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Same Sex Adoption Draft

Marla, Karla and Andrea

Pro Same Sex Adoption
THESIS. Anyone who is able to meet the requirements to be a
parent deserves the right of adoption despite their sexual
PRO idea 1. High number of orphans in the world
There is a huge number of orphan children that need a home. Also
there is a huge number of gay couples who want to provide it.
StatisticsAccording to a study made by Guttmacher Institute 50% of
pregnancies in the United States aren`t planned.
25% of kids placed with adoptive homosexual parents were older
than 3 years old.
Acording to a study made in 2007 by the Urban Institute found that
more than half of gay men and 41% of lesbians in the United
states would like to adopt.
60% of gay and lesbian adpotive parent adopt across races.
Acording to UNICEF There are 7 million children in foster care.
Story"In an article by Jon Campbell, it is stated that a man, Danny
Stewart, found a recently-born baby on a subway. The baby was
taken into custody and when Jon Campbell was asked to testify
about this baby the judge asked if he was interested in adopting.
Soon after, he and his partner, Peter Mercurio, adopted the baby,
thinking that it might be their only chance in adopting a child"
PRO idea 2. Discrimination against gay couples

Laws against same sex adoption is discrimination. Gay people

deserve to be recognized as individuals capable of providing love
and stability.
On the website for ABC News, Alan Farnham wrote, "Straight
couples were favored over gay male couples 15.9 percent of the
time; straight couples were favored over lesbians 15.6 percent of
the time, according to the study.
William Blacquiere is the President and CEO of Bethany Christian
Bethany and some other faith-based adoption services such as
Catholic Charities actually want to put in law what they do in
practice. They say they must protect their religious liberties and not
be forced by government to help place adoptive kids in homes of
people who live in a way the agencies find sinful.
But they get paid by the state to place kids in homes up to $10
thousand dollars a child.
They, by taking state money, are a state actor. If they have a
policy that they target gay people for discriminatory treatment, I
think that raises some equal protection concerns under our state
There is discrimination in the process.
CONS- Adopted children will be discriminated
Children who grow up in a gay family will be discriminated and
may not live happy. These kids are going to grow up will
psychological problems.
Highlight evidence
The world we live in is not fully prepared to understand the concept
of different families, and this can affect children that have gay
parents in many ways. The psychological effects they may have
include bullying and rejection, especially in group environments
such as school or sport clubs.
Give statistics

Studies published in the Archives of General Psychiatry found that

persons self-identified as homosexual in comparison to the general
public had almost double the rate of suicidal ideation or attempts,
substance abuse problems and psychological disorders. One of
the studies found that 78.6% of the gay, lesbian or bisexual group
suffered from multiple disorders.
Share a personal experience or a story.
A kid in Texas was constantly bullied in school because he had two
moms. According to the mother, who wrote on a
about this, The story unfolded over dinner at our favorite
neighborhood Texmex restaurant. Waylon was well into his second
bean and cheese taco when he broached the subject. "Mom, B-said that being gay is bad." B-- is an older kid who attends
Waylon's after-school program. He has a prime position in the
elementary school social hierarchy because his parents allow him
to play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. "What did you do when he
said that?" I was trying to keep my voice calm. I was thinking do
not freak out, do not freak out, do not let him see that you are kind
of freaking out.
"I said, 'My parents are gay.'" "What did he say?" my wife, Katy,
asked. She was using her professional therapist voice. "He said
that must be why I look like his dog when I smile.".
Explain why these might be true BUT....
In a 2010 review of virtually every study on gay parenting, New
York University sociologist Judith Stacey and University of
Southern California sociologist Tim Biblarz found no differences
between children raised in homes with two heterosexual parents
and children raised with lesbian parents.
"There's no doubt whatsoever from the research that children with
two lesbian parents are growing up to be just as well-adjusted and
successful" as children with a male and a female parent," Stacey
told LiveScience.
There is very little research on the children of gay men, so Stacey
and Biblarz couldn't draw conclusions on those families. But
Stacey suspects that gay men "will be the best parents on
average," she said.
The myth of poor mental health by children of same sex parents
has been debunked by an Australian study conducted at the

University of Melborne and published in the journal BMC Public

Health. The Australian Study of Child Health in Same-Sex Families
(ACHESS) is a large investigation of 500 Australian children below
the age of 18 with same sex parents. Researchers found that
children with LGBT parents had the same amount of self-esteem
and spent as much family time with their parents compared to
children of heterosexual parents. In fact, investigators found that
children of gay and lesbian couples to be healthier and have a
stronger family unit.
"Research shows that children raised by gay or lesbian parents do
as well as other children in terms of well-being, adjustment,
functioning and peer relationships, and researchers have found no
differences in terms of depression, anxiety and self-esteem," said
Caitlin Ryan, director of the Family Acceptance Project at the
Csar E. Chvez Institute at San Francisco State University.

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