sensitively as did Christopher Green and Simon Hampton (librarians), Jeremy Douglas, Paul Whitehead and
William Whitehead. Congregational participation was excellent as Timothy Streeter-Smith, and all those whose hard work has earned
usual, especially in 'Good King Wencelas', 'God Rest You Merry the appreciation of many.
Gentlemen', 'See amid the winter's snow' and 'Hark the herald
angels sing'. A.E.D.D.
music The choir, too, produced some first class sound and the
sopranos are tp be congratulated on some celestial high notes. The
tenors produced a full tone and came in firmly from the outset in
"Lord and Master". The basses were at their best in "We have a
Law" and the choruses in which the crowd argues for the saving of
Barabbas, but they sometimes dragged and one suspects that they
were responsible for the unduly slow tempo of "Hail Thou King"
(which is marked 'allegro maestoso' and seemed to lack punch)
and in "Lie Still", where they savoured some of their richly
resonant harmonies over-indulgently! The altos were quite rich in
Anthony Dowlen and the boys and girls of Ellesmere College,
tone and provided firm support for the sopranos in "0 King of
Moreton Hall and Prestfelde produced a remarkably well-balanced
Glory" and "Away with Him". The whole choir produced some
and dramatically satisfactory performance of Bach's "St. John
lovely tone and their attack improved with their confidence,
Passion" at Ellesmere on Sunday, 22nd February. As the
reaching a climax in "We have no King but Caesar" and in those
programme notes indicated, it was musically interesting to
wonderful final words of praise — made all the more poignant
compare parts of this work with last year's performance of
when Anthony Dowlen allowed us a full ten seconds or so to
"Elijah", since the young Mendelssohn had been profoundly
savour that last E flat.
influenced by Bach's music and was responsible for conducting
The orchestra and the other four soloists wove into this
the first performance since Bach's death of the St. Matthew
tapestry of sound with sensivity and skill. The hues are — perhaps
Passion on Good Friday, 1829.
inevitably — rather sombre, but they are finely textured and — in
While the "St. John Passion" is not as dramtically varied as
the second half particularly — when Pilate (sung by the promising
either the "St. Matthew Passion" or "Elijah", there are some
Adrian Blakeley, an ex-pupil of the College) and Christ (Philip
moving contrasts in the second part between the violent reactions
Ravenscroft) are face to face and the bass air "My Lord and
of the crowd at the crucifixion and the calm acceptance of Christ or
Saviour" rings out (reminiscent in places of "Wachet Auf") the
the sorrow of his family and friends. Gordon Pullin as the
Good Friday story casts its spell again. Jean Temperley and Joyce
Evangelist effected these changes of mood with a most sensitive
Rogers — after huge intervals of anticipation — sang at their best
and even performance throughout, indeed his top A's, which
in their arias "All is fulfilled" and "Oh Heart Melt in Weeping",
seemed a little strained in "Peter's Sword" early on, rang out with
where the accompaniment of flutes, bassoon, cor anglais and
bell-like clarity later in his recitatives. One could have wished for a
harpsichord was impressively sensitive. For me there were
little more power in thearioso "My heart, behold the World", but
especially sublime moments during and after the words from the
felt that the light timbre of his voice was finely suited to such
cross, Roger Allen's symbolic harpsichord arpeggios after "It is
moving passages as the mood change to the story of the
finished" and "died" and the Paul Ives 'cello solo in Jean Tem-
crucifixion and the handing of Mary into John's care. The dramatic
perley's aria. (The ensemble produced by Anthony Dowlen was
"Veil of the Temple" and the "Inscription" were also very ex
remarkable in the difficult work of 68 different sections.) There
pressively handled. Above all, his articulation was impeccable and
were many memorable choruses, but for me "Thy Name is Shining
served as a frame for the whole performance.
on Me" (more familiar to most as the tune to "All Glory, Laud and
Honour") and that last paeon of praise will linger long.

J. A. E. Evans.
Organ Recital by JAMES PARSONS
In his opening remarks Mr. Parsons expressed the hope that
his choice of music would prove to be both meaty and stimulating. This concert took place on Saturday 18th October 1975 before
Certainly, the wide variety of styles in his programme of 20th a large and appreciative audience. No one knew what to expect —
September, 1975, was a challenge to both player and instrument, there were no programmes — but those who had heard the group
but Mr. Parsons rose to the challenge and presented a recital which rehearsing beforehand seemed to think that the concert would be
was both musically interesting and technically sound. well worth hearing. And indeed it was.
Organists who begin a recital with a major work of Bach, The group's first piece was called 'Little Sunflower' and
particularly one as demanding as the Passacaglia and Fugue in C contained very good breaks by the saxophone, flugelhorn and
minor, are brave indeed and Mr. Parsons' performance of this double bass. To many, this was their first introduction to modern
piece was not without its technical faults. These, however, did not jazz, and it gave the audience some idea of what the evening would
detract from his essential grasp of the structure of this mighty work be like.
and the gathering of momentum towards the close was most Then came selections from the Hobbit Suite, music based on
skilfully handled. Two short pieces, 'Epithalamium' by AlanRidout Tolkien's book, and this was followed by a setting of a poem by
and 'Nocturne' by John McCabe, provided a relaxation of tension, John Smith called 'Speak to me'. This contained some extremely
(always a hallmark of a well constructed programme), before a good singing from Norma Winstone, with good backing by the rest
performance from memory of Hindemith's 'Sonata No. 1'. This of the group. Next came 'Continuum', which had a good in
was the highlight of the programme and the performance certainly troduction by the bass, followed by good breaks on the sax,
justified Mr. Parsons' hope that his recital would be meaty and flugelhorn and vocals. During the next piece, 'Midsummer
stimulating. His registration was notable for its subtlety and Departure', the audience burst into spontaneous applause after a
awareness of the resources of the Ellesmere instrument, but his very impressive drum solo. This was followed by 'River running',
attention to detail never obscured the broad and expansive nature another piece from 'The Hobbit Suite', but somewhat quieter than
of the work which he had in his mind throughout the performance. most of the evening's music.
The second half of the programme contained music by French We then heard a "blues" piece, in which the vocals were very
and German romantic composers and, owing to the Neo Classical prominent, and this provided a complete change of style to the
nature of the Ellesmere organ, it fared less well. The Chorale previous music. The encore was another piece of "blues".
Improvisation on 'Von Himmel Hoch' by Karg Elert produced some Dedicated to Bob Hardy, it was entitled 'Hardy Perennial', and
pleasing tone from the trebles of the Madrigal Society and a featured good breaks by flugelhorn and drums.
beautiful cantabile style from Deryck Wareing, violin, but the organ The whole evening had an air of informality about it, with the
sound did not blend and was always too prominent. The rambling performers applauding each other after breaks. This put the
Third Symphony by Vierne produced some exciting fireworks but audience at its ease, who certainly showed their appreciation,
this music relies for its effect on the resources of a large romantic
especially of the drumming. This was a concert which will be
organ and at times tended to sound harsh on the Ellesmere in
remembered for a long time here.
strument. Nevertheless, the recital revealed a depth of musical
perception in Mr. Parsons which, combined with his fluent Jonathan Shann.
technique, make him a most satisfying player to the listener.

later in the piece! All was well in the end. This was followed by an
AUTUMN TERM CONCERT attractive Serenade by Derek Bourgeois, a rhythmically com
plicated piece which caused the woodwind some problems at the
Ellesmere College School Concert was held on Saturday 22nd beginning and strings playing pizzicato at the end. This Serenade
November 1975 in Big School. The varied programme represented was performed twice.
a wide range of musical activities and gave many an opportunity to The final item was the Little Suite for Orchestra by Malcolm
perform. There was a good sized appreciative audience. The Arnold, consisting of a Prelude (another piece with rhythmic
opening item for Brass Sextet, played by Peter Skinner, Andrew difficulties), a Dance, which was pleasantly lilting, and a* March
Hammersley, Charles Beaumont (Trumpets), Malcolm Entecott, with a contrasting middle section. This Suite was given a vigorous
Peter Gilbert (Horns) and David Hudson (Trombone), consisted of performance and brought a well balanced concert to an end.
three well contrasted pieces by Pezel, which were played with
good ensemble. Later in the programme they gave the first per N. Davidson.
formance of Fanfares and Funeral March for Hamlet, interesting RECORDING OF CHAPEL CHOIR AND ORGAN
music composed by Andrew Hammersley.
The Madrigal Society sang madrigals by W. Beale, F. On Saturday January 24th, Ellesmere was visited by Messrs.
Pilkington, T. Morley and J. Farmer. "Fair Phyllis" was the most Alan Bradon and Julian Sturdy of Wealden Recordings of
vivacious; their tone quality was pleasing and on the whole their Tonbridge to make a recording of the Chapel Choir and Organ,
words were audible. played by Mr. Roger Allen, Assistant Director of Music, under the
Elizabeth Bowyer-Jones and Anthony Dowlen played three direction of Mr. Anthony Dowlen, Director of Music.
movements from Dolly Suite by Faure. The pieces chosen, Ber After the rest of the school had been despatched to classes
ceuse, Le Jardin de Dolly and Kitty Valse, were musically played. and the various extra-musical noises such as the school clock and
Kitty Valse, however, would have benefitted from a little more electric bell had been duly silenced, recording began. The Chapel
vitality and sparkle. Choir, enthusiastic at the prospect of reaching the charts, soon
It was encouraging and impressive to hear several string warmed to the restrained harmony of Bach and attempted a 'take'.
ensembles and to see an increasing number of boys playing Alas, it was not to the satisfaction of the engineers nor the Music
stringed instruments. The String Orchestra (leader James Staff, marred by ragged entries and some flat top notes and not
Drummond), gave a musicianly and controlled performance of least the sound of one Senior Music Scholar's spectacles clattering
Three Welsh Airs by Woodhouse. onto the pews in the final bars. Visits to the vestry, set up as
The first of the String Quartets, Peter Forster, Paul Brereton control room complete with the recording equipment and
(violins), Deryck Wareing (viola), Charles Allen ('cello) gave a telephone contact with the organ console, confirmed that another
musical and nicely contrasted performance of a quartet by C. 'take' was necessary. After two more attempts, all were satisfied
Wesley. The second Quartet, Adam Parkes, William Swinnerton and ' Jesu, joy of man's desiring' was 'in the can'.
(violins), Philip Leech (viola) and Andrew Spittle ('cello) played the Roger Allen then continued to record the remainder of the
first movement of a quartet by Sebastian Brown with good en programme. By lunch time, the Prelude and Fugue in D by Bach
semble. The third quartet, James Drummond and Adrian James was satisfactorily completed, but there was still some way to go.
(violins), Deryck Wareing (viola) and Philip Bellamy ('cello), played By comparison, the afternoon's recording session went more
the third movement Minuet and Trio of Haydn's Quartet Op. 9 No. smoothly with the magnificent C minor prelude and fugue, as well
2. This had an exacting first violin part which was well sustained. as the Sweelinck variations on 'Mein junges Leben hat ein End',
The three orchestral items which enabled the full range of the and two Cornet Voluntaries, one by Stanley and the other by
College Orchestra (leader Peter Forster) to be heard and concluded Walond were all satisfactorily recorded, and the artists set out for a
the programme, proved to be an ambitious choice. The Grand concert in Liverpool well satisfied with the day' work.
March from ' Aida' by Verdi, arr. D. Stone, got off to a rousing start
with energetic trumpets who sounded a somewhat uncertain note A.E.D.D.

The choir produced a well-balanced sound in Purcell's "0
remember not" and Tomkins's "Qut of the deep"; the basses
This concert took place on Saturday 31st January, and should be congratulated in the latter for their accuracy in the
lowest regions! Mozart's "Ave Verum Corpus", always a
although lacking any obvious highlights (possibly excepting
favourite, was performed expressively by both choir and strings. It
Malcolm Entecott's rendering of part of Richard Strauss's Second
Horn Concerto, or Christopher Hepworth playing Three Pieces for was pleasing to hear the words distinctly.
The brass groups came into their own in two of the items.
Viola by Elgar) the overall standard was noticeably higher than
Bach's "Alleluia" from "Cantata no. 142" for Brass and Organ
was directed by Andrew Hammersley, who certainly showed his
The two "first-timers", Philip Bellamy and Christopher Green
versatility during the evening. The organ blended well throughout.
(both pianists), played Telemann's Allemande in A, and C. P. E.
For me, one of the most exciting moments during the evening
Bach's Solfigietto respectively. Although somewhat lacking in self-
came in Purcell's "Music for the funeral of Queen Mary" (1694).
confidence, both played with great dexterity.
This rather austere work was given a dramatic intensity by placing
Timothy Streeter-Smith performed the first movement of a
the brass group in the Lady Chapel and the singers in the main
Sonatine by Arrieu with great feeling; Charles Allen played a very
Chapel. The Madrigal Society sang the reflective choral parts very
interesting work for 'cello by the modern composer Sebastian
sensitively and the trebles particularly came over well. The steady
Forbes, and Philip Leech (tenor) sang Schubert's "An die Laute"
threat of the timpani, which gets gradually louder, was brought out
most ably.
by Roger Allen's playing. The brass and timpani definitely excelled
Andrew Hammersley played the solo trumpet in the Minuet
themselves in the loudest parts!
and Trio from Saint-Saens Septet in E. flat, and the Madrigal
The programme ended with Handel's Organ Concerto in D
Society sang two songs by Elgar and Gibbons very confidently. An
minor, played by Roger Allen, who gave a well-interpreted per
ensemble of seven players performed the "Prince of Denmark's
formance, with good use of registration. The orchestra were not
March" by Jeremiah Clarke (usually referred to as 'Purcell's
quite as well in tune as previously in the evening; but nevertheless
Trumpet Voluntary' for some extraordinary reason) and the Brass
in the last movement their playing was confident. Here, the
Group played Pezel's Sonata No. 3 for Brass.
dialogue between organ and orchestra was particularly effective.
The String Orchestra gave an impressive performance of a
Roger Allen's musical playing and the final tutti showed both organ
Slow March by Charles Woodhouse, and an enjoyable evening's
and orchestra at their best.
entertainment, shared by a large audience, was concluded by the
A very enjoyable evening's music which displayed the
College Orchestra playing a March from Wagner's 'Die Meister-
chapel's acoustic characteristics to the full.
singervon Nurnberg'.
Pat Panting.
Jonathan Shann.

CONCERT OF MUSIC IN THE CHAPEL A most enjoyable concert was given by Ellesmere College in
Prestfelde Chapel on Sunday May 9th. Over sixty musicians took
The musical items in this concert, on Thursday 11th March part, including fourteen Old Prestfeldians.
1976, were particularly suited to a Chapel performance. Vivaldi's The programme had been drawn up with a view to giving as
Concerto in B flat for two trumpets made a fitting opening to the wide an insight into the musical activities of the College as was
evening's entertainment. The strings produced a sonorous tone possible in the time available. This was very satisfactorily achieved
especially in the unison passages. Peter Skinner and Andrew by supplementing the major items given by the Madrigal Society,
Hammersley played extremely well, particularly in the antiphonal the String Orchestra and the College Orchestra, with some en
parts towards the end where the exciting and brilliant tone had a joyable contributions from a Wind Ensemble, and a String Trio and
Venetian splendour about it! a Brass Quintet.
The Brass Quintet was chosen to open the programme, and it The central work in the programme, Mozart's 'Fantasia in F
was perhaps for this reason that they seemed slightly nervous. This minor', K. 608, exploited the organ's romantic qualities, in a
was unfortunately reflected to some extent in their playing, and performance of great dramatic power. Here was playing of the
may have accounted for their not being entirely unanimous in the highest quality. By contrast, it was a relief to return to the Baroque
observation of the repeat signs. This apart, it was a well-balanced sparkle of the delightful Pescetti Sonata in C minor, after the
and pleasing performance. emotional intensity of the Mozart.
There was only one solo included in the programme. This was The only contemporary work in the programme, Langlais'
by Timothy Streeter-Smith, who played the last movement of 'Invocation pour un jour saint', was well suited to the chapel
Handel's Sonata in D minor on his flute. Apart from a slight ten organ's incisive tonal qualities, and provided a gritty contrast to the
dency to sharpen from time to time, this was a confident and music previously heard.
competent performance. The recital ended with two 'lollipops' — 'Toccatina for the
The two madrigals chosen by the Madrigal Society were very Flutes' by Yon, and, by way of a brilliant finale, the notorious
well put over, and it was a pity that time could not be allowed for Widor Toccata. After the applause had died down, Mr.
more. Such was the case with the String Trio too, who were only Rawsthorne played Charpentier's 'Te Deum prelude' as an encore
able to play once during the programme. to bring the evening's music to an exhilarating conclusion.
One must compliment both the String Orchestra and the
College Orchestra on the way they over came the somewhat
cramped conditions in which they had to play; both gave lively and
quite professional performances of their chosen works. Any or SPEECH DAY CONCERT
chestral music should be enjoyed equally by performers and
audience, and this was obviously the case on this occasion. At the annual Summer Concert we were treated to a delightful
variety of music, mostly in a lighter vein, and representative of
many of the current musical activities. Included in the performance
was the second performance of 'Midnight Thoughts', written this
year by Andrew Hammersley and performed by a group from
Meynell House. This provided interesting listening, as first the Cello
Organ Recital by NOEL RAWSTHORNE introduction and later a haunting theme from the clarinet,
demanded our full attention. A notable work: no doubt the first of
This year's summer organ recital was given by Noel many.
Rawsthorne, organist of Liverpool Cathedral on Wednesday, 12th We heard from the two College orchestras: the strings, in
May, 1976. His programme was interesting and varied, showing off which one family provided the oldest and youngest members,
the chapel organ to excellent effect, and attracted a fair-sized combined well in the Handel march, and showed what remarkable
audience. progress has been made here in just one year. Handel's Water
Purcell's 'Trumpet tunes from King Arthur' provided a Music and Dvorak Slavonic Dance gave plenty of scope to all
colourful start, exploiting the brilliant 'Trompette' stop to the full. sections of the orchestra, with some demanding brass work well
This was followed by the Prelude and Fugue in E by Lubeck, tackled in the Alia Hornpipe.
enabling us to savour Mr. Rawsthorne's strongly rhythmical The major work in the first part was Bach's Fifth Brandenburg
playing, an outstanding feature of the whole recital. This was Concerto, well performed by the trio of Robert Appleton (flute),
splendidly noble music that deserved to be better known. It cer Derek Wareing (violin), and Roger Allen (harpsichord) together
tainly provided an excellent appetiser for the Bach Trio Sonata with a small string orchestra directed by Anthony Dowlen. The
which followed. Here the playing was firm and fluent, and the blend of orchestra and soloists was particularly effective in the first
performance was marred only by lack of sufficient contrast bet allegro, while in the slow trio movement the tone and balance of
ween the manuals. the solo instruments was particularly pleasing.
The second half was devoted to a concert performance of
'Trial by Jury', a happy choice, and one which all participants
enjoyed, not least the percussion section. It was good to see and
hear Joyce Rogers in action again: she was ably supported by
Jon Gowdey, Peter Gilbert, Simon Boulcott and Philip Leech
in the other solo roles, while one also enjoyed the lovely tone of the
laides' chorus, for many of whom this all too brief performance CONCERT BY 'AD'
must have whetted the appetite for more G and S. The enthusiastic
audience, who called for and got the last chorus again, were Well, it happened in the end. The sound of AD hit Ellesmere
obviously of the same mind. on the evening of July 3rd in the presence of an enthusiastic
K.J.S. audience. The group had worked hard to prepare the evening's
SUMMER TERM INFORMAL CONCERT entertainment, and there was much in their playing that gave
pleasure. It was a pity that the audience was so undiscriminating,
On Saturday 12th June it was again made possible for the applauding the less successful numbers as vociferously as those
musicians of the college to perform in front of a small audience. which were well done. I must say that from where I stood, I found it
Several boys had grasped the opportunity, and the result was an extremely difficult to hear the words of many of the songs. Cer
enjoyable concert in a relaxed atmosphere. tainly, clarity was not helped by the resonance of Big School and
St. John Berisford (flute) playing two movements from a the excessive use of amplification. In the first part of the
sonata by Handel, and Philip Bellamy (cello), playing Orientale by programme, I particularly enjoyed the Beatles number 'Fool On the
Cui were the first two performers, both producing very pleasant Hill', if only because I could, at last, hear the words. Certainly Jon
sounds. They were followed by Philip Jones (piano), playing a two Gowdey, the vocalist here, displayed considerable style and a
part invention by Bach, and William Whitehead (trumpet), playing pleasant if rather light voice. His 'break' too was competently
a march by Handel. Then there was a violin solo by Mark Talbot, a done. The second half of the concert was more successful than the
piano solo played by David Riding, and Dick Neal playing 'Jeannie first. The group had warmed up by now, and their choice of songs
with the Light Brown Hair' on the saxophone. Nicholas Ham- gave them more opportunities to show off their talents. A Deep
mersley performed very confidently, and convinced us that the Purple number 'Child In Time' was especially well done as was one
mishaps he had when playing the cello in the house music com of the group's own compositions 'Love On the Wing'. In this, an
petition were purely bad luck. Charles Allen gave a good rendering attractive halo of sound surrounded Dave Hudson's rather in
on the piano of Nocturne by Bernard Naylor, and later he joined distinct vocal line. I enjoyed the Lindesfarne number 'Fog On the
Andrew Spittle in a cello duet by Bartok. Stephan Evans very Tyne' with its catchy refrain helped by Jonah Jones' drumming
bravely played his guitar and sang, Mark Hayward played a horn and Andy Hammersley's harmonies The concert ended with the
solo, Andrew Killen a clarinet solo, Adrian James a violin solo, and best performed song in the whole evening—'Stairway to Heaven'.
the last of the soloists was Andrew Greenwood on the piano. There was some sensitive flute playing from St. John Berisford,
The concert was then nicely ended by James Drummond accompanied by Dave Hudson's guitar, an admirable background
(violin), Charles Allen (cello) and Anthony Dowlen Esq. (piano) to the vocal line well sustained by Jon Gowdey.
playing Miniatures set 1 by Frank Bridge. Mr. Dowlen also ac The group were well attended by a faithful band of helpers,
companied the solos, demonstrating his skill at following the among whom Fred Lambert should be singled out for his really
occasional whims of the soloists. magnificent designs. These had the mark of real class about them.
We in the audience enjoyed the efforts of the performers, and Certainly it was flattering to see ones initials plastered over the
several people expressed the opinion that everything was over too whole school, advertising an activity with which one is not nor
quickly. mally associated. Nonetheless.. ..!!


