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Correspondents are requested to attend to the following directionsr-s-

Ca)Communications on different subjects should he made in separate letters.

(b )At the. head of any letter addressed to the Department (he name and roU number of the school; to which the letter refers, the county in which the school is situated,' and the writer's address should be stated. It is most: imponant that 3D medical certificates should be accompanied by covering lettersjndicating d:,£ name and ftlill number of the lICbooi ~ncemecL

(c) In replying to an official letter its date and reference number should be giVeD.

(d) AU letters should be written dearly and en piper of foolscap size, tit, at least on large-size fetter paper.

(e) All letters and other communicaricns of an official character in any manner relating to the national schools should be addressed rnu,:-

An RUm:i~

(~ Secretary)

Roinn Oideacbiil~ (Department of Education)

Brainse an Bhanoideaehais, (Primary Branch)

Scl~d MhaoHbhrid('~ (Mariborm~gh Street)

lfhd~<!!' litha CHl!t(h~ l. (Dublin;! )

and not W any officer of the Department personally,



The pfCtgramme of instruction iot national Khuo~h. and for stu~ents l.D training; also the regula rions" for Preparatory Colleges are primed 85 separate pamphlets and may be obrained on application [0;-



An RUna!9

(The Secretary)


J, THE SYSTEM OF NAT101"Al, EDL'CATlO>J No Discrimination as bell', een the different Religious Denominations; The Righ, of a Child HJ arten d a :t-;~tio!lal School without anending Religious Iristr acticn.

Rolnn Oideachais, (Department of Education)

Brainse a~1 Bhunoideachais, (Primary Branch)


Vested and Non-Vesrc I 8ch:00\S; Use "f Schools Ior Election and l'lk: purposes; No Child refu~ed admission on account of Sc,dal Pcsition ; II,SiCcc:.m:; of Schools and Risnts ol School }\nel-,d~I\(e Officer; Visitors to Naticc:al Schocls.



The Patron and hi, Dut ies ; the Ma!lag'~r and hi., Duties; Insurance of Schools ; Prevision .,1 Senoc'; Library, Prizes, etc.; Special Lectures.

5riid Mhaoilbhride; (Marlborough Street)

Baile Atha Cliatb, 1.. (Dublin, 1)

The regulations", etc" for the entrance examination to Training Colleges and explanatory notes for the teaching 01 different subjects of the school programme are also printed a, separate pamphlets and may be purchased directly from the Government Publications Sale Office, G,P,O. Arcade, Henry Street, Dublin, 1, or through any bookseller.




Schools for Irish-speaking Children; Research and Practising Schools; Fosterage Schools; School" or Classes for Handicapped Children; Reformatory and Industrial Schools; Grant of Aid to. a Schcoi ; Withdrawal of Recognition from a School ewing til non-compliance with the Rules, Floor Space ; Inscription; Separate Schools for Boys and Girls; Disconrinuance of Schools owing to In >uffie it:,! Nurnber s ; Amalgamation of Schools.








School Programme Alternative Courses: Primal) School Certificate ; .s~~C'flJJr:' Schools Ccrtifica:e Examinations,



J 2


38~il -:.!:;"
~9-~! ~ .~
52 r r-,
53-67 2'_,
68-69 3g

Principal and Vice-Principal T~~(.he(s; A<<;i,tant Teachers, Iuni.» A~si$r~nl Mim~'sses; Teachers in

Island and Small Schools; Teachers specially r cccg-

nised in National Schools (uKbdiIlS Schools for Handicapped Children}; T~~chers (r:\ind ,11

Gre2.1 Britain or Northern Ireland: T~acn.ff' in

~ 'rnlati0n Schools, Qualifications in' Irish; Higher

"The examination of any classe s of candidates and the examination for admission to any of ~ht Colleges may be suspended in lin)' year, or ),esrs,

cv.rru EU1.E 1'AGII

xu. STAFPJ).;c:; AR ... 'l..A.NGE}'H~NTS FOR SCl-llICi; .. S Al'POINTMENT i\ND COt-!TIUUA~K:;: CF

::\1','. l'RAC ricxt. RULES ["OR T_[I\'~:HE?S

Genera) R.u_l.:~:· St}1:;~<~J Re:':<.1:-;.r;5 and {)rg?n.i5atic:n; A HejJ:1 <:1 Te ach: ng ..s ta ff; } ... ; ~ti.ilce don cf

S~:h(·~-:( CL.:·,~Lr~ :)j~;3 Ar sence s ~;!:l .R .. :~i~l1at~·::n- I,_~f

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rl~int~ ;l.gainsr i\'~magc~ 0r h~~'p~::-~:)r; Corre s-

r(~~ick!"J("~ rH)t conducteti iEtcc~ly wrt~~ Teacuc. s;

:Scho<)Y Disclpilne.


ST:\FFS 0:>< NATIONAL SCHOOLS .. ' 131-15(\

(Ir;:c~1:: to '1 (';;.chtt';; (T;-a.,~~ to Conductor s of

C~~:: irat ior, Schoch; l:"F..:r?::ne!]t~l Servi..e ; .Sa1~~n'

;l,·h~~c fIn Pl Cb:1t~on i _.';.~L!: a.;~·l t\:J.O~~V~_;JU· j Child-

rens l'-Jl·Jl"--:lnc.:~_; B?n~Js tor Sp'!cial Qualiticauons ; ::;-.:b(;:itution :~f Avr.~~~F.,:; i:. C8.rh3ti::_l~ S~h(.Qb;

AJd:~i(' Inrr erncnrs '_'::- Teachers in C~~1:).t':1

~;~hL-~:·l~; ])jyrrit.jt (t .s~::is~ir.2; C~~y.eiYI L;:p_'':Jdry

and Domestic l:{:cno::ny~ Srec!al GL?:"lt.o; f~~r

(;Ild~~i.~lt SCl1~/{~1s~


xvnr, XIX xx. XXI.



Appointruen. ;.:nd CCt~Hie'):Jar.L"_t ;.1,~ -Tf:~dlerS other ~h:_i~~ F_i .r~L!- ~)i..d l<.:"~~d::!:< rrGT!H~.!~~n ot ~ut:i0r }lS::l!":t~J].t l..1J~:~r~r:,~e~; ]- C~l·:r.:.r.:rTl"y ~ eachers; Con:1i:io(J; .; 1~ A~c nJ ~kahl; A5~inmls in Mixed ,S:~~H~0}~: T~(1ch:-!r~ :)!; F~<·.·':'zticr.:; Sruicrny; lXQ,:c51:1 ;1nrJ r,~b-tr ::T~.f~Y ... ':',j }~~nd s ; S;~fI 1.'1 l,malga.Ta,e:; Sd;i:~~l~., Te~~heT5 c~dar~d Redun(jaIl'· Sl"f r'"'<:l'Ji'·~' tr. S+''O'I recognised for

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fit ]~S;'i than / H PurLk: :S~~1-f i.~: C;"~p;td,liC1.n')O~S; 3l1P.~GILJJ:i.i1rar:; !'~,~i:'itJDt~; Te:acfct.'fS ~ho;,;e Sl'hr::;l W~~d-~ ha,') b~er.. c~t.L~l::..t~d ~~: F~_·:J,.)t S a~lsfa~tory~'; l1.1(!)Hect .~,Y~::ra!:';:,:s; F2:d{E:~Himl oi Re('r.:rdr;; Jmr~0~l"j' C.{~"'::h::nj Hr:!;:.-::.nnkl0, en !J\.HsiJ·: ()CCL.:P~!i~)l. j :fca.chtr:s !icting as fre~~:i::lg Offker~ cr P!)l'hg Cr~rk~

;\BSEl'J(:ES )):f- 'fT./\C1L2RS 112--12(:

EM.PLOY2\iE>IT Of SCRSTln.TfS .\t'~rn,e (,.;;i.'1g tc m,.,~~s. IJD.<"cllJm Disease in Te achers n·!:;;:Jcr:c~~ l~bs~,c~ a~ C'~1JtS!!S; OCC!~~{)n2~ Brie! /~t~m:::~~; N·)~iD::~tit)n ~i. Absences; Re cognition of SU:""HiLJ:t~s_












1;< I). 6 hltighil~, Minister f:'_7( Education, h~rcby ??lilk~ "~'ith~ fohct' lU'CeSSl1T')\. the cun~u~ref1C,' ot th« i'fim!'t{~ .f !}1' Finance; ttrt [ollounng Ruies [or Natiotuu Scliocls under t.he Dopct.!":m""i ,;1 Edurction,



The rights and duties of citizens of the State in the matter of Education are set forth in Articles 42 and 44.2.4·' nf the Constitution of Ireland 03umeacbt na hEirc.ann) 2;S fdlcnv5:-


TI,t Stille acknowledge» that the primary and narur a. educate, ')1 tire child is the Iaznily and g,-;"fHltees to respect the inalienable iight and duty of parents W provide, according to their means, for the rdigious and moral, intf.lle(lm.\, ph7sicaJ and social education of til~i, children


Parents shall be fret to provide Lhi" education in [heir homes (';'ill. pnvate schools or in schools recognised 01" established byllP. State

1:'1 fio\
1.52· 3-i
lS3-1GO .. 8;
151-] 6;~ 90
16: 93
IE.!. 9:i
If::) p"\
S4 3.

1 < The State shall not oblige parents in '.iu1atiun [of their conscience and Iawful preference to send their children to schools established by the State) or to any particular type of school desig .. aated by the SHm:.

2" The SUIte shall) however, as guardian 01 (,:: common good, requite in view of actual conditions that the ,-e-;:.;;ive !I. certain minimum education, moral, intellertual and social.


4. The State shall provide Ior free primary educa ti or. and shall

endeavour 1(1 supplement and give reasonable aid to private and corporate educational initiative, and, when the public good requires it, provide other educational facilities or institutions. with due regard, however, for !be rights, (If parents, especially ill the marrer of religious and moral formation,

in an alternative pragramme apprM'ed under the terms of rule 72(1) or approved instruction, given in national schools, in the pmgrmflmf: prescribed for secondary schools;

the expression "prescribed" mtans prescribed by the Minister [or Education;

5. In exceptional cases, where the parents for physical or moral

reasons fail in their duty towards their children, the State as guardian of the common good, by appropriate means shall endeavour to supply the place of the parents, but always with due regard for the natura! and imprescriptible rights of the child.

the expression •• approued " means approoed by the Minister for Education)'

the expression "reco~ni5ed" means recognised by the Minis(er [or Education.

Words importing the masculine gender include the feminine gender unless the contrary intention apPf(n-;:·

ARTICLE 44. 2.4'

Legislation providing Slate aid for schools shall not discriminate between schools under the management of different religious denominations, nor be such as to affect prejudicially the right of any child to attend a school receiving public money without .attending religious Instruction lilt that school.

In pursuance of the provisions of these Anicies the State prOYjC1eS for free primary education Ior children in national schools, and gives explicit recognition to The denominational character of these schools.




1. Provision for education in prescribed or approved programmes far children between the ages of four and eighteen yean; is made in schools recognised by the Minister as national schools. Subject Ie the terms of rule 67 such education shall be free.

In these ru.les:-

the expression "the iVfin;s!;;r" mwm the Minister for Edu(..QtiC'71;

the expression ",he Deportment " mean; the Depanment of EdUc:IJliO!1 and mcludes cilicers duly authorised fo act 071 behalf of the Minister;

the er pression ",";ation,;l scliool " meCl" I) sclioc! rccog7liscd as such by the Jlinisi;lJ' [o: Educoiio»,

2. These Rules do [lot discriminate between schools under the management of different religious denominations nor may they be construed so as {I) affect prejudicially 'the tight of any child to attend a national school without attending religious instruction at that school,

the €xpression " primary education.' in rclaiicn t[l secular instruction means education up to the end of standard VI in the programme prescribed or approved. for national scliocls ;

3. State aid for the establishment of a new national school may be granted on application by the representatives of a religious denomination where the Dumber of pupils of that denominaticn in a particular area is sufficient to warrant the establishment and continuance of such school,

the Expression "education" in relarion to secular instruction means instruction up to the end of standard VI in the f'rogramme prescribed t(1T nationo] schools and it may include instruction in tile prescribed p.,ngrammr [or !lawiol'd.( VIl and VIlI in notional :. ch 0011 , or instruction

4. As an alternative to the establishment of a national school, aid may be granted towards defraying the COSt '..'1 conveying children to a suitable national school,


(3) No political meeting way be held nor may any political bu!'i~es! be transacted in schools, whether vested or non-vested, except as provided in sections (1) and (2) Dj this rule, and no meeting in connection with JI local election may be held therein.


Schools aided by the Minister.

!;. The schools aided by the Minister are divided as fOU~W5:(1) vested schools, Including

(a) those vested in the Minister" j and

(b) those vested in trustees, under deeds to which the Minister is a party, for the purpose of being maintained as national schoolsj ,

(2) non-vested schools.

No Child Refused Admbsion 00 &£oant of Position.

10. No child may be refused admission to a national school on account of the social position of its parents, nor may any pupil be kept apart from the other pupils on the ground of social distinction.

Inspection of Schools.

U. The Ministcr and. persons authorised 1"y him may visit and examine the schools whenever they l.hin.l:. fit.

Vested SchOOlS.

6. Vested schools n1VSt be used exclusively far Lite education of the pupils attending them, unless with the special approval of the Minister,

Visits of School Artendance OffiCer.

12:. A school attendance officer appointed under the Schoo! Attendance Act 1926 and duly authorised by his School Attendimce Committee, and an officer or member of the Garda Siochw duly authorised to !!let as a school attendance officer under that Act. mU51 be permitted to examine, at convenient times during school hours, the roll oout;; f<lId register of any national school in his area, and to make such extracts regarding the ages, names, residences and attendances. (If the pupils iiUj the average daily attendance at the school, as be may require for the purpose of carrying out his. duties under the Act.

