PD Viable Curriculum

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PD Viable Curriculum PCSS

Natascha Van Cleave 19 May 2015

Attending the Viable
Curriculum and planning
cycle PD at Point Cook
Senior Secondary helped
me to understand the
overall planning of a
school as well as the
expectations of the
teacher in the planning.
In the session we looked
at work by Marzano who
recommended that the
same content should be
taught regardless of
teacher, there should be
enough time for that
content to be covered
and assessments should
be no surprise as they
should cover what was
My only question was
how do we teach the
same content and still
differentiate our learning
and tailor it to the
students future goals and
needs? This became a
research point for my
second round when I was
able to compare my
content to two other
history teachers and
found that though our
exact information was
different the overall
content was the same i.e.
prisoners of war was
taught but the focus for
each student within that
topic may have been
different and the
assessment for WWII
allowed for differentiation
(creating a museum
From this PD I could see

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