The House Singing Competition was held on Friday October

24th and adjudicated by Miss Llywela Harris from Abbots Bromley,
the first lady adjudicator in the history of the competition. Among
the solo singing, Peter Forster was outstanding in 'Droop Not
Young Lover' (Handel) while other convincing performances came
from Simon Boulcott with 'When I was a Lad' from H.M.S.
Pinafore and Peter Gilbert in Handel's 'Silent Worship'. From the
junior end of the school, Philip Leech sang intelligently in'An Die
Musik' (Schubert), and William Whitehead made a promising
debut in Stanford's 'A Soft Day'. On the lighter side, Neville Kyrke-
Smith, the Captain of School, captured memories of Harry
Secombe with 'If I Ruled the World' — an appropriate enough
In the evening, the standard of singing in House Choirs and playing Mendelssohn's Fugue in D minor for organ, Timothy
Unison Songs was very high and remarkably even. Wakeman's Streeter-Smith in a movement from a Handel flute sonata,
professional performance of a 'Barbershop' number 'Slow Motion Malcolm Entecott, highly professional in Saint-Saens 'Morceau de
Time' just beat Talbot's performance of 'Swing low, Sweet Concert', performed complete, and Andrew Hammersley with
Chariot'. Not far behind were Lambart in Richard Drakeford's Andante and Scherzo by Henri Busser. Peter Skinner's technique
arrangement of 'De Battle Ob Jericho' and Meynell in Campian's was heard to good advantage in the first movement from the
'Never Weather Beaten Sail'. Woodard too, were sensitive if a little Hummel trumpet concerto, as was Robert Appleton's in 'Air a
restrained in 'Drink to Me Only'. The Unison Songs again provided I'Italian' by Telemann. Both these two have been stalwarts of the
a variety of music all competently sung. Wakeman, again, came schools music for the past five years and will be much missed.
out on top in an atmospheric performance of 'The Vagabond' In the ensembles, considerable interest centred round Andrew
(Vaughan-Williams) with Meynell in 'Oklahoma' and Talbot in 'I Hammersley's piece 'Midnight Thoughts' specially written for the
Want to be Ready' equal second. Woodard were spirited and occasion, a piece which was performed with great sensitivity under
vociferous in 'Glorious Devon' and Lambart nearly bought off the the direction of James Collins. Wakeman's piano trio was a well-
celebrated chorus of Hebrew Salves from 'Nabucco'. drilled ensemble, and their performance of a movement from F.
When all the marks had been added up and Miss Harris had Bridge's 'Miniatures' just missed being really first class. Talbot's
given us some helpful advice, Wakeman were the eventual winners ensemble of wind and brass instruments blended well in 'Andante
with 149 points, Meynell and Talbot equal second (138) and Religioso' (Mendelssohn), while Lambart's string ensemble,
Woodard and Lambart equal fourth (135). mostly consisting of junior members of the house, showed great
The instrumental competition enabled 20 boys from each promise for the future. Less successful was Woodard's brass
house to perform to the visiting adjudicator Gordon Lawson, Esq., ensemble with timpani, but the group had worked hard and were
Director of Music at Brighton College. Mr. Lawson was Assistant unlucky not to have been placed higher.
Director of Music here from 1956-71 and was visiting Ellesmere for After Mr. Lawson's adjudication, the eventual winners were
the first time for about 12 years. As a change from previous years, Wakeman with Talbot and the Meynell close behind. As in the
the number of entries per house was restricted to 4, which en singing competition the overall standard was very even and only
couraged houses to be more selective about who took part. nine marks separated the first and last houses. Both were evenings
Nonetheless, many of the performances were competently of enjoyable music making.
prepared and well executed. Of special note were Jeremy Douglas


Allen, C. A. Grade IV Organ Pass*

Grade V Organ Pass
Grade V Piano Pass*
Grade V Cello Pass*
1975/76 Season
Grade V Theory Pass
Bellamy, P. J. Grade V Piano Pass*
The keynote of this year's season of celebrity concerts was
Brooke, R. C. G. Grade III Oboe Pass
variety combined with a consistently high standard of per
Chapman, L. R. Grade III Piano Pass
formance. The season opened with a recital by the Baccholian
Cutting, E. M. Grade III Cello Pass**
singers, and the versatility of this accomplished quintet was shown
Ditcham, W. G. F. Grade IV Piano Pass
in a programme which ranged from the austerity of Victoria's
Douglas, J. C. L. Grade V Organ Pass
church music to the intricacies of Negro Spiritual arrangements.
Eburne, Denise Grade III Flute Pass*
Equally varied was the programme given by the London Woodwind
Gilbert, P. H. Grade VI Horn Pass*
Quintet which included a splendid performance of the G minor
Gowdey, J. S. Grade V Singing Pass
quintet by Danzi. This concert was given added spice by the wit of
Green, C. I. T. Grade II Cello Pass*
the clarinet player who explained the functioning of the various
Hammersley, N. P. (ii) Grade III Cello Pass
instruments in the ensemble in vivid terms. The piano recital by the
Hayward, M. R. Grade III Horn Pass
Chinese born pianist Fou T'song included all the Preludes and
Hill, Jennifer Grade I Piano Pass*
Studies by Chopin. Nobody who was in the packed hall that night
Jagoe, R. T. Grade IV Clarinet Pass*
will forget the impact made by this astonishing player. This was no
Leech, P. M. Grade III Theory Pass
mere display of technical bravura but a musical revelation of the
Miller, C. K. Grade II Cello Pass
beauty of these pieces. This was art music making of the highest
Mills, T. J. Grade IV Singing Pass
order. Musicianship and ensemble were also the distinguishing
Shann, N. J. Grade IV Clarinet Pass
features of the piano duet recital by Paul Hamburger and Liza
Grade IV Theory Pass
Fuchsova. They centered their programme around the mighty F
Riding, D. P. Grade III Piano Pass*
minor Fantasia by Schubert which is one of the greatest works ever
Shuttleworth, K. J. Esq. Grade III Bassoon Pass
written for this medium and they played it as though they had a
Streeter-Smith, T. J. Grade IV Theory Pass
deep reverence for this music. Two lively movements from
Grade V Theory Pass
Moskowski's 'Foreign Parts' brought this recital to an ebullient
conclusion. The season ended with a recital by John Arran and Grade V Flute Pass

John Harper, guitars. This recital had a pleasantly informal at Swinnerton, R. W. H. Grade II Violin Pass
mosphere which was much enhanced by the players' entertaining Talbot, M. J. Grade I Violin Pass*
commentary on their programme, which ranged from Handel to Whitehead, P. C. Grade V Theory Pass

the Beatles. The celebrity concerts have an enthusiastic and Grade V Clarinet Pass
devoted following and all the recitals were much enjoyed by the Whitehead, W. G. (ii) Grade IV Trumpet Pass

* Pass with MERIT

0 WHAT A LOVELY WAR him. The soldiers were suitably bluff and uncomprehending —
humour and irony were blended in their reactions to the squalid
The Junior School Play 1976 conditions in which they were forced to live. Adrian James was
particularly good —, his buffoonery was comic but tragedy lay
Kaiser and Haig: M. Wringe beneath it. Also notable was the quality of their songs, some of
Russia and Sergeant: M. J. McMahon which had a haunting effect that could scarcely have been con
Other parts played by: E. D; Cutting, M. D. C. Dawson, W. G. veyed better in any other way. Singing, indeed, formed an im
Whitehead, R. C. Davies, W. G. F. Ditcham, C. I. T. Green, A. N. portant part of the play and, although not all of the cast would have
Wright, M. J. Talbot, A. M. Miller, T. ft. Cobbold, P. D. H. Jones, satisifed the choir stipulations, the singing was in general clear and
M. P. Davies. strong. W. G. Whitehead performed the solo "There's a silver
lining ..." very well, and S. J. E. Evans was highly competent in
Chorus and Soldiers: C. R. Bartholomew, P. R. Done, S. J. E. the two he did.
Evans, A. M. L James, D. G. Jones, T. P. Humpidge, N. J.
Turner, J. C. Wyatt. It was, then, a good Junior play — a potentially awkward
piece was skilfully produced by Mr. Newbold. There was no cause
News Reader: C. A. Allen to throw up one's hands in horror and much cause to be interested
Master of Ceremonies: M. H. F. Beach and impressed. One can only hope that future efforts will be of the
Producer: W. C. Newbold, Esq. same high standard.

The Junior School Play at the end of the Lent Term was an Charles Atkinson.
interesting and lively production that came off well. The play, O
What a Lovely War, is a strong attack on war, and displays the
utter futility and vast human loss of man fighting man. As it is
unconventional in form and perhaps a little confusing at first sight,
fair ability was demanded for it to be successful.
The acting was of a good standard, although some of the
minor parts were played without real expression and in a stilted
fashion. Large numbers of actors were required, as the list of
characters who appeared was endless, and there was clearly a
practical difficulty in summing up enough from the school ranks.
The most important facets of the play, however, were well-
handled. The contrast between the ordinary soldier, bewildered,
dejected yet pathetically hopeful, and the smug, superior com
placency of the generals in their luxurious surrounding, was
perhaps the best of these. Mark Wringe as General Haig was
impressive - his interpretation of the part was excellent and his
tone of lofty superiority brought out exactly the irony and the
hidden pathos of the sitatuion. Alternated with the aristocratic
scenes were the trench ones, where the acting of the soldiers'
parts as a group was of a high standard. M. McMahon as the
sergeant injected vitality into it, being able to bluster in the
traditional manner without losing the control necessary for such a
part. He also brought out the dual position of such a man — botind
to his duty yet sympathetic to the plight of the unfortunates around Oh! What a Lovely War. The Infantry.


Senior School Play 1975

The Ghost of Hamlet's father: N. St. L. Kyrke-Smith

Hamlet, son to the late king: S. A. Westrop
Claudius, king of Denmark: T. F. Ellis
Gertrude, queen of Denmark, Hamlet' s mother:
Mrs. J. M. Scorer
Horatio, friend to Hamlet: P. H. Gilbert
Polonius, Lord Chamberlain: V. G. Gwillim
Laertes, son to Polonius: R. C. Wynne-Griffith
Ophelia, daughter to Polonius: Miss E. Bowyer-Jones
Osrio, courtier, friend to Laertes: J. Duke
Reynaldo, servant to Polonius: D. J. Roskams
Rosencrantz, a courtier: M. Wringe
Guildenstern, a courtier: H. H. Daniel
Marcellus, an officer: A. P. Greenall
Bernardo, an officer: J. W. McClure
Francisco, a solider: M. J. McMahon
A Gravedigger: J. M. Hales
A Priest: C. A. Henderson
Fortinbras, Prince of Norway: A. C. Middleton
Strolling Players: M. M. V. Taylor
W. M. H. Reynolds
J. H. T. Beach
R. J. Kelly
R. E. T. Borton
A Sailor: M. Broadhurst
Ambassador from England: M. B. Stevens
Courtiers: M. R. Hayward
E. D. Grech-Mintoff
R. E. T. Borton
Trumpeters: A. P. R. Hammersley
P. W. S. Skinner
Pages: D. M. Williams, R. J. Crane
Production: P. B. Privett, Esq.

Hamlet. Tim Ellis, Phillipa Scorer, Elizabeth Bowyer-Jones, Simon Westrop

(courtesy of Shropshire Star)

Now for one or two small disappointments; although the
Shakespear's Hamlet is partly derived from Kyd's "The castle walls of the set were excellent, I felt that the large white
Spanish Tragedy". Hamlet is of course the better play; but both screen, effective during the Ghost scenes, was too dominating
plays share one weakness; their note of tragedy is difficult to during the rest of the play. Another point: the set was built in such
sustain. A hundred years ago the poet A. E. Housman, then a a way that the Lighting Manager could not see what was hap
schoolboy, acted out a parody of Hamlet in which he began by pening on stage, and this must have made his task difficult.
sniffing suspiciously and then holding his nose while he announced However, 'the play's the thing'; a production of Hamlet is a
"There's something rotten in the state of Denmark"; and for a rare treat — it has only been performed twice at Ellesmere since
production of Hamlet to succeed without self-parody, it is essential 1885, and Mr. Privett is to be congratulated for having produced
to have an excellent actor in the title role. this most difficult play wich such success.
Mr. Privett gave us just such an actor in S. A. Westrop, a
young man of only fifteen whose performance was remarkably Richard P. Graves.
good. The full emotional range of Hamlet is not yet accessible to
him; but for most of the play he dominated the stage with in TONS OF MONEY
telligence and style. He was at his most powerful when confronting
Gertrude with his knowledge of her complicity in his father's Common Room Play 1976
murder; but his best work was in the long soliloquies. Here, he
managed to be fresh and convincing with lines which many Aubrey Allington: P. B. Privett
professional actors make tired and hackneyed. Louise Allington: Mrs. P. Scorer
Gertrude was played by Mrs. J. M. Scorer, whose experience Sprules — A Butler: R. W. Allen
on the stage helped her to draw out better performances from Simpson — A Maid Mrs. P. Russell
many around her, and especially from T. F. Ellis as the King. Ellis Miss Mullet: Mrs. F. Barnett
played his part with authority, and managed to convey something Jean Everard: Mrs. J. Jagoe
of the horror which he felt at his own wrong-doing. The King's James Chesterman: W. C. Newbold
adviser, Polonius, needs to be played with utter seriousness if he is Giles — A Gardener: A. E. D. Dowlen
to be funny. Unfortunately, V. G. Gwillim, who is really a good George Maitland: J. M. Scorer
actor, missed this point, and sometimes appeared ill-at-ease in his George Maitland: R. F. Taylor
efforts to be amusing. Prompter: Mrs. A. Knowles
The difficult role of Polonius' daughter, Ophelia, was taken by Producer: P. M. Chambers.
Miss E. Bowyer-Jones, who spoke clearly and was suitably af
fecting in her final scene. Of the other players, P. H. Gilbert gave a
The choice of play this year, was good. Amateur productions
sound performance as Horatio, and J. M. Hales entertained us as
always need to bear in mind the talents of those available, and in
the Gravedigger; but the player who most deserves to be singled
many ways this year's personnel could be claimed as type-cast.
out is J. Duke. His portrayal of Osric the courtier was splendidly
There can be little doubt that the deportment of Roger Allen is
done, with a wealth of expression and gesture, and I hope that we
more fitting for the role of Butler than that of organist. He revealed
shall see more of him on the Ellesmere stage.
the typical bachelor's reserve in tasting the delights of the maid —
I gather that only a few of the costumes were hired this year;
Pam Russell — but excelled in the buffoonery of the second and
but all looked most professional, and were a credit to the Ellesmere
third acts. Indeed, Anthony Dowlen revealed that music is not his
ladies who are building up a first-class collection of home-made
only talent, and displayed resourcefulness as the "Gardener"; a
costumes. We should also congratulate A. P. R. Hammersley on
typical Wurzel type character, originating long before brand new
his stirring music, W. G. F. Ditcham on his very sinister-looking
skulls, and Mr. Newbold on his excellent work as a fight-manager.
Felicity Barnett was superb as Miss Mullet and younger
members of the audience would have noted her sustained acting
even when she was only a background character. Incidentally, the
scarf is to adorn the neck of the country member of Common
Room from Lee this winter!
Bill Newbold really did reveal that he can look handsome, but
regretfully has to wait another thirty years for grey hair to appear
before he realises his potential. Talking of hair, some lose it and
some gain it, and John Scorer in disguise really was an outstanding
American as was Richard Taylor. June Jagoe as Jean Everard
played up to these two admirably.
The plaudits for acting must go to Paul Privett and Philippa
Scorer. Mr. Privett coped majestically with the diversity of his part.
What a pity he intends to hide his face behind a forest of hair yet
again! In disguise he showed what a pleasant featured guy he really
is. He is stilkrying to find the boy who removed the rope used to tie
on his cushions! It is a pity that Anne Gray was such a resourceful
Property Mistress or we might have had a glorious night to behold.
Mrs. Scorer ably supported Mr. Privett throughout the play and
they both deserve congratulations on thoroughly convincing
Ann Knowles played an increasingly important role as the play
progressed and deserves congratulations on find the missing five
minutes on the first night.
A word of praise to the stage crew. One did ask was it a
performance of the Naked Ape or a modern Adam as you gazed at
the stage electrician; we did have to imagine a loud explosion on
the second night; we felt for George Maitland II as he tenderly
opened the door — but these are small matters.
Congratulations to all who took part under their producer,
Philip Chambers. Especially does one remember some superb
timing and some effective cross-play which reflected many hours
of hard work!


Patrol Competion Winners

Army Section is based. This has been an outstanding success,
As forecast last year, the Corps has now extended the range winning the District Patrol Competition in October '75, and again in
of interests it can offer the 'post-proficiency' boy. It includes an May this year — each time with the highest scores yet achieved in
R.A.F. section; and Pilot Officer A. F. Thomson's classroom the Competition. Apart from two boys who will stay on as next
delights the eye with its juxtaposition of Pythagoras and Euclid year's instructors, the remaining members of this section will now
with engine diagrams, air-flow illustrations and aircraft recognition take their skills, their confidence and above all their enthusiasm
material. Only a small section, as it should probably be (14 strong back to the training of Cadets in Shell and IV.
this year), it has made an impressive start: with exceptionally good Besides the Patrol Competitions mentioned, the highlight of
results in the Part II exams. Three members have won Flying this section's training was the extremely tough weekend
Scholarships, one has earned his gliding 'wings', all have a (Expeditions Weekend in February) at Royal Marines Training
reasonable amount of air-experience flying, and five are going to Centre, Lympstone, Devon; a variety of modern weapons,
Summer Camp at R.A.F. Lyneham. assault-craft training (and a night landing), abseiling and a Tarzan
Another innovation, or modification, has been the formation course and endurance training probably did little for their at-
of a "Patrol Section", in which about 10 boys can develop to an tentiveness in class the next morning — but they won't forget it,
exceptionally high standard, under the tough and enthusiastic and they made an excellent impression on the instructors: we hope
leadership of 2 Lt. P. J. N. Knowles, the infantry skills on which the and believe they will take us again next year.
Partly as a result of this, and also of the very much-valued In fact, of course, the expedition was memorable and suc
assistance we are now enjoying from 34 Cen. Wksp, R.E.M.E. at cessful. True, it was wet, soggy even; and the travel arrangements
Donnington, Expedition Weekends are becoming increasingly were awkward to a degree. True also that the O.C. learned about
fragmented and administratively complex; seldom less than sphagnum moss the hard way, by disappearing above his waist in an
six separate outings go off in all directions, and the O.C.waves apparently bottomless Scottish bog. But there was enough clear
them off in the uncertain hope that he has arranged the required weather, good food, company, scenery, wild life, even historic
rations and transport home! All these varied enterprises have in the interest (in the tour of Kinloch Castle) to make the whole outing
event returned safely and have reported good, occasionally testing, worth all the effort.
training. For instance one party went to Honiton to be trained in Now forty of us depart to Sherwood Forest for 1976 Annual
parachuting by the Royal Green Jackets (alas the weather Camp; and if the weather holds, we should have another non-stop
prevented them from having a real jump); and several boys have programme including camping in the Peak District, many light
been on holiday courses — three as far afield as Austria, skiing with infantry exercises, some water-skiing, and a little (a very little)
the Light Division; Major Scorer has of course done his usual quota relaxation in Nottingham. We must note with special regret, first
of rock-climbing and mountaineering in the Peaks, Snowdonia and that 2 Lt. Boothroyd will not be with us: a year of meticulous and
so forth. constructive dedication to the Corps seems to have driven him off
Which brings your reporter to the two major outings of the
to Woodbridge School and he is too enmeshed in the red tape of
year — Annual Camp at Crowborough in July, and Adventure
house conveyancing to come with us( our loss is very truly
Training in March. Crowborough was very ably run by Major
Woodbridge C.C.F.'s gain. Additionally Major Sutterby has
Scorer, in the absence of the O.C. who was having a baby at the
decided to roll up his putees, after 23 years of invaluable,
time; and 38 boys had a very good and full programme, as reported
imaginative and good-humoured service to the C.C.F., including a
in the last issue of the Ellesmerian. For Adventure Training this notable spell as O.C. — during which, for once, all the admin, was
year, we went to Rhum, the 'dark island' of the Outer Hebrides done on time and correctly! His experience will continue to be there
for us to lean on — but it will be less easy, I fear, to get him to plan
J.M.S. picked it as having three or four peaks to be bagged,
those taxing, absorbing and enormously satisfying narrative
with an extraordinary range of geological features to whett schemes for which he has earned such a reputation.
B.W.P.'s appetite, and varied and extensive wildlife under the
protection of the Nature Conservancy to tickle R.R.I.'s palate. The 0 J o.c.
fact that all equipment and stores (approx 2Vi tons) had to be
manhandled from Mallaig railhead to the quayside into a small
MacBrayne's steamer, then into a smaller open boat to get into
Rhumm, then a few hundred yards to our designated camp-site;
that this site (a beauty in fine weather - which we think probably
also has to be imported by hand) boasted 98 ins of rainfall per
annum, largely in March; that Rhumm has a quite noticeable lack
of cheery hostelries, Wimpy bars etc. in which a chap can warm up
and revive amid pleasant chat over foaming jars of Nescafe; that
gales and small boats upset one another (the greater effect being
on the boats, and Mr. Boothroyd), and March is open season for
gales on the Western coast of Scotland; that trains (infrequent
North of Glasgow, and arranged on a puzzling and Presbyterian
;ime-table) do not wait for ferries, which have to wait for weather:
all these facts were doubtless considered, and seemed to add spice,
to make the break with College term-time routine more dramatic.
on very efficiently indeed. By the end of the weekend they had
been through no less than 54 locks and had been well on the way to
Chester. In spite of the obvious exertions, everybody enjoyed the
experience and there have been many requests for a repeat ex
Meanwhile a very select group N.R.P. Andrew White and
Miles Pargeter took to the hills using Cornel Farm as a base. This
coincided with the official opening of the hostel by Sir William
SCOUT TROOP Gladstone, the Chief Scout. The weather on the Saturday was
superb and there was a small army of V. I. P.s and so we went round
A busy and successful year in the troop. Activities based the Snowdon Horseshoe and returned just for the end of the
largely on basic training in the winter months gave way to a more festivities. On the Sunday we were treated to an inspiring lecture
varied outdoor programme of initiative exercises and projects in the on "manufacturing your own equipment" by Squadron Leader
summer, with plenty of opportunity for team work and leadership. Don Robertson and as a result we are hoping next year to do a
During the year groups visited the police station and the K. S.L.I, certain amount of manufacturing.
museum in Shrewsbury, while others joined P.B.P. in exploring the Cornel is now a popular venue where facilities are excellent
bird life around the meres. The Michaelmas expedition saw a return with drying rooms and showers etc. We are hoping to do a number
visit to the ever-popular Wrekin site, while in the Lent Term of service projects, one of which we have already started namely
restrictions on camping imposed by the flu epidemic meant that the draining of the hillside just above the farm, combined with the
plans had to be changed somewhat — nevertheless those who general tidying up of the area.
were fit enjoyed a grand day on the Berwyns in perfect weather. In Lent term a bug struck the College and as a result ex
The conditions were far more testing in May when the patrols, peditions were looked upon with a certain amount of trepidation.
newly constituted for the Summer Term, carried out their own The elder members went to the Scout Council's alternative hostel
hiking expeditions before meeting together for the second night at at Hafod, near Ogwen Cottage and in between cooking what eye
Tyfos Farm, near Bala. Pre-expedition training proved valuable this witnesses described as five star catering the campers (?) managed
time, common sense prevailed, and everyone survived the gale and to clear out the hostel and to climb the Devil's Kitchen and Y Garn.
the hail. The new patrol leaders — Michael Davis, Ian Owen, Most members of the first year did a practice hike along Offa's
Andrew Williamson, Mark Wringe, Philip Bellamy and John Wood Dyke with a certain number of the O.T.U. while a combined party
— thus enjoyed a good start to their careers and played their part in of O.T.U., venture scouts, N.R.P., D.T.W. and J. Harvey, O.E.
maintaining in the troop a spirit which has been happy and en went up to the lakes. The original idea had been to do a high level
thusiastic throughout the last year. expedition under canvas but in the end the Ellesmere bug per
suaded us to stay at Longthwaite Youth Hostel, the assistant
warden of which turned out to be R. Fisher, O.E. In snow con
VENTURE SCOUTS ditions Skew Ghyll, Great End, Seafell Pikes, Gt. Gable and Green
Gable were all ascended in the weekend. The Sunday was specially
This year has seen the venture scouts returning to several old notable for very strong winds which lifted one or two members
ideas. These have nevertheless been very successful even if they bodily off the ground.
have been done by previous generations of venture scouts. This team saw a return to Cornel with the latest intake while
In the Michaelmas term most of the unit took to the Shrop the intake of last year did an assessment hike in Snowdonia. The
shire Union Canal. This is reckoned to be one of Telford's weather was foul for summer and much modification of the
masterpieces and is one of the more attractive and popular canals programme went on in face of the adverse conditions.
in Britain. Our gallant navigators embarked at Drayton and pressed Fridays have been as far as possible more active this year with
than most of us. This somehow seemed very
Our trip back was very good on the whole
except for McPhail having to travel back with us
A party of seventeen of us started the trip to
and he found the coach journey very tough.
Andalo on the 12th December. This was very
There were three others in his position on the
eventful to say the least. First we arrived one
return flight, though I dare say he was probably
hour late at Treyiso airport, but our coach
the worst off.
journey was the climax of all. The reason being
It was a very good holiday, and great fun, and I
that the leading coach quite lawfully rounded a
feel everybody thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
corner and was hit by a car colliding into it which
ended up a complete write-off on the other side Simon Hampton.
of the road. Everything then went wild, much
hand waving, the net result was our driver had to SKI TRIP TO ANDALO
make a statement that evening. Thereupon we MARCH 1976
arrived six hours late at a quarter past six ending
up with three hours proper sleep. What a jour We arrived at the Hotel Rosa Alpina in mid-
ney! afternoon on the Tuesday, having travelled since
The following day we selected our skis and 2.30 that morning. Having seen a plentiful supply
boots and ventured to the slopes, some of us for of snow at Ellesmere, we were rather disap
the first time ever. It was a lovely sight but quite a pointed to learn that there wasn't much snow at
difficult beginners' slope this, which added much Andalo, though the higher slopes were "ski-
entertainment. able". After ski-issue and an introduction to
The resort was just over 3,000 feet in the Italian cuisine, we went to bed early to recover
Dolomites. Our instructor was Italian and spoke a from "jet" and "coach-lag".
very broken form of English but had learnt words The first day's skiing consisted of getting back
such as 'Kamikazi' with which he nick-named into "the swing" for the budding Olympic
Hulstrom. Mr. Foyston, who was also with us, Champions, while the beginners received expert
was very amusing on the slopes, concentrating instruction from AEDD and Luigi (our Italian
very hard on his ski-ing. He was also good at instructor) as to how to put on skis, and how to
organising snowball fights in the early hours of get up having fallen over. Unfortunately we were
the morning. not graced with the presence of KJS on the
After two to three days we soon began to slopes, as he had succumbed to the dreaded
realise who were the best skiers, such as lurgy during the previous day's travelling.
Streeter-Smith, not really surprising since he had As the week continued, the beginners became
been many times before. Kamikazi also began to quite proficient, finishing the holiday by skiing
have competition from Allen who somehow down the mountain to the village. During this
always seemed to remain horizontal. time, the others had been taught by Jim (im
Probably the most unfortunate thing of the ported from Scotland), and they, too, were much
whole holiday was that of Jeremy McPhail improved after six days' skiing. In the evenings
breaking his leg on Wednesday. Some of us had there was no lack of entertainment — the "first-
a chance to see a ski-ing instructor excel himself timers" soon becoming expert connoisseurs of
by practically flying down the slope for a stret Gluhwein at the pizzeria, and Edna, our 'rep',
cher. organised numerous activities including a pizza
The village was typically Italian with just as evening, an excursion to the disco, and a visit to
many bars as shops. There was also a very the local football ground. On the last evening we
pleasant restaurant which made lovely pizzas were all presented with a certificate which stated
cooked in their ancient ovens. how competent we were, and this, along with a
On the last day ski-ing we had a test to see glorious suntan, was a souvenir of a most en
what our capabilities were, the majority of us joyable week.
achieved an average standard. Yet, Mr. Foyston
somehow managed to achieve a better result M. J. W. Napier.