Non-vested Schools.

7. No control is exercised by the 1.1inister over the use of non-vested schools outside school hours, the control over such use being left to the patrons or managers; subject 10 the intervention cf the Minister should circumstances so warrant, and subject in particular to the terms of rule 9(3) below,

"Visitors to Nationai Scbools.

13. (i) Any person may. with the manager's pernussion, vrsit Jl. national school during school hours for the purpose of observing tnf;· ordinary working of me school but 'Such visitor may Dot interfere with me business of the school {If divert the attention of the teachers [11' pupils from their work. Visitors are not permirted to examine any nJ the school records and should iii visitor seek information which is DDt available from observation {If the working of the school it is the duty of the teacher to refer him to the manager.

(ii) Managers may give 1:0 visitors Conly such' information regarding the school as would come within the scope of legitimate enquiry.

(iii) Parents may be given such extracts from the school records regarding the attendance or treatment of their children as might reasonably be expected.

(iv) Where any doubt or difference arises 2-.s to the information which may be supplied to visitors or p!ilrcnts the final decision shall rest with the lI.-iinigttf.

School in a Plai:e of WOf5hip.

8. The use of a place of worship for school purposes is sanctioned only in exceptional circumstances and as 2 temporary measure; in all such CB5eS, the prior approval of the MinisH!T must be obtained.

Use of Schools for Eleerien Purposes.

9. (1) At a contested Dail Election or Presidential Election Or Local Election or at a Referendum, any room in a school may be requisitioned by the appropriate Returning OffLCer for such election, free of charge .. for the purpose of taking the poll.

(2) A schoolroom may also be used for public meetings at reasonable . times outside school hours by candidates at an election of Members of Dail f!:ireann between the issue of the writ and the day of the pall under the provisions of section 30 of the Electoral Act 1923 (See Schedule HI).

II< The practice lof vesting ll'~ Khoole .in the Minister it discontinued,

t Included under (~) and (b) are echoob vested in either the .former Commissi«ltt! 01 National Education or the Natio.nal Education Cotrunissiooers, 8..tld in tru~l! ;mdtt ~. to which those: Ctommbsiollet'a were a PIl.rtF.




The Patron.

14. (1) Trustees of a vested school or recognised school cornm.uees constituted in accordance with the regulations set out in Schedule I or other suitable person may be recognised as patron.

(2) The }\1 inistcr for Education for the time being is patron of the ,\1odd S ch ools,

(3) The patron may manage the school himself or may nominate a suitable person to act as manager.

(4) Subject to the approval of the i\linistcr, the patron mJY, at any time, resume the direct management of the school, or may nominate another manager.

(5) In the event of a vacancy in the patronship by death, the successor of a clerical patron may be recognised as patron.

(6) The patron of a national school on residing out of Ireland for a continuous period of twelve calendar months is regarded as having ceased to hold office,

The Manager.

15. (i) The manager of a national school is charged with the direct government of the school, the appointment of the teachers, subject to the Minister's approval, their removal and the conducting of the necessary correspondence.

(2j The manager is the person or body of persons recognised 8S manage-r by the Minister, Save in exceptional circumstance" a person not resident in the locality will not be re cognised as manager,

(3) Tile manager must be a clergyman or other suitable person or body of persons.

(4) Ever)' person or body of persons on first recognition as manager must give an undertaking in writing that the Rule, for National Schools mall be complied with.

(5) When 3 school committee is recognised as manager, one of its number should be nominated by the committee to act as correspondent. (6) Joint managers may be recognised, and in that event the returns for the schools, agreements etc, should be signed by each of the managers unless they agree that one of them shall act as correspondent. (7) Where the joint managers disagree abour teachers, programmes, or other details of management, the matter in dispute shall be decided 1:", the /\linistcr.


(8) If the manager finds himself unable to fulfil his duties as manager he should nominate or arrange to have nominated some suitable person resident in the locality for recognition as temporary manager until such time 8S he is able to resume his managerial dutie-s.

(9) The ll,1inister rna,' withdraw recognition from a manager Icr faill!~e to observe the Rules or if it should appear that the educational interests of the district require it, but such recognition \\ ill not be withdrawn without consultation with the manager and other interested parties.

Managers should visit their schools frequently.

16. .~lanagers should visit their schools frequently, and should satisfy themselves that the Rules for National Schools are being complied ,\ ith They are required to certify the correctness of the school rcrurns furnished to the Department, and to make the necessary local arrangements for holding the Primary Certificate Examination and the ether exarninations conducted by the Department.

Payments to Teachers.

17. (1) The school return, furnished in connection with 'the claims for payment of salaries must be examined and checked by the manager, and the certificate printed on such returns must be signed by him without alteration as a condition of pavment of salaries,

(2) Where the payment of salary to the teacher would be delayed owing to the inability of the manager to sign the school returns these returns may be certified by the local inspe-ctor or by a local resident approved by the Atinister,

(3) Whenever a manager advances money to a teacher on account of salary payable by the Minister, he should obtain a receipt which should state that the payment is on account of such salary, in. order to have 8 proper voucher to produce to the Department for recoupment,

Mallagers to Nonly Changes of Teachers, etc.

18. (1) (a) The managers are required to submit without delay all proposed changes of teachers to the Department for approval.

They are also required to notify all proposed changes of teachers to the inspector.

(b) If a manager appoints 3 teacher without prior official approval, the Minister may refuse payment of salary for any service given by such teacher.

(2) On the appointment of a principal, "ice-principal, assistant teacher or junior assistant mistress, other than the appointment of a temporary teacher for a brief period, the manager must enter into an agreement with the teacher on one of the official forms provided fOT' the purpose,


There are four forms of agreement, numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. Copies of these forms arc available from the Department 85 required.

(3) If an agreement has not been executed with B newly appointed teacher payment of salary may be suspended until an agreement has been executed.

Insurance of School Premises and Furniture.

19. The manager must arrange that the school premises and furniture he insured adequately against damage by fire. \l'herc such insurance has not been effected, grants will not be made for the purpose of rebuilding or refurnishing in the event of the destruction of the premises or furniture by fire.

Provision or School Library, Prizes, etc.

20. The ' .... tinister desires to urge upon the managers the desirability of

teachers are paid personal salaries except for certain teachers in those convent and monastery national schools where payment is on a capitation basis (see rules 102 and 103). National schools recognised as Model Schools are maintained from State funds and are under the patrolUlge of the Minister.

(a) providing a small library for each school, and a small museum of natural objects, furnished, as far as possible, by the pupils thm1selves;

Cb) ~timuJatillg the school children to greater industry by a system of school prizes to be distributed, not only for literary attainments, but for regulariry of attendance, personal tidiness, good condurr, and politeness.

Special Lectures,

21. Managers are encouraged to invite the assistance of qualified },ersons to give lectures 01' talks 13 the pupils, and thus to diversify the intellectual life of the school.

Chang" or Managers,

22, On a change of managt"T"!! the new manager must enter into an. agreement, on one of the official forms provided, whh each member of the teaching staff of the school, and the services of any member of the staff cannot be dispensed with by him except under the terms of this agreement. The new agreement must be executed on the official form beariDg the same number (1, 2, 3 Or 4) !IS the previous one, unless by consent of both manager and teacher.

National Schools for Irish-Speaking Children Only.

24. (1) Where there are children whose home language is ~rish Of who otherwise have acquired a good oral knowledge of Irish the .\1inister may, in special circumstances, grant recognition to a school in which the general training and instruction of the pupils in the subjects of the programme, other than English, will be given in the Irish language, notwithstanding that another national school may already be in operation in the same neighbourhood.

TIle Minister may require, as a condition for the recogniuon of a reacher in such school, that the teacher shall possess such qualifications in Irish and other subjects as the Minister may decide to be necessary in the special circumstances of the school.

(2) In order to ensure the general character and purpose of the school as a school in which Irish will continue to be the language of the pupils and of the school, such standard of L ish as the Minister may approve, may be required for admission as a pupil 10 such a school or for retention as a pupil of the school.

(3) A school devoted specially, \Vith the approval of the Minister, to preparing children for entrance to a school for Irish-speaking children lllay be regarded for the purpose of rules 100 and 143 as a school recognised under section (1) of this rule.


Research and. Practising Schools in eonnection with Universities.

25, (1) A school in which the general training and instruction of the pupils in the ordinary subjects of the programme-c-other than English=arc given through the medium Gf the Irish language, and which is utilised. as a research and practising school for teachers, and student reachers attending the courses oi the Department (or Faculty) of Education within a University Institution may be recognised as a national school.

(2) 1n order to ensure that the pupils to be admitted to a research and practising school may be suitable, having regard to the general character and purpose (If the school, such standard of education, including .a knowledge of Irish, as the Minister may approve, may be required in any applicant for admission as a pupil to the school.




23. National schools, whether vested or non~vested, are under local management and are staffed by teachers qualified under ilie Rules. The

Fosterage Schools.

26. (1) Recognition as national schools may be granted to a limited number of Fosterage Schools situated in intenselv Irish-speaking


districts, or in other districts specially approved by the Minister. The schools will be residential unless in exceptional cases, where, by the desire of the parents, children may be allowed to reside adjacent to the school, with families in which Irish is the home language. Irish shall be the language of ordinary use in these schools.

(2) No pupil whose ordinary place of residence is in the neighbourhood of such school can be enrolled therein, unless, in special circumstances, with the sanction of the ,'vlinistcr.

Schools or Classes for Handicapped Children.

27. (I) Recognition as national schools may be granted to schools which provide suitable primary education for the various types of physically or mentally handicapped children) subject to such conditions in regard to staffing, time-table arrangements and courses of instruction as the j\unistcr may [rom time to time prescribe. These schools may be recognised in residential or non-residential institutions.

(2) Special classes for partially deaf, partially sighted or backward children may be established in national schools, subject to such conditions as the Minister may from time to time prescribe.

Reformatory and Industrial Schools.

28. Subject to rule 97(9) recognition as national schools may be granted to Reformatory and Industrial Schools in respect of instruction in the programme for national schools.

Grant of Aid to a National School.

29. (1) Application for aid for a school must be made on the official fonn obtainable from the Department In every. case the Minister decides whether aid may be granted, in whole or in part or altogether withheld. As a rule, grants of salary, etc., cannot commence from a date earlier than the first of the month in which such form of application is returned to the Department,

(2) In order to warrant the grant of aid, or the continuance of aid to a school, the Minister must be satisfied that:-~

(a) the school is required as a national school •.


there is reason to expect that an average dailv enrolment of at least twenty-four pupils will be maintained (see, however, rules 35 and 36);

(c) the school is suitable, in good repair, adequately furnished and provided with satisfactory sanitary accommodation;

Cd) there is a suitable fireguard for each open fireplace and adequate protection against burning or scalding from stoves or other


heating appar.ltus·, and all other necessary precautions against fire risk;

(e) no near relative of the manager is appointed a member of the

school staff.

Withdrawal of Recognition from a National School owing to 000- compliance with the Roles.

30. (1) Where the manager of a national school refuses or fails to have any of the official rules, Dr decisions \ill.dcr them made. ~Y the Minister, complied with, the Minister may, subject to the prOVISIOns of this rule, withdraw recognition from the school.

(2) The l\iinimr, before deciding under this rule ~o v.:ithdr:'w reco~nition from a school, shall give to the manager written nonce of his intention to do so after the expiration of three dC2T months from the date of such Douce. Such notice shall specify the rules. Dr the decisions of the j\-linister thereunder with which the manager has refused Or failed to secure compliance and shall Hate the particulars of the refusal or failure relied on as warranting such withdra wal.

(3) The manager may, before the expiration .o~ the period of, make such representations in \\ riting to the Muustcr as he may think fit and the Minister shall consider any such representations.

(4) Upon the expiration of L1e period of notice the '\linist~~. ha v in~ taken into consideration any such representations which may have been made bv the manager, may decide to withdraw recognition from the school f~0m such date, not earlier than the date of his decision, as he may think fit. The ,\1inimr shall communicate the fact of such decision and the date from which it operates to L1C manager r~' wrinc,1 notice. Recognition shall be withdrawn from the school from the dale spccifid in such communication. No grants from State funds shall be paid Or payable to the manager Or to any teacher or other person in respect cf that school in relation to any period subsequent to that dale.

(:5) The Minister may, at any rime, em being satisfied tha: the official rules and decisions made by him thereunder will be complied with, decide to restore recognition to a school from which recognition has been withdrawn under this rule, Such restoration of recognition shall not, unless the Minister in any particular case so decides, entitle the manager or any teacher or any other person to receive anv payment out of State funds in respect: of the school in rcla tion to L~C period subsequent to the

--------.-------~---~----- .. ----

* Section 15 (If the Children Act 1908 contains the fcllc\l':.r.g rroli<iG~' - . If any pent';'! oyer the a~e of sixteen years wh() h3< the custndv, charge or care of am' child under the ace of seven "ears allows tha: child to be in anv room contauung an open fire!V-Jre not sufficiently protected '0 ~uard aga!!',,": the r isk of the child being burnt or scalded, wi Ul()U [ caking re a soriaole precautions. against that risk, snd by reason thereof the child is kiiled or suJhrj serious injury, he shall on surnrnar y conviction ~e. Iiable to a fL~.~ net. exceeding ten pounds".


withdrawal of recognition and prior to the restoration of recogmnon under this rule. The fact that recognition has been restored and the date from which it is restored shall be communicated to the manager by written notice.

