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Part 5.

Psychological Types

and the

At the same time thaijung was engaged in his own confrmiation timh
the unctmscmts, he was abo concerned wih defining the difference m
his approach to the problems ofpsychology from those adopud byFreud
and Adler, How was it, he asked, that each muid imerpret the same
material so differently? He concluded that human beings belonged to
different psychological types; and, in 1921, his book Psychological
Types toas first published in Zurich. The terms "extraverf and
"intravert" were intraduced by Jung, and are sll in curreni use as
descriptwe of personaly differences.
introduction" Psychological Types, CW 6, pars. 1-7
In my practica! medical work with nervous patients I have long
been struck by the fact that besides the many individual differences
in human psychology there are also typical differences. Two types
especiaUy become clear to me; I have termed them the introverted
and the extra verted types.
When we consider the course of human Ufe, we see how the fate
of one individual is detennined more by the objects of bis interest,
while in another it is detennined more by his own inner self, by
the subject. Since we all swerve rather more towards one side or
the other, we naturally tend to understand everything in terms of
our own type.
I mention this circumstance at once in order to avoid possible
niisunderstandings. It wl be apparent that it is one which
considerably aggravates the difficulty of a general description of

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