Arts atEllesmere LIBRARY REPORT

There have been no changes in the running of

the library this year. The Prefect of Library for the
Michaelmas Term was Elizabeth Bowyer-Jones.
The Summer Term has been given to recording She is the first girl to have become a school
the bird nesting activity both in and out of the prefect and undertook her duties most com
nest boxes, and in fact there has been more bird petently. For the Lent and Summer Terms the
THE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY watching activity this year than before, due to post was ably filled by C. V. Atkinson.
AND THE YOUNG FARMERS' CLUB the arrival of new members with considerable Our thanks go to the Prefects of Library, to the
interest in this field. Ingram's records show 52 House Representatives and to the boys who
Both societies have had a very similar mem species of bird resident and seen around the supervise during prep. Their help is essential to
bership, their meetings have been on alternate College area, including both Sparrowhawk and keep a quiet library at all times.
Tuesdays, and both have been fortunate to have Buzzard, 10 migrants seen in summer including We have had gifts of books from C. Howard
Adrian Bonell as Secretary, so a combined report Reed Warblers and Whitethroats, 2 winter Esq., J. D. Naylor, Esq., C. M. Birdsell, E.
seems appropriate. However, they have migrants (Fieldfares and Redwings) and 10 Khanzadeh, P. C. Osbourne, and T. J. M.
remained distinct and the Y.F.C. has joined species on the Meres. Bishop. Mrs. Fawley of Ellesmere gave some
forces with the Ellesmere branch of the J.N.F.U. An interesting talk was given by the R.S.P.B. reference books and W. A. Pyke Esq., O.E. a
which brought valuable outside contacts and Investigations Officer on 'Birds and the Law', collection of history books. The Right Reverend
organization to help our Y.F.C. They have and films on river pollution ('The River must W. A. Parker presented a large collection of
organized talks on farming topics, films, visits to Live') were shown. religious works. All these gifts are much ap
local industries such as the Criddle Burgers The major excursions of the term took us to preciated.
animal feeds mill at Oswestry and the new United Powys Castle to have a close look at the deer We were pleased to add to the library a copy of
Dairies plant at Ellesmere. There have been three herd there, a mixture of Red Deer and Fallow Edward Wilson's book. Mr. Wilson, a one-time
farm 'walks' in the summer evenings to learn Deer in small groups scattered around a park of Head of Biology here, had many interests,
about dairy herd management and silage making small deep valleys and large trees, which among which Inland Waterways stood high. His
amongst other aspects. provided good viewing opportunities. book the 'Ellesmere and Llangollen Canal' was
The Natural History Society has pursued a The various activities pursued by members published some months after his death last year.
similar programme of local activities; talks, films have had mixed success and disappointment—
and excursions. The Autumn Term activity was a thus only nine out of the 32 nest boxes were used B.H.
conservation project on the Top Pond which had and there were no unusual species in residence;
a channel dug round the central reed mass in the pond conservation project was affected by
order to provide a nesting area in the centre safe the drought and lower levels of the water which
from predatory cats. This was pursued on several enabled a certain cat to cross the channel and
Sunday afternoons and successfully completed, raid a moorhen's nest and deter the duck from
although we recognise that such conservation nesting, and the final excursion on July 4th took
work has to be regularly renewed to counter the place on such a hot day that walking across
steady growth of the reeds and silting up of Whixall Moss in search of wildlife was more a
channels. There were several talks by members, task of survival than discovery. The best evening
a visit to a small wildlife park, the R.S.P.B. film was on 26th May when a group of members went POTTERY
show in Shrewsbury and a talk by Roy Harris on badger watching and saw a Barn Owl flying
British Deer, a local expert naturalist who has around them on its evening hunting in the dusk,
The urge to create in three dimensions is very
published a book on this subject. after which a family of five badgers suddenly
The Lent Term saw activity changed to the
satisfying in clay. There are many who have
emerged and played before they too went off
found this material more amenable than pencil,
making of nestboxes of various sorts which have noisily to forage in the woods. The most recent brush or pen. This was shown by a greater
been placed on trees around the grounds. We activity has been the fishing on Top Pond where number doing "0" level pottery than "0" level
now have over thirty boxes in position, of five some fair sized Roach and Rudd have been drawing and painting this year. Khayami has
different kinds. There were showings of films on caught, both by members of the Club and by the
been one of the most imaginative potters. Also of
Pesticides and 'Food or Famine', talks by D. C. local herons, who are seen in the very earliest a high standard, Benson, Daniel and Houston.
E. Smith on 'Birds of the East Coast', by P. W. hours of the morning, demonstrating a practical Plus others who have enjoyed working in their
Matthews on 'Pigeon Fancying', a magnificent value of the pond conservation which has been
spare time.
film on 'Whales, Dolphins and Men', and a visit done, since fish were introduced in 1974 by the
to Chester Zoo on 1st February. Society and are clearly multiplying. R.A.B.
SEVEN CLUB Mr. J. G. M. Barber, stepping in at short THE THESPIAN SOCIETY 1975-6
notice, read an interesting paper on "Future
Five members left the club at the end of the Trends in Society", dealing with both the The society enjoyed yet another successful
Summer term, and, to fill the vacancies, K. developed and developing nations. The year under the able leadership of the President
Alamouti, C. V. Atkinson, J. A. H. Booth, F. W. exhausting of non-renewable resources and the Mr. Ainscow. During the course of the year we
A. Crouch and V. G. Gwillim were invited. search for new forms of energy, the read "Rhinoceros" by Eugene lonesco, "Lloyd
The new term was opened by Miss E. Bowyer- dehumanisation of life in a technological age, and George Knew My Father" by Douglas Hulme,
Jones, who boldly presented a paper on 'Woman the growth of vast urban conglomerations were and we went to two theathre outings. To "John,
— the Other'. Avoiding the usual controversial seen as major problems in the developed Paul George, Ringo and Bert" at the Royal Court
arguments advanced by supporters of the countries, while the under-developed countries Liverpool and "Sleuth" at the Gateway Chester,
Women's Lib. movement, she analysed the were not being adequately helped in their both of which were interesting and amusing.
reasons for woman's present position in society, development, and present methods were not We enjoyed an evening out at Mrs. Gray's
concluding that, although her role is in many having the desired effect. Population problems house where the members read some of their
ways different, it is by no means subordinate, and means of achieving happiness were also favourite pieces of satire; another evening heard
and the main problem arises from the conflict raised. recitations of the members' favourite pieces of
between a woman's development as a human Mr. F. W. A. Crouch in his paper discussed prose.
being and that as a female. Femaje was more a 'Contemporary Trends in Education', in which he All considered the year was a productive and
psychological problem than a biological or a put forward some severe criticisms of present worthwhile one. Our thanks must again go to the
social one. day education. He advocated a radical change in President and his "partners in crime", Mrs. Anne
Mr. K. Alamouti read the next paper entitled the formal set-up, maintaining that pupils were Gray and Paul Privett who helped to make the
'The Slaughter of the Sacred Cow' - a look at bored, and found much of the teaching irrelevant society the happy group it was throughout the
various objections to religion, based on historical, and impersonal. He believed in self-discovery year.

psychological theological and scientific methods. His views found little approval from the
arguments. The objections having been raised, club, whose members, critical of many of his Hilary Samson
the club then tried to put forward the positive assertions, both from the practical as well as from
aspects, of which a number were agreed upon. the theoretical point of view.
In the Lent term two new members, Miss H. Not all members of the club read papers this
year, and several were noticeabjy dilatory in BRIDGE CLUB
Samson and J. G. M. Barber were welcomed in
the place of Miss Bowyer-Jones and N. K. setting out to prepare their material. The stan
dard of argument was good, and a serious at A new set of beginners, together with a
Smith, and the term started with Mr. C. V.
tempt was made to think about the issues in good nucleus of last year's players, ensured
Atkinson talking about the class struggle —
volved. There were some views advanced which another busy season. In addition to the usual
taking as his starting-point the view that a lust for
were based on prejudice rather than a mature 'home' attractions the top players have widened
power was a basic condition of the human kind,
consideration of the points discussed, and often their experience with duplicate sessions at the
and then analysing various historical examples of
statements were made which did not stand up to Shrewsbury Club, and took part in the minor
'Elitism'. Ways of transcending class barriers
critical analysis. However interesting discussion sports competition as well. This year we entered
were considered, and he concluded that a class
was enjoyed, and members felt that the meetings for the first time the Daily Mail Schools Com
structure was essential, and we should modify
had been instructive and stimulating. petition, and in our heat at Ashton finished just
the system until it represents the most ad
below half way in a strong field. The Ellesmere
vantageous system of all, rather than overthrow
H.R.H. team was Andrew Olive, Charles Beaumont, Ian
Attoe and Stephen Blakey: of these, only Ian
The Secretary, Mr. J. A. H. Booth in his paper Attoe remains for next season, so much will
discussed the 'Right to Life' and raised the moral depend on the progress of the younger
issues of organ transplantation. Distinctions were generation, and in particular the way in which
drawn between the prolongation of life at dif they can develop their judgement at the bridge
ferent levels and the saving of life - leading to a table. Sound judgement is more important than
meaningful existence. Experimentation and an excess of artificiality, although a basic system
methods of selection were discussed and the must be learnt carefully, and mastery can only
difficulties they entailed. Lack of real information come through practice. So there are plenty of
on the subject prevented any conclusions being opportunities, and much to do, in the winter
reached. months ahead.


The Creative-Design Department has had

another highly industrious term, with the
workshop in use both in and out of school time.
The now familiar fibre-glass and allied substances
are still being worked alongside more traditional
materials to produce some excellent pieces of
The "Shell" boys have recently finished a
number of cross-bows with, I am pleased to say,
no reported injuries and only a couple of con
fiscations! The senior boys completed the go-cart
earlier in the year and have spent many enjoyable
hours since driving the machine. There have
been development problems but these were
attributable more to the engine manufacturers
than our own craftsmen (of course!). The more
junior boys have developed and pursued the art
of using the foam mould material,
"Polyeurathane Foam" and have formed some
very interesting abstracts from airated concrete.
Many boys in CD. find their greatest talents
are in the more traditional type of woodwork.
One boy with such a perfectionists's dedication
was Andrew White (Lower 6th) who over the last
term, before he left, completed two magnificent
"credence tables". These were made to a high The Go-Cart (again!)
Andrew White standard of construction and design, and later
presented to Smallwood Manor Prep. School for
the use in their chapel. Not to be "underworked"
Andrew then made a third table for our own
chapel at College. A most commendable effort
The Chess club has continued to function in a
when one realises that much of the work done
quiet way! However, standards are slowly im
proving and we have one or two quite strong
WARGAMES SOCIETY was in his own free time. White has since left to
study and become a top class cabinet maker.
players. C. Atkinson is perhaps the most con
Next year we are planning to build a sand
sistent of these which resulted in victory for him
Over the last year the club has left behind the
yacht. This will not be a full-sized design but
by a clear margin in the League Competition.
large plastic armies which once filled the history
instead a smaller part based on parts from the
However, the Open Tournament was won by A.
room, and turned to much smaller (and cheaper!)
chassis of the go-cart! Skills and techniques Woolfrey, the strongest of our younger players,
metal models. The number of ''theatres of war"
learnt from building the "water-scooter" will be
who also won the new "problem" competition.
has increased somewhat, latest additions in
applied to its construction and I hope it will be as However he was defeated in the Handicap
cluding board-wargaming and naval warfare of
successful as past projects. Tournament final by L. El-Muddaris. Our annual
assorted periods. In the near future we hope to
fixture against Shrewsbury School in the Minor
take up aerial wargaming. This term ends with a
T.C.H.-D. Sports competition resulted in a draw.
"match" against Shrewsbury — hopefully the
first of many. P.B.P.


Of all the art group visits, London has been the

most frequently visited. The Turner Exhibition at
the British Museum was first, later to have been
succeeded by a trip to the National Gallery, then
the Tate Gallery where the main attraction was
the Constable Exhibition, a truly notable
collection of his various works, especially
watercolours, loaned from art galleries
throughout the world. His popularity was ap
parent in the excess of people in the gallery — his
pleasant approach in painting scenery appealing
to all age groups.
The Manchester City Art Gallery was next on
the itinerary, followed by a visit to Salford
University where there was a fine collection of
the late L. S. Lowry's paintings — a contrast in
subject to that of Constable, industrialisation
being the main theme as opposed to Constable's
The last art group visits were to the Bir
mingham City Art Gallery and Walsall Museum
H.M.'s Competition. respectively, Walsall Museum having a varied
and quite an impressive spectrum of works
SPEECH DAY EXHIBITION ranging from the Old Masters to the present day
artists. Although one member of the party was
An Exhibition of 19th and 20th Century oils and heard to say that it was just a matter of practice.
waterco lours and contemporary jewellery, On the whole, the art group has had a busy
organised by Mr. and Mrs. Leon Suddaby, O.E., year with numerous outings to galleries in
Mr. Alan Heaven and Mr. R. A. Brown, was held London, Manchester and Birmingham, each one
THE HEADMASTER'S COMPETITION for the second year running in the Sports Hall unique and thoroughly enjoyable.
(thanks to Mr. Knowles). This year we tried to
The H.M/s competition, held in the Easter vary the range of paintings, and had also a fine
term, was a very good exhibition of the talents display of modern jewellery designed and made
London - TURNER - Royal Academy
and industry of the boys. Excellent work was by Alan Heaven. The Sports Hall makes a very
TURNER - British Museum
submitted by all years with over 100 entries in all. good exhibition area, with its neutral grey walls
The standard was high in all sections and the and its position in the school. We enjoyed putting
choosing of winners extremely difficult. Prizes the exhibition on, and hope that we have paved
were presented to all sections ranging from war the way for the Arts Centre exhibitions and
CONSTABLE - Tate Gallery
game layouts to brick robots! with of course a big displays. Looking at paintings and craftsmanship
Also Birmingham, Walsall — German Ryan
entry in CD. is learning to see, appreciate and understand
Prizes were very gratefully accepted and, I how the original artist and craftsman uses various
Manchester — Salford — L. S. Lowry
suspect, quickly converted into delicacies in the materials. We did get a few gems such as
tuck shop "Which is the best picture in the room?" "Are
they all by the same artist?" and to Alan Heaven
T.C.H.-D. and his jewellery "Did you get these from a Sheila Jones.
shop?" I would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. L
Suddaby and Mr. A. Heaven for the enthusiasm,
time, effort and cost of putting on such a varied
and interesting exhibition.


power. The starter is ready — Hesketh is ready —
1st XV REPORT doing much valuable covering in defence. It will Schechter? — his navigator is having an
be a very good pack indeed that improves on this argument — so Hesketh goes into an early lead.
One should, I suppose, start with the victory one. It was a close race all the way. Ace com
over Rydal; while it would be unbecoming to Outside the scrum there was perhaps slightly mentator Bill MacEllis lost his voice and J. C. Iglis
gloat, a purr of satisfaction at the removal of a less consistency (the passing was not always as Sym lost his way! (Iglis = I got lost in Swindon!).
barrier that had become psychologically almost secure as it should have been) but there was Nevertheless, two pit stops (for human and
unsurmountable is perhaps permissable. Other much to remember with pleasure. Brereton and mechanical refuelling) and five hours later the
sides have had their chances to achieve this Bielby, as fine an equine pair as ever graced a two vehicles stormed into Wimborne neck and
ambition and failed; this XV succeeded, and for horse-show, both took a great deal of stopping neck.
their successors, like for subsequent French XVs and scored a number of notable tries, though the That evening we were royally entertained by L.
after their first win at Twickenham, things will former should make a firm resolution never to try P. Beard, Esq., (late of Ellesmere and now master
never be quite the same again. Still Colwyn Bay to kick the ball again! Clarke and Greenall top did i/c Canford rugby), Guy Hayward, the Canford
next October will be no place for the faint their share, the former kicking a number of captain, and members of his team, while Monday
hearted. In their captain, Leech, and in one of important goals while the latter was a classic morning saw us having a run out on the beach at
their centres, Rydal had the two outstanding wing with the ability to beat his man by swerve Bournemouth. The highlights here were the
individual players on the field but in the collective and subtle change of pace. Owen grew in length of bare leg on display by one member of
art of scrummaging they were outplayed, and it confidence as the season progressed and by the the XV (who shall be nameless) and an old lady of
was here that the game was won. end was very much the master in his own twenty at least seventy years of age (and the split image
It was here indeed that our chief strength lay. five, while Wynne-Griffiths provided a good link of Annie in Esther Rantzen's "That's Life"!) who
Technically we were better scrummagers than and his tactical kicking developed well; he must was determined to show Paul Brereton that there
most of the opposition we met; the front row was always remember, however, that a ball that has was life in her yet by kicking the ball as far as she
solid and nigh indestructable and if we had a been hardly won with much toil, tears, and sweat could down the Prom.
hooker who had taken life vows in the position by the donkeys up front must never be idly kicked So to the first match, which we lost 4-13 and
instead of one starting his novitiate (and liable I away. on the day deserved to lose. The only phase in
suspect to lose his vocation at a very early date!) George led the side from scrum-half, and his which we dominated was the tight — we scored
things might have been better. D did nobly but he long spin pass made life easy for his partner our try from a massive heave on their ball which
has the heart, contours, and eyesight of a prop (though there were occasions when the range- enabled George to make a rasping break and
of the old school . . . ''Never mind the ball; let's finder seemed to have gone slightly on the blink); John Baker was at hand to pick up and dive over
get on with the game." his breaks from the base of the scrum were when Rob was ultimately tackled. In the line-out
The trouble was that we were very well served always dangerous, but the wise player does not and loose it was a different story, and they used
at prop already, with Wongsanguan grinning an reveal his hand too soon — you are much more their possession to launch a series of high
oriental grin of satisfaction as he fired his op likely to make a really devastating break if you steepling kicks which stretched the defence to
posite number out of the top of the scrum and conceal this talent from the opposition in the the utmost. It was no surprise when eventually it
taking a paternal interest in the welfare of the early part of the game. He and Baker led a very gave way.
then fledgling Ellis — (some chicken now!)— happy and united side who enjoyed their rugby More excellent entertainment in the Canford
who, it was very soon apparent, had found his and gave much pleasure to the spectators and, Vlth. Form Club followed (How much we learned
rugby niche being both strong in the tight and a not least, to the coaches (! and ?) who would from them about entertaining guests!) and a
fast and aggressive runner with the ball in the both like to thank them all very much indeed for night out in Bournemouth and an early bed saw
loose. Behind them the engine room (2 H.P. at their hard work and enthusiasm. everyone ready for Wellington the next day.
the very least, though one would not wish to P.S. Anyone keen to get into next year's side It is, I think, true that the effects of the Canford
draw too close a parallel between Chambers and can start practising place-kicking. game were still" being felt for we did not really
a Suffolk Punch!) generated the necessary power quite click despite winning 13-6. The gem of the
in a most impressive way. Sym, too, was the THE XV ON TOUR game was a classic wing-threequarter try by the
outstanding iineout forward who managed to Flying *******t wn0 rounded his man by sheer
make up for his shortage of height by perfecting The time is 10.30 a.m., the date is Sunday 26th pace, beat the full-back in a very narrow space,
that timing that comes only from much hard October 1975. Close together on the starting grid and dived over in the corner — marvellous rugby!
practice. In the back row one remembers many are two gleaming vehicles. The pole position is It was also the game when D scored his try; and
things — John Baker's ability to win the ball occupied by Pad Hesketh's blue and white Super did anyone deserve one more?
when he seemed to have no right to do so, Altogether it was a very happy and rewarding
Continental while outside him is the unknown
especially when it was loose on the ground —
quantity, Jody Schechter's bread van, which tour and we are all most grateful to Canford and
what a tremendous season he had! — Robinson Wellington who looked after us and entertained
lacks the slim elegant lines of its rival but whose
showing all the flair and opportunism of a high square-built snub-nosed front hints at latent us so well.
class poacher — Corp, less evident in attack, but
grew. The ball was well used and the pack were
2nd XV
stirred to greater efforts. The second half
belonged to Ellesmere and we were pleased to
For a season that opened with dire
Team: S. L. Smith, R. L. Anthony-Jones, R. win a hard but enjoyable game.
prognostications of gloom the results achieved
Wynn*, C. D. Edwards*, R. Hull*, I. R. Attoe*, Wynne-Griffith then moved to the senior side
were the best for several seasons. This was
J. St. J. Burns, P. Gilbert, J. Hales, R. Lam and left a gap which we were unable to fill. One
because the pack was mobile and strong, the
bert,* J. Keable*, J. Larder, M. Handley*, M. J. or other of the half-backs must be able to impress
three qurters had pace and skill and there was an
Clews*, R. Thomas, G. Brown, R. C. M. Ash- his authority on a game and this was lacking
able captain.
worth*. during the rest of the season. Also the link
The pessimism should have been laid to rest
* Colours between forwards and backs had been weakened
after the first game when with speed, aggression
and the line seldom looked dangerous. However,
and sureness of handling the side demonstrated a
3rd XV in the first twenty minutes against Liverpool
potential that was to be fulfilled as the season
College, Bird moved the ball early and well and
progressed. Mike Clews, captain, quickly realized
A new season, yet again under new the centres and wings were given an opportunity
his potential for it was his tenacity, determination
management, loomed menacingly at the to show their potential. During this period the
and ability to obtain from others the utmost in
beginning of September. The new keen young team looked dangerous and threatened to
graft and enthusiasm that provided a successful
team. manager looked aghast at the list of players (?) establish a lead against strong opposition, but
and wondered how the **** he was supposed defence near the scrum let us down and in the
A lack of injuries meant, unusually, a virtually
to produce a team. He need not have worried — end we were well beaten.
unchanged team for the season. Positional
a team produced itself and proceeded to play The results during the term were five losses
changes occurred — usually for the better, as for
rugby (?) with enthusiasm and, occasionally, and four wins; the team had struggled to improve
example when John Keable moved from second
some skill. Indeed, in no match did they fail to and the pack deserve special mention for being
row to No. 8, this gave him the freedom to use
score and only suffered one overwhelming prepared to keep plugging away, even when they
his speed and size to greater effect and cause
defeat. Mention should be made of certain saw quite good possession squandered, not
confusion by his powerful breaks from the base
players and of results but, alas all recollection of through lack of effort, but due to lack of ex
of the scrum. The resident scrum-half this year,
the season have (mercifully) faded into the mists perience.
Ian Attoe, was an inspiration to both forwards
of time. A number of players improved their skills by
and backs who generally received more than their
listening to advice and practising; none tried
fair share of the ball.
C.D.F. harder than K. Braithwaite and he thoroughly
The memorable moments of the season were
deserved to be selected for the 1st XV at the end
many but special mention must be made of
COLTS CLUB of the season.
Charlie Edwards' dropped goal against Liverpool
This year's side contained a number of very
which so lifted drooping spirits; Si Smith's four
The season began well; the club were prepared good players, but there were few reserves. The
penalty points against Bromsgrove; Mike
to train hard and Wynne-Griffith and Middleton success of a team often depends on a number of
Handley's three tries against Sandbach, Johnny
set the example. The rest responded ensuring good reserves and next year we will be looking
Hales' enthusiastic scream as he missed the pass
that backs and forwards would work well for a slightly larger clubside.
at a tap penalty to lead the opposition, and the
together and play orthodox rugby. We planned M.C.P.
referee in the wrong direction; and of course, the
to keep our game simple but effective; first to
gallant captain's effort to remedy a three point
achieve an attacking position, then to move the
deficit in the last five minutes of a game by Team: D. A. Dickinson*, G. K. Ashley, J. M.
ball quickly to the wings, obtain loose ball and try
committing his considerable eleven stone against Kelsall, K. J. Fox*, K. Braithwaite*, C .
again. The forwards agreed on the importance of
a pack of forwards from a tap penalty; he did not Henderson, T. H. Bird, S. E. H. Bull*, R. C.
producing good ball and were determined to
score; the game was lost. Sheppard, A. J. C. Tunnicliffe*, E. D. Grech-
work hard to tidy up awkward situations.
By the end of the season the dark had been Mintoff,A. N. Jevon*, A. C. Middleton* (Capt),
In the first game against Belmont Third XV the R. A. Leonard*, J. W. McClure, R. W. F.
lifted to reveal a pink haze surrounding all those
pack soon realised that they were going to have
felines who had contributed to the team's Overall, N. J. Fillery*.
to raise their game; the first ten minutes were
success. Also played R. Wynne-Griffith, G. J. B. Jackson.
rather desperate. Belmont created one or two
* Colours.
M. J. Clews etal. dangerous runs which would undoubtedly have
resulted in scores if it had not been for the
Dickinson tackle; however, possession gradually
became more even and the side's confidence