(6', l\ny written notice under this rule may be sent by ordinary post addressed to the manager at his usual address.

Floor Space Required in Schools,

31. Fifteen ~guarc feet of floor space should be provided for each pupil. It; order to prevent overcrowding the ;\.linister may require that the ('nt"Jrnem of pupils shall be restricted so as to allow fifteen square fcc! [or c3Lh unit of average attendance.

If the figure of average attendance exceeds the limit for which accommodation i, approved under tIllS rule, the l\iinistcr may require tine the vounger pupils shall be excluded from the school: if the limit of ,n'nage attendance is r('3ched, be ;}1]Y require that pupils under six ycar s of age \)1JII be excluded so as t,) permit the enrolment of pupils over tha: 3[:C may seck 3dmi~,i(\n W the schnr.l, No pupil required 1f) be excluded under this rule can toe permitted 10 be present in the ~ch(drl'Dm during school hours.

Insc riprion to be Placed on School.

:)Z .. :'1": E\,i._'r~~ n.niona! ~C:-J;.\Lil ~·J!(\t:~d h~l~~'~ an inscription containing rhr ::-:J~nc I..~i lhe ;5(:110(,1 and the words ;\, .. J'rll :\faishl!1ta". "The inscriprion '':) a ".ri'.".,; !11 J r,;r.~l distr ict dH'u]d <;],luJe The n.1!1)(: d the Flo;,;;: or >:)1.') n L:n:-~ lii \\'h~..:t\, th . .:" ~<Lcq.d i\ siru3.~('d

.:2~ \\":"hrll~. ~:c:lool i:" !Tct:gni.scd in; we first time. or J iJC\\, school i, erected III rq)jJce an 0:,' nne, nr an extensive ~ch(m~ of reccnstruciio» or improvement is dTcctcd in a school, the imcriptil'n should be in Irish, N, if specially desired by the man~gcr, in Irish and English. The inscription should be so placed as to he in clear view of the public.

(3:' The form of the imcriptii.ln proposed to be piaccd on a ,[11001 shall first be submiucd to the ,\Iini'lcr f'.'r approval.

Sanction of Minisler for Change (If Type of School.

~13. When J school ha: 0Ec[) IC(L'gni'rJ JS J,~hf1cd for bC1\;, '['IT for ~:rk solely, <'I as a mixed school, the sanction of the Minist!;'f must be c,br;:·.;tJ-:-J for any change in the rvpe of ~hc{ll. i\ girls' school which provides f acilitics for the te3rhinb C'fin!am b('lys--th81 i~ in standard, up to a,Jd induding first standard --i<; not clecmedlO be a mi; school.

Aid not Granted [0 Separate Buys' and Girls' Scho(lls unless an Average Enrolment or 60 expected in Each School.

34. AppliLalions for aid for separate boys' and girls' schools in the same locali ty in place (If a mixed school canrol be' acceded !D onlcss there i~ sa tisfactorv evidence that the average number on rolls in each school will be at least 60.


Application lot School where means of Rdigiolll Inlltnlction .,e: bot available locally.

35. (1) Where appropriate religious instruction is notavailable to the children of a particular denomination in a national school within reasonable distance of their homes, the .~iinister is prepared to consider the question of recognising a school in accordance with the Rules on condition that the a ... ·eragt daily enrolment of pupils is not less than 120

(2) As an alternative to the payment of grants to a school, the Minister may contribute towards the cost of conveying the children to a suitable neighbouring school, provided that the average number of children conveyed will not be less than that required for the recognition and continuance of grants to a s-:h(101 and that the cost wiil not be greater than the total grants payable in r~pect of such school.

Aid not Continued to a School where Average Enrolment blls below Eight.

36. Aid is not continued to a school at which the average daily enrolment falls bclov, eight units for two consecutive school years.

Amalgamation of Boys' and Girls' Schools Adjoining or in Close Proximity.

37. Separate boys' and girb' SChDOi, aj;oining or in el-se proximity and under the same denominational rna nagemenr, at one or both of which there ha, been Ior each of tv r. conseruuvc school Years an average daily enrolment of ks< than 4(1 ;,'upi\,_ ~h311 be deemed 1(1 be arnalagamated as from the J st O(t,:·1J..:r .• : :he succeed ing school war



Grants for Vested Schools.

38. (11 Grants are sanctioned by the '\~inis[er tcvar ds the cost of building, enlarging, or otherwise irnproving vested schools. enclosing sites and providing suitable furniture and fittings, teachers' rooms, play. shelters, surfaced playspaces. paths, drains and sanirary accommodation, including a water-carriage system of sanitation where an adequate water supply and a public sewer are avs ilable or, if 3 public sewer is not available, a suitable septic tank system of sewage disposal, where such can be provided at a reasonable cost.

(2) When applied for hy rnanapcrs. grantsmav be sanctioned towards the COst of the following works i-,-,


(a) in schools with a recognised staff of seven or more teachers, the. provision of assembly balls and of special rooms, such as staff rooms, store rooms, music rooms, libraries and rooms for medical inspection;

(b) in schools with four or more teachers, or in adjoining boys' and girls' schools with a c~mbined average enrolment of 160, the provision of a special room for the teaching of domestic economy, Dr, where taught, of science;

(c) sinking wells" and providing pumps where an adequate supply of water has been obtained at a reasonable cost,

(d) provision of cycle sheds;

Ie) central heating in schools having an average enrolment of less than 160 pupils;

(f) provision of separate cloakroom and sanitary accommodation for women teachers employed in boys' schools.

(3) Grants sanctioned by the !l.iinister are paid by the Commissioners of Public Works out (If funds provided by the Oireachras in the Vote for Public Works and Buildings.

(4) Applications for grants towards the cost of building vested schools should be made on the appropriate forms which may be obtained from the Department (Primary Branch),

(5) Defore any grant is sanctioned towards the cast of building a

school the Minister must he satisfied that Co.} there is a need for such a school,

(b) a suitable site has been procured,

(c) a proper lease of the site to trustees for na tional school purposes will be executed 00 the approved form,

(d) the local contribution stipulated by the Minister will be provided, (e) sufficient local aid will be provided to maintain the school building, premises and equipment in proper structural, decorative

and sanitary condition. .

(6) The appropriate provisions of this rule apply also tc grants towards the cost of schemes of enlargement or improvement.

Neeessity for Schools.

39. (1) Grants are not sanctioned for the provision in any district of II. school which, in the M.inisl:er's opinion, is not required to meet the educational needs of the district.

(2) In rural districts 8 grant is not sanctioned, except in special circumstances, for the erection of a new school if the proposed sire is wiU-.jn three statute miles by road of a national school.

" All BrrangemerltS £;;~'-~;nkinl wells must be made by man.aie.l'5.


(3) Grants are not sanctioned for the erection of separate boys' and girls' schools in replacement of separate boys' and girls' schools which adjoin or are in close proximity, unless there is an average enrolment of at least 60 pupils in each school.


40. (1) The area required as a site for a school must have relation to the accommodation to be provided in the school building. As a rule the minimum area that can be accepted is three-quarters of an acre for a two-roomed school; for a larger school a more extensive site will be required. I n cities and large towns a smaller site may; in special circumstances, be accepted.

(2) The site should be suitably located in relation to the borneo of the children in the district generally. It should be healthy, of open aspect, fairly level and easy of access, and should have a supply of pure water conveniently near. In the selection of sites, applicants arc advised to consult the Chief Medical Officer of the local Health Authoritv,

(3) Grants are Dot sanctioned towards the cost of obtaining sites fIJI' schools or of any abnormal works arising out of clearing, levelling or otherwise rendering suitable, school sites.

(4) The site must be approved by the M.inister and the Commissioners of Public Works.

(5) A site m close proximity to a graveyard cannot . as a rule, be approved.

Lease of Site.

41. (1) School premises to be vested in trustees must be-held in fee simple or at a nominal rent, or must be indemnified by special sureties against any liability for rem. The lease of premises not held in fee simple must be for sllch term as the Minister may deem sufficient.

(2) The shortest lease that can be accepted in making grants for the erection of new schools is

(a.) for sixty-one years, or

(b) under the provisions of the Leases for Schools (Ireland) Act 1881, for ninety-nine yean when the grantor is a limited owner.

(3) The school premises shall be vested in at least three trustees of whom only one may also be a grantor named in the lease,

(4) The lease of the site will be prepared, free of charge to the applicant, by the legal adviser to the lItinister. The responsibility for obtaining satisfactory proof of title, grantor's consent, erc., and for all expenses connected therewith rests OIl the applicant.

(5) 'When a grant is sanctioned towards the cost of building a school the lease must be duly executed before final arrangements are made for the erection of the school,


(6) Ground forming part of a leased site must not be utilised otherwise than for national school purposes without the consent of the trustees and the sanction of the ,\1inister.

Amount of Grant and Local Contribution.

42. (1) The amount of the gran; sanctioned is normally two-thirds of the cost 01 carrying out the works at a price deemed reasonable by the ;\'dnistcr and the Commissioners of Public \l'orks. '

(2) In exceptionally poor localities the Minister may make a larger grant than the normal two-thirds (If the cost if he is satisfied, on consideration of the circumstances of the people of the district, that one-third of the cost of the ....... orks cannot be contributed locally.

(3) Grants are based, in the first instance, on estimates framed by the' Commissioners of Public \Vorb and are subject to such revision as mav be necessary when the tenders have been received and examined and again when the actual cost of the works has been ascertained.

(4) A grant cannot be sanctioned towards the cost of building new schools, or of carrying out extensive improvements to schools should the works have been executed or even commenced before the plans and specification, have been furnished or 'approved by the Commissioners of Public Worr.$ and before the specific authorisation of the Commissioners has been ~j\'[;r, to the applicant.


43. :,i.. The number and SI zc of the das~1'C":lm<: a:,d of other room, to be provided arc determined by the ;\hnimr.

(2) Normally, classroom accommodation is based on an allowance of ] 5 square feet per pupil. .

('.) (a) Jf an applicant elects to prcvide accommodation in excess of that determined by the Minister, a supplementary building grant may be sanctioned if tl:.e statistics of enrolment at the school for any of the five ~(.-hc11); yca~J next following shov. that the larger building is required.

If at the end of the five years the larger enrolment anticioated snail not have been reached, the Ministcr may consider the 53n;;ti~ning of a supplementary gram based on the cost of providing accommodation for the difiercr.ce between the figure of enrolment on which .. he original grdm was based and rhe actual fig\lr~ uf averagedaily enrolment.

Planning of Schools, Standard Plans, Special Plans.

~4. 0) Plans for new schools and for extensions to schools already in operation, whether the work is to be done with the aid of a gram or entirely at local COH, must first receive the approval of the Minister. (2) Plans and specifications of new schools containing less than seven classrooms lind, ill normal cases, of alterations [Q schools already in


operation, are prepared by the Commissioners of Public WorKs, and applicants are required to adhere strictly to the Commissioners' Instructions.

(3) A Boor area of approximately 600 sq. fro is normally allowed for each classroom. In special cases the floor area may be varied with the Minister's approval.

(4) In planning schools" separate classroom should be provided for each teacher on the recognised staff ..

(5) For new schools of seven Dr more classroom" and where the Commissioners of Public Works so decide, for extensive alterations or additions to schools already in operation, the applicant is required to have the plans and specifications prepared by his own architect. In such cases grants for architects' and quantity surveyors' fees may be allowed. Suggestions for the guidance of managers and architects regarding the planning requirements may be obtained from the Cornnussroners. Preliminary sketch plans must be submitted for the approval of the Minister and the Commissioners. When the sketch plans have been approved, detailed drawings and specifications must be submitted for the approval of the Commissioners.

II the plan provides f or accommodation for a larger number of pupils than the number determined by the Minister or for a more costly type of building than IS deemed by him to be necessary, all the extra expense must be borne by the applicant.

Arrangements for Tenders, Contracts, Carrying out Works, etc.

45. (1) Wnen grants are sanctioned for the erection of new schools or for schemes of enlargement or substantial alteration at existing schools, the arrangements for carrying out the works are made

(a) by the Commissioners of Public Works, if the plans and specifications are prepared by them;

(b) by the applicant, if the plans find specifications are prepared by his own architect in accordance with rule 44~5).

(2) In the C;HCS specified in section (1 )(b) of this rule the following provisions shall apply:-

(a) Competitive tenders for the works must be sought by advertisement in the public press in accordance with the instrucrions of Ute Commissioners of Public Works. When the renders are received 'they must be submitted to the Commissioners and a tender must not be accepted until the specific authorisation of the Commissioners has been given to the applicant.

(b) A builder shall be employed and a formal contract made between we applicant and the builder. It shall be an express condition of the contract that the works will be carried out in accordance with We approved plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Commissioners: of Public Works and within a period [0


be specified in the contract. Such period shall not normally exceed 18 months from the date of the receipt by the applicant of the authorisation of the Commissioners of Public: Works for the commencement of the building. The applicant shall, on request, submit such contract to the Commissioners of Public Works, The applicant shall, if required, produce vouchers for all payments made by him under the contract and shall supply full evidence as to the amount of the local contribution.

(3) When grants are sanctioned for works of improvement other than those indicated in section (1) of this rule the plans and specifications are prepared by the Commissioners of Public WOTks and the arrangements for carrying out the works are made by the applicant. If the estimated cost of the works exceeds £500, competitive tenders must be sought by advertisement in the public press; for works estimated to cost between £lOO and £500, competitive tenders must be invited from contractors. In every case the tenders must be submitted to the Commissioners of Public Works. The provisions of section (2)(b) of this rule may apply also to works covered by this section,

Conditions relating to Grants.

