Lesson Plan Format: Background Knowledge of The Book Before Reading The Entire Book

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Lesson Plan Format

Class: Year 5

Date: 30/10/2015

Time: Start: 9.15am

Finish: 9.45am

Key Learning Area: English

Lesson Topic: Building background knowledge of the picture book Mirror by Jeannie Baker.

Recent Prior Experience: Students have been introduced to the picture book Mirror in the previous lesson. This lesson will focus on developing their
background knowledge of the book before reading the entire book.

Syllabus Outcome(s):
- EN3-3A: uses an integrated range of
skills, strategies and knowledge to read,
view and comprehend a wide range of
texts in different media and technologies.

Indicators of Learning for this lesson:

By the end of this lesson, the students will:
- Have listened to our guest speaker and made notes on some
keys points.

- T will observe and make anecdotal notes on
how students listen to and respect the guest

- Contribute to classroom discussions and ask questions.

- CUS3.4: Examines how cultures
change through interactions with other
cultures and the environment.

Any safety issues to be considered:

- T will ensure that there are no trip hazards
- T will ensure Ss are not being distracted or taking
part in any horseplay that could risk their safety
- T to remind Ss to move around the room safely at
all times
- Ensure guest speaker has all relevant checks for
working with children.

- T will observe Ss willingness to contribute to

classroom discussions.

Mirror picture book.
Student English books
Guest speaker. (our classroom EAL/D support staff speaks fluent Arabic)
Interactive White Board (IWB).
Image of Arabic alphabet.
Image of Arabic speaking countries.

Gift for guest speaker

Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning
(What is Taught):
Note key skills, concepts and values
addressed in each section. Link to your
Indicators of Learning.
T will initiate classroom discussion
T will introduce guest speaker
Remind Ss to treat guests with respect
and listen attentively to what they are


Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:

(How it is taught)
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and
what students (Ss) will do.

Resources and Organisation:


T will gather Ss at the front of the room in a semi-circle

T will introduce the guest speaker and inform Ss that in

this lesson they will continue to explore the picture book
T will open the book to show the first few pages on both
sides of the book.
T will ask Ss if they recognise any other languages in the
If Ss have not identified the language, T will inform them
that it is Arabic.
T will ask Ss why they think the Australian story is read left
to right, but the Moroccan story is read right to left.
At this point T will allow our guest speaker to elaborate on
the structure of the book and the Arabic language.

Mirror picture book.

Student English books
Guest Speaker.

Mirror picture book.

Student English books
Guest Speaker.
Interactive White Board (IWB).
Image of Arabic alphabet.
Image of Arabic speaking

Guest speaker will elaborate on the
structure, sounds and locations of the
Arabic language.


Guest speaker will inform Ss that Arabic is read from right

to left. T will then ask Ss the question again why they
think the book is structured the way it is.
T will read the introductory page in English and the guest
speaker will read the introductory page in Arabic.
T will explain that both versions are exactly the same (a
mirror image, only in a different language).

T will show an image of the Arabic language on the IWB

The guest speaker will explain more about the alphabet

and give Ss some interesting facts on its structure. For
example the Arabic language has no capital letters.
T will ask Ss what they think about having no capital
letters? If we had this rule in the English language would it
make reading and writing easier to understand?
T will then display a map on the IWB a map showing the
distribution of Arab speaking countries. T will select a Ss
to identify on the map where Morocco is located.
T will indicate that this is where the second part of the
story is located, and from the map we can see that Arabic
is spoken in Morocco.

Ss will ask guest speaker questions.


T will inform Ss they can ask the guest speaker further

T will ask Ss to thank the Arabic speaker and give them a
gift as a small token of thanks for helping us to understand
more about the books setting.

Mirror picture book.

Student English books
Guest Speaker.

Gift for guest speaker

(add further pages as required)

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