The forwards performed very adequately and never looked in any trouble and consequently
much will be heard of later in their careers of won their competition, beating Ludlow in the
Hems, Sowerby, Humphries, Gasser and final.
This was one of the smallest Under 15 sides of
Roberts. They lacked both weight and size which The Senior side was then invited at the last
recent times, and time and time again this season
they paid for their lack of size and weight. Early can be so decisive at this level, but they all moment to the Birkenhead Sevens where again
developed their individual skills as the season they made the semi-finals but were put out at
injuries did not help, and indeed the first half of
progressed. that juncture by the hosts, Birkenhead.
the season was spent in experimentation and
The main weakness was behind the scrum There then came a superb weekend which
blooding new players. Later on some pattern did
where a lack of speed, size and ball skills meant included the Hereford Sevens on the Saturday
emerge, the forwards began to win some ball,
that little of real purpose was achieved. They all and the Middlesex Sevens on the Sunday. For
and the efforts seemed justified after all.
battled mightily in defence but inevitably once the third time in the season (fourth including
Eventually two matches were won, and several
others only narrowly lost: there was a good deal the defences were breached a couple of times a Hurstpierpoint) the semi-finals were reached at
of satisfaction in what had been achieved, and flood too often followed. Hereford. But alas, the team slumped at Mid
Of the backs Brocklehurst tackled impressively dlesex in the second round which was a
prospects for 1976-7 must be reasonably op
timistic. and Jones showed signs of devejopment at fly- bitter disappointment. However, a good time
half, but was too easily put off his game, when was had by all, including a dispute with the hotel
That we were never completely routed owes
under pressure. Fahim-Dejban was the only back catering authorities as to how much toast we
much to the defensive qualities of, in particular,
Lushey, Brammer and Smail, the full back and to show any real penetration, and he missed all should have at breakfast!
centres, with Owen and McMahon improving the games after Christmas when Ashley arrived In the last week of term injury and illness set in
to add much needed punch to the attack. These hard, and it was with great regret that the climax
greatly as well. Waite joined the outsides late in
two strong-running players should contribute of the season—Rosslyn Park—had to be can
the season after a knee operation, and did
much next year. celled as far as El I es me re was concerned.
enough to suggest that if he is fully fit he will be
useful next year. By the end of the season many lessons had However, looking at the season by and large it
been learnt and I am sure that they will perform was a great success because both Mr. Knowles
In the pack Twist led, and looked good either
as hooker or flanker, Shrimpton, Howells and creditably as they make their way up the school. and players put in a lot of hard work and con
My thanks go to Hems for his enthusiastic sequently received good results; it was only a pity
Entecott did many good things, as did Telfer and
particularly Wood when they joined the side half captaincy and his constant refusal to accept that all the work could not have been put to the
way through. Bartholomew helped to solidify defeat. ultimate test at Rosslyn Park.
matters and was a great trier. Several others B.W.P. T. F. Ellis
were in and out of the team, and they too gained
much useful experience. The spirits of the side, Colours were awarded to 0. J. P. Brocklehurst,
even in adversity, remained remarkably high, and
A. Fahim-Dejban, S. A. Hems, G. E. Humphries,
the keenness to learn and improve was most D. L. W. Roberts, and R. D. Sowerby. RESULTS
The following also represented the team
regularly: Bellamy, Ashley, Cobbold, Clutton,
Elkes, Done, Gasser, Jones D.G., Midwood,
Napier, Riding, Shelley, and Talbot. Ellsemere 10, Bradford G.S. 4
Team from: S. J. Lushey, A. C. Waite, D. J. Ellesmere6, Merchant Taylors 4
Roskams, M. Brammer, R. F. Smail, D. Braith- Ellesmere4, St. Edward's, Liverpool 16
waite, I. Owen, D. Styles, C. Bartholomew, A. SENIOR SEVENS Semi-final
B. Twist, R. J. Crane, R. F. Telfer, G. Shrim Birkenhead 15, Ellesmere4
pton, G. R. Fillary, M. Entecott, J. Wood, M. J. This was a very successful season, starting
McMahon, P. P. W. Howells, I. Bennett, A. really back in September with the winning of the HEREFORDSHIRE 7s
Dada. Woodard Sevens competition at Hurstpierpoint. Round 2: Sir Thomas Richard's 6, Ellesmere 16
The training during the term was hard but all Round 3: Ellesmere 12, Hereford Cathedral
really aimed at peak fitness for Rosslyn Park at School 4
UNDER 14 RUGBY the end of term. Semi-final: Ellesmere 6, Cardinal Langley20
The first competition was the Shropshire
After several successful seasons the U/14 XV Tournament held at Ludlow in which both the MIDDLESEX 7s
were, perhaps, due for a disappointing one. Ellesmere 14, Latymer Upper 4
Senior's and Under 17's were entered. The
Judged purely by results it was certainly a poor Ellesmere 6, St. Ignatius 10
Senior side were put out by a Wrekin team in the
season with only two wins to report. However
semi-final. (Wrekin went on to win.) The under
only a point separated the teams against Rydal Tim Ellis
17s were in excellent form that afternoon and
and two points against Merchant Taylors.
Almost the whole team from last year returned
1st XV 2nd XV 3rd XV U/16 U/15 U/14
for this season, ten players, including five
Manchester G.S. D 10 -10 W 36- 0 L 15- 22 W' 18 - 12 colours, so we expected and found a strong team
Belmont Abbey L 3 -7 L 3- 18 W 13- 3 L 0- 17 L 0 -51 for 1976. Andrew Durant led the squad coolly and
Bromsgrove W 19 ■ 7 W 20- 0 W 18- 0 L 0- 20 L 10 -26 forcefully, maintaining the level of effort and drive
Rydal W 15 - 4 L 0- 3 L 8- 16 L 9- 11 L 0- 48 L 11 -12 especially when it was needed, to hold a lead or
Wrekin L 0 -4 L 3- 26 L 4- 20 W 19- 0 L 4- 18 L 3 -22 win a match.
Cotton W 34 - 7 L 4- 10 W 26- 4 W 20 - 0 The pitches remained in good condition most
Oswestry W 42- 0 of the term due to the dry weather in February
Priory L 0 -42 and March.
Liverpool W 37 ■ 0 W 13- 8 W 12- 4 L 8- 26 L 3- 34 L 0 -58 The results list 7 wins, 1 match drawn and 3
Merchant Taylors L 3-■ 9 L 0- 18 D 14- 14 L 0- 27 L 4 - 6 lost, which latter included two club sdies. The
Ruthin W 50-• 9 W 20- 0 Common Room, playing in early February, were
Wrekin L 4- 32 L 4- 20 L 6- 24 L 0 -54 very soundly beaten, and there followed a
Sandbach W 16-■ 0 W 50- 0 L 12- 14 L 0 - 62 succession of pleasing victories against Priory,
Denstone W 38-• 0 W 34- 4 L 4- 54 L 4- 10 L 6- 52 L 6 -52 Wrekin, Denstone, and Birkenhead. A new
Birkenhead L 6- 9 L 9- 12 L 7- 12 L 0- 6 L 0 -29 fixture was introduced against Ruabon, a strong
0. Ellesmerians L 4- 16
hockey school, and we won the first game 2-0,
somewhat surprising our opponents. A return
1st XV Tour
fixture was arranged for March 4th which proved
Canford L 4- 13 to be the best hockey of the season, a fiercely
Wellington W 16- 6 contested match finally drawn 1-1 when Smail
scored in the last few minutes. We were sur
prised in our turn when Oswestry Club appeared
RUGBY RESULTS LENT TERM 1976 with new players and beat us 2-4, but we were
pleased to play a new fixture against the Deeside
A'XV 'B'XV U/15 U/14 Ramblers who won 1-2 with a team including the
Priary D 0- 0 Club Captain and Mike Handley's father. Finally
Oswestry W 54- 6 we played the O.E.'s/substantially the same
Grove Park W team which defeated the school last year, but
12- 0 L 17 - 22
Denstone Park L 4- 6 this time they went down 2-0 after Greenall
L 4- 12 L 3- 15 L \. 16
Adams W 4-
i \j
scored an opportune goal and Durant made sure
3 W 22- 0 L 10- 12 L
() _ 1ft
IO of a penalty stroke/
Cancelled — Frost
This was a well-balanced side with skill and
Senior House Match Talbot 12 Woodard 4 experience in all departments, especially the mid-
Junior House Match Wakeman 2i* Meynell 0 field trio of Andrew Durant, Paul Brereton and
Ian Burns. Jagger started the season at left wing
House Sevens Senior ]I/Vinn ers — VVnnriiA/arH but resumed his former place in the backs when
John Keable had prolonged flu, and the forward
— - - ------ v . ^ w w ^^^^^* v W Wl

Junior Winners — Lambart

line was notable for Andrew Greenall's
developing combination of skill and speed, and
Smail's valuable ability to position himself so as
to score frequent goals at match winning
In the House matches both Lambart and
Woodard won their first games 6-1 each, then
after Lambart had been made to work hard for a
2-0 victory over Wakeman, in the final Lambart
gained the Cup by 1-0 against Woodard during
extra time.

Finally a Hockey 6-a-side Competition was The Under 15 team played several matches Worksop, Repton and Shreswbury. The arrival of
played the day before term ended, on a dry day with some success. As ever the problem is to get Peter Houston and Richard Everall from
and with pitches still in a reasonable state thanks the right kind of opposition of the same age seemingly nowhere was a tremendous boost to
to the hard work of the ground staff. Lambart group. Hulstrom, an enthusiastic captain, the team. Intelligent running coupled with hard
won the Seniors' Competition and Talbot were Kingley, and Yearsley were the strongest players. training clinched well deserved wins. Throughout
second on points, while Talbot Juniors won their The defence including Swinnerton, Lees, P. D. the season Vivian Gwillim and Richard Scotter
league with Meynell second, so completing an H. Jones, and Chater was sound and Jalili was a competed for the team first — Vivian winning on
enjoyable and entertaining season. promising and fearless goalkeeper. There was the flatter courses, Richard on the hilly —
not a great deal of fire power or skill among the something to do with ratios I think.
forwards. The diminutive Redfern looked a
promising player as did Cobbold and Humpidge
SECOND XI HOCKEY on occasions. The Colts and Juniors had a disappointing year
and I hope next season we shall be able to bring
The season was remarkable for three things: The following played in the Under 15 XU: R. P. together somewhat stronger talent to support the
the clement weather, the captaincy of M. J. Hulstrom (capt), J. B. Yearsley, A. G. Hingley very encouraging performances of R. Neal, P.
Clews, and the introduction of mixed hockey at a (colours) C. G. Chater, T. R. Cobbold, A. Dada, Bellamy, S. Hems and O. Brocklehurst.
school level. Hilary Samson and Julie Scott C. Clutton, S. J. E. Evans, T. P. Humpidge, M. Many hands help to make a successful Cross
added a considerable "je ne sais quoi" to our Jalili, P. D. H. Jones, J. H. E. Lees, A. J. country season, and I should like to thank our
happenings. As a result there was a considerable Redfern, R. W. H. Swinnerton, M. J. Walls, D. Captain V. Gwill'im and particularly my faithful (!)
increase in our gate at home matches. It should N. Ellerton. assistant the Reverend Colin Pritchard for all they
be pointed out that the ladies were selected on have done. I am grateful too to all the time
merit! HOCKEY RESULTS 1976 keepers, recorders and markers who have, with
While the tactical subtlies of the game tended varying degrees of willingness, turned out to do
to be drawned in a sea of endeavour, the ad their stuff.
First XI Second XI Under 15 XI
mirable leadership of the Captain, both on and M.J.B. TEAMS
off the field, made this a memorable season. Ptiory(H) W 5-2 L 0
Seniors: V. Gwillim + (Capt.), R. Scotter+ , P.
Victories were gained, progress was made in O.B.H.S. Cane.
Houston*, M. Jones*, C. Beaumont*, G.
education of young members, and, as far as one Common Room (H) W 6-0
Coulthard + , R. Everall*, P. P. R. Howells.
could tell from a biased position, people enjoyed Ruabon (H) W 2-0 D 2-2
Colts: T. Bird + , R. Neal*, C. Toms, A. Parkes,
training and playing hard. A number of set moves Wrekin (H) W 2-0 D 3-3 W 2-1
P. Robinson, H. Daniel, M. Brammer, R.
actually worked, and many more didn't; systems, CswestryH.C. (H) L 2-4 D 0-0
swivels and sweepers came and went; but the Denstone (A) W 2- 1 W 3- 1
Juniors: P. Bellamy*, S. Hems*, 0.
sun tended to shine, and it was all good, minor Sports
Brocklehurst, J. Brown, M. Andrews, D.
reasonagly clean fun! Ruabon (H) D 1 -1
Liverpool (H) L 1 -2 L 0-1 L 1 -4
R.F.T. Birkenhead (H) W 3- 1 W 2-1 + Old Colours. * New Colours.
Deeside W 1 -2
O.E.'s(H) W 2-0
Seniors: Won 8 Lost 3
Yet again the weather lords were kind to Wrekin Won Denstone Won
Hockey. This year also we used the Pampas pitch W. 7, D 1, L3, For 27, Against 13.
Rydal Won Worksop Lost
instead of Road pitch, a big improvement, W2, D 2, L 2, For 9, Against 7.
Liverpool Won U.C.S. Won
Pampas being flatter and not quite so sticky. Cotton Won Repton Lost
The new batch of players worked hard at the Oswestry Won Shrewsbury Lost
basic skills and in an effort to improve these we Bromsgrove Won
used the Green Shield Rose Award Colts: Won 1 Lost 9
scheme whereby badges and certificates are Juniors: Won 1 Lost 1
awarded to those who complete the six tests. The ravages of the 'flu epidemic towards the
Unfortunately the 'flu epidemic at the end of end of term and the resultant effects on our times
in the big Cross-Country meetings almost made Inter House Competition
term prevented many from completing the tests. Seniors: Lambart
Nine players completed the tests the best being us overlook that this has been one of the most
Colts: Woodard Juniors: Meynell
P. D. H. Jones, Talbot, and Walls, who all gained successful seasons ever for the seniors. They ran
4 rose awards.
against eleven other schools losing only to
their batting was indifferent they were allowed to We were not equipped to chase for a win until
score runs in certain areas that are not too dif Brereton suddenly burst out of his restrictions.
ficult to defend; their bowling, however was We lost tosses, we were put into bat on fair
respectable, and the left-arm spinner picked up tracks, we worked our way to defendable scores,
early wickets that forced us to abandon the knowing we had the bowling to keep it tight and
1st XI retrospect induce mistakes. Our fielding became in
chase; having done so, Fox and Scotter held on.
creasingly aggressive as the wickets fell.
The 1976 season was remarkable in a number Three matches (King's, Chester, Oswestry CC
Ramesh's exercise paid off! Some brilliant
of ways: an XI, not expected to achieve much, & MCC) were washed out without a ball bowled.
catches have been held — Brereton's diving
played with great tenacity on most occasions, The Liverpool game was terrible — everything
catch against Ellesmere, Hull's catch in the
and gave the opposition a fright more than once. that cricket should not be: we bowled badly all
covers at Crosby, Clarke's reflex catch close up
It was remarkable because the dry spell that day, though at 59-5 Liverpool should still all have
against Wrekin, Owen pouching Steeplers in the
greeted our pre-season nets and posed problems been back in the hutch for next to nothing. The
deep. Needless to say other vital chances have
for groundsmen up and down the country. At declaration left us with little option but to take
been dropped on the ground, Brereton was the
Ellesmere perhaps the greatest impact has been batting practice in the hour and 35 minutes left
best cover around, and Ellesmere's surely turned
made by the arrival of Ramesh Sethi. As a out few fielders as good as he is. We must
person, as a coach, and as a groundsman, At Merchant Taylors', honours could not have
maintain this high standard of fielding — set the
Ramesh soon won the admiration and respect of been more even than in a tie! I count this as one
field well, bowl to it, and bristle with aggression
all those with whom he came in contact. His own of the games that either side might have won.
and accuracy. The bowling has also been good
record as a cricketer of international standing We did not bat well, but we had not been well
(at times) and this reflects the effect that Ramesh
preceeded him to Ellesmere, and it is a very great served by our predecessors against MTS. We
Sethi has had on individuals, ironing out
honour for us that he chose to bring his family had to establish a total and kill the 'bogey'; it was
not very inspiring cricket, but, as on other oc technical problems, setting new sights and
here. I am sure that this XI would wish it to be teaching an art. This season, 86 wickets have
know that he had a great part in welding this casions, we were inserted. The evening was very
exciting — some good bowling, tight and on the been taken in 12 games by the 5 bowlers who
team together and enabling it to play as efficient sent down all but 7 of the overs bowled. This
unit within its limitations. spot; the ground fielding was excellent; some
compares with 105 wickets taken in 14 completed
1976 also saw a change in management, good catches were held, others missed; the
games by the 1973 XI (thought by some to be
though one would have had to be on the inside to batting was mixed, but their captain played an
quite good!) Smail has been particularly im
have noticed it. JCW had been quietly training innings of class. He was eighth out with twenty
pressive in his first season, though he places too
his successor for a season and a half, and during five still wanted.
great a strain on the legs, and could use the
this surfimer, he just as quietly handed over. It is We might also concede honours even to crease width more. He puts the ball down on the
very important to cricket at Ellesmere that the Denstone. Bowled out for 104, we had the eighth spot enough times to tie any side down, and we
experience and skill which JCW possesses is not Denstone wicket down at 73; I think we would hope he overcomes his injury problems. Clarke
lost to the XI, and it is a measure of his intense have won if the rain had not come at that point; it has improved this season, and now bowls a
love of the game and his desire to see Ellesmere gave the Denstone batsmen a break from Smail better full toss!! Hull was the most improved
flourish that he is willing to remain active as one and Edwards, and their wickets never looked in bowler on the XI, again owing to the pro's en
of the first Xl's coaches. I am personally grateful danger during the final four overs.
couragement. G. Owen is shaping as an off-
for the time and trouble that JCW has taken to Oswestry and Wrekin went home with 9 spinner and his brother Ian played against the
drop me in as gently as possible. wickets down and breathing sighs of relief; the OEs. Edwards took wickets i when it mattered,
There was only one victory this year, but there Gents were 8 wickets down and 26 runs short; so and should be a useful all-rounder in a good club
might have been five others; one must qualify the only win was over Rydal. This was Edwards' X I. He will need to cut his back-lift and crease-
that by pointing out that we could also have lost match — 59 good runs which made batting look walking, and learn to play more on the front foot.
two of those we think we could have won! It is easy; unintentionally he conned Rydal into As captain he had enough worries this year, and
also true that one team had the better of us — thinking it was easy. The ball was stopping a bit came out of it all on the credit side.
Shrewsbury saw us off far too easily; we were and keeping low. Consistently bowling just short The batting averages are abysmal, but we still
not as bad a side as we were made to look that of a good length, Edwards persuaded the Rydal had some bright spots — Edwards at Rydal as
day. While not wishing to take credit away from a batsmen to hand it to us as they played across mentioned; an innings of grinding concentration
convincing display by the opposition (particularly the line. Still, wickets have to be taken, and by Keable at MTS, and some lovely drives on
convincing from Neil Crawford who has given as Edwards took 8-29. A splendid performance by other occasions; the brilliant running of Clarke
much pleasure as well as a couple of thrashings him.
in recent years), we were spineless against an
and Fox at MTS, Clarke's cover drives at
The reasons why we have done quite well are Denstone, Owen's first 50 against the OEs.
attack which was not the best that we faced this numerous, but certain factors stand out in Middleton has the shots and is gaining in ex-
summer. Birkenhead also had us worried: while retrospect. The toss played an important part.
perience. The revelation of the term however, Bowling Wed. 2 June: 1st XI v Wrekin College
was Brereton. It had always been there but it Match Drawn
Overs Mdns Runs Wkts Av.
took the A level Biology practical to bring it out.
C. D. Edwards 87 22 293 24 12.2 1st X1172-8 dec. (P. L Brereton 66, Owen 33)
From that moment he drove nearly as hard as
R. F. Smail 146 39 360 28 12.9 Wrekin 133-9 (Smail 3-47)
Butler and made 5 successive scores worth Wed. 9 June: 1st XI v The Gentlemen of
R. N. Hull 65 17 219 13 16.8
talking about. Scotter tried to shore up the hole Shropshire CC
I.A.Clarke 131 22 441 15 29.4
that Geldart made in the School's second innings Match Drawn
G.Owen 50 7 202 6 33.7
with a courageous knock, Smail hit the ball very Liverpool 156-9 dec. (Smail 4-42)
hard at Denstone and against the Gents. Fox
Fielding 1st XI86-3 (Brereton 51 no)
sacrificed personal success that was coming his
Wed. 19 June: 1st XI vMCC
way in the lower middle order in the interests of Jagger 5 caught, 3 stumped; Clarke, Owen 5;
Match Abandoned without a ball bowled
the team when asked to open. This released Edwards, Middleton 4; Brereton, Fox 3; Scotter Thurs. 8 July: 1st XI v JCW'sXI
Keable to play his shots at four. We never had 2; Keable, Smail, Hull, Dickinson 1. Match Drawn
much of an opening but Fox will have learnt a lot JCW's 196-5 dec.
and the middle order blossomed. Summary of Matches
1st X1176-8 (Middleton 39, Brereton 37)
Jagger kept soundly on most occasions and Sat. 24 April: 1st XI v Ellesmere CC.
Fri., Sat. 9/10 July: 1st XI v Old Ellesmerians
was a splendid Secretary — our pads were Match Drawn Lost by 33 runs
always very white and our organisation unruffled. Ellesmere CC 143-6 decl. OEs 199-4 dec. and 167-3 dec.
Beaumont took care of the figures and facts, and 1st XI78-6 (Fox38, Owen 34 no) 1st XI 1703 dec. (Owen 53 no, Brereton 41 no)
was a valuable member of the group. The Wed. 28 Rpril: 1st XI v Oswestry School
and 163 (Keable 43, Scotter41, Edwards)
catering was, as always, much appreciated, both Match Drawn
in the pavilion and in all the extra work created by 1st XI 117-7 dec. (A. C. Middleton 38 no, J. T. Played 12, Won 1, Lost 2, Drew 8, Tied 1.
cricket. The ground staff have had to work very Keable 33)
hard this summer — the weather was too good Oswestry 62-9 (R. N. A. Hull 5-8, R. F. Smail 3- 1st XI Colours: C. D. Edwards (old colour), J. T.
most of the time — and we are grateful for their 20) Keable, C. J. U. Jagger, P. L. Brereton, R.
efforts. Other Xls have had to be coached and Sat. 1 May: 1st XI v King's School Chester N. A. Hull, I. A. Clarke, R. F. Smail.
nurtured, and I am most indebted to my Match abandoned before a ball was bowled Half Colours: G. Owen, A. Middleton, K. J. Fox,
colleagues who run clubsides and leagues and Wed. 5 May: 1st XI v Birkenhead School R. G. Scotter.
who umpire out of pity or kindness! Thank you all Match Drawn Also played: Dickinson, Owen I.
very much — most of you have wives that put up Birkenhead 131-7 dec. (R. F. Smail 4-35, I. A.
with you and your cricket, and I am sure that they Clarke 3-44)
2nd XI
should also be acknowledged for their tolerance. 1st XI64-5
Finally, I must return to the point at which I Sat. 8 May: 1st XI v Mts, Crosby
The season was to prove exciting with two
started, and thank JCW and Ramesh Sethi for Match Tied
ties, two victories, a draw and a defeat. The team
their efforts and congratulate the XI on the way 1st XI 126-9 dec. (J. T. Keable 33, K. J. Fox 35
had an enjoyable season, played with enthusiasm
in which it responded to the challenges of 1976. no)
and vigour even if they did lack some of the
MTS 126 (R. F. Smail 6-43, C. D. Edwards 4-
R.F.T. etiquette of cricket. The batting was again a
problem, proving brittle at times. But we seemed
Wed. 12 May: 1st XI v Denstone
to have a tail with a sting. As Coulthard and
Match Drawn
Everall showed at Liverpool putting on 50 for the
1st X1104(1. A. Clarke 24, R. F. Smail 20)
last wicket. Attoe showed how to hit the ball
Denstone 86-8 (C. D. Edwards 3-7,1. A. Clarke
1st XI LEADING AVERAGES even if he got out sometimes. Bull played a good
sheet anchor role at times. Henderson and
Wed. 19 May: 1st XI v Oswestry CC
Batting Tunnicliffe clipped in with a few at vital times.
Match Abandoned without a ball bowled
The bowling was always sensible. Dickenson,
Inns No HS Runs Av. Sat.22May:1stXlvRydal
fast and aggressive, was a great asset. Coulthard
P. L. Brereton 13 2 66 264 25 Won by 48 runs
proved a valuable wicket-taker who could tie
G. Owen 13 2 53no 198 18 1st X1134 (Edwards58, Owen 31)
batsmen down. Smith had the impressive figures
R. F. Smail 8 2 40 102 17 Rydal 86 (Edwards 8-29)
of 4 for 4 against Liverpool, but lacked con
J. T. Keable 13 1 43 202 16 8 Wed. 26 May: 1st XI v Shrewsbury Schools
fidence throughout. Attoe was a useful change
A. C. Middleton 11 2 39 150 16 7 Lost by 10 wickets
bowler. The fielding proved good on occasions.
C. D. Edwards 13 0 58 204 15*6 1st XI67
A mention of Booth's throw to bring a run-out at