46. Grants are sanctioned on condition that the work executed shall be of good and substantial character. Any departure from the specification or drawings shall entail the removal of inferior work and its reexecution in accordance with specification and dra .... .ings, Should this be impracticable, the work shall be totally rejected with consequent disallowance of the grant or, at least, a deduction shall be made from the grant in proportion to the departure from specification and drawings.

Schools vested in the Minister for Education,

47. School premises vested in the Minister are maintained by the Commissioners of Public Works. Where schemes of enlargement or improvement are to be carried out at school premises so vested the appropriate provisions specified in rules 38)) and (2), 42 and 45 apply.

Mi>ccliane(lU5 Provisions lReLating to Grants.

48. (1) Grants are not sanctioned towards the cost of applied ornament either inside 01" outside or for any elaborate or extravagant finish to any pa rt of the school building. The: COH of special architectural treatment of pans of the structure, where necessary to preserve amenities, e.g, Slone or brick facings or dressings, may, however, in approved cases, be allowed to rank for grant.

(2) Non-vested national school premises may be vested in trustees if considered by the Minister to be suitable for vesting; when so vested such schools are eligible for grants in aid under rule 3 B; New schools may no longer be vested in the Minister.


(3) The Minister reserves to himself the right of ac:epting repayme'IJt of grants made towards the cost of the erection and lIOpr~ement of II. school and, in such case, of removing the school from the list of -eested

schools. . k th ' es

(4) The trustees of II vested school are required to eep e premis

and furniture in good repair at local expense, In vested g~oo1s, grants cannot be sanctioned for the execution of any ~'ork reqUlred ~o make good any damage arising from neg:ec: or misuse, .except III cases spcciaily recommended by the CommISSIOners of Public: Works.

(5) Aid cannot be given in respect of the rent of schools



Free Stock Grant ....

49. (1) A gram towards the provision ~i 11 first stock of school

requisites is made to each school in propcm.wn to the average number

of children on rolls. (See Schedule Xl). .

(2) When an unsuit:tble school has been superseded by a suitable one

or when a considerable enlargement or structural improvement of a school has been effected, a special free stock grant may be mad~.,

(3) Subject to sections (1) and (2.\ B want towards .the prQVISIOn of cookery utensils is made to schools in which co~,kery lS taught. (See

Schedule XI).

(4) Requisites purchased out of the free stock g;a~t should be kept

as II school stock, and may Dot be taken out of the SCTIool.

(5) Money e:<pended on furniture, apparatus,. or repairs cannot be taken into account in deciding II claim for It ~Clal free stock grant.

School Books and other Requisites.

50. An adequate stock of books and other requisites should be pllr-

chased for the use of the school and for sale to the pupils.

Rural Science Equipment. .

51. (1) Sets of equipment may be supplied !O schools in wh:ch

instruction is given in Rural Science or Nature Study.

(2) In a school previously equipped, where the equipm.ent has become inadequate a set or pan set may he supplied at the discretion of the

, 'u be

Minister. Replacements arising from loss and breakage WI not

supplied, and must be provideJ locally.

~_,.._. ______" •• _r ••• __ ~·" _


.. A llst mil}' be obtained from the Deparnnent indicating the typ.e of school requisite to'Wards the purChaSt of which this ~ant may be applied.

(3) ii set of assorted garden seeds will he ndc .avaitab!f:llImuaHy to schools teaching Rural Science,

(4) A teacher shall take strict care of the ~b""t<l requisites and equipment and make suitable: arrangements tor their sllflO custody.



F':':. (I) It 33 the duty of the manager to arrange that each school under his charge is adequately Iumished and kept in proper structural and decorative condition," that the schoolrooms are swept and dusted everv dav, that at intervals the floors are washed and the rooms

•. - 'll d' Iv Iiehred

disinfected, that the school 15 adequate Y ncate ana proper.\,!; H",. ,-'"'

and ventilated, and that the toilets are regularly cleansed and maintained

(2) Schools should be in operation Ior at least 42 weeks in rhe. ~!"ho{)l year, In fosterage schools however, and in other schools ill whkh there is a meeting on not less than 20 Saturdays in the school year, the i\linister may sanction special regulations as to the period of operation, but the period of operation of such schools in the school yell! must be ar Ieasr 190 days, unless in very exceptional circumstances, as provided for in rule 60. The minimum period cf 190 days may include Saturdays.

in a sanitary condition.

Works of maintenance should Of:

carried out, as far as possible,

Time- Table.

54; (1) The time-tablemust bf' di$played in a conspicuous place ill the school.

(2) The time-table must show:-

(a) the times for Religious Instruction and Secular ~nmucti(,'n; (b) the periods of dosing for the recognised vacations (giving the approximate dates), and any O;JH.T days Oil which the school will be dosed;

(c) the dates and times of absence under rule 56J).

during the vacation periods, . .

(2) Teachers are expected TO co-operate with the managers an seemg that the work connected with the heating and cleaning of the schools (including the maintenance of the toilets in a sanitary condition) is effectively performed,

(3) The manager is responsible for making arrangements for ~e collection of such funds locally in supplement of the State grant as wdl ensure that the school premises will be adequately heated and cleaned and kept ill a Fr(1~r decorative condition, The Minister cannot approve of any expenditure for these purposes being imposed on the teachers of the schools,

\'~) Grants may be made to managers towards the cost of (i! ,heating rind cleaning and (ii) painting the schools, subject to the conditions set out at Schedules XII and XIII, respectively.

Sc11001 Hours, School M.eetings, RoH-Call.

,55. (1) (a) The term "school hours" in relation to any school day means the entire time of the school rn eering from the opening of the school for the reception of the pupils to its dosing on their dismissal.

(b) The term "roll-call" means the calling and marking of the rolls and the recording in the Daily Report B00k of

the numbers present, .

(2) (a) The school clay shall be regarded as comprising 01)1: school meeting only, except in schools in which the midday interval is longer than one hour:

(b) The school day shall be regarded 25 comprising two school meetings when the mid-day interval is longer than one hour.

(3) Roll-call shall talee plan: at tach school meeting,

(4) Except as otherwise provided in this rule the following general regulations shall apply in th,~ Icrmulation of time-tables 1m all national schools,

(n) The school shall be open to receive the pupils not !!Olef than 9.30 a.rn,

(ll) The time-table shall provide fer a minimum daily period of formal secular instruction in ;accordance with the terms of rule 56(1),

(c) Formal instruction shall commence not later than 9.50 a.m. in all schools, and mit la~er than 2 p.m. at the afternoon meeting in schools in which there arc two meetings daily.



School Year.

53, (1) The school year for national schools commences on the l st July.

$ Schools vested .in the Minister ate kept in repair by the Commissioners of Public Works.



Secular Instruction, Attendam;e! etc.

56. (1) (a) The period of secular instruction tv be provided Ior in the time-table of each school day must be at least Iour hours.

(&) This minimum period of Iour hours mav include intervals as wecifie.i in section (fJ;! of this rule but may notinclude the time spent on roll (~H or the recreation interval.

(2) (c) In a school in which there is only one meeting daily an "attendance" means (i) presence at roll-call lind at se\."U1H instruction for not less than fOUT hours thereafter, or (ii) if formal secular instruction is given for at least oue haU<hour prior to roll-call, presence at roll-call and at secular instruction for not less than three-and-s-half hnnr; thereafter.

:b) In Sd1001s in which there are two meetings daily a " halfattcndance " means --

(I; presence at roll-call and at secular instruction at the morning meeting for not less than two-and-a-quarter hours; not more than one half-hour of formal secula-r instruction given before roll-call may be reckoned as part of that period;


(ii) presence itt roll-call and at secular instruction at the afternoon meeting for Dot less than one-and-three-quarter hours after roll-call.

(c) In schools in which there is only one meeting daily a'" half attendance " means presence throughout the period of secular instruction from the roll-call up to the recreation interval (provided that that period of instruction is of not less than one-and-a-half hours' duration) in the case of a pupil who, under the terms of section (11) of this rule, is allowed home for dinne-r but who is late in returning or does not return after the interval.

(3) In schools or classes for handicapped children the Mirustcr may sanction modifications of the provisions of sections (1) and (2) of thisruk

(4) (a) In respect of a child enrolled in an infants' class or first standard the time required under section (2) of this rule for an " attendance" may be reduced by one hour, and the time required for a " hall-attendance " may be reduced by one half-hour.

(b) The provisions of this section do not exempt any teacher from attendance for the full period of the school meeting.

(5) In a school in which there is only one meeting daily an interval for recreation of one half-hour should be allowed. A manager may, however, arrange for a recreation interval in excess of one half-hour but not acceding one hour.

(6) In all schools a five minutes' break should be allowed at an intermediate time in the forenoon and again in the afternoon. The time at which each break is taken should be duly entered on the timetable. The pupils should be permitted to go into the playground and the classroom should be ventilated during each break

(7) In order to enable pupils of any standard to attend each month religious exercises under arrangements sanctioned by the manager,

(a) the time required for an "attendance" under section (2) of this rule, in schools in which there is only one meeting daily, may be reduced by one hour on one dav in the month or bv one half-hour on each of two days in the month and '

(6) the time required for a "hali~attendanl;e It under section (2~ (b) of this rule in schools in which there are rwo meetings dally! may be reduced by one hour for one meeting in the month or! by one half-hour at each of two meetings in the month.

(8) The minimum time constiuting an "Buendance" or "half. attendance U as defined in section (2) of this rule may include

(a) the time spent by a child during school hours at the annual Diocesan Examination in Religious Knowledge;

(6) any time devoted to instruction given elsewhere than at the school in Cooke:" Laundry, Domestic Economy, Gardening, Manual Instru~on, or ~ther app.roved subject, under arrangements made WIth the prior sanction of the liiinister;

(d) Roll-call shall be completed not later than 40 minutes after the time fixed for the commencement of formal instruction at the school meeting. A minimum period of ten minutes shall be set down in the time-table for rollcall. (See, however, rule 56(2).)

(5) It shall be permissible, with the prior sanction of the Minister -

(a) to adopt 8 modified time-table suitable to the needs of a particular area provided that no reduction is thereby made in the minimum period for formal secular instruction as specified in rule 56, or

(b) to adopt a modified time-table for schools or classes for handicapped children.

(6) During tile period of operation of the Summer Time Act the manager may arrange to postpone for not more than one hour the times approved under sections (4) and (5) of this rule for the opening of the school, the roil-call and the commencement and termination of the school 1)1' meetings and for !}l~ a~tenjancc of the teaching staff. The rime-table, however, must be arranged according to "official time" and "official time" must be shown O!I all school clocks.

~.') The leaching staf is required to be in attendance iII Av.orda.r.-.:c with UN provisions of rule 124 (1) (a) and (b)


Minimum number of days !\1a.xiJnum
No. of Saturday of opera lion of school in vacadon
meetings addition to Saturdays permissible
20 to 23 (inclusive) 185 55 days
24 to 27 " 184- 56 "'
28 to 31 ". 183 57 "
32 to 35 " 182 58 "
36 to 39 " 181 59 "
40 180 (>{l ,; (c) any time devoted 'W visits raid during school hours, under arrangements sanctioned by the Mitli~t~" to placet' of interest, or any time devoted to lectures in accordance with the provisions of rule 21 subject to the condition that the visits 01' lectures in any yC:lT must, however, be limited;

(J) time spent by a child during school hours in undergoing inspection under a scheme of school medical service.

(9) Time spent by a child in undergoing treatment under a scheme of school medical service at the school clinic, at heme, or in a hospital or other institution, shall count as attendance at school to an extent of not more than 10 school days in any school year provided that such time is certified by the school medical officer or school dentist, or other registered medical practitioner or registered dentist, to have been necessarily so spmL

(10) A pupil, who at any school meeting does not remain under instruction in the approved programme until the conclusion of the 'time prescribed for the " attendance " or " half-attendance" R5 the case may be, cannot be given credit for 'being present at that meeting, and the mark denoting an incomplete attendance must be made at once except as otherwise provided in rule 63(2).

(11) The teacher of any school, in which there is only one meeting daily, is at liberty, on the written application of the parent, and with the approval of the manager, 10 allow any pupil horne for lunch during the time allowed tor recreation. The manager may withdraw the permission at any time.

(4) Where arrangements are made; under an approved scheme, for a special course of instruction or training for persons employed 2S teachers in national schools, such scheme may provide

(i) that the attendance at any such course shall be on the same basis as attendance at school in 11 teaching capacity and be subject to the same rules and regulations, including the payment of salary, computation of service, absence owing to

illness or other cause; .

(ii) for the extension of the time during which the schools may be closed under the Rules.


57. (1) ?ll;wagcrs may close their schools for the recognised vacations notified on the time-table. The maximum vacation that may, as a rule, be taken in any school year is ten weeks (50 school days).

(2) (a) Summer vacation shall commence not later than the third -'londay in July and shall extend for a period of not more than eight weeks.

(fI) Subject In the conditions nf subsection (a) of this section the Minister moly fix a date of dosing for summer vacation in relation to any area or areas or any type or category of 5(:11001.

(3) In a school in which secular instructionIs given for at least TWo hours or nat iESS than 20 Saturdays in the school year, in addition to the ordinary full meetings on days other than Saturdays, modifications as indicated in the subjoined table may be sanctioned in regard 10

(a) the minimum number of days of operation of the school required for payment of grants in full,


(b) the maximum period for which the school may be closed for vacation during the year,

Personal Vacation.

