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Outside the classroom, dance encourages student creativity

Hannah Debenham | For The Post

For the past five weeks, members of The Movement organization have been choreographing,
rehearsing and rehearsing again in preparation for their annual dance concert.
The Movement organization will once again present the MOVE concert this Thursday and
Friday at 7:30 in the Shirley Wimmer Theater in Putnam Hall.
Those involved in The Movement organization consist of undergrad students in the dance
school and anybody whos interested in learning more about dance.
Weve encouraged all dancers, even beginners and those interested in learning more about
dance, to come to our meetings and events and try out what we love, said Kaitlin Flynn, a junior
studying dance and president of The Movement.
The members are given different opportunities to dance outside of the classroom and
experiment with new styles.
The club is a great way for the dancers to meet new people, and with MOVE people get the
chance to dance who dont usually get the opportunity to, said Bethany Logan, a junior studying
dance and vice president of The Movement.
At the beginning of each year, new and returning members are encouraged to create their own
dance numbers within groups in hopes of getting to perform at the concert. Tryouts were held
two weeks ago and eight groups were accepted into the performance.
The organization, which is solely student-run, puts on the concert each year to give students the
chance to express themselves and dance in their own way. Although there is no consistent
theme or message portrayed through the dance numbers, the goal is to promote the freedom of
dance for each individual.
Grace Nicklos, a sophomore studying dance, said The Movement provides so many
opportunities for peer collaborations and performances. Its a great way to share creative and
organizational thoughts.
The eight pieces to be performed vary in style between jazz, modern, contemporary and even a
bit of humor. They are presented in groups of several sizes, including duets, trios and larger
groups. Flynn and Logan have each choreographed their own group pieces and will also be
performing a duet together.
Come with an open mind and be ready to watch some talented people engage in an evening of
awesome movement, said Flynn.

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