Wrekin to gain a tie must be made. The catching of the season, as well as in the Shropshire Under
was erratic. Thanks must go to C. D. Foyston 15 squad. His opening partner, Yearsley, im
who was an original manager and the side can proved all the time and produced some im
only wish him many years of exciting and in pressive opening spells in the later matches.
teresting cricket. Roskams and Taylor provided a balanced, if not
altogether accurate spin attack: both bowled well
R. Wynne-Griffith
at times but must keep the basic principles of line
and length well to the fore. Styles and Dada each
Results had one good match, and Harding-Rolls, not
Played 7: Won 2, Lost 1, Drawn 1, Tied 2, really used this year, could be a useful leg-spinner
Abandoned 1. in time.
The fielding, as ever, had its ups and downs:
Birkenhead (A) Birkenhead 107-4 dec. like last year, Twist looked the best and most
Ellesmere 107-10 natural fielder, and extremely good catches were
Merchant Taylors (H) Ellesmere 128 (Bull 43) taken by some of the others, but fielding in the
Merchant Taylors 102-9 hot spell at the end of term was not everybody's
Denstone (H) Denstone 49-5 (Dickinson 5-20). favourite pastime. Lushey kept wicket in every
Abandoned. match, and got better at it each time, setting a
Rydal(H) Ellesmere 74 good example to the rest of the side.
Rydal 75-5 Taylor and Owen, both of whom had a spell as
Shrewsbury (A) Ellesmere 142-8 dec. (Booth skipper, generally kept things together, but
42) rather lacked inspiration when things were not
Shrewsbury 78 (Everall 3-7) going their way. In fact we were on the defensive
Wrekin (A) Ellesmere 97 (Attoe 47) in the field fairly infrequently, since the number
Wrekin 97 of good Under 15 batting sides was very few this
Liverpool (A) Ellesmere 121 year.
Liverpool 80 (Smith 4-4, Coulthard 4-30) Some highlights: the exhilarating batting of
Harding-Rolls, Owen and Taylor against Den-
2nd Colours were awarded to: R. Wynne-Griffith, ston; Harding-Rolls' onslaught against the
J. A. H. Booth, G. Coulthard, S. L. Smith. Wrekin quick bowling; the determined recovery
UNDER 15 CRICKET from 36-6 against Priory, and some inspired
fielding in the same match. This was a good note
1976 saw the first 'new-style' Under 15 team in on which to finish the season, which one will
action, since ages for cricket teams are now remember for a happy side, as well as for some
taken from September 1st. This meant that good cricket.
several players were having a second Under 15
season, and this was fortunate, since the number Results: Played 11, Won 4, Drawn 4, Lost 3.
of good Under 14s from last year was small in
deed. Team (from): I. Owen, M. Taylor, D. J.
To start with no-one wanted to open the Roskams, M. Harding-Rolls, S. Lushey, A.
B. Twist, O. J. P. Brocklehurst, A. Dada, D.
batting: some unsuccessful experiments were
Styles, J. Yearsley, T. P. Humpidge, M.
made before Harding Rolls and Roskams
Williams, S. Evans.
produced two standards of 70 in successive
matches, and the job became theirs. After that
Owen and Taylor were the chief run-makers,
U/15 Results 1976
while Styles, Brocklehurst, Lushey and Twist all
made useful contributions at times, and in fact v Oswestry Won by 64 runs
there was sufficient batting to ensure that we Ellesmere 140-8 (Lushey 38 no, Brocklehurst
were only bowled out once, at Liverpool. The 32)
bowling relied heavily on Owen, who was one of Oswestry 76 (Owen 4-12)
the quickest bowlers on view all season, and who v Birkenhead Drawn
fully justified his inclusion in the 1st XI at the end Birkenhead 102 (Owen 5-13)
Ellesmere 54-7
v Merchant Taylors Drawn Jones showed the ability to hit the ball. The Ellesmere 47
MTC53(Dada4-9) bowling on paper looked promising but in Liverpool 48 for 1
Ellesmere 50-5 (Owen 30) practice lacked the virtues of line and length. v. Brookland Hall. Won by 8 wkts.
v Denstone Won by 57 runs Ashley could be a genuine quick bowler. He has a Brookland51 (Evans 5 for 4, Chandler 3 for26)
natural away swing, but must sort his-nnn-up out Ellesmere 53 for 2.
Ellesmere 136-3 (Owen 54 no, Harding-Rolls
39, Taylor 32 no) and concentrate on accuracy. Chandler showed Team: R. C. M. Hopkins (Capt.), T. C. Ashley, J.
promise as a left-arm opening bowler but he M. Brown, S. J. Chandler, R. P. Eardley, D. G.
Denstone 79 (Owen 4-15)
v Rydal Wonby8Wkts needs to correct his action somewhat. Hopkins, Jones, P. D. H. Jones, S. Pyke, A. J. Redfern,
Rydal44(Yearsley4-14) Eardley and Brown all wheeled away at medium R. A. Shelley, M. J. Talbot, M. J. Walls. The
Ellesmere 45-2 pace with little success. The spinners Talbot and scorebook was immaculately kept by T. W. Lees.
v Shrewsbury Lost by 3 Wkts Walls are good prospects but they never had No colours were awarded. The Single wicket
Ellesmere 131-6 (Harding-Rolls 39, Taylor 33 enough runs to bowl at. In retrospect, it seems we competition was won by R. C. M. Hopkins.
no, Roskams 34) had too much bowling of a sort, and it was a case
Shrewsbury 132-7 of finding out who was the best on the day. By
the time this was done it was too late! The GOLF
v Liverpool Lost by 37 runs
Liverpool 133-8 (Taylor 4-29) fielding was adequate, though for boys of this
Last year the club was unlucky to lose M. B.
Ellesmere 96 age depressingly aldermanic. Brown and D. G.
Stevens, J. M. Salt and M. Lyon—three regular
v Wrekin Drawn Jones were the best. The wicket-keeping duties
members of the team, all in the Vth form. The
Ellesmere 133-6 (Harding-Rolls 53, Roskams were shared by Redfern and D. G. Jones who
autumn term started, therefore, with only one
39) were sound. The side was captained by Hopkins
reputable golfer in residence in the Captain, M.
Wrekin 88-5 who bore with stoicism the indifferent form both
C. Lewis, who plays off 6. In the course of the
v Invitation XI Won by 1 Wkt of himself and the side. One seriously hopes that
year new stars have appeared, but they have, for
Invitation X1131-8 many salutary lessons have been learnt in defeat. the most part, been players already committed to
Ellesmere 132-9 I remain optimistic about the long term prospects
cricket or athletics. As a result we have been
v Rydal Lost by 6 Wkts of this group, provided they work hard at their
struggling this summer: we lost to Shrewsbury in
Ellesmere 125-7 (Styles 34 no, Owen 30) cricket in the future.
the Minor Sports Competition, 3-0; Birkenhead
Rydal 126-4 Results: beat us at Oswestry, 3%-21/2; and Merchant
v Priory Drawn v. Oswestry School. Lost by 1 wkt. Taylor's defeated us on our own course, 5 ]4-3 Vi.
Ellesmere 125-9 (Twist 35) Ellesmere 104 (Redfern 26, Shelley 17) Our only success came in the last match when
Priory we played Rydal at Ellesmere and won a close
Oswestry 105 for 9 (Brown 3 for 31, Talbot 3
for 22) and exciting match by 514-314. Several young
UNDER 14 CRICKET v. Birkenhead School. Lost by 77 runs. players have come on well recently, however, so
Birkenhead 144 for 4 dec. (Ashley 3 for 26) we can perhaps look forward to a more suc
The Playing record of the Under 14 Team Ellesmere 67 (Jones D.G. 16, Talbot 16) cessful season next year.
makes sorry reading; Played 10, Won 2, Lost 6, v. Merchant Taylors'. Lost by 76 runs. Our internal competitions have been keenly
Drawn 2. Despite the poor season one felt that Merchant Taylors' 110 for 5 dec. contested even when the golf has not been of a
there was considerable potential and that many Ellesmere 34 high standard. M. Pargeter won the Summer
of the side would play good cricket later on. This v. Denstone College. Won by 4 wkts. Term Competition on May 2nd with a score over
season they were too small in stature, inex Denstone 34 (Ashley 3 for 7, Eardley 3 for 9) nine holes of 40-10-30, whilst the annual Pro-Am
perienced and lacking in confidence. Both Ellesmere 35 for 6. Stableford Competition was won by R. A. Clay
batting and bowling were equally weak. When v. Prestfelde School. Match drawn. and G. Owen who returned 23 points for nine
one notes that in ten matches only once did the Prestfelde 80 for 9 dec. (Talbot 5 for 14) holes. The chaplain and I. A. Clarke scored 21
side top the hundred mark, and that 26 was the Ellesmere 58 for 6. points and shared second place with the Second
highest individual score, the point is made! 50 v. Shrewsbury School. Lost by 6 wkts. Master and G. Jinks. The Brockwell/Hayworth
was about par for the course! Put bluntly, those Ellesmere 58 Match Play Cup was won by I. R. Attoe. He
who could play a defensive stroke could not get Shrewsbury 59 for 4 defeated I. A. Clarke in the final on a very hot day
the ball off the square, and those who could do v. Wrekin College. Lost by 6 wkts. at Oswestry by 3 and 2. The four finalists for the
the latter could not play a defensive stroke. Both Ellesmere 56 Bratby/Cotterill Cup were C. V. Atkinson, I. R.
Redfern and Talbot showed a good technique Wrekin 57 for 5. Attoe, I. A. Clarke and J. R. Hawkins. On
and will make runs in the future. Shelley showed v. Oswestry High School. Match drawn another glorious summer afternoon I. A. Clarke
great determination but has no scoring strokes, Oswestry 141 for 4 dec. won the trophy by a street, returning 86-24-62. J.
Hopkins always looked good but never scored Ellesmere 54 for 5 (Shelley 16, Talbot 15) R. Hawkins was second with a net 74.
any runs, and Ashley, Chandler and the two v. Liverpool College. Lost by 9 wkts.
Once again this year training began in the This has been a very enjoyable athletics season
Ellesmere Town Pool whilst our own pool was under the captaincy of R. G. Bielby. He generated
filled and allowed to warm up to a bearable much enthusiasm and effort both in matches and
temperature. Unfortunately this took longer than in training. The record of the team was that we
usual due to unforseen circumstances, and lost to Shrewsbury, Denstone, Worksop, Wrekin
although the training in the Town Pool was and Repton, and beat Rosall, Rugby, Liverpool,
adequate, the team was by no means 'Match Fit' Oswestry and Bromsgrove. The weather for the
when the day of the first match arrived. first two or three matches was hardly en
The matches against Wrekih, Merchant couraging with cloud bursts and a hail storm
Taylors', Shrewsbury and Rydal were all fairly which threatened to stop the Oswestry match.
close but having had such little water time The ice from the hail storm left the track more
compared to these schools with their own indoor suited to speed skating than athletics. However,
facilities, we lost all four. However, we did have a as the season progressed the weather improved
number of outstanding performances, par and the inter-house competitions were held in
ticularly those of P. C. Whitehead, an under 16, tropical conditions.
who broke the Colts and Senior Breast stroke The squad have shown considerable interest in
record on three separate occasions, by a total of the 5 Star and in the Pentathlon and Decathlon
over three seconds. C. Hilling and R. P. J. award schemes. No less than twelve athletes
Robinson showed their usual consistent form, gained 5 Star awards while six gained Fire Star
winning most of their races, whilst most of the Pentathlon Awards and two gained Five Star
squad improved on their own personal per Decathlon Awards. These schemes have en
formances. couraged greater versatility amongst our athletes
The Under 14 Squad did very well and the and in a school of our size, this must be very
policy of swimming this age group is beginning to useful for future years.
pay off. W. Whitehead, Slous and Davis swam Towards the end of the season seven athletes
really well and are very good prospects for the represented Shropshire in the Mason Trophy
Inter County Meeting at Warley and R. G. Bielby
The team did well to win matches against
has gained selection for the county team of thirty
Oswestry, Liverpool and Bedstone. athletes who will go to the English Schools
The squad had a very successful night at the
The old boys' meeting this year was Championships. m
Shropshire Schools' Championship. Richard The season came to a fitting climax with a
Oswestry on July 18th. The Leslie Simpson Cup Robinson and Paul Whitehead became County
was won by the Second Master, M. C. Penny, heat-wave for the Standards Competition and
Champions of the Backstroke and Breaststroke House Matches. In the heats of the House
with a net score of 68. The Vice Captain, C. V. respectively. The Free-Style Relay Team of
Atkinson, was second with a net 73. Matches conditions were ideal for fast running
Robinson, Hilling, Barber and Spittle won the and D. Braithwaite took the Under 16 record in
The thanks of all members of the club are due Senior County Relay for the third year running in
to Charles Atkinson, Ian Attoe, and Andrew the 100 metres.
yet another record time. Other records have been broken during the
Ryland who have between them spent many This relay squad represented Shropshire
hours this year cutting and dressing the greens season by I. Burns (Senior 1500) and S. Hems
against Worcester and Hereford and helped the (Under 16, 1500) while D. Brown equalled the
and attending the bunkers. Two dry seasons in Salop team to win the match. Paul Whitehead in
succession have made it very difficult, however, school shot putt record and broke the discus
a really high class finish but the resulting time record in practice but did not quite make it in
to keep the greens in good condition. Grass broke the school record again showing just how
needs water, and we may have to consider in competition. The house competitions went to
good he will be with two more years left at
stalling water points close to our greens if we are Lambart (Senior), Wakeman (Intermediate and
to prevent large patches of grass from dying Junior) and Talbot (Standards Competition),
There is good spirit and some real potential in
during these hot spells. while the Victors Ludorum were R. G. Bielby
the squad and provided the pool (facilities don't
The following have represented the school this (Senior) D. Braithwaite (Intermediate) and T. S.
let us down, there are some good prospects for
year: M. C. Lewis (Captain), C. V. Atkinson Ashley (Junior).
next year.
(Vice-Captain), I. R. Attoe (Competition
Secretary), J. R. Hawkins, T. J. Crane, M. P. J. P.J.N.K.
Pargeter, I. N. Corp, J. M. Fell, R. A. Shelley.

F.E.S. 49
In conclusion I would like to thank Guy Bielby, League Table
Ian Burns and Dave Brown for their efforts on
behalf of 'the management' this year and to P. W. D. L. For Ag. Pts.
thank M.R., R.A.K. and M.C.P. for their help 1. Talbot 4 4 0 0 20 4 8
and assistance in the coaching of the squad. 2. Lambart 4 2 1 1 11 8 5
3. Woodard 4 1 1 2 19 19 3 SQUASH
N.R.P. 4. Meynell 4 112 6 14 3
5. Wakeman 4 0 13 9 20 1 This year's team, although inexperienced in
match play squash, played inspiringly
throughout the season. An invitation to join the
Results Second Division of the Shropshire Squash
League enabled us to play a variety of Shropshire
WATER POLO Clubs and valuable experience in playing on a
Meynell 1 Woodard 1 wide range of courts.
Talbot 3 Woodard 2
The sides this year were more evently mat Results varied, but gradually, as the season
Wakeman 2 Talbot 8 progressed, the combined match enabled us to
ched, and consequently the results of the games Talbot 7 Meynell 0 reach a creditable standard.
could not be forecast accurately. The issue was
Talbot 2 Lambart 0 Clarke played with tremendous zeal and
in doubt until the final match, which was the best
in the competition in terms of determination, determination at No. 5, and was unfortunate not
close marking and skill. It was pleasing to see Lambart 3 Wakeman 3 to win a few more matches. With his abundant
Woodard record their first victory for several Maynell 1 Lambart 3 energy and will-power he must try to make more
seasons, and even they could have done better if Woodard 2 Lambart 5 use of the loose ball on court if he is going to
they had not treated some of their games too Woodard 5 Wakeman 1 outplay his opponent. J. A. H. Booth, No. 4,
lightly. Wakeman 3 Meynell 4 managed to hit the ball hard and demonstrate a
The general level of skill was not high, and in degree of talent but he failed to show himself as
particular the ball was often thrown hopefully up fit. This probably accounts for the paucity of his
the pool, without really looking to see where
one's team mates were. Shooting likewise was At No. 3 Skinner showed great ability and
temperament. Most of his opponents won solely
poor—far too often shots were taken from too
tar away — particularly in the shallow end. Ball TENNIS by his mistakes which obviously must be
control was better than in previous years, eliminated if the standard of his squash is to
A one hundred per cent clear-out of last year's improve. Being a newcomer to the game, Smith
although the art of masking the ball from the
team did not augur well for this season; but ever D. L. (No. 2) suffered from a lack of experience in
opposition was not mastered. When it was tried,
hopeful of something turning up, we were not the opening games. But as the season progressed
the defender invariably fouled his opponent. Play
disappointed. David Smith appeared on the so did his confidence, until he became probably
in the shallow end was always difficult, but too
scene and was soon promoted to the vacant post the steadiest player in the team, rarely making
many players succumbed to the temptation to
of captain. He, and John Crook, soon got to mistakes because his ball control is so skilful.
walk and jump off the bottom.
licking a team into shape. It was still, however, a C. D. Edwards was Captain and No. 1 who,
The matches were well supported by en
very inexperienced six that represented the during the course of the season lost only one
thusiastic applaus — and occasional derision,
school and was too often beaten by more match, but revenge was obtained in the return
and the competition again showed the popular
seasoned sides. With more or less the same team home game. He played with competence and
nature of the game.
for next year we hope that we really might have skill.
H.R.H. built for the future. Although we might not have Overall the team enjoyed their squash
the anticipation of John Green to admire, we especially as the night visits to other clubs added
may well have further instalments of the a new interest to playing the game. Our thanks
marathons of Jeremy Bosanquet and Jeremy must go to our manager, C. D. Foyston, for
Burns, the curious style of Guy Hingley and the arranging the fixures and travelling with us, and
free-hitting of Charles Mansell! Well done men, also to our coach, J. C. Walters, who gave us
you did a wonderful job. much encouragement.
M.J.B. C. D. Edwards

H. C. RigbyD.F.C. and Bar

£J/ Austin (1897)' Sir Hl Trusted< QC- <1901>< T- S. Louch, Q.C., M.C. Col. S. M. Hollway, O.B.E., M.C., T.D., D.C. (1922) C T Snape (1924) S
(1905), C. H. Scott (1908) A. C. Shepherd, M.C. (1911), Major-General L R. CHeetham (1925), B. Bancroft (1928), Air-Commodore E. E. W. Lloyd-Jones]
H. Keatmge, C.B.E. (1913),Major-General W. R. Goodman, C.B., D.S.O., O.B.E. (1929), A. Macleod-Smlth, C.M.G., (1930), Professor D. C. M. Yardley
M.C (1914), the Rev. J. W. J. Steele, C.B.E. (1915), R. W. Raby (1916), R. E. (1933), P. Anstey (1935), Dr. A. R. W. Baddeley (1937), J. R. H. Newey Q.C
Brabyn (1916), I. B. Barter (1918), J. C. Copeland (1918), G. Haworth (1918), (1937), Professor G. Pyatt (1950), I. D. S. Beer (Headmaster 1961-69).

A. Cheetham, N. A. Plummer, H. C. Rlgby, A. G. Shepherd.

Executive Committee
M. U. Newbold (Chairman), G. Hawarth (Vice Chairman), the Headmaster the
Bursar, Peter Scott, F. Berrisford, A. G. McGlunn.