58. Where a teacher has, during the yearvattended a course Of courses of instruction or study approved by the Minister, the vacation, inclusive of the time spent at the course or Courses of instruction, may be extended to a period not exceeding 55 school days, subject to the prior approval of the manager and to the following cocditions r c--

(a) where there is more than one teacher recognised in the school the extension (If vacation is available only for the teacher or reachers who have attended a special course or courses;

(b) where all the teachers recognised in the school have attended a special course or courses, the school may be dosed for an extra period of vacation in the school year) provided that the school be kept in operation for at least 190 days in the year, and that each member 0;: the recognised staff is entitled to the number of days' extra vacation for which the school is closed, any vacation to which Ii. member of the staff rnav be. entitled in eXCf;:S5 of the extra period of school vacation -;n3\1 be taken by the reacher only as personal vacation; . •

(c) the persona! vacation allowed to any teacher shall not exceed the number of school days which the Minister mav decide to allow in respect of attendance at any tDUISC Of courses and shaH no! in any event exceed five school days, inclusive of any days of operaticn of the school occurring during the period .of the course attended by the teacher,



(4) personal vacation in respect of attendance at approved courses may be taken

(i) not earlier than the day preceding .the opening date of the special course which the teacher is attending, in the case of summer courses, or not earlier than the Ist July next following the completion of the course which the teacher has attended, in the case of winter courses; and

(ii) Dot later than the 30th June next following the earliest day referred to in (i) above.

The Minister may also require the day or days of such dosing to be included in calculating the quarterly and annual averages of attendance.

(2) When a school has commenced operation on any day the pupils should not, as a rule, be dismissed before the end of the attendance period. Should the pupils be dismissed before the end of the attendance period, the 1I1inister shall require the attendance of pupils on that day to be included in calculating the averages of attendance if he is satisfied that the early dismissal of rhe pupils was for we purpose {If affecting the averages of attendance. The application of this rule is, however, subject to the provisions of rule 65 (3).

Closing of School on Special Days,

59. In addition to closing on public and religious holidays a manager may also close a school on special days (such as a confirmation day, a fair day or a local holiday, etc.) not occurring during' school vacation where he is satisfied that the circumstances are such as to warrant his taking this action, subject to the condition that, except as otherwise provided in rule 60, the school is kept in operation in each school year for at least 190 days which are taken into account in computing the quarterly and annual averages,

Closing of School without Reasonable Cause.

63. (1) Should the Minister consider that a school has been closed without reasonable cause, payment of salary and other emoluments may be refused in respect of the day or days of closing or LX closing may be required to be reckoned as part of the vacation allowed under rule 57.

Enrolment or Pupils.

64. (1) A child may nor be allowed ((I attend or be enrolled in a national school before tile fourth anniversary of his birth. A pupil may not be retained on the rolla.after the eighteenth anniversary of his birth. (2: (a) A pupil's name shall be struck off the rolls of a national school from whichever of the following dates is the earliest:-

(i) the day following the date (If issue of a transfer form under the School Attendance Act, or

(ii) the date on which it becomes known to the principal teacher that the pupil has ceased to attend school for anv cause, or that he has transferred to another S( hoolwheth~r nati~nal, secondary, voactional or private school, 01'

(iii) on the Sarurday following, when the pupil has been absent for

15 consecutive school days,

provided, however, that where the l v Iinister is satisfied that the circumstances warrant it he may direct that the name of a pupil be struck off the rolls from a date not earlier than the day after the date of the pupil's la st attendance a t the school.

(b) When the Medical Officer of Health, in order to guard against the spread of infectious disease in the locality, directs or recommends the exclusion from school, for a definite period, of any pupil the absence of the pupil concerned during such definite period will not be reckoned in calculating the period of 15 consecutive school davs. In each case of this kind the written direction or recommendario~ of the Medical o fficer of Health in regard to the exclusion of the pupil from school should be forwarded to the Department.

(3) (a) Every child who has atta ined the age of six years and has not attained the age of 14 years. and every other child to whom the School Attendance ~ Act 1926 is for the time being applied by virtue of an Order made by the Minister, must attend school in accordance with the provisions of tbc Act unless there is a reasonable excuse, under its terms, for his non-attendance.

(b) For the purpose of the SCh001 Attendance Act a child is deemed to have attained any particular age (\[1 whichever of the following days

Grants Reduced because of Insufficient Period of Operation,

60. If a school has not been in operation for at least 190 days in the school year the grant of salary and other emoluments is reduced, unless owing to some exceptional cause it bas not been possible for the school to be in operation for 190 days, in which case the Minister may abate this requirement.

Closing of School for Election.

61. - A school may not be closed for an election unless the school premises (or any portion thereof) have been requisitioned as a polling booth.

Closing of School in the Interests 01 Public Health.

62, When the closing of a school is deemed necessary in the interests of public health the written recommendation of the Medical Officer of Health should be obtained by the manager and Iorwarded to the Department. The responsibility for dosing the school rests wjth the manager. (See also roles 64(2)(b) and 65(3)(b).


viz. the 31st .\iarch, the 30th June, the 30rh Se?ter:-ber, or th;- 31st Dc~ember, first occurs after the anniversary of hIS birth on WhICh he

actually attains such age. ... . . . h

" 4' I' J. ~ \\/hcn application IS made Il1 respect of a pupil bet'l\ee~ ~ e 2l(e, ~.f·fuur 3"J six years or a pupil over 14 years of age, f:r admlssl~n t(~ a 11~;i(;ndl school, the principal teacher should ascertain from. tile

. • \\ hethcr the pupil was previously enrolled in another national

r arc n , ".'. .. ~ t

",:hnr'].<1no if so, be should request the parent to, Obtain, a._certlncate ~

t!'~l eHrd from the principal reacher of the 5l.hool. "'hlL~ the pupi j'wc;,:-us)y attended This l:enifi~Jtc should. ~e retal:led In the Roll

B.'pk of the par ucular class 1[1 Whl~'h the p~lp~llS en~?L~d. e.

rb In the case of a pupil who IS not within the limits of age set cut i ,1 :sc~tiOI1 C~ -; cf this rule, a period of enrolment in J:J.y quarter may no: be ind\ld:;J in the calculation of figures of average ~r:r:l;r.cnt, quarterl~ or annual, unless the pupil has made the following mrrumurn number OJ attendances in the particular quarter:-

September Quarter: 10 attendances,

Anv Other Quarter: IS attendances.

(5) On .he first ',dmi5sion of a child to a national school the 'pare~t or Em~Ji<l:l of the child should be requested to produce a Registrar s Certificate, a Baptismal Certificate or other satisfactory documentary ev idence of the date of birth of the child. This documen~ shall ~e retainer 1·'1 the school record, and shall be given to the child on his

LL-c.u ... u ~ , • ., d

t.r ansfe r \1.' "fi(lt~Jer school or (In The termination of his ~chO~J aucnr ance.

\\·lu~ " l C': i!'l':'a~e or ether ~1Ii'f2ctr.'ry documental ... ende;ce of age i j ,','" ["\,':.1',1, cJ. ;hc ,'~l!1 istcr determines whether !h.e attencances and t:;H""rn~;l1 r·; thr chdd may be included it: the calculation of the averages ·.'f J.t:,:nj:,)1'C .n-d r nrolrncnt a~ the 5ck'ol for any period.

,. 6 As" rule. no pupil over six-arid .. a-half years of age may on

Jchni;,j(!n to a school be enrolled in an infants' .class.. ','

. .,.. As a rule, a pupil should not be retained I.n an infants class hcvond the 30th June next following the date on which he has

.' \01. been er.rolled in school for one-and-a-half yea~s,. or

n .. ·., reached the a~~e of six-and-a -half years, whichever is the cZi:li('r.

". A~ a rule, ~ pupil should not be retained in an infants' school or lr:idlli,' department after he ccrnpletes first standard 01' after the ;1 t::. Jll:1C next [olluwing \ll{. date (1;1 which he reaches seven .. and-a-half vcars ... whichever is the earliet

': F Rr,:.'s rnrolkd in an id;;nr< cbs:; should, as a rule, be taught bv a mistress. , h

If bovs are enrolled in an infants' class in a boys' school in whic there is' not a mistress on [he staff, an assistant mistress should be appointed to [he school at the earliest available opportunity; either ?n the occurrence of a vacancy for an assistant teacher in the school, or In [he


event of the appointment of an additional assistant being warranted, (10) The promotion of pupils should normally date from tIle beginning of the school year.

Average Daily Enrolment. and Average Daily Attendance .

65. (1) (0) The average daily enrolment during any period is the number found by dh'iding the total number of daily "ettrolrnents" on all completed school days by the number of such school days,

(b) When the figure of average enrolment contains a fraction the fraction shall be counted as a unit. Thus an average enrolmenr of 35.1 is reckoned as 36.

(2) (a) The average daily attendance during any period is the r:umber found by dh'iding the- total number of complete "attendances" on all completcd school days by the number of such school days, rwc "half attendances" counting as one completed "attendance".

(b) Wh~n the figure of average attendance contains a fraction of not less than ,5 the fraction COUnts as 3 unit. Thus an average attendance of 35,5 is reckoned as 36.

(3) (a) \'{'hen, owing to severe weather, or other exceptional cause, the total number of pupjis in attendance on any day or days is under two-thirds of the average attendance for the month in which the day or

' .

cays occur .. the attendance on such a day or day, may be excluded from

the calcul.l!ion of the quarterly and annual <,veraees of artendance. The cause of. such low attendi\n~e should be record~d in the Dail\' Repert

Book. ~

Days so excluded may be rf:,:koned M parr (If the required minimum of 190 days .

(b) When the Medical o ffl (;C I' of Health, in order to gua.rd against the spread of infectio\i5 disease in the locality, dir'~cts Or recornm<'llcS the exclusion from school, for a definite period, of a cClnsideublc pro~orcion. of the p~r-ils enrolled, the attendances of rhe remaining pupils during such period may be excluded fro I!) tbe c:akulation (If th;: quarterly and annual averages of atrcndanc-. In each case of this kind the wrluen direction or recommendJtion of the Medical Offic.:r (If ;'kalth in regard to the excluslC'n of the pupils from school should be ,Of'l\ardcd to t~ Dcpartmen! together with 1I statement showing (il the nurn~.r\ of pupils excluded ~.~d "" standards ~n which they arc enrolled, and (Ili• [he total enrolment In tne SChClOI d:mni; the prriod in queHion Any period excluded from the calculation of the averages of auendan c e und~r the pW\'isfons of this section will operate (0 reduce, by an e'iu!valent number of days, the requirement as agards 190 days of (lp.:rati(1n in the year, specified in rule 60.



* (4) Wh(:re the Minister is satisfied that the figures of average enrolment or average attendance as furnished in the school returns have been obtained,

f • .« .!

(6) (a) Where the Minister decides that certain pupils are regularly but temporarily enrolled in any school, the enrolrncrunnd attendance of these pupil, shall be excluded from the calculation of the figures (If average enrolment 3:ld average attendance, respectively, for the pUrpi)Se of deciding the question of an increase in the emoluments nf a nv member of the teaching: staff - sec also rule 88 (7). .'

(h) W'hen a school is closed for repairs, erc., and the pupils attend other schools during the time of do'in;:. their enrolment, and a ttendances at these schools shall nor be included in calculating rhe (ig:J~c.' of a\'Erah~ enrolment (1[ ave rape attendance {Dr the purpose of e,rabJishing a gram for a new teacher.

bv the transfer, removal and attendance of any child from another school, or the attendance of any child brought from another district;

bv the attendances, for such periods as to render, in the o~ini()n of the Mini~;cr, the attendance of little or no educational value, of any child between four and six years of age, or of anv child between Ii and IS· years of age who has ceased 1\' be a . school-going r hild for :he' purposes of education in a na ri onal school;

and that such transfers. rcmovz.!s and attendances have been made specifically with the object cf establishing or maintaining the avenge enrolment or average attendance furnished in such school return" i e.:

:i'i an 3VC~'1.'T enrolment or an average attendance for the pilrpOS~ of the payment oI grants to a new teacher;

(ii.l an average enrolment or an average attendance requisite for the retention of. and payment of grams to a serving teacher;



(lii; all average attendance for the payment of grants other than those falling under (i ) and Oi\;

the enrolments and attendances shall be disallowed in calculating the figures of avcranc enrolment or average attendance as the case may be,

(5) \'I'h:rc the Minister is satisfied that a teacher has obtained or endeavoured to obtain, either hy his own act, or through another person or pc.rWf]' (i.e. by cdnva:osi'lg. or giving inducement to, or bringing prcssur« or undue influence to bear on a parent, guardian or child),

(a\ with the object indicated in the preceding section (4),

(i the transfer or removal from Qne school to another and/or

the attendance of any child coming under that section, or "ii: the attendance of any child ineligible for enrolment under the rules made by the Minister; or

U<! with the object of altering the figures of average enrolment or average attendance at any school and of thereby affecting the payment of State grants, the transfer, removal or absence of a child, eligible for enrolment, from any school;

the teacher "ill be regarded as having acted improperly under rule lOst

List of Sanctioned Books.

66. (1) A lis: of books sanctioned by the Atinister for usc in national schools, is published for each school year The mana gas mav select the books 10 be used in their schools for the purpose of secular "instruction from this list. subject to such conditions as may be contained therein, (Sec Schedule VI for particulars of the scheme for the provision of free books for necessitous children")

No book (whether previously sanctioned or otherwise which does not appear on the list sanctioned by the Minister for the particular school year may be used for secular instruction in a national 5cl1001 without the special sanction of the Minister previously obtained.

(2) I,. a separate class or standard in charge of one teacher, the rca?crs and text books, when selected, should not be changed, for a period of years, unless in exceptional circumstances.

