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Lesson Plan Template

School: Footscray City College

Year Group: 9D

Focus Area

Learning Intentions

The fault in our stars blog writing

- Character blog requirements

- Learning how to write blog posts

Location / Setting

Organisation / Student Groups

Classroom F1

- Whole class discussion

- Groups of 4
- Pairs

Lesson Plan Template



AusVels Level 9

-Students understand how the selection of language features
can be used for particular purposes and effects
-When creating and editing texts for specific effects, they take
into account intended purposes and the needs and interests of
Special Considerations

Key Vocabulary

Focus Questions

- Audience
- Tone
- Voice
- Blogging
- Commenting

- What makes a good blog?

- What creates voice?
- Who is your target audience?
- What would Hazel/Gus want to communicate?

Lesson Plan Template

References / Sources / Materials / Resources

and Equipment

- The Fault In Our Stars

- Whiteboard
- Character chart/log
- Exercise books
- Character blog requirements
- Peer feedback sheet
- Brainstorm matrix
- Laptop
- John Green:
- Taylor Swift:
- Intelligent Traveller:
- Kotaku:

Establishing prior knowledge. Tuning in activity. Focus
Assessment criteria: Assessment FOR learning
Introduction: teaching background, plan for the next 6
weeks including topics and assessment
(5 mins)
Plan for today:
- Using knowledge and ideas from the next, students are to
create 4-5 blog entries from the perspective of Hazel or
Gus. The purpose of this is to create voice and
- Writing from chapters 10-15, with one blog entry per
chapter (approximately 200-400 words)
(5 mins)
- Spend time going over the requirements
- Include observations of personality, attitudes to illness,
family, friends and each other
- Characterisation: How does an author create?
Effects on others
Language/interests reflected in blog
(5 mins)

Guiding Inquiry and Practise
Assessment Criteria: Assessment AS Learning
Write learning intention on the board: How to write
a blog
- finished reading Amsterdam section
- up to date character chart
What makes a good blog: key features
- Talk about what a blog is
- Brainstorm A3 matrix
- Students form groups of 4 and begin filling out
sections of matrix
- After 10-15 mins, students swap with another group
and add to their sheet
- Columns are mimicked on the board and students
contribute to whiteboard
- Social media what are some examples of blogs you
have used/seen? (Facebook, tumblr, instagram etc.)
- Why are these blogs effective/stand out? Share and
list features on the board (create voice, feeling)
- Interesting design elements, creative writing, clear theme
- Review common blog features: make a list on the
(30 mins)
Layout of the blog
- Show the John Green blog
- Show the blog and identify the key features spoken

Lesson Plan Template

Sharing, Explaining and Reviewing Inquiry
Share time. Student reflection. What do they now know?
Assessment Criteria: Assessment OF Learning
Explain the purpose of writing in blog format: why it is an
effective style of writing, how it will be used as a form of
- Link to text narrative writing, characterisation
- Students should be able to recognise the important features
of a blog and attempt to write their own entries

- Why they stand out, headlines etc.

- Essential parts, layout
- Class discussion, contribute to whiteboard
(10 mins)
Character requirements handout
- Read essential requirements to class
- Read out the goal of your blog from Character Blog
Requirements worksheet
- Students are to write accounts from chapters 10-15
- Diary entries, reflective comments
- Choose a character: Hazel or Gus. Think about what
they would want to communicate (feelings, thoughts,
- Checklist for blog features
(15 mins)
Begin writing entries/blog creation
- After character has been chosen, attempt to write
from their perspective. Start first account/entry will
act as a draft
- Use blogger/Google docs to set up personal blog:
follow instructions on handout
- If students dont have laptop, they may hand write
- Remember requirements( 200+ words)
(20 mins)
Peer editing questions
- Give students hand out and ask them to pair up
- Answer questions to help partner improve their blog
- Complete sheet and return to partner
(15 mins)
*Be ready to write up and start blog entries next class.
Finished version submitted 25th August
Lesson Plan Template

Preservice Teacher Reflection

Mentor Teacher Feedback

Did students achieve the Learning Intentions?

Success Criteria
What were the successful strategies?
How did you the teacher get them to the end result?
Where to from here? Whats next?

Preservice Teacher Name __________________________________


Date ________________

Lesson Plan Template

Strengths / Areas for Improvement

How will we work to improve them?

Mentor Teacher Name___________________________________________



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