0. £ Golf: C. T. Snape, 67 Compton Rd., Wolverhampton.
O.E. Squash: W. Woodard, Broadacres, Chapel Chorlton
O.E. Shooting: W. H. Barnett, Ellesmere College
O.E. Mountain Climbing: J. M. Scorer, Ellesmere College
O.E. Cricket, Rugger, Hockey: Hon. Sec. Ellesmere College
Local Societies
London: P. Anstey (Chairman), R. W. G. Evans (Secretary) 45 Redcliffe
Square, London SW5
Manchester: S. Cheetham (Chairman), W. A. Pyke (Secretary), 18 Albany
Ave, Eccleston Park, Prescot, Lanes.
Merseyside: B. Bancroft (Chairman), T. A. McD. Williams (Secretary) 11
Eversley Park, off Liverpool Rd., Chester.
West Midlands: C. T. Snape, (Chairman), D. Latham (Secretary) Valetta
Stockwood Lane, Inkberrow, Worcs.
Hon. Sec. O.E. Club: Richard Taylor, Ellesmere College
Hon. Treasurer: Air-Commodore E. E. W. Lloyd-Jones 0.B.E
Hon. Editor: O.E. Chronicle, J. W. Nankivell, Talbot House, Ellesmere.

The death of Sir Ofley Wakeman has robbed the school and the Club of a
most generous friend and benefactor. He was a constant visitor to our annual We also have to record the death in January, 1976 of Cecil Howard for 41
dinner and on his retirement from the office of Custos and Chairman of the years a master at Ellesmere, honorary member of the Club since 1930 and
Schoo Committee, he was elected Patron of the Club, and of the Schools Vice-President since his retirement. Reports on the Memorial Services of Sir
Appeal Committee. His father became Custos in 1879? and succeeded him - a Offley and Cecil are printed in the school section of the magazine
remarkable family connection.
We also record with regret the death, at the house of the Provost, of Miss represented Shropshire County hockey in the 30s. He joined the R.A.F. during
Florence Mary Woodard, Grand-daughter of our founder. She was in her 95th the last war, in the legal department, was mentioned in Despatches and was
awarded the O.B.E. His latest appointment was Director of Legal Services,
based in the Ministry of Defence.

Those who knew Colin Russell, and especially those who were taught by him
The two sons of R. Esh Love//have endowed two prizes for English at the
when he was Senior Biology Master here, will have heard, with deep sorrow, of
his death in a car accident last November. His widow, with her three boys, live School in memory of the centenary of their father's birth. Esh Lovell, until his
near Oswestry, and to them we send the sympathy of the members of the relatively early death, was one of the young 'old boys' who helped to found the
Club. Colin was concerned with countless good causes, but especially dear to Club in 1890, six years after the school opened, and for forty years he gave the
his heart was the conservation of the countryside. Pam Russell is now teaching Club such help as it needed. He was President in 1910, and after the war he did
at the College. much to help H. W. Bateman practically refound the Club. He was a Trustee
for the Woodard School Benefits' Club in the Midlands and represented our
Old Boys for many years. Also he was proud to be the record-holder for the
best bowling average, (36 wkts at a cost of 4.3 each) the school had. I wonder
In the foyer of the new Arts Centre a tablet has been fixed stating that if he still holds the record! Esh Lovell taught at several schools before becoming
"This Entrance and Exhibition Hall of the Arts Centre is given in memory of Headmaster of a Birmingham School, and whilst he was there he was local
Raymond Evans-Prosser M.A. Senior Classics Master 1924-1932 and Head secretary of the area. He was immensely proud of his son's success in winning
master 1935-1961 by his widow Kathleen and their children Caryl and Jancis. a top Natural Science Scholarship at Pembroke College in 1939. The ap
proaching war and his declining health cut off Lovel's visits to school and he
gradually had to give up his Ellesmere activities.
It is strange that the school has so few endowed prizes; in fact only the
Mrs. Evans-Prosser is making a steady recovery since and lives near her Smith Bequest, commemorating the brief life of T. K. Burgoyne Smith — killed
daughter Jancis in Crowborough, Sussex. Many will remember Jancis, in the Far East after the 1945 war — given by his parents in his memory, has
especially those in the Junior School. Dr. Caryl Evans-Prosser lives at Old been the only endowed prize, another reason for welcoming the two Lovel
Basing, Hants. English prizes. The Smith prize marks T.K.B.'s love of history (he was a history
exhibitioner at Cambridge, but was killed before he could go up). The school
prize list is long, and the 'general' prizes could so easily be transformed into
special prizes!
Cecil Rigby, Vice-President and for many years a Trustee of the Club's
Charitable Fund is our new President. He was in Talbot House (1932-7) was
Captain of School and captain of practically every thing else; he played for the
1st XV for five years and was captain for three; he also played cricket for 1st XI The Rev'd Michael A. Cooper has donated his father's library to the
and was Captain in 1937, having gained his colours for four years; for two years school. Michael's father, Douglas, and his uncles— and many will remember
he won the hockey colours; and was captain of golf for four years; played Harry Patten — were at Ellesmere and Michael followed them. His mother now
tennis for the school and was Victor Ludorum in '36 and '37. He was in the lives in Padgate, and Michael has been appointed Curate-in-Charge recently at
Shooting Eight, in the choir and was Captain of School for two years. He went St. George's Netherfield, Nottingham. The church was founded by the Rector
to Liverpool University to read Law but was called to join his Regiment, the of Gedling, the then Lord Forrester, whose descendant is so well known to
Cheshires, for he had been a Territorial Officer when at school. Later he many Ellesmerians, especially those in O.E. Masonic Lodge.
transferred to the R. A. F. won the D. F. C. and Bar and was dembolized with the
rank of Wing-Commander. After qualifying as a solicitor, he joined the family
firm in Sandbach. He soon took part in local government and has held many
Senior Chairmanships in Cheshire County Council, notably in education. He is Cecil Howard left his estate to the school and for the endowment fund, the
now one of the few solicitors appointed a Recorder in the Crown Court. main purpose of which is to help form a scholarship fund sufficiently large to
help reduce fees for future scholars here.

To succeed the admirable John Carter as Hon. Treasurer of the Club the
A.G.M. appointed Air-Commodore WynnLJoyd-Jones R.A.F. (retd.), who Mrs. Tustain, mother of Brian, and his elder brother, G. T. Tustain, who
now lives in Oswestry near to his brother-in-law Tony and Bill Woodward. was killed in the last war has left the school a covenanted £1000 to pay for the
Wyne was in Talbot in 1929-33, is a solicitor and a member of the Society for building and furnishing of a practice room in the Music section of the Arts
Roman STudies. He played in the XV and gained his colours at a time when the Centre.
Rugger here was very strong. He also played hockey successfully and

Leslie Bennett, for some years a very active member of the Club, and a We congratulate the following on their achievements in the world of
former Hon. Sec. of our Birmingham area, has left his Music Library to the Rugby football:
school. Leslie and his wife are well-known for their music recitals, and they W. B. Beaumont who played in the England 2nd Row throughout the
have played at Ellesmere, and hope to play in the Arts Centre next January. international season. His partner was R. B. Wilkinson, brother-in-law of R.
M. Keyworth on gaining 4 England caps in 1976 as a flank forward.
P. St. L. Kyrke-Smith on winning his third rugby blue.
We are grateful to the Hon. Sec. Old Denstonian Club for the gift of the
Centenary edition of its chronicle. This gives a fine covering of its main events
of the first century of Denstone's life, and together with their magazine, for
1973, where the events of the centenary celebrations are described, make up a From 1885 till 1950 producers of the Shakespearian Society feared to put
very competent history of the school. on Hamlet; in that year, an outstanding school-boy actor was available and Ian
The seventy-fifth anniversary of the WorksopCollege Old Boys' Club is Howard's portrayal of the Prince, under the direction of Cecil Howard, was
being marked by festivities in October this year. Ellesemere was as closely memorable. It was of great interest that we heard that the Society once again
associated with Worksop in its early years, as Ellesmere was with Denstone, was to produce a Shakespearian play after a gap of eight years and that the
and to both schools we send good wishes. play was to be Hamlet, and we would like to congratulate the playing of S. A.
Westrop and the production of Mr. Privett, the producer.

It was a pleasure to receive Major A. J. W. Phillips, M. C, T. D. a fifty

year old prospectus of the school—A. J. W. was Phillips v in 1926. His home A notice sent to all guests and masters in 1897 before the opening of Big
is in Hereford. School by the Duchess of Westminster, enabling them to enjoy their elaborate
lunch, said "Owing to circumstances which are unavoidable, the opening of
the school-room was fixed for the 22nd October, a fast day. The Visitor (the
Bishop of Lichfield) who was consulted by the Provost, has given his
A kindly friend has sent us a photostat of the pages in the 1923 Ruthinian
dispensation from the obligation of the day, to those who may desire it."
referring to their very first home school rugger match. Ruthin had played for
Fast-days were strictly observed by the faithful up to 1914; to the school it
some years, rugger of a rough and ready kind - We quote from their 1923
meant highly scented fish for luncheon, possibly the worst of all meals served
magazine: "The first match of any importance was played against Ellesmere,
in those days.
who also adopted rugger (as the school game) in 1913. This was the first inter-
school Rugby football match in N. Wales. . . touch lines being crowded before
the kick-off . .. one of the hardest games ever played on the school ground ...
school won by a margin of one or two points (. .. cannot remember the exact The timetable and meals of 1900 are recalled by A. Blundell (the youngest
score). Mr. Moore . . . only member of staff who played ... That humble start of the four Blundell brothers here) who has sent me some recollections of his
has doubtless been the means of stimulating Rugby football in North Wales... early days — summarised here "We all arrived by train ... Woodard dormitory
other schools that have adopted it. Rydal. . . who knows but that one day N. ... 20 of us under my elder brother. . . First bell 6.55, rush for basin of cold
Wales will rival S. Wales. This year, 1923, the centenary is being celebrated at water. . . one tap for each room . . . 7.15 for prayers at bedsides, 3rd bell for
Rugby. . .who can tell but that one day a similar celebration of the in assembly in bottom corridor for chapel, then breakfast (porridge, bread, tea)
troduction of the game in N. Wales will be held?" then school in Big School — 6 periods till dinner, games, afternoon school,
Rugger was played at Ellesmere from 1884 till 1903. The number of boys prep . . . hipbath once a week or in summer swim in Whitemere instead ... top
declined for a few years and it was difficult to get fixtures, so Ellesmere field enlarged ... pavilion built."
switched to Soccer until 1912. Despite strong opposition within the school.
Hedworth and D. R. Evans, (two famous players in their Denstone days) per
sisted and Rugger was re-introduced. In early days here, probationers played
with the XV, but masters rarely. This of course was when there were three The etchings of the school which have illustrated the last two O.E.
schools here, a teacher's training school called the Probationers, the Grammar Chronicles were apparently drawn by the Adnitts of the firm Adnitt and
School and the Servitor's School. The first match the XV played was at Naunton, The Square, Shrewsbury for a book on Shropshire published in 1906.
Ellesmere in 1913 against Ruthin when the school won by 43 points to nil. For So far as the editor knows, copies of these beautiful etchings were sold at the
the return match at Ruthin Ruthin trained hard and with the help of Mr. Moore school after the First World War. He would be interested to know how many
(T.C.D. and Bectives) beat Ellesmere, not by a point or two but by 9 points to members have the series of five. The School's Appeal Committee are exploring
nil. Ellesmere fanatics were not pleased. the possibility of re-issuing the set, and this may be accomplished if a number
of subscribers can be found. Please write to J.W.N. if you are interested.
This year's picture shows the Dining Hall, the Central buildings — and NB
the roof of Ante-Hall, Big School and a portion of the Headmaster's rooms, the
north wing and the single tennis court lies below the "knock-about" field. Squash, Hockey, Shooting, and Mountain Climbing more or less independent
There were then no 'South Pole', no classrooms and rudimentary terraces. The of the Hon. Sec. and Executive Committee have all increased the strength of
fence and hedges were often subjects of stormy quarrels concerning their the Club. But the most important change has been brought about by the
ownership — did they belong to school or Birch Hall Farm? Stormy relations formation of the Executive Committee, with a long-serving Chairman and Vice-
between the farm lasted for years. It was this tension which caused the school Chairman, and a small sub-committee. This has enabled the Club to have
to fail to get Emberton's permission to sink the water tower on Spy Bank, so continujty over management and investment and as all officers of the Club are
giving increased pressure to North and South Pole water systems, and hiding ex-officio members of the Executive, problems of overall and local affairs are
the container, now stuck up on Water Tower Hill — the first such container now well-cared for. There have been three chairmen, Cyril Scott, Stephen
Wyatts built. Emberton maintained to the landlord that the tree on Spy Bank Hollway and Martin Newbold, who with the trustees and the Hon. Treasurers
was essential to his herd's welfare. (Jimmy Mangnall, John Carter particularly) have relieved the Hon.
Secretary of much responsibility. Above all the retiring Hon. Secretrary owes
much to the Headmasters-R. A. Evans-Prosser, Ian Beer, David Skipper
during the past 26 years, have driven thousands of miles to Appeal meetings
The detailed history of the Shropshire Union — the Ellesmere — Canal, and local dinners. What might have been a bore, had they not been so en
written by Edward Wilson, our former Biology master, was published just after thusiastic in their support for the Club, has been sometimes exciting, oc
his death. This book will interest all canal enthusiasts, especially those old boys casionally terrifying, but always fun, without their help, and that of the present
who have wandered along the towpath of the canal, toured on its waters, Bursar, the Club would have existed, but it would not have the strength nor the
fished in it and learnt the skill of canoeing, before venturing on rivers. To those acceptability it has today. To all the above, the writer is grateful.
who were taught by E.A.W. and knew his family the chapter on the canal
holiday the Wilson family enjoyed will be of especial interest. One small fault -
the Duke of Bridgewater did not own all of Ellesmere and Whitchurch. There
were five other major estates in an around the town then, but he did,own The two paragraphs which follow are contributed by the new Secretary —
the area of the newly built Wharf Road and the Basin area. The Iron Foundry Richard Taylor.
(where Unigate is now) was managed and owned by Clays of Ellesmere. It would help me greatly if O.E.'s would answer circulars — particularly
about sport — more promptly.
In order to get a side together for the Brewers' Cup game, I sent out two
circulars (my first one brought no response) and spent some six hours on the
This account which follows is the speech which the Editor intended to phone. It is not true to say that we are not interested in the competition,
make at the Dinner. Clearly, it was inappropriate to speak it in the cir because many younger O.E's would have played if they had not had university
cumstances and he takes the liberty of printing it here. exams. It would be true to say that a side could have been raised more easily
On the retirement of J.W. N. from the post of Hon. Secretary he would like and at far less expense if 0. E.s took the trouble to answer the correspondence!
to thank the innumerable people who have helped to make his job less tedious. The reasons why we stay in the Brewers' Competition are:
H. W. Bateman pointed out fifty years ago, for a happy Club there must be the 1. We were invited to join, we considered this to be an honour, and we must
closest liaison between the Hon. Sec. and the School. H.W.B. and his try to justify the opinion of those who invited us.
predecessors and successors, living either in London or far away, were unable 2. As a thriving Old Boys' organisation, we should be perfectly capable of
to have the close contact and looked to members of the Common Room to be competing in a variety of competitions.
the link. Of these E. T. Stealey, W. L. Sumsion, P. A. Hall and since 1939 3. We owe it to the College to carry the good name of the College to as many
J.W.N. and W.L.S. jointly were those links. P. A. Hall helped greatly when he regions as possible. This applies to those in universities, industry, or wherever.
was Editor of the Ellesmerian by expanding the contents of the 0. E. Chronicle, If we can do a small bit as O.E. cricketers towards this, then we should try
and in effect, editing it completely. In 1939, J.W.N. who had helped P.A.H. through this competition to do so.
since 1935, took over the Editorship of the magazine for a while, then 4. The School has produced 1st Xls of quality in recent years. This is largely
'managed' both the school section and the O.E. Chronicle until recent years. due to the work of John Wolters. Those who have played in John's sides know
Now, for another year or so, although giving up other Official jobs, he will that an Ellesmere XI is very difficult to beat (except once a year!). I feel that we
continue to edit the O.E. Chronicle. For the future historian, the names of are betraying the standards of the 1st XI if we as old boys are unable to reflect
previous secretaries are here recorded: 1890: A. Wilson-Green 1892: Rev. T. C. something of the way in which we learned to play at school.
Whittle 1895: Rev. B. R. Hibbert 1920: H. W. Bateman 1937: E. W. Whalley 5. Although we have not won a game in the four seasons so far, we have met
1947: G. H. Stokes, M.C. 1960: J. W. N. (with W. L. Sumsion in charge, very good sides on three occasions - including this year's Denstonian side. It
records, till 1962). should be possible for us to get a side together as good as any. It might take a
The Club almost ceased to exist in the period 1914-19 and it was then few seasons to do this, but I feel we should keep going. At least we have not
enlivened with a new constitution and set of rules under the leadership of H. scratched; we must now try to win a reputation for being able to play a bit.
W. Bateman. Led by Cyril Scott, the constitution and rules were radically However, if you do not get a game this year, please ask me to put your
changed in 1952, and 1953. Local secretaries in Manchester, Liverpool, name down for the same process another year.
London, West Midlands and South Wales with their own local chairmen and (b) Hockey: Circulars come round in January; please let me know before then
committees, and the formation of the Golf Club (under S. Snape), the Cricket, if you want to be considered. Again preference to recent leavers.
(c) Cricket: The Brewers side should be complete by the end of April. The side Golf The annual tournament was held at Oswestry on 18th July, once again
to play the school and the Shropshire Gentlemen is also circularised in April, organised by Peter Snape and attended by the Headmaster and Mrs. Skipper
but there is not the same hurry to select the teams until early June. i^ Presented the Prizes), J. Horn, B. Keenan, D. Wardle, G. Bancroft, M.
If you wish to play in the Rugger match next year, please write early. Moblesley, J. Stoker, G. Sale, R. Woodward, D. Latham, A. Brown, G. Twist,
Rugger 1975 See school section for account. The following played: R. R. Sym, S' 7J}y.,' '"• Elston' R- Graves, J. Benson, G. Haworth, R. Wynn, P. Morris,
R. Acheson and brother Robert, N. Blakey, D. Keen, L. Mooney, R. Smith. S. R. Walker, J. Parry, B. Webb, J. Ashbrook, D. Wynn, W. Woodward and ten
Pettegree S, Bowers, D. Robert, M. Hill, L. Moreton, J. Hudson, E. Tosh Ash- guests. Of the Common JRoom, M. Penney, F. Sutterby, R. Clay together
worth and J. Morpuss. with two boys. J Horn, D. Latham and G. Twist were the prizewinners in the
Hockey 1976 School won 2-0, the first time for many years, despite dominance Scott Cup; R. Walker, G. Bancroft, G. Twist and D. Latham in the Barker Cup.
of O.E.s in the second half. The re-union in the Red Lion was delightful. Team: D. Latham also won the Sumsion Cup and G. Twist and W. Woodward were
P. Tinker, J. Berrisford, J. Pilkington, N. Millward, B. Thirsk, A. Hill, S. second and third. M. Penney won the School Sumsion Cup, C. Atkinson was
Massey, T. Longford, K. Bayliss, R. Thomas, S. Bunting. second and F. Sutterby third. G. Freeman-Jones won the Visitors' Cup and J
Cricket. Brewers Cup — on 23rd May O.E. and Old Denstonians — Old D;'s Parry just won the Rabbit for G. Sale.
battled first, slowly then quickly dominated the bowling, scored 237 runs, a fine
century from Gerry Worsdale. Ellesmere lacked depth in batting to surpass 237.
Sam Taylor made a fighting 63. Robert Clay bowled well without much luck
Squash: School won by 4 games to 1 - keenly fought but only J. A. Finn won
and David Keen initially looked good, but we were overwhelmed by a better
for O.E.s. Others who played for O.E.s were S. Jackson, T. Green and the
side, K. S. N. Pettegree captained the side, D. Keen, G. Owen, I. Clarke, D.
Secretary, W. R. A. Woodward. Next years game will be the same day as the
hockey match.
French, G. Whittaker, S. V. Taylor, A. Geldart, R. Clay, M. Newbold, R. F.
O.E. v School: Judging by the response, it was going to be difficult to raise
respectable sides. As it happened, the sides were far from respectable but
rather good at cricket! 'The most talented OE side they had seen thought the
Gents, and indeed if we could get this crew out for the Brewers, we would be a
hard side to beat.
The cricket owed its success to the captaincy of CD (Butler) Reynolds who
made sensible and generous declarations, applied and withdrew pressure most
skilfully in the field, scored lots of runs himself, and drank as much beer as
anyone apart from Blakey, N.
It was a superb week-end despite the fact that Richard Manby still does
not know exactly what he told M.W.H.G. to do and Nige Blakey will not be
opening a hotel in the back of the Simca. If anyone meets Nick Cousins oh the
way to Ellesmere, tell him the match is next weekend.
We are grateful to the Headmaster and Mrs. Skipper for entertaining us in
their garden, and to Blakey, N. for not removing it.
v. The School: 0. E.s won by 33 runs:
O.E.s 199-4dec (C. D. Reynolds79no) & 167-3dec
(C. D. Reynolds 73, R. A. Patterson 59)
1st X1170-3 & 163 ( A. A. W. Geldart 7-60) dec.
v. The Gents: O.E.s 240-6 dec. (Reynolds 67, Edwards66, Sam Taylor45 Paul
Brereton 37)
The Gents: 210-8 (Dave French 3-34)
Match honourably drawn and all retired to the Black!