(3) In a division consisting of two or more classes or standards combined, in charge of one teacher, the readers and text books. when selected, should be changed only to [he extent that is absolntely necessary,

School Fees.

ti7. School fees may be charged only with [he special sanction of the

J\1ini~tcr and" in respect of the following categories of pupils:- .

\Q) pupils of IS years of age and upwards;

(b) pupils under ]5 years of age (0,' extra or optional subjects taught wholly outside the ordinary school hours. and

(c) pupils between the ag~s of 4 and 15 years in certain schools where an excess fee was allowed under Section 1 S! 4": of the Irish Education Act 1892, subject to the limit all;wed, provided that:-

(i) n~ scale of school fees may be fil(ed or a ltered except

wirh the approval of the Minister;

(ii~, .. N f

o . ees m~y be, charg:d to pupils under 15 years of age

for mstruction given either inside Of outside school hours

if the payment is to be a condition of admission to the

~ N(_\~ ... 1 ...... ru.c GS(4} ~nd. (5) There 1) no intent ion to prevent [If interfere in any way with the laudable efforts of teachers to secure mere punctual or more regular att endance or an extension of the period of attendance of bonn fide r!.lpi1s at national schools. Nor is there any intention to interfere with the attendance of children, subject to the rules at B particular school on educational grounds or owing to the suitability of its position,

Set Schedule V 1I f .. r the 'rcch1 official procedure ill case. of irrcgularitic-, in School Record,



school, or would, in the opinion of the Minister, have the effect of preventing any child from receiving free. primary education;

:iii) no fees may ~ charged or continue to be charged in any school Dr to any pupil where the .Minister so decides.



Programme of Secular Instruction.

11), (1) The Minister may prescribe a programme of instruction in liny subject of the curriculum for pupils of national schools. He may, from time to time, alter the programme of instruction in any subject of the school curriculum.

(2) The. following are the subjects of the curriculum of national


Irish, English, Mathematics, History> Geography, Needlework :Girls), .Music, Rural Science or Nature Study, Drawing, Physical Training, Cookery (Girls), Laundry (Girls) or Domestic Economy (Girls), Manual Instruction (Boys).

(3) The following arc Obligatory Subjects:-.

Irish, English, Mathematics, History, Geography, Needlework (Girls), Music.

e 4) The following are Optional Subjects:-"'

Drawing, Physical Training; Rural Science or Nature Study, Cookery (Girls), Laundry (Girls) or Domestic Economy (Girls), Manual Instruction (Boys).

(5) Special granrs are paid for Cookery, Laundry and Domestic Economy under the terms of rule 147.

Instruction to Infants' Classes.

71. (l) Where the teachers are sufficiently qualified, work in infants' classes should be conducted in Irish, save where Circular- 11/60 (see Schedule XVI) is invoked.

(AU teachers holding the certificate of competency to give instruction in the school programme through the medium of Irish, or its equivalent, are deemed to be sufficiently qualified, but the possession of such II certificate is not regarded as essential for the purpose),

(2) A teacher who is able to teach Irish, but is unable to me Irish aSlhe sole medium of instruction, is required to teach Irish as a subject and to use it a! much as possible as the medium (of instruction and as the school language.

(3) English may be taught as an optional subject for one half-hour a day.

Alternative COUJ"&es may be Submitted.

72. (1) It is desirable that managers should arrange the programme of their schools so as to suit local needs, They may therefore submit


6!l. Of all the parts of 2. school curriculum Religious Instruction is by far the must important, as its subject-matter, God's honour and service, includes the proper usc of all man's faculties, find affords the most powerful inducements to their proper use. Religious Instruction is, therefore, a fundamental part of the school course, and a religious spirit should inform and vivify the whole work of the sGhool.Tht teacher should constantly inculcate the practice of charity, justice, truth, p~lrity, patience, temperance, obedience to lawful authoriry and all the other moral virtues. In this way he will fulfil the primary duty of an educator. the moulding to perfect form of his pupils' character, habiroating them to observe, in their relations with God and with their neighbour, t!Je laws which God, both directly through the dictates of natural reason and through Revelation, and indirectly through the· ordinance of lawfu! authority, imposes on mankind.

69. (1' The religious denomination of each pupil must be entered in the school register and roll-book, This information should be ascertained from the parent (the father, if possible) or the guardian of the pupi], where necessary,

(2) C a) ND pupil shall receive, or be present at, any religious instruclien of which his parents of guardian disapprove.

(l:;' The periods of forma], religious instruction shall be fixed sc as to Iarilitate the withdrawal of pupils to whom paragraph (a) of this section applies.

(3;, \J;'f}ere such religious instruction as their parents or guardians approve is no: provided in the school for any section of the pupils, such pupils must, should their parents or guardians so desire, be allowed to absent themselves frcm school, at reasonable times, for the purpose of receiving that instruction elsewhere,

'.4 j Visitors may not be present during formal religious instruction unless with rbe express approval of the manager.

(5) The periods 0f (0rmal ~eligious instruction shall be indicated en t~ timetable.

- Particulars regarding the programme prescribed in these.' subiects and the u!en! to which. subjects are obligatory are set (Jut In the Programmes of Pnmaryinstructlon.· .



for approval to the Department, through the inspectors, alternative COlUseS in any subject.

Alternative courses must date from the beginning of the school year, and application for approval must be made Dot later than the 1st ;\1;1.r;;h preceding the school year tor which the courses are proposed.

(2) (i) The alternative courses for seventh and eighth standards should he based upon the official programmes of instruction tor Secondary Schools and should include, as a rule, Singing, Physical Training, Domestic Economy (Girls) and Needlework (Girls) and any other branch of post-primary education suitable to local needs.

(ii) The teachers of such courses wiil be required to satisfy the Minister as to the adequacy of their qualifications.

Except as provided in rules 80, 81 and 82 an unqualified person may not be employed in a national school and any person from whom recognition as teacher in a national school or in a particular capacity in a national school has been withdrawn by decision of the Minister from a specified date may not continue to serve beyond that date in contravention of that decision.

Primary School Certificate.

73. (l) A written examination for the purpose of th~ award of the Primary School Certificate to pupils of national schools will be held annually. The Certificate will testify that the pupil has completed the sixth standard course of the school programme and has passed the written tests comprising the examination.

(2) The examination will be compulsory for all pupils on the rolls of the sixth or higher standards who have not previously sat for this examination, and who are not absent owing to reasonable cause. Managers and principal teachers are charged with the duty of making such arrangements for the examination as may be prescribed by the Mini~ler. The r~~lllaljom for rbe examination are issued annually h\· the Department

Secondary Schools Certificate Examinations.

74. The M;ni~ter may admit to the Secondary Schools Certificate Examinations pupils from national schools who have pursued an approved course of study of the required duration and comply with the other prescribed conditions.

These conditions are 5(:1 OU t in the Rules and Programme for Secondary Schools, which is puhlishcd annually.

Principal and Vice-Principal Teacbers:

76. The following are eligible for recognition as principal teacher of a school with an average daily enrolment for the preceding school year of -

(1) less than 80 pupils

(a) persons who have successfully completed a recognised COUrse of training, who have satisfactorily completed probation in accordance with rule 95 and whose service is satisfactory, or

(b) in a provisional capacity, persons who have successfully completed a recognised course of training but who have Dot yet completed probation, provided that, if such persons have already given service as teacher, that service has been sarisfactory.

In schools in the Gaeltacht or in infants' schools or Infants' departments of schools, teachers trained before 1963 must hold the certificate of competency to give instruction in the school programme through the medium of Irish.

(2) from 80 to 199 pupils

persons eligible for recognition under section (1) of this rule whose last three years of service have been satisfactory and. who have given, in aU, not less than five years' service,

(3) 200 pupils or more

persons eligible under section (1) of this rule whose last five years of service have been satisfactory, who have given, in all, not less than sever years' service and who hold the certificate of competency to give instruction in the school programme through the medium of Irish or the Teastas Ard-Inniulachta,

The period of seven years' service specified in this section may be reduced by two years for candidates who are graduates of a University,

(4) The following conditions apply to the a ppointrnenr and recognition of principal teachers:-

(a) In a mixed school, i.e., a school in which boys and girls are enrolled, where there is an average daily enrolment of 80 pupils or more the principal teacher should be 8. master. (b) In a mixed school where the average daily enrolment is less than 36 the principal teacher shall, as a rule, be a mistress.


75. The teachers recognised in national schools are;Principal Teachers, Vice-Principal T eachers, Assistant Teachers,

Junior Assistant Mistres~s.



(c) A master is not recognised in any capacity in a girls' school. (d) A mistress is not recognised as principal of a boys' school unless the school is an infants' school.

(5) Trained teachers whose las! three years of service have been satisfactory, who have given, in all, not less than five years' service and who hold the qualification in Irish prescribed in section (3" of this rule are eligible for recognition as vice-principal teacher.

Recognition as vice-principal accorded under the provisions of this section shall be withdrawn if the teacher's work ceases to be estimated a 5 sa risfactory.

(6') (a) In reckoning service for the purpose of the appointment of a principal teacher or vice-principal te-acher under the foregoing sections of this rule, credit ruay be given (in addition to service as principal, assistant or trained junior assistant mistress) for fun-time service, 'up 10 a maximum (If two years, as:-

(i) supernumerary assistant under the terms of rule 105(1) or

(ii) substitute teacher recognised for :3 principal or assistant teacher in circumstances in which the Rules require 0: approve of the employment of a substitute teacher provided that the service is continuous and for a period of not less than three months.

(b) Service as untrained junior assistant mistress or as substirute teacher for a junior assistant mistress cannot be reckoned for the purpose of the appointment of a principal or a virc-principal teacher.

section (2) of this rule, and shall have passed a lest in Irish of such standard as the Minister may require. Recognition conferred under this subsection is confined to members of communities serving in convent national schools.

(2) (a) The following are eligible for recognition as untrained

assistant teachers in a temporary capacity:- '

(i) junior assistant mistresses under 28 years of age who become eligible under the provisions of rule 91;

(ii) monks and nuns (for service in monastery and convent national schools) who qualify in accordance with the prescribed conditions at the Training College Entrance Examination ....

(b) The persons referred to at subsection (a)(ji) above shall be required to pass a test in practice of teaching in the first six months of their service and, within the first] 2 months of their service, to pass a test in Irish of such standard as the Minister may require. Subject to these conditions, they may be recognised temporarily to II date not later than the 30th September following the completion of five years from the date of their passing the Training College Entrance Examination and for the further period of a recognised course of training entered upon by thern.j

The Minister determines the date on which a teacher shall enter on the course of training and recognition under the terms of this rule may be withdrawn from any teacher who does not enter on the course on that date.

Junior Assistant Mistnss:

79. Tne following ale eligible for recognition as junior assistant mistress:-

(a) Women already recognised, or eligible for recognition, as principal or assistant teachers under these rules.

(b) Womtn who have been awarded qualification as junior assistant mistress in the appropriate programmer as a result of their attendance at the Training College Entrance Examination in 1958 or previously, subject to the following conditions:-

(i) They must secure appointment before the expiration of three years from the Ist October of the year 10 which they were awarded the qualification.

-------------- ~--------------~~==~,

Trained As~istant or Junior Assistant M.isttt5s:

77. Persons who have completed successfully a recognised course of training are eligible for recognition as assistant or junior assistant mistress. In schools in the Gaeltacht or in infants' schools or infants' departments of schools, teachers trained before 1963 must hold thecertificate of competency to give instruction in the school programme through the medium (If Iri sh,

Untrained Assistant Teacher:

78. (1) The following are ejigjble for recognition as untrained assistant teacher -

( a) Junior assistant mistresses who are 28 years of age or over and who are eligible under the provisions of rule 91.

(b) Nuns temporarily recognised under section (2) of this rule in respect of whom the Minister decides that facilities for a course in training cannot be made available, These nuns will not be regarded as having satisfactorily completed their probatinn until they shall have given at least one, year's satisfactorv service from the date of first appointment under the terms ;f

* (e) Particulars regarding the regulations and syllabus for .he Training College Entrance Examination are published in a s-parste pamphlet from' time to time and may be obrained from. the Department (Primary Branch). (b) Admission of the candidates referred to in [his t.tctlon to the Training Coll~p:e Entrance Examination may be suspended in any year or years.

t S~~, hewever, rule 151.

~ Junior 8SSiS'l3nt mistresses are regarded as qualified, under the conditions prescn'bed in th~ Rules, to liv~ inm\Jctjon in, Drawing, Singlng, Cookery (guls) and Needlework (glrls), and to leach the pupils of the junior Bfand:lrds in accordance with the, requiremeats of the proJrtmmc.


(ii) On appointment they are placed on probation for one year during which, in order to warrant their further continuance, they are required to obtain a satisfactory report on their teaching, including the' teaching of Oral Irish. On receipt of that report) they arc registered as competent to teach Irish.

(iii) Their continued recognition in schools outside the Gaeltacht beyond a date not later than fi ve years from the l st October of the year in which they were awarded the qualification, is dependent on their having obtained in the meantime the certificate of competency to give instruction in the school programme through the medium of Irish to junior standards.

(iv) Their continued recognition in schools situated in the Gacltacht, beyond the 30th September following the first examination for the Department's certificates in Irish held after the date of their appointment, is dependent on their having obtained in the meantime the certificate of competency to give instruction in the school programme through the medium of Irish to junior standards.

teacher in a national school, In that event he may stipulate that recognition is to be accorded as teacher in a particular rype of national school and/or in a particular capacity in a national school.

82. If the Minister is satisfied that a teacher who is eligible for recognition in accordance wirh the Rules is not available to fill a vacancy in a national school, he may accept, temporarily and in a non-pensionable capacity, as an exceptional matter, the services of a person who is not eligible to serve as teacher in a national school. In that event, the Alinister will decide the rate at which payment is tel be allowed for the services given by such person. The acceptance of the services of J person under this rule confcr s no claim to rccognitir-n in any capacity ,IS teacher in a national school.

