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New York Times

Le parti de la libert needs you !!!

The numbers of police brutality is increasing, and needs to be stopped to
protect all rights of the people. There have been to many unjust actions Police
forces have caused throughout the country that are taking the rights away from
people who did not break the law. There needs to be more strict actions to police
officers who do make unjust actions on
people. We believe there needs to be:
Stricter punishments to police
officers who make any unjust
actions toward peoples rights
and freedoms.
Better and updated training to
help protect not only the people
and their rights but also to help
protect themselves. This will
also decrease the amount of deaths, and injuries towards both police
officers and civilians, and also decrease the amount of crimes on the
There will also be courses to help study the law in more detail; this
will show fewer rights broken
toward people.
How will we do this?


Le parti de la libert will make sure the

governments help and protect the people by
adding any additional laws, and punishments to
help protect the liberty of people and protect
lives. All we need is you to help support us.

For more Information go to

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