The photograph of the cricket XI of 1937 on page shows our new

President as Captain, Mr. Chapman as master-in-charge of cricket, J. S.
Partridge, Ivor St. L. Morris, J. B. Rigby, F. J. Avis, M. F. N. Scotts, H. W.
Thompson. V. L. de Gregory, M. J. Evans, J. C. Knoyle and P. W. Hawkins.
Rigby played for the XI for five years and was the oustanding cricketer of his The Cricket X11937 see Editor's Notes.
time 1932-37.
THE MEETINGS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND A.G.M. The meeting elected, as additional Vice-Presidents, Air-Commodore E. E.
W. Lloyd-Jones, Dr,. A. R. W. Baddeley and Professor Graham Pyatt.
The Executive met in the Public Schools Club in November last and spent
most of its time discussing the financial position of the Club, a position THE ANNUAL DINNER - 5TH JUNE
aggravated by the very heavy increase in printing, postage and stationery. The
matter, once again, was refered to a sub-committee, to report at the A.G.M. That 86 people sat down to the 86th dinner was not only coincidental, but
The A.G.M. was held jointly with the Executive on 23 April in the school library. was also a distinct numerical improvement on recent years. It was a happy and
There were present Martin Newbold (Chairman) and thirteen other members of successful occasion, and it must give us hope of a further increase next year.
the Executive Committee; Major Thornton; Air-Commodore E.E.W. Lloyd- The retiring President, J. E. P. Perrier, M.C. (1925), installed his suc
Jones, G. D. Fairley, R. M. Wynne-Griffith and J. C. Cooke. cessor, H. C. Rigby, D.F.C. & Bar (1932). This was done with an informal but
There was another lengthy discussion about the finances of the Club. The dignified brevity as both of them were due to make speeches later. The
Bursar, on behalf of the sub-committee, reported that all members of the Club, Chaplain then said Grace.
should be written to by the Hon. Editor of the O.E. Chronicle, stating the The tables had not been arranged in years: while certain places were
problem of reinforcing the financing of the Ellesmerian by additional sub reserved, it was possible for age groups to mix or to separate as they wished.
scriptions. Many commented as to their preference for this arrangement. As this day was
The Hon. Secretary reported on the outstanding eventrs of the past year, also Speech Day, Mrs. Gray, Ron, Bevan (Catering Manager) and his staff, and
the deaths of Sir Offley Wakeman (Patron), Rev. R. A. Evans-Prosser and Cecil others who helped prepare Hall and the meal had been put to an enormous
Howard (Vice-Presidents), the wonderful success in these difficult days of amount of trouble. That their efforts were worthwhile is beyond dispute, and
Local Dinners and the many meetings at sporting activities of Club members. the President recorded the gratitude of the Club to Mrs. Skipper and Mrs.
The Hon. Treasurer (who for business reasons and relative distance from Penney, for the delightful flower arrangements, to Mrs. Gray and the Bursar for
Ellesmere was retiring from his post) gave his last report on the Income and their part in making the Dinner possible, and to Kitchen and Domestic staff, not
Expenditure Account and submitted his audited Balance Sheet for the Club's only for the meal and service they had provided for us, but also for the way in
finances up to 31 December 1975. The Income Account shows a surplus of which they supported the Headmaster's efforts to run an efficient but
£444 (£356 in 1974). The transfer from the Life Members Fund was £303 (£285) economic service all the year.
deposit account interest £91 (£28), donations £26 (£12) and other 'profits' £24 In proposing the Toast to Staff and School, J. E. P. Perrier said how much
(£33). The Life Members Fund totalled £14,862 compared with £13,995 in 1974. he had enjoyed his year in office: it had been a memorable experience to visit
The Reserve Account, represented by investments in Tyndall's Funds, Current the local dinners, to meet contemporaries and new faces, and to attend fun
and Deposit Accounts at the bank totalled £17,204 (compared with £15,892. ctions at The College. He mentioned his visit on Remembrance Sunday, and
The Tyndall Exempt Account has been increased since January 1st 1976 then took up some of the themes from the Head Master's speech in the
by the purchase of 2.202 distribution units. The market value of the Fund on 22 morning of Speech Day. Freedom of Choice was one of the many important
April was £17,505.The Club Charity statement up to 31st January 1976 showed reasons for the existence of schools like Ellesmere; this choice might be ex
an increase in income of £935 and an expenditure of £690, with cash in hand pensive, but it was worth the sacrifices; Ellesmere today offered not only a
£244 and Ellesmerian costs plus postage still to pay. John Carter expected the wide range of activities but also a disciplined framework within which true
income to increase in 1976 but not sufficiently to cover the costs of the freedom might flourish. Tribute was paid to the Head Master's personal part in
magazine and postage, both of which are expected to increase this year. In the generating loyalty and instilling values.
discussion which followed, Stephen Hollway said "we are bleeding to death", The Captain of School responded in doggerel — a year's activities
and all agreed that unless help is given over and above the present Life crammed into amusing rhyme. He told of the successes — academic, sporting
Membership contributions then the distribution of the magazine as we know it and in other spheres. The Head Master gave us parts of his Speech Day
will be impossible. Postage alone is consuming one third of our income, Report, emphasising again the importance of independent schools in the fight
The Accounts were adopted, and on the motion of the Hon. Secretary, to retain freedom: He warned of the danger of an educational system that was
John Carter was thanked for his outstanding services over the last twelve monolithic, a ready instrument for propaganda, a tool in the hands of those
years. This motion was carried with enthusiasm. Later in the meeting, on the who would impose a totalitarian system. At Ellesmere pupils have the chance to
proposition of J.W.N., seconded by the Bursar, Air-Commodore E. E. W. learn, to worship, to choose. The Old Boys have a vital role to play in helping to
Lloyd-Jones O.B.E. was unanimously elected to succeed John, and all the protect these freedoms. We can help by standing firmly by these freedoms, by
other office holders except the Hon. Secretary of the Club, the Hon. Secretary talking about Ellesmere in the right places, by encouraging firms (industrial or
of the Cricket Club and the Chairman of the London branch. Cecil Rigby otherwise) to use Ellesmere College in the holidays for courses, etc. The new
presided at the full A.G.M. on his appointment of President, J.E.P. Perrier was Arts' Centre had an obvious place in the future of Ellesmere and in the
formally thanked for his services during the past year, as were Alistair Macleod- College's relationship with the district.
Smith, the retiring Chairman of the London branch and J.W.N., for some years J. C. Wolters, M.A., Housemaster of Meynell, proposed the toast to the
Hon. Secretary of the Club. Peter Anstey was elected Chairman of the London OE Club in a characteristically witty speech in which his main theme appeared
branch and Robert Evans was elected Local Sec. London, Richard Taylor was to be the difficulty of communication within the club. Glow Worm at Control
elected Hon. Sec. of the Club and of the O.E. Cricket Club. was very appreciative of John's emphasis on the need for all sub-stations to
It was decided that the Club should assist the school in its contribution to respond more positively.
the Lancing Chapel Rose Window Appeal. 57
The President replied, laying particular stress on the work of John Carter THE LONDON DINNER
(retiring Hon. Treasurer) and expressing the gratitude of the Club for the
services thatJohn had so willingly given. He went on to thank Nanki for his The London Dinner was held in the Public Schools Club, St. James
dedication to the School and the Club. Those OEs who were present at the Square, on 14 November 1975; A. Macleod-Smith, Chairman of the area
Dinner realised that we were not thinking so much about a debt of gratitude presided, with the Headmaster, Ian Beer (Headmaster of Lancing), the
that we owed Nanki, but rather about the deep affection in which he is held. President of the Club and J.W.N. as his principal guests. There were about
His example of loytalty and service to the Club was then marked by a 50 acceptances of the invitation sent out by Peter Anstey, London Secretary.
presentation. The OE Club has given Nanki and Mrs Nankivell a cut-glass claret Amongst the other guests were Brian Hooton with a colleague, both from
jug with silver top and handle, 6 Waterford wine glasses and 6 sherry glasses Eton. Commander P. Dalrymple-Smith R.N., Group Captain G. Donaldson, J.
in the same set. A silver plaque accompanied the gifts and it read: Losen. Of the slightly older group present were G. Evans, V. Morecambe, K. L.
Presented with great affection to G. Makinson, G. Bate, L. M. N. Brockwell, J. Senior, A. G. Shepherd, the
J. W. Nankivell Rev. Raymond Davis. Those who were at school during the war years included
in appreciation of his services to a fine cross section of the school and six or seven from the Junior School in the
The Old Ellesmerian Club, in particular 20s and 30s - Dr. Alan Baddeley, M.E.C.D. Johnson, H. M. Hughes, Brian
as Secretary, 1950-1976 Edwards, P. Rothery, Tony France, J. Wynne-Jones, Robin Hughes, R.
Nanki thanked the Club for these gifts, pointing out that while he had been Walker, R. Bird and B. Tate, and Martin Newbold. Of the post '45 era present
scared out of his wits by the various Jehus that had driven him to OE functions were Geoffrey Stringer (the Rugger); A. Lunn, G. L. Davis, R. M. Ashworth,
all over the country, and while he found the OE Chronicle time-consuming (he A. E. P. Perrier, J. P. Baker, N. K. Spurr, R. W. Evans, J. A. Harvey, M. H.
seemed determined to foist it on to RFT who was equally determined to leave it Abell-Richards, W. Oo, C. R. Anstey, A. Litherland, and P. McCullough. There
in the hands of JWN), the real burden had to be borne by his wife — and he were representatives from every decade from 1910 to 1970.
paid her a most touching compliment that moved all present to long and Speeches were brief. The Chairman spoke warmly of Peter Anstey's work,
sincere applause.
welcomed the President, Ian Beer and other guests, apologized for not being
The Toast Master then stood to close the proceedings, but only suc at the Executive meeting held before the dinner as he was in the air from
ceeded in prolonging them. S. Cheetham (1925) was determined to plug the Amsterdam to Heathrow, said he had heard that J.W.N. had retired and that
Manchester Dinner, which very naturally led him to rendering his thoughts on he was to be succeeded next year by Richard Taylor. He then introduced the
policemen. Let us hope he got home unmolested;
President and asked him to propose the toast of school and staff. Jack Perrier
R.F.T. spoke of his pride in being chosen to lead the Club this year, commented on the
responsibilities of being a Headmaster in such a difficult age and hankered after
Those present at the dinner included the President, the retiring President, the simplicities of an earlier age. The Headmaster gave his usual vigorous if
the Headmaster, those members of the school council — Major Mowat brief revue of school events and hopes that the difficult future years facing
Quentin Thomas Esq. and the Rev. R. J. Taylor; the Second Master - the schools such as ours, above all fighting for the continuing independence of the
Hon. M. C. Penney - the Chaplain, Rev. Maurice Gray, the Housemasters and public schools. The Chairman asked the Hon. Secretary to say three words. He
the Bursar, Peter Scott - the Dinner organiser - the M. C. Stanley Cheetham spoke of the pleasure he felt in meeting so many old friends, of his retirement,
and of (a) the period up to 1920, H. C. Shingler, J. W. N., H.G. Wilks, and R. of what he thought of the President - a little more joyfully than the President
W. Raby (b) to 1930 P. Snapef G. Evans, Lt. Col. V. J. Morecombe, D. obviously felt - and announced the resignation of Alastair as London
Bryden-Brown, G. C. Showie, L M. N. Brockwell (c) to 1950R. S. Rees, A. R. Chairman. He said that the Executive Committee at the A.G.M. would
Rees, W. A. Pyke, D. W. Broadhurst, G. T. Latham, M. U. Newbold D J nominate Peter Anstey to succeed Alastair Macleod-Smith, and R. W. Evans
Latham, R. Taylor, F. D. Lloyd, J. E. Cooke, R. Winn, R. F. Taylor, I. C. to succeed Peter as local secretary. This dinner was very pleasant — a lovely
Johnson (d) to 1970 P. A. C. Baker, D. Swann, A. E. R. Perrier, K. Higgins evening, a credit to the organisers.
Wing Commander J. 0. Jewiss, C. J. B. Gregory, A. C. Dakin, P. C. Nelstrop,
R. Huxley, J. M. Heath, D. Sadler, J. P. Baker, E. M. Ashworth, A. W. Wyatt THE MANCHESTER DINNER
D. Greig, S. van Praag, J. A. Harvey, R. W. Evans, P. N. Oldfield, C. J.
Bowley, M. J. Harden, N. W. S. Jones, C. Lewis, D. French, (e) recent leavers The Manchester Dinner was held on 7 Nov. 1975 in the city itself, after
W. Harvey, and C. M. Pacey, together with a number of guests whose names holding our meetings for many years in rural surroundings. It is expected that in
were not recorded in the organiser's list. future years, as in this year, the meeting place will be at Sam's Chop House in
Black Pool Fold, a cosy place used for many years by many old school clubs,
J.W.N. including Denstone's. The Chairman, Stanley Cheetham, presided and his
guests included the President, J. E. P. Perrier, who had come over from Jersey
for the occasion, the Headmaster, V. Howard, H. C. Rigby, M. F. R. Scotts
M. Newbold, R. Taylor, K. Moran, G. G. Twist, R. Anderson, M. Anderson, d!
BRoadhurst, I. C. Johnson, A. G. Hayes, D. Mottershead, J. G. Shepherd, D.
M. Dearden, D, Swinn, P. C. Nelstrop, C. J. B. Gregory, A. W. Wright, A.
Pownall, M. J. Riley, N. R. Symm, and those very old members Eric Pilkington,
Festive Board R. W. Raby was presented with a small momento to mark the
H. G. Wilks, and J.W.N. all at Ellesmere sixty or more years ago.
appreciation of the members for the work, guidance and service he had given
The organisation, as perfect as ever, was in the hands of the local
the Lodge during his 23 years as Secretary.
secretary, Arthur Pyke. It is to him and Stanley Cheetham that our thanks must
go for a most enjoyable evening. The toasts were the responsibility of the The first meeting of 1976 took place in March when D. W. Greig was
initiated into Freemasonary. The ceremony was conducted by R. W. Raby in
Chairman and Roy Taylor and the responses were made by the President, the
his usual sincere and dignified manner.
Headmaster and J.W.N.
The last meeting of the year was on May 8th when a Second Degree was
worked by the Master, the candidate being R. J. Addison. At this meeting the
members learned that at the forthcoming Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting R.
Brian Bancroft presided over the supper held at Heswall on 17th March W. Raby was being honoured by promotion to Past Senior Warden — a fitting
1976. He was supported by representatives of every decade since 1910. reward for one whose Work for the Old Ellesmerian Lodge is beyond praise.
Amongst those present were the Gustos, the Headmaster, H. Mooney, Peter If any Old Ellesmerian is interested in the Lodge he is requested to get in
touch with the Secretary of the O.E. Club, J. W. Nankivell or F. Berrisford, The
Scott Gordon Bancroft, C. H. Mooney, W. S. A. Pyke, (with guest), D. Lef-
twich, I. Higgins, K. G. Eddowes, J. R. L Martindale, M. A. Bell, H. E. Morris, Cross, Mold Road, Buckley, N. Wales.
(and guests), R. A. Harding, R. S. Owen, C. P. Witter, P. J. Witter, J. E. Ivey,
T. Platt, C. Williams, C. P. Scott, Andrew Williams, C. P. Morgan.
The principal guests were the President, J. E. P. Perrier (who had travelled SEVENTY FIVE YEARS AGO : ELLESMERIAN 1901,1902.
from Jersey that day), the Headmaster, and the retiring Hon. Secretary — J.
Extracts from Editorials ... "a welcome visit from King Frost — week's
W. Nankivell.
W. A. Pyke proposed the toast of School and Staff. The Headmaster not skating on mere . . . toboganns on Castle Hill. . . Spy Bank.
Mr. Walter Evans, the new Curator of Ground has displayed much energy
only replied in speech but showed a film of the School Commando unit in
action. The Chairman proposed the toast of the Club and response was made .. .large piece top soiled...
Mr. Everett of Ellesmere brought up large gramophone to give us a record
by the President and the Hon. Secretary. Thanks were given to the organisers,
especially to the Chairman and Pete Scott who were responsible for organising concert.

the meeting - a most enjoyable, friendly affair, greatly appreciated by That Great Event, the Proclamation of Peace (with Boers) was received
with much cheering and the Headmaster granted a half-holiday.
members and guests alike.
Summer delayed her appearance . . . bitterly cold in June, almost frost
WEST MIDLANDS bitten fingers — horrid for playing cricket.
The Play — Macbeth — great triumph — account follows (eleven columns
Organised by Derek Latham in his admirable way and under the Chair criticism).
manship of Peter Snape, an excellent dinner was held at the Lyttleton Arms,
Hagley on 26th March 1976. The Headmaster was the principal guests and Memorabilia Collegii S. Oswaldi
spoke of the organisers of the school in the only speech of the evening, after Our match with Denstone, the first all-boy XV resulted in a draw, 0-0.
the Chairman had proposed the toast of School and Staff. Owing to the illness Lady Hanmer presented the prizes on Sports Day.
and absence of J.W.N. the second speech was not delivered. The Headmaster J. F. Meredith was Victor Ludorum (he was a brother of Mary Webb, and
reported that the dinner and after-dinner chat was delightful. Those present one of three brothers here).
included the President — who had come over from Jersey for the event, J. Canon Southwill gave a lantern lecture on the Boer War (he was once
Copeland, E. Ledsam, L. M. Brockwell, Major Derrett, Professor Mortimer curate of Ellesmere, later Bishop and Provost of Lancing.)
(from the U.S.A.), R. Carver, P. H. Tate, N. J. Smith, B. Tate, P. E. Bevin, D. Mr. Kynaston invited Shooting VIII to Hardwick to shoot rooks . . . four
J. Latham, L. Tolley, W. Higson, M. J. Cooper, M. H. Barrett, J. M. rifles... 35 rooks.
Stephens, M. Holland, D. Scott, I. Scott, J. A. Lidolell, D. Greig, R. G. Smith, The O.E. Club has presented a very beautiful and valuable silver Challenge
I. Ross, J. Bednall, R. Hargreaves, G. Barnett and of course Derek and Peter. Cup for the winner of the dormitory competition in Swimming Sports.
The Canadian 9 mile Championship was won by Hiram E, Hill, an O.E. Hill
MASONIC NOTES ran in the ten mile championship against the U.S.A. with the Canadian team.
School Roll 1901-2 - 200 boys - school full.
The first meeting of the new session took place on the 13th September,
1975. The business was a Third Degree ceremony, the candidate being J. M. Cadet Corps:
Heath, and the ceremony conducted by the Master, D. Bradley. R. W. Raby Commanding Office, the Headmaster Captain Thompson.
was elected as master for the forthcoming year, a choice which gave much Two sham fights arranged during the year.
Shooting: Cadet Austin was in the team that challenged Mr. Kynaston s
pleasure to the members.
The installation Meeting took place on 11th October when a large Volunteers, Ellesmere Company. One of his opponents was 'Mr. Jebb' the
gathering, including the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and the two War Lyth. C. F. Austin is our senior Vice-President now, aged 90 and well. His team
dens, saw R. W. Raby installed as Master of the Lodge by D. Bradley. At the beat Lancing, Hurstpierpoint, Denstone and Worksop, during the year.
the only one described in the Chronicle in verse — a very racy doggerel for
which the writer Amor says " . . . I've only one excuse,
Extract from the editorials:
To offer in protection from invective and buse,
We have waited long years for our permanent Chapel, and at last (after
Dinners come and dinners go, but is there any reason why
forty years waiting) our patience is to be rewarded . . funds available will allow
only for the building of the nave. Reports should be so much the same, and (dare I?) — well, so dry."
Amongst others at this dinner were P. A. Hall, N Har
We have had much frost and snow and could play no rugger after
October. vey, J. Tunnicliffe, E. A. Heath, S. A. Heath, the brothers Bradley, N. Wilson
and Amor but the chief guest was Sir Percival Heywood Bart, son of the Sir
We would wish to pay our annual congratulations to our ever-successful
producer, Mr. D. R. Evans, of the Play (The Taming of the Shrew — 8 column
Percival who was the chief benefactor of Denstone, Fellow, Custos and
review follows). Founding Fellow of Ellesmere and for many years with the Provosts, the driving
force of the Midland Division.
Never in the history of Ellesmere have the Sports been so contested and so
Amor has devoted most of his life to Scouting and Kibblestone Camp and
keenly run. (8 school records broken - W. A. Le C. Sawyer and S. J. Lidgate
were outstanding.)
has received many scout honours. He also founded the rugger club which was
to become well-known as the North Staffs - originally a public schools club,
A notable innovation in the magazine is A Literary Supplement.
whose earliest games were played against Ellesmere.
The foundation stone of the Memorial Chapel was laid by Sir Offley
Wakeman on the Feast of S. Michael and All Angels.
Mr. Beresford has made wonderful progress with the Camera Hut — to be
opened next term.
Rugby football review (by R.A.E.P.) "Major tosswill said it was
dangerous for selectors to visit schools to pick out potential internationals, as
boys would get swollen-heads ... no need to mention this disease here, for as
soon as a boy is promoted to the 1st XV, the 'rot' sets in, and they go from bad
to worse. .. (The rugger was not quite so bad as in the previous year).

The Common Room:

Mr. Gray, Mr. Cooper, the Chaplain, Mr. Keatinge, and Mr. Long left. We
welcome Mr. Byng-Johnson, Mr. Turner, Mr. Cranwill, Mr. Gough and Mr.
Kenney. The Rev. G. E. Cope is the new Chaplain.

Officers, Captain of School:

W. A. Le C. Sawyer
Prefects: H. B. Hudson, C. H. Stanway, T. S. Dolphin, R. M. Williams R
A. Clarke
Captain of XV:T. S. Dolphin
Captain of XI: H. B. Hudson
C.S.M.:H. B. Hudson
Editor of Ellesmerian: H. B. Hudson
0. E. chronicle: Dinner and AGM cancelled thisWhitsun owing to General
Henry Woolsey, Priest, late Headmaster, died in Venice.