Teachers specially recognised in National School! (including Schools lor Handicapped Children).

81. If he considers that the circumstances warrant it, the Minister may, having regard to the educational and other qualifications of the candidate, declare B person who does not comply with the c:onditions for recognition laid down in the Rules to be eligible for recognition as

Teachers Trained Ul Great Britain or Northern Ireland.

83, (1) Teachers certificated after a tWD years' course of training in Great Britain or Northern Ireland may be recognised On probation in national schools and paid, pending the satisfactory completion of their probation, at the minimum rate for trained' teachers, provided the Minister is satisfied that'.-

(a) they have completed a course of study equivalent to that prescribed for a recognised training college, and

(b 'l theyhave passed a test in Irish of such standard as the Minister may require.

(2:, In order that such teachers may be regarded as having satisfactorily completed their proba tion, the following conditions must be fulfillcdr-«

(n) they must have passed a test in Irish of such standard as the:

Minister may require, and

(bi they must have given at least two years' satisfactory service which must include at least six months' satisfactory service in a national school bur may include not more than 18 months' satisfactory service in a public elementary school in Great Britain or Northern Ireland or other school acceptable to the '\linister for this purpose.

(:1; A teacher trained in Great Britain or Northern Ireland who has satisfactorily completed his probation may be placed at the appropriate point in the salary scale as from the dare on which he has satisfactorily completed his probation.

(4) For the purpose of recognition under this rule men teachersmust have entered on their course of training before 1st July, 1935, and women teachers must have entered on their ccurse of training before l sr July, 1937,

Teachers in Island and Small Schools.

80. Where, in an island school, or a small school having an average enrolment of Jess than twenty pupils, a teacher holding trp qualifications normally required under the Rules cannot be obtained, the services of a person who does not possess such qualifications may be accepted in a temporary capacity and subject to the followi:lg ccnditions.s-,

(a) that she obtains a satisfactory report from the inspector as to her general suitability for the post;

(b) that on the date of entry on duty she is within the limits of age prescribed in rule 93 (2);

(c) that she obtains Il(InOUTS in Irish and passes in English, History and Geography and Mathematics at the Leaving Certificate Examination, and in addition, passes such tests in Oral Irish, Singing and Needlework, as the Minister may prescribe. .

On fulfilling the required conditions the candidate is accorded recognition as teacher but such recognition is confined to the school in which she is serving or to other schools of the kind contemplated in this rule.

Teachers in Infants' Schools and Departments,

SIl. Candidates for appointment in anv capacity in infants' drparr-



merits of schools, or in infants' schools must satisfy the Ivtinister as to their knowledge of Kindergarten and of me other. exercises adopted m infants' schools for the instruction and training of children.

Qualifications oj Teachers in National Schools paid on a Capitation Basis,

85. (1) A member of a community of monks or of nuns proposed for appointment for the first time subsequent to 30th June, 1931, as a member of the staff of a national school paid on a capitation basis, must be a trained teacher or be qualified under rule i8(1) or (2).

(2) A person proposed for appointment as lay assistant in a national school paid on a capitation basis must be a trained teacher or be qualified under rule 78.

Hi gher Certificate.

87. A teacher may be. awarded a Higher Certificate provided he furnishes evidence of outstanding merit in any department of literature, science, education, etc., and that his work as a teacher was satisfactory during the five years immediately preceding the date of his application for the Higher Certificate.



Qualiikations in Irish necessary for Serving Teachers.

86. (1) The recognised qualifications in Irish required of serving teachers are:~

(a) Teastas Ard-Inniulachta i.e. certificate of high competency in Oral Irish;

(b) Certi ficate of competency to give instruction in the school programm~ through the medium of Irish.

(2) Teachers who complete their course of training in 1963 or sub. o,eq~e'ntly and untrained teachers proposed for permanent appointment after 30th June, 1963, are required to obtain [he Teastas Ard Inniulachta by the end of their fifth year of service to warrant continued recognition 8' teacher.

:3', fa) Subject to the reservations in subsection (0) following 1\ teacher shall not he granted an increment on the salary scaleuntil he obtains the certificate of-competency to giveInstrucrion in the schoo] programme through the medium of Irish.

: b) Subsection (a) of this section does not apply to a teacher to whom section (2) of this rule applies or to a teacher who, before hi June, 19)0, pvc recognised service for which he WJ s paid personal salary by the Department! or to a person first appointed as temporary untrained assistant, under the terms of rule 78(2), after 30th June, 1963.

:" 4: I\. junior assistant mistress serving in a school outside the Gaelracht hom whom increments have been withheld under the terms of subsection (3) (a) of this rule may, on obtaining tbe certificate of competency to give instruction in the school programme through the medium of Irish and provided her work is estimated as satisfactory; be placed in the appropriate salary scale as from the date of the award of the certificate at the point she would have reached had increments not been withheld under subsection (3) (a),

88. (1) The minimum figur;: of average enrolment required for the establishment of a post for 2 [unior assistant mistress or an assistant teacher in a classification school is determined by the Minister from time to time (Sec Schedule XVIlJ,

(2) The minimum figure of average enrolment (referred to as the "retention average") required to sustain a post for a junior assistant mistress or an assistant teacher is determined hy the Miri~;ter from time to lime (See Schedule XVII) .

(3) The appointment of a junior a ssistant mistress or an assistant teacher, whether it be a first appointment or an appointment in succession, may be sanctioned only if the appropriate figure of average enrolment has be-en reached for:-

{a) each of the two quarters next preceding the quarter in which the teacher so appointed enters on duty;


(0) the quarter immediately preceding the quarter in which the teacher so appointed enters on duty and the preceding school year:


(c) the quarter immediately preceding, lind the year ended on the last d2Y of one of the three quarters flex t preceding me quarter in which the teacher so appointed enters on duty.

NOTE: The provisions of this section and of section (1) of this rule are not strictly enforced where a school is newly recognised or newly organised.

(4) To warrant the appointment of a teacher in succession to an outgoing junior assistant mistress or assistant teacher the retention

• Under rule 18(l)(b) the Ministu may refuse payment of salary for service given by a teacher appointed without prior official approval,

t Conditions :regarding the appointment and. conrrnuance of teachers in amalgamated schools are d~Blt with in rule 98.



average must have been secured on the date the vacancy arises for the periods mentioned at (a), (b) or (c) of section (3) of this rule.

The teacher so appointed shall enter on duty in the' school not later than the last day of the third quarter following the quarter in which the vacancy arises but should the date of entry on duty be delayed beyond the last day of the quarter in which the vacancy arises then the condit ions set out in section (,3) must be fulfilled on the date oi the teacher \ entrv on duty,

]f the teacher dpcs not enter on duty before the end of the third quarter Ioilowins; the quarter in vhich the vacancy arise, then unless the enrolment requirements fer the establishment of a post continue to be fulfilled the post shall be suppressed.

)) "Fher a post f"r a junior assistant mistress or assistant teacher is vacated and the iiguro of average enrolment are such that an appointment in succession under section (4) of this rule cannot be s.mctioncd !11C post shal! be suppressed from the day Icllowing the last day on which the reacher ga\'e recognised service in the post.

(6: (a~; A post occupied by a junior assistant mistress or assistant teacher shall be suppressed at the end of the fourth consecutive quarter in which the appropriate retention average has not been reached,

en) When a post for a junior assistant mistress or assistant teacher is suppressed under subsection (a) of this section payment of salary ani' other emoluments cannot be continued to the teacher in any circumstances unless he elects In han his name placed on the appropriate pane' set up under rule 97.

(71 (a\ \\'hert the :\1i:lisler decides that certain pupils arc regularly but temporarily enrolled in any school, the enrolments of such pupils shall not be reckoned, for the purpose of the recognition of an assistant teacher or junior assistant mistress, in calculating the average or avcraces of enrolment Ior the periods specified in subsections (0), (h) or (c)- of section (3) or in section (4) of this rule,

en) Shoud the averages of enrolment, exclusive of thr: enrolments of the pupils regularly but temporarily enrolled, not warrant the appointment r.f an assistant teacher or junior assistant mistress, the ,\iinister may recognise an assistant teacher or junior assistant mistress in a temporary capacity for such period as he may determine provided that the averages of enrolment including in their calculation the enrolments of the pupils regularly but temporarily enrolled fulfil the conditions for the recognition of an assistant teacher or iunicr assistant mistress under the terms of section (3) of this rule,

(c~ A teacher recognised temporarily under this section will not, on the termination (If the period of recognition, be eligible t(l be placed on a diocesan or other approved panel under rule 97,

(8) (a) Ina school in which pupils under four years of age were on the rolls during the Whole or any part of the year ended J lst March,

1934, the terms of section (6)(11) of this rule shall not apply to a junior assistant mistress or assistant teacher who has been recognised continuously as a member of the teaching staff of the school from a date preceding 1st April, 1934, if the average daily enrolment of pupils under four years of age for the year ended 31s~ ,\larch, 1934, when added to the actual average daily enrolment, reaches the appropriate retention average required under section (2) of this rule, For the purposes of this subsection the average daily enrolment of pupils for the year ended 31st March, 1934, shall be calculated in the. manner indicated in subsection Ch) of this section.

Provided that, as from [he dare (rom which, bur for the provisions of this section, the POSt for a junior assistant mistress or assistant teacher would have been suppressed under section (6) of this rule, the teacher shall be declared redundant and <the provisions of section (11) or (12) of rule 98 as appropriate, shall apply, as if the teacher were a redundant teacher b an amalgamated school,

(6) The figure of enrolment which would have produced the actual average attendance of pupils under four years of age for the year ended 31st ,\larch, 193-1, on the basi, (If a percentage attendance of 90, shall be deemed to be the average daily enrolment of pupils under four years of age for that year,

Appointment and Continuance of Vice-Principal Teachers,

89, (1) (L1) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section an assistant teacher forming part of the recognised staff may be appointed as vice-principal teacher in a school in which he is serving, subject to the following figures of average enrolment being secured:-

for the appointment of a Ist vice-principal - 1 R5 units

l' 2nd" - 3 70 "

and so on, for each additional vice-principal an additional 185 units of a ver age enrolment,

(n) In an amalgamated school with a privileged assistant on the staf the number of vice "principals which rnav be appointed under this rule shall be reduced by one,

:2) The first recognition of a vice-principal shall in the matter of average enrolment, be determined in the manner prescribed for assistant teachers in rule 88(3),

(3) Recognition as vice-principal shall be withdrawn from the dale of the inspector's report if the estimate of the teacher's work CCOSts to be satisfactory.

:~4) The appointment of an assistant teacher to the position of .1(1.:principal does not affect his seniority as an assistant teacher in the school (see rule 96) or the conditions under which payment of salary as assistan: teacher in the school may be continued to him,



., second




who is serving In a school in which an average daily enrolment of 60 units has been reached for the periods indicated in (a), (b) or (c) of section (3) of rule 88 may be recognised 2S untrained assistant provided that: -

(a) she has served for at least three years as a recognised junior assistant mistress;

(b) her work has been satisfactory during the preceding three years of her service;

(c) she has the qualifications in Irish required under rule 76(1).

(2) If the junior assistant mistress is under 28 years of age, her recognition as untrained assistant shall, as a rule, be temporary only, for a period of not more than five years from the 30th September of the year in which she is recognised as untrained assistant, and for the further period of a course of traini;;g in a ! ecogniscd Training College entered on with the approval of the Minister before the expiration of the five years' period.

(3) Except as otherwise provided in these Rules an assistant. teacher must be appointed where the average daily enrolment warrants .he recognition of such teacher and the services of a iunicr assistant mistress serving in the school, other than a junior assistant mistress retained in an amalgamated school under the previsions of rule 98, must be discontinued.

C5l Duri;,g the first two years from the dare of hi, recognition as vice-principal, the continued recognition of the teacher in that capacity shall L'c: >ubi':c~t to The condition that the average daily enrolment of ('upi!:; Sh311 not il3Ye fallen for four consecutive quarters below the folk\'>i!l~ fi?urcs:-

1:70 units

3i1d '(' ()I1, for each arlduional vice-principal an additional 185 units of "\Tr;ige enrolment.

If the average daily enrolment of pupils should fall below the d['prnj'riatc figure [or four consecutive quarters within two years from 1.11,: date t,f 1li~, rcccgn.tion ~.~ vice-principal recognirioain that capacity ~IBJl be withdrawn from the reacher as from the end of the fourth (OnV:LUli vc q\;artcI of insufficient enrolment.

(6) l\l'(rgnil~ul as vice-principal in the school in which he is serving shall nil! be withdrawn from a teacher 0,\ ing to insufficiency of average enrolment except a, provided in sub-section (5) (\1' this rule.

'\ppointmt'llt of junine Assistant M;':'trcs~s.

UO. , !; L Q school p. k rc an .3YCI Jg.c cnrolrncn: of ar Jed51 36 pupils LL b:~:~ riair.raincd ;;,' JS tll SJ~iofy (_1].: of the pn~''';SH'l:~ of rule f;8)} " j m:i'·, ;J "l'~Mil mistress m;,y be l'x,'t:niscJ a nd raiJ salary at the :·,lto:' 'l'cj:>d n; Schedule IX. Section ,\1);(,1).