The photograph on this page will be of great interest to many members of

the older vintage. It was taken at the first dinner of the sadly short-lived North
Staffordshire area under the local secretary, Charles Amor's guidance The
picture is so unique becuase it includes the co-founder of the O.E. Club and
for many years Hon. Secretary and President, the Rev. B. R. Hibbert 'then
Vicar of Denstone; and his successor as Hon. Secretary Harry Bateman* R W
Bernsford at the only O.E. dinner he attended away from Ellesmere; the onlv
picture we have of R. Billen and E. T. Stealey together and the youthful North Staffs. Dinner
pictures of J. H. Barker and E. W. Whalley. This dinner is also unique as it is
NOTES IN BRIEF of Mr. Byng-Johnston's brightest pupils in the 30's. He won the Threfall Organ
Scholarship in 1939, and was for some years Organist and choirmaster at Ely
A. Macleod-Smith C.M.G., recently retired as Chairman of our London Cathedral, and he is the founder and conductor of the 'Renaissance Singers'.
In more recent years he has been working at the B.B.C.
area, has been made a director of Selection Trust and managing director of the
Oils Division of Selection Trust. Major David Howard who had a brilliant career at Sandhurst and
Professor Graham Pyatt has been in Washington, D.C. for two years at Shrivenham, has retired from the Army to take up a post as Deputy Managing
the university. He returns this year to his Warwick University post. He was Director of the Tynside Transport Commission. He lives in the nearby hills and
elected a vice-president of the Club this year. runs a small sheep farm.
Mark Owen, son of Douglas Owen of Ellesmere, has been awarded the Robert Chance was one of the Club's representatives at Cecil Howard's
funeral, as was R. de Lacy Wheeler, Jack Lidgate, the Rev. Raymond Davis
post-graduate Thoron Scholarship at Pennsylvania University. Mark gained
and of course John Senior, who carried the wreath inscribed "In kindest
First Classes in both parts of the Mechanical Engineering Tripos at Cambridge.
John Hewitt has been appointed a director of Metal Box, with especial remembrance ^rom old colleagues at Ellesmere College and members of the
interest in S. Africa, in which country he is now living. His brother David is Old Ellesmerian Club." John's son Richard works in Dover with the E. Kent
teaching in Saudi Arabia. Road Co. Lidgate is Headmaster of a prep school in Kent, Robert Chance is in
Our congratulations to Lt. Colonel Peter Howells, T.D., on being awarded charge of games at Sutton Valence and has written enthusiastically of the
the O.B.E. in the Queen's honours list and to Major S. S. Caney Light Infantry, successes in Rugger of P. Kyrke-Smith, W. Beaumont and Mark Keyworth,
who was awarded the M. B. E. for services in Northern Ireland. and of last year's excellent 'Seven-a-side' team.
The Rev. E. H. Beavan, assistant priest at St. Mary's Newington has been
Colonel H. B. Hudson, Indian Army (retired), captain of School fifty years
ago, and a talented cricketer, visited the school this year. appointed Rector of Sandon, diocese of Chelmsford, a beautiful village four
miles from Chelmsford.
The retiring President J. E. P. Perrier, M.C. and his wife were presented
with their first grandchild, Angus Edwin, by their daughter on 3rd July 1976 The Rev. C. R. T. Nankivell has left Milton Keynes new town to become
and the Club send them our congratulations. Lecturer at Queen's College, Birmingham.
J. P. Hilliar called on the editor when they visited Ellesmere in July; he was The Rev. F. G. Denham, curate of Ascot Heath has been appointed priest-
in-charge of Sutton Courtney with Appleford and Culham.
spending a holiday in peace with David Parton (his inseparable companion at
Ellesmere) from his unhappy country, Northern Ireland. The Rev. T. J. Ganz formerly chaplain of Hurstpierpoint and of Swansea
University has been appointed priest-in-charge of All Saints, Hanley.
Wing-Commander John Jewiss has been wandering since his posting to
The Rev. J. W. J. Steele C.B.E. is rarely able to visit us from Powderham
Australia — moved 7 times in 6 years, "dealt with a plethora of staff courses"
and is now at peace for 2 years at Cranwell. John has two boys and an adopted rectory in Devon but he did make a special effort to come to see the School XI
in action against the M.C.C. team — and because of rain not a ball was bowled
daughter. Prior to coming to Cranwell, he was personal staff officer to C-in-C
that day. John was an outstanding cricketer, for he played in the XI for four
Germany at B.A.O.C, then a year at the National Defence College, Latimer. In
years and gained colours for Rugger, Hockey and Shooting for several years
1971-2, John frequently saw Ralph Slater. Ralph is now Movement and Supply
Officer at Harrogate. and for some time held the High Jump record. Later, he was to captain the
Army XI and Hampshire. He was in the Army Chaplain's Department, was
B. Roger Edwards M.V.O., formerly of Sarawak and more recently
Honorary Chaplain to King George VI, A.C.G. 1st Army Chaplain to the
Commissioner of Police, Solomon Islands, has taken up a senior staff ap
Brigade of Guards. John's wife died two years ago; he expects to retire within
pointment with the Royal Hong Kong Police. Roger's brother, Brian, we are
lucky enough to meet at least annually at the London Dinner. the coming year. He was President of the Club in 1957-8.
It is of interest to report that "Stockpiled' the game invented to interest
C. T. R. Hayward who attained a First in Theology at Durham, has been
schools in investments and the Stock Exchange, a game in which Ellesmere
for two years the holder of a Senior Scholarship at Worcester College, Oxford.
has excelled, was started by the Brighton Junior Chamber of Commerce and
He recently has been appointed to a Post-Graduate Fellowship in Jewish
Studies at the Centre for Jewish Studies, and has been appointed a Fellow of adopted by Williams and Glyn Bank. The President of the Brighton Junior
Wolfson College, Oxford. Chamber of Commerce was at that time H. J. Lilly (Wakeman) son of an O.E.
Dr. R. M. Jeffs is one of many who have written sympathetically of Cecil whose obituary is to be found in this issue; he has sent me the list and standing
Howard's death. For some years he has been at Sheffield, lecturing chiefly in in the competition of all the schools taking part this year.
Peter Kyrke-Smith has joined the staff of the comprehensive school in
Anglo-Saxon history, and Medieval English history. His wife is a part-time
lecturer in the Department of Architecture and has a local Design practice. Coventry, where Neil Wright, a former member of our C.R. is a Senior Master.
Peter graduated last year and has spent another year at Oxford engaged in a
They have an 8 year old son, Robin sends "good wishes to G.B.J. & O.H.C.
and all at Ellesmere". teacher's diploma. He played for the third year for Oxford against Cambridge.
Burnett Murray is in his fourth year reading for a B.Ed, degree at Madelev
pr, John Perry, his family and brother Christopher called on the writer in
April. John lectures in Geography at the Cambridge Technical College, College, Crewe. .
Robert Owen has been a trainee surveyor with Jackson-Stops and Stan in
Christopher teaches at Cranleigh Junior School and their elder brother Michael
teaches at Trearddu Bay. Chester and is now with another firm in Surbiton.
It was pleasing to hear that the son of M. G. Howard was awarded a Music It is some years since we have had any direct news of Canon K. B. Halley,
Scholarship at the College in the spring examination. Michael Howard was one but this summer the writer's brother (like Halley over 50 years in W. Australia
since leaving England) has been in England, reported K.B. to be well and still John Block lives in Ontario at 518 Karen Drive, Burlington. We are often
officiating at all the ceremonies — weddings, christenings etc — of the editor's asked about two others: Rev. Richard Eckersley lives with his mother at 6
brother's family. Montpellier Villas, Brighton, and the Rev. S. H. Sharpe lives in retirement at 23
H. J. Lilly has been appointed an assistant manager of Barclay's branch Lansdown Rd., Worthing.
bank in Southwick. He is Conference Director for Junior Chambers of Com William Turner left local government in Surrey to emigrate to British
merce conference in Brighton held in October. Columbia where he contracted to build houses in the Frazer Valley. After five
John Wroe has left A. P. Leamington, where he was a regional sales years at his new job with his three children married, he travelled widely in the
manager, Eastern Europe to settle with his wife (an Australian) in Sydney. He West Indies — stayed long in Tobago and returning to Georgia Bay to sail and
travelled widely in Eastern Europe and was a member of a C.B.I, team in fish.
Warsaw, last year. Graham Portus writes "I left nearly 25 years ago, rarely visited Ellesmere
J. S. Dickin and his wife both work at Serck Audco Valves in Newport. but followed events made possible by the excellent Ellesmerian... I have been
They have two children, now grown up. He meets John Downes of Butterton working in Canada for six years and I hope to visit you in 1976."
occasionally. Clive Wolfendenwas married to Lorna Macdonagh of Rowlands Castle,
John Barlett, one of our American L.S.U. scholars is married and has a Hants on 25 October 1975.
two year old son. "We moved into a house last spring . . . only 17 miles from Andrew Clitherow is teaching at Bedord School, and is a house tutor in
my work in downtown Los Angeles". the Lower School House. "I was refereeing a rugby match against Harrow and
Lt. Colonel Terry Thornton has succeeded Lt. Col. A. Kynaston as Army later bumped into Tony Beadles.... he looks the same as ever. . . Andrew
Schools Liaison Officer in Birmingham. Terry visited Ellesmere for Cecil's joined Bedofrd R.U.F.C.
Memorial Service, with his wife. Their son Michael serves in H.M.S. Galatea — Robert Cave-Rogers is working for the advertising firm of Leo Burnett in
had plenty of action in the 'Cod War'. He was with his ship when it was Hong Kong.
awarded the Freedom of the City by Hull Corporation. Terry's second son, 2nd Lt. P. H. Parsons has joined 45 C.D.O., G.P. on completing the R.M.
Mark, is working for the Income Tax, Portsmouth, Department. Lt. Richard Training Course.
Hulmes R.H.A. writes for the record, "I listen to Terry Thornton when he Nicholas Jones, made redundant by A.C. in Wales has gone to Bristol
chairs a Schools Quiz programme on the B.F. network." Terry was also Polytechnic to read Law. He has met at the Poly. Tony Balmer, also reading
Champion Brain of B.F. Germany. Law, "John Bowley and his fiancee came to see me; he is now Senior
Buddie Atkinson, son of R.B.A., called at the school during his recent Registrar in Anaesthetics at Bristol Royal Infirmary. Last summer we met David
holiday from his Australian home in June last. Gilbert, who works in Cardiff. The other evening I met John Smale's parents;
G. R. B. Dixon, one of our oldest correspondents, writes in praise of the he was recently married and posted to depot in Dover." Nicholas is living in a
format of the magazine; he is one of many to appreciate the work of the editors cottage in Lower Machen, near Newport, Gwent.
of today's Ellesmerian. Harry Lilly was married this summer to Valerie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Lance-Jones, after graduating in Dentistry at Guy's, worked for a N. S. Hall of Hayworrals Heath.
while in London and Sussex, but for the past dozen years he has been prac P. Morpuss joined the Rhodesian Army last year and his brother has
tising, in Taunton. His three children go to King's School Taunton. Peter keeps emigrated to S. Africa.
in touch with Matine Daftari, and has stayed with him in Teheran. James Campbell has resigned his short service commission in the Army and
G. J. Phillips, brother of Brigadier Tom and Peter — now living in has joined the timber firm of Formwood. His brother Christopher is the Officer
Broadstairs — writes reminiscently of his days with A.E.P. in his first spell at responsible for recruiting potential officers for the R.M. in the public schools.
Ellesmere, and of Dr. Phillips, then on the School Council — his father, a Robert is in the B.S.A. police force.
powerful influence in Dr. Billen's days. G. J. lives in retirement in Coventry. E. P. Jenkins younger son is a journalist at Sutton Coldfield; his elder boy,
Simon D'Arcy visited Ellesmere with Ian Collins and his wife in May of this who graduated in history at Oxford from New College teaches in the VI Form
year. College at Oakham.
D. B. Simpson works as a brewery executive in the Sales Dept. of Watney Charles Tattersall has brought his life subscription up to the new figure of
Mann, the firm of which Peter Clark is a director. Nigel Simpson works for the £12 as has George Ravenscroft.
Bank of London and South America in the Bahamas. He has two children. Richard Roberts is working in Saudi Arabia. He is Port Manager, Dam-
Richard Preece has returned to Kaduna, Nigeria from a spell at home, and man. He has been seconded by the Mersey D. & H. Co. to the country where
in Portugal, (to complete his work in Angola). Whilst he was in Lisbon he heard reorganisation is taking place. An experienced Master Mariner, Richard got his
that his wife had presented him with twins. Richard had a good deal of ex 'ticket' very quickly. He has one son, Davids
perience of the nastier type in the Angolan war, but got out safely eventually, In a friendly note to Ellesmere R. D. Chance i/c Rugger Sutton Valence
and returned to Nigeria — address P.O. Box 99. Kaduna. congratulated i/c Rugger here. "I was at Twickenham with my Headmaster
G. B. Wilson, formerly of Oswestry and in Meynell with Mr. Feist as and was proud, watching Beaumont and Keyworth, to tell him they were at
housemaster, has worked in New Zealand, Australia and has now decided to Ellesmere."
settle down in Ladysmith, Natal. Christopher Anstey, son of Peter (the new Chairman of London local area)
D. M. G. Finlay is working for Hawker Siddeley Ltd. as a chartered ac is serving a two-year apprenticeship as a London journalist.
countant in the management audit department. His younger child is nearly 2 Stephen van Praag, still living in Barry, not far from his uncle and Crane
and Stephen 5 years.
Hilton Tims reviews music concerts for the London Evening News and
:ousins was married last April to Jayne Evelyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. opera for the Surrey papers. Macdonald have recently published his new work
Brown of Barry Prelude a biography of Wagner. His earlier novel All the Pride of Power, also
Stephen Arblaster has been spending a year or so in Johannesburg and published by Macdonald, has been a success.
the Cape working with Rennies. Malcolm Haigh, a vice-president of American Ultramar Ltd., visited
Captain Richard Eccles has sent us photographs of Rob Scott, R.M. and Ellesmere this year.
limself on landing operationx in Lulworth Cave. Richard is now Admin. Officer It was with deep regret that Prebendary E. E. F. Walters was unable to
R.A.O.C. for the Ordnance Sqn, with the R.M. Commandos - attend the Memorial Service to Cecil Howard, his old colleague when chaplain
and housemaster of Meynell in the 30s. "you and I" he writes "are the last of
that close group which in 1935 set out with high hopes on Prosser's ap
pointment . . . and we did contribute to the achievement of our vision." His
children flourish; Andrew was married last year and teaches at Stubbington,
Susan is a barrister and Rosemary looks after her family. Cecil Rigby, our new
President is Egerton Walter's brother-in-law.
Geoffrey Webster is teaching in Stockport for a year in exchange. His
school is in Vancouver, B.C. He hopes to see many of his contgemporaries,
during the year.
Anthony Lunn is hoping that the very successful XV 1963-4 can come
together again to play the school. This match would be worth watching and
give fun to the players. It might be worth a try. Members of that team should
write to Anthony at 80 Selwyn Ave., Richmond, Surrey.
David French plays village cricket and with Herefordshire Constabulary
from his home, Carey, near Hereford. He has been in London with S. Oakley,
L. Hurst, W. Beaumont and Mark Keyworth.
The Rev. James Tavernor writes 'Slosh had just carried the school on his
back in the interval between two Headmasters when I joined my brother John"
James taught at Denstone Prep, on leaving in 1941 and then went to Lichfield
Theological College—joined the Army, graduated at Lampeter, married and
was ordained in 1950. Then he joined the Church of Rome, Lectured in Divinity
at Notre Dame, Liverpool and returned to the Anglican Church and became a
social worker in Derby. He is licenced to preach in Hereford but is mainly
working at Telford as Boarding-Out and Adoption Officer. He has three sons
and three daughters. James keeps in touch with John Newey, Q.C. His wife is
an O.G. of Abbots Bromley. John Tavernor's two sons were here.
W. Harvey a civil engineer who graduated at Manchester some 15 years
ago has worked in many countries and is now based on Hong Kong in a private
Roger Armstrong is a young officer under training with the R.M. at company specialising in heavy engineering throughout the Far East. For some
Lympston. years he was in Australia. He has one son.
Dr. R. C. Roper of Ormskirk who had a fine academic record at school and Alan Gilmour, retired some years ago after the long years in the Foreign
at Liverpool University and represented the University in swimming and water- and Commonwealth Service. He recalls in a recent letter that he and Cecil
polo, won a surgicval scholarship to visit Bomholm and Denmark. He Howard came to Ellesmere in the same term and "news of his death bring back
graduated in 1968 and in 1973 became a Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetics a host of nostalgic school memories".
R.C. Surgeons, and is and is now a senior registrar at the cardiac centre in Stuart Gee has sent the school appeal a donation in affectionate memory
Liverpool. He also holds a commission in the R.A.M.C. (T.A.). He has a son of "The Beef", one of the nicknames R.A.E.P. held in his early days. "I still
and daughter. He writes charmingly of his happy days at Ellesmere; "whenever think of him in the 20s full of life and vigour, whether on the Rugger field or in
I feel in need of rest and recuperation I drive over to Ellesmere ... to the the Classroom."
tranquil scenes of my seven years in the Shropshire countryside". Richard's P. H. Tate, one of the famous five (all well, though Alen is confined to a
brother, an electrical engineer works in a power station in Southampton. wheelchair) has been appointed Manager of the Nat West Bank in Sutton
A. Appleton graduated at R.C. of Music, has spent a year at Trent College Coldfield.
of Education and is now a peripatetic teacher at Chigwell and Forest Hill.
We congratulate that versatile sportsman Keith Bayliss who won the
Goodyear World-wide Golf Tournament this year, adn was presented with a
massive trophy at Wolverhampton.
We have been reading, through the courtesy of the Academic Press, some Captain Hewitt, R.N. (ret'd) formerly for 20 years commandant of H.M.S.
reviews from Science, Nature and other learned journals of Dr. R. Malcolm Conway and known to hundreds of old boys who have played rugger against
Love's recent book on the Chemical Biology of Fishes. Malcolm has been 'The Ship' has a grandson in the school and attended Speech Day, with his
closely associated with research in fishing problems since graduating. He wife who was at Abbots Bromley with the writer's sister. The Captain is uncle
works from Aberdeen, but travels very widely. to John arid David Hewitt, distinguished former members of Talbot House.
A number of members were noted by the editor when he and Mrs. Peter Jolley is a Generating Engineer in Hertford.
Nankivell attended the wedding of the daughter of Donald Stokes J.P. at his H. H, G. D. Scotter who came to Ellesmere in 1901 - and of course is one
Haughton home in May. Malcolm* Stokes, M.C., was with his family, in of our seniors now with C. F. Austin (1897) and Sir Harry Trusted his exact
cluding Adrian, (an underwriter at Lloyds and engaged to be married to Sarah, contemporary here is still weary after a working life-time as a Railway Engineer
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Little Weltham, Essex.) and Stephen now in India. We had news of him when his son, Colonel N. G. Scotter spoke of him
in the Metropolitan Police, stationed at West Ham; Donald's sons Jonathon — at our Speech Day — his son is a third generation Scotter!
recently graduated in civil engineering — Nicholas — farming; the sons of the
late Raymond Stokes, Christopher — reading Law — and his brother, farming. We regret to announce the death of C. H. Mooney. To his widow and his
Others present included Douglas Owen, Andrew Shepherd — a London two sons we send our sympathy. A fuller notice will be given in the next
solicitor now — and John Stokes, so well known at Unigate and this year's Chronicle of the career of Charles.
Mayor of Ellesmere; Stephen Sorfleet who is soon to finish his articles as a
surveyor. Harry Bebson of Bagly was represented by his wife. George Davies, Antony Garrett returns to his old post of managing director of Proctor and
son of Ernest (for so long tailor to the school and former President of the Club.) Gamble at Newcastle-upon-Tyne after a five year stint managing the business
from Stephen we learnt that Christopher Warburton is a valuation officer of in Italy. He is one of the very few P & G English directors.
Leicester City; Bruce Knaggs is managing the catering and welfare staff at The Revd. Sydney Sharpe, our former Chaplain visited Ellesmere in July.
H.Q. in London of B.P.; that Christopher Morris is an assistant manager of a His address is Flat 2, 23 Lansdowne Road, Worthing.
hotel in Knightsbridge; and that Peter Evans, an engineer, contemplates George Owen, the well known former jockey and for thirty years a trainer
marriage next year. and one of the most respected men in National Hunt racing retires this year
Ralph Winn has recently acquired three of the Adnitt engravings of the after thirty-two years training horses in his Tarporley stables. His nephew was
school which have formed the frontispiece of recent Chronicles. Ralph sees also at Ellesmere. He trained the Grand National winner Russian Hero.
Peter Unsworth frequently. Apart from his work — he is a civil engineer at Dr. Tony Rogerson and his wife (who was on the staff at Ellesmere) has
tached to Sir Alfred McAlpine — Ralph's main interest is Birkenhead Park and been made a temporary Professor in Family Medicine at Duke University, N.
he now plays for the Veterans. Peter Kyrke-Smith used to play for the Park. Carolina, and will be working in a group of doctors at SAN FORD for a year.
Ralph is fixtures secretary and would welcome recruits from Ellesmere. His Tony regretfully leaves his garden, one of the 'show places' of North Devon.
brother John plays occasionally; Robert is at home taking his Master's ticket,
and he has recently married Sylvia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Congratulations to Ken Berrisford on receiving the B.E.M. in the Queen's
Bebington. Birthday Honours List. Ken entered the school in 1959 and has had a
Harry Caladine, retired now to Grange-over-Sands was "surprised to read distinguished career in the Royal Navy; we wish him well.
in the last issue" that James Caladine and he were in the Salvete list of 50 years
ago. Harry attended Cecil's Memorial Service. A notice of Jimmy's death
appears in our obituary column.
Conrad Whitehead is leaving his home and law practice and is domiciled in
Jersey. Conrad, a partner in Roy Firth's practice has two boys in the school;
both played in the school orchestra's excellent Speech Day Concert, far and
away the best orchestra the editor remembers, both for competence and Silk Crested Tie £3.92
versatility. Crimplene Crested Tie £1.79
N. A. Jilani has retired from the Pakistan Army after long service, to the Crimplene Striped Tie £1.10
ancestral home in Bahawalnagar where he personally has to manage the estate Silk Striped Cravat £2.23
and farms. His brother has also retired from the Pakistan Air Force and has Silk Crested Cravat £2.40
settled in England at 18 Burleigh Avenue, Kent. Their father, General Jilani, Terylene Crested Cravat £2.13
formerly of the I. M.S. and later of the Pakistan Army has died. The reference in Saxony Wool Scarf £1.92
our obituaries of R.E.A.P. in the last issue to a boy who set fire to a haystack Cufflinks £3.43
and was saved from dire trouble by his Headmaster; the juvenile court bound Pocket Badges £3.20
him over to the care of the H.M. and his housemaster, the present writer for
three years. Jilani has written a beautifully-felt notice of R.A.E.P. "that Prices include postage.
veritable giant amongst men".
These may be obtained at the School Shop, or ordered by post. Goods will
I. D. Laing has been chosen to run the 400 metres for the Surrey County not be sent unless accompanied by a cheque.
Athletic Team.

Canon L. B. C. Newell, son of the Rector of Neen Sollars, Cleobury

Mortimer, entered Ellesmere in 1905 and died last August in Suffolk. He was a
Prefect, in the Gordon dormitory and played in the Football XI. Amongst his
contemporaries were St. J. B. Grosser, T. G. Louch, F. R. Minshall and H. M.
Adcock. His friend Grosser left to go to Mirfield, Newell to Durham, where he
was a scholar. He played hockey for the University, and for the County. He
graduated just before the war, joined up as a volunteer in the Middlesex
Regiment, but shortly afterwards he was ordained and became a chaplain to
the Forces. He became Vicar of Teynham, and later Rector of Claydon, and
was a Hon. C. F. to local military establishments. He retired to Cockfield Green,
Suffolk. Our sympathy to his widow and his three children.
E. J. Lilly died in June 1975, after several months illness, in his retirement
home in Sussex. He was in the Violets — Edward's dormitory — from 1918 to
1921, with his brother. A gentle man, who enjoyed a quiet life, not moving
from his job with C. U. Insurance until his retirement. He lived in Liverpool for a
while, then in Barnston where he was church warden of his parish church. His
hobbies included bowls, but cycling and walking were his chief pleasures. He
played bowls for Sussex County in his retirement. He was in the R.A.F. for
three years; he was an active Mason. His only child Harry was at Ellesmere,
also in Woodard. His surviving brother has retired to live in Ouchan in the Isle
of Man. His widow, son and daughter-in-law live in Sussex, and to them we
have sent our sympathy.
Peter Wardie was killed in a road accident in September 1975. Peter was in
Wakeman House in 1943-46, had a charming, easy disposition and enjoyed
work and games. He shone in athletics and was promising in all games. He left
young to be apprenticed in the building trade and joined his father's firm. To
his parents, his widow, and twin twelve year old sons we send our sympathy in
their loss.
S. F. Foulkes-Jones died in Canada on August 5 1975. He came to
Ellesmere in 1917 from Llangollen where his father was a solicitor. He was in
the Violets, in Edward dormitory. He was a member of the 0. E. Lodge and until
he emigrated, he frequently visited Ellesmere.
It is with deep regret we have to report the death of Ronald Ferris, M.A.
Oxon., L.R.A.M., formerly a member of our Common Room, who became a
full, paid up member of the Club on leaving Ellesmere. When he could he at
tended our London Dinners. An accomplished teacher, a good musician, he
enjoyed life in a prep, school. His kindly friendliness will be greatly missed. He
was only fifty when he died.
Paul Ellis and Jane Davies* contemporaries at Ellesmere,
are engaged to be married. Paul gained 1st Class Honours

at Liverpool University in Engineering. We congratulate

them "both most warmly, especially as they are the first

Ellesmerians to become engaged. Jane was in Meynell House,

Paul in Talbot#

Major General Walter Rutherford Goodman CB, DSO, MC,

died at his home near Woodbridge, Suffolk on 7th October

1976# Goodman was a very cheerful, unacademic, sporting

and friendly boy, one of the Irish contingent which leavened
this school from the days of the Harveys until the 1930fs.
He was in Woodard dormitory. He left in 1916 to go into

a bank, which he found veiy depressing and managed to get

into the Army, did well in the R*A. and served in Prance

and Flanders, gaining the M.C. as a subaltern, and later

to his delight a permanent commission. His progress
between 1919 and 1939 was steady, and after 1939 he fought
in the Middle East and Italy* Later he was to be G.O.C* 3

Anti-Aircraft Group from 1952- to 1953 and Colonel

Commandent, Royal Artillery from 1959 to 19^4* An operation

for lung cancer checked him for a while, but his good-humour

and basic strength triumphed over all drawbacks* He under

stood boys and men, was indisputably a fine, respected and

beloved leader, a man not easily forgotten by his younger

contemporaries at school or his soldiers later on* When

he was stationed at Chester we saw a good deal of him, and

later we met at the London dinners* We hope to have a

fuller obituary of this distinguished member of our club

in a future issue* We have sent our sympathy to his

family in their great loss* We both entered Ellesmere

in 1912, I into the junior, he into the Senior School*

He was bom in 1899 and died in his seventy sixth year*

0*E» Chronicle i Late News*

John Liddell and David Manby were members of the nine-

strong British Expedition that canoed down from Dudh Kosi
which is at 17*500 ft. just below the Everest Base Camp.
We hope they will give us more news of their exploits for
the next issue*.
PETER FORSTBR forget his splendidly pompous and ripe

It was with great sadness that Ellesmere "Sentry's Song11 from Iolanthe in 1974* and
learnt of the sudden and tragic death of his performance of "Droop not young lover"

Peter Porster late on 14th October• in 1975* Wakeman was indeed fortunate to
have a singer of his calibre among their
Peter came to Ellesmere in September 1972
ranks, for whether as soloist or member of
as a Music Exhibitioner from Chester
the part song he could always be relied
Cathedral Choir School, and it was not
upon to produce a rock like foundation for
long before he made his mark in the School
their efforts.
as a musician of some ability. As a
But it was not only as a musician that
violinist he became an important member
Peter Forster left his mark upon Ellesmere©
of the orchestra which he eventually led
He was a fine shot and a skilful photographer,
until he left in December 1975. He took
as can be seen from his photographs in many
part in Chamber Ensembles, passed Grade VI
recent editions of the •Ellesmerian1.
comfortably, and was a pillar of his

housefs musical activities. An indication of the impression he made upon

his friends here was well demonstrated in the
But it was as a singer with a fine and
large number present at his funeral in Chester
developing bass voice that Peter will be
Cathedral, and at the Requiem in Ellesmere
remembered in the hearts of many
Chapelf surely no finer tribute to his
Ellesmerians. He lent a great air of
distinction to the choir, choral society
We shall remember him, with gratitude, for
and madrigal society, while his range of
all that he contributed to life here, for the
interpretative ability captured the
world is a poorer place for his passing, and
enthusiasm of visiting adjudicators at the
our hearts go out to his parents and family
House Singing Competitions. Who will ever
at this sad time. A.E.D.D.

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