2, In a mixed ~;dlO')J unJer a m3~:C, where rh; average enrolment ~J p,-;p:h >.; t,_:p srna}l lC, adrniT, l,:f the f"5.tJhlishr;"1L'J1t or continuance of .a p.,-''t f;; a i'Jnir:>( assistant mistress r>n(he salary scale srcciti~d in SC;J':,ju!~ IX. A'l.',d). the ?l1inis;('T may, if he decides that the circum"2f1(lS wur r ant ir, sanction the appnimment of a [unior assistant mistress ("1 'l!~h fixed S)]ill:, a~ he may The continued recognition m the Pi:"T of a junior assistant mistress so appointed will be sucjecttc ~:i(il ,:'lilcr .onriitions as tnt !,1i:li~ter II13Y prescribe.

(3., Jf the prim ipalship of a school in which <t junior assistan: mistress i~ fl:,':')::ni:,cd under stCllur; (2: !,f this rule be •. ornr s 1'JCJnL the iunior :r:~i'~i'ill nliqrc" shall be dcctarcd redundant. but may continue to be ~cuW;li'eJ in the school pending the occurrence of an available vacancy in a school in the same parish cr neighbourhood. Should such a v,,(ar.("~' ~"is(', and ,]1e iun.or assistant mistress refuse to accept appointrncnr (,1 the vacant position. recognition may be withdrawn from her unless the Minister is satisfied that she has reasonable cause for declining the ;1I'P");1!mcnL

Temporary Teachers.

92_ (1) (3) A teacher qualified under the Rules may be recograse.l j!l a temporary- capacity in an established post for a reriDd not, as a rule. exceeding six months, and paid salary and other grants at the apprnpriar.:' rates.

Promotion of JuniN Assistant MistrHses.

91. n.! A iunior assistant mistress (other than a junior assistant In i<fTC~5 rCI:lind in an amalgamated school, under the terms of rule 98),

~r.) Except as provided in subsection (c) of tilis section, an assistant reacher or [unior assistant mistress ma~' not, under this rule, be appointed temporarily to a vacancy if there is an eligible assistant reacheror iunor assistant mistress on the appropr iate pane! (rule 9-1\.

(c) ~'hcn an assistant teacher or iunior assistant mi,tlo~ has complered the maximum period of leave of absence owing tc illness with pay allowed under rule 112 Or rule 113, a qualified teacher may be recognised in a tern por ary capacity under subscctior (a) of this section, without reference to the panel arrangement; fer a period not exceeding six months from the date on II hich the f ormcr teacher completed the appropriate maximum period of sick leave with pay, rrmjjed that lilt: enrolment conditions for the continuance of the post for tbc assisraru teacher or junior assistant mistress are (ulfiJlcd and that the J'..1ini5ter b satisfied that the educational interests \{ the childi en require the services (1f SIKh temporary teacher.



(2) A teacher recognised temporarily under this rule will not be eligible on the termination of his period of recognition 10 be placed on a diocesan Of other approved panel.

Conditions as to Age and Health.

93. :,1) (a) Candidate teachers must furnish satisfactory evidence of age and a medical ccrrificatc that they are of sound and healthy constitution and free from any physical or mental defect likely to impair their uscfulnes as teachers. The medical certificate shall include sue]: details <1" the ,\linisrer may require. They must submit, at their own expense, to such medical examination as the Minister, \\ ith the concurrence of the Minister fer Finance, m~y direct. The ,\iinistcr may refuse recogninon to any candidate teacher whose health, in the opinion of the ,\l.inisrer, is not satisfactory.

(h\ The Minister may, at any time, if he considers the circumstances warrant such a course, require a teacher as a condition of continued recognition

(1) to furnish a medical certificate (which shall include such details as the l.,.1inister [my require) that he is free from any physical or mental defect likely to impair his usefulness as a teacher, or ,;;1 to present himself for medical examination by a doctor selected

by the Minister,

and the Minister may declare such teacher ineligible for further recognition or he may deem the teacher to have retired, if he f ails to comply with the Minister's requirements or if the medical. report under (ii) shows that the teacher is mentally or physically unable to carry out hi, duties a, a teacher.

The medical f ees and any necessary expenses incurred by the teacher in connection with an examination under (ii) will be paid' by the Departmen! unless the teacher fails to satisfy the Minister that he has made a reasonable effort to comply with the instructions issued to him in connection with the examination, in which case the medical fees incurred may be recovered by deduction from the teacher's salary.

((') ti} A person who has been declared ineligible for further rccognition as teacher, or who is deemed to have retired under the terms of subsection (b) above, may appeal 10 be examined by a medical referee appointed by the Minister for Fina nee.

(ii) Such appeal must be made within fourteen days of the notification to him of his ineligibility for further recognition) or of tile decision 'to deem him to have retired, as the case may be.

(iii) The appellant will be required to furnish adequate medical evidence at his own expense in support of his appeal, and to deposit a fee of two pounds (£2) which will be refunded to him if the appeal proves successful. P-his deposit does not represent the COSt of the medical reieree's services.)

(iv) If the medical referee wishes to examine the appellant personally, the appellant's travelling expenses will be recouped if the appeal is successful, but not otherwise. Subsistence allowance will not be paid in any casein connection with the visit to the referee.

(v) The appellant will not, in any circumsances, be allowed to sec the medical referee's repan or be supplied with a copy of it,

(2) Teachers must on first appointment be over 18 and under 35 years of age,

(3) Teachers who have bern continuously employed under educational authorities, from the age of 35 years or under, may be admitted up to 45 years of age.

(4) (a) Where a teacher's service has been interrupted for a considerable time, the Minister determines whether he shall be recognised if re-appointed, and if recognised, the rate of his remuneration, Such recognition if granted shall be provisional pending the receipt of a special report on the teacher's work.

(b) If the period of interruption is longer than 10 years the teacher must, as a rule, qualify in respect of age as a teacher seeking first appointment. (The terms of this subsection do not apply to women teachers who, having retired on marriage, are subsequently proposed for re-appointment),

(5) A teacher may not normally be retained in the service beyond the end of the school-year (i.e, 30th June) in which he reaches the age of 65 years: the Minister may, however, in certain circumstances accept the services of such person beyond that date.

(6) In no circumstances may teachers who have been awarded a pension be re-admitted to the service without previous sanction, and before re-admission such persons must submit sarisfactorv medical testimony that the state of their health is such as to fit them for the efficient discharge of their school duties.

Appointment (Jf Assistantt in Mixte! Schools.

~~4, In mixed schools in which the principal teacher is a master and one or more 'assistants are employed, at least one assistant must be a mistress,

Where the principal teacher in such a school is a mistress t:1C Minister determines, on the occurrence of a vacancy for an assistant teacher, whether the vacancy shall be filled by a master or a mistress

Teachers on Probation.

95. (1) (a) On first appointment all trained teachers (other than those recognised under rule 83 ) and untrained teachers serving as principal reachers are recognised on probation during the first two years of service at the end of which they are regarded as having sarisIactorily completed their probation provided that the reports on their


school work are satisfactory and that they have the relevant qualifications in I fish as set out in subsection (b) following.

(0) (i) Teachers trained before 1963 and untrained teacher. proposed [Of permanent appointment before July, 1963, arc required to hoI.:! the certificate of competency to give instruction in the school programme through the medium of Irish, and

(ii) Untrained teachers proposed for permanent appointment after 3 Oth June, 1963, arc required to have passed a test in Irish of such standard as the .".1inister may require.

(c) The period of probation may be extended beyond two vears but, if a teacher has not satisfactorily completed probation within -five vears from the date of first appointment, further recognition as t~chcr cannot, as a rule, be granted. (The conditions goverrung the probation of teachers trained in Grear Britain or Northern Ireland and of junior assistant mistresses are set out in rules 83 and 79 respectively.).

(2) Provisional recognition as principal teacher on probation under the terms of rule i6(1) cannot, as a rule, be extended beyond three years from the date of first appointment as teacher after the completion of the training COUIse, but, if the inspector', report in the third year affords evidence of satisfactory service, provisional recognition as principal teacher may be extended for a further year,

/\. trained teacher from whom reccgnition as principal teacher has been withdrawn on account of failure to satisfy the probationary requirements may he r('~ogni~ed provisionally as assistant teacher for a further period not exceeding, as a rule, two years. If the reports on the teacher's work in the capacity of assistant teacher during such period of probation do not reach the ~tand~rd required for the award of the Diploma, recogmnon as teacher wJ11 be withdrawn. (See rule 158).

(3) Junior assistant mistresses appointed a5 untrained assistants, after hadng gi vcn three vears' sarisfactorv service, arc nor subject to

p rr:ba,iomry requirements. '

(3) In a mixed school with a male principal and two or more assistants, the order of seniority shall be arranged to ensure, as far as possible, the retention of all assistant mistress on the staff.

(4) In an amalgamated school, an assistant teacher with rights under ruJe 98 is regarded as senior to an assistant appointed to the school 011 Dr after the date of amalgamation.

Seniority of Assistants,

96. (J) In a school in which two Dr more assistants arc employed the manager may, subject to the pro v 'isions of section (3) .and (4) of this rule determine the order of their seniority. In the absence of any communication from the manager on the: subject die order of seniority of 111e assistants is determined, except as provided in sections (3) and (4), by their length of service in the school in which they are .employed. ~DCU a definite order ofseniority has once been fixed it may not be ('hanged by a manager without the sanction of the Minister.

(2) 'When a new appomtm ent of an assisun: is,such assistant shan, suhjcr 1 to sections (3) aild (4), rank last in order of seniority,

Arrangements regarding Diocesan and Other Approved Panels,

97. (1) The following classes of teachers may, if they so desire, have their names placed on Diocesan or other approved panels to enable them to secure appointment 10 alternative posts in national schools i-e-

(,1) assistant teachers and junior assistant mistresses who are lay persons and are paid personal salary by the Department, and whose posts have been suppressed owing to insufficiency of average enrolment or average attendance.


(b) lay principal teachers who are trained or who have qualification as junior assistant mistress or untrained assistant teacher and who lose their positions on the withdrawal of grants from their schools owing to a decline in the enrolment of pupils.

(2': (a) Each teacher to whom subsection (l)(a) above applies, and whose name is placed all a panel, will remain on the panel and will continue to be recognised in the school, in the capacity in which he was serving at the date on which he became eligible to have his name placed on the panel, subject to the rules other than those regarding average enrolment and average attendance, until he is appointed to an alternative post in a national school for which he is eligible under the rules, or, at latest, until, on a date after the last day of the quarter in which his name was first placed on the panel, he is offered an alternative post in a national school and is informed by the Department that he should accept such alternative post.

(b) A reacher to whom subsection (l)(b) above applies will not be entitled to receive any salary benefit until appointed to a post in a national school for which he is eligible, but his name will be retained on the panel until he is appointed to such post or, at latest, until, on a date after the last day of the quarter in which his name was first placed on the panel, he is offered a post in a national school and is informed by the Department that he should accept such post.

(3) A teacher who fails to fulfil the official requirements for the placing of his name on the panel, or refuses to have his name so placed will be deemed to have waived his privileges under this nile.

(4) Where a vacancy for an assistant teacher or junior assistant mistress occurs in a national school staffed by lay reachers, or where



the manager of a classification or capitation Convent or ,\\onastcry national school proposes to appoint to a vacancy for an assistant teacher or a junior assistant mistress a lay teacher whose salary would be paid hy the Department, the manager shall fill the vacancy ·from the appropriate panel if there is an Eligible teacher on the panel.

(5) The provisions of section (4) of this rule shall not apply if

(a) U1C teacher appointed to the vacancy enters on duty On or before the last day of the quarter in which the vacancy arises and, in addition, the eligible teachers on the panel do not include 0) a teacher placed on it prior to the first day of UlC quarter in which the vacancy arises, or (ii) a principal teacher placed on it in that quarter unless he has been offered appointment to the vacancy and has refused to accept ir, .


(b) the vacancy is being filled on a date after the last day of the quarter in which it arose and the eligible teachers D~ the panel on that date (i) do not include a teacher placed on it prior to the first day of the quarter then current, and (ii) have each been offered appointm cnt to the \'acancy and have refused to accept it,

(ii) to refuse to appoint to a panel vacancy a married woman, qua married woman, 'rho is on an approved panel.

(8.) V:llere a teacher whose name is an an approved panel, and who is continued in a school and paid salary under the provisions of this rule, is offered and refuses an alternative position which the Minister decides the teacher should accept, payment of salary in the capacity in which he is serving may be continued to the teacher only to the date on which he is informed by the Department that he should accept the alternative position,

(9) The panel arrangements do not apply to schools recognised under rules 27(1) and 28,


,:c) by a readjustment of the staffs of the schools under his management or by co-operation with another manager, there

• will result at the time at least one vacancy which will be filled from the panel,

Arrangemenu in regard to Sufi on the Amalgamation of Schools.

98. (1) Where two schools are amalgamated the principal teacher of one of the fanner separate school, may be retained as privileged assistant in the amalgamated school, irrespective of the average enrolment.

(2) An assistant teacher or a junior assistant mistress, recognised prior to the amalgamation, will, except as provided under sections (3), (5), (7) and (9) of this rule, be declared redundant. The teacher may, however, continue to be recognised as an assistant or as a junior assistant mistress, as the case may be, on the same conditions in regard to average daily enrolment as would have applied in his fanner school had that school been continued as a separate school, pending

(a) in the case of a junior assistant mistress, the occurrence of an available vacancy m a school in the same parish or neighbourhood,


(d) the manager appoints to the vacancy an eligible redundant teacher.

(6) A manager will not be required to appoint to a panel vacancy in a school under his management a teacher of a different religious denomination, unless in a case in .... hich there is, owing to local circumstances, a sanctioned arrangement that the vacancy will be filled by a teacher of a particular denorninarion.

(7) (a) Wr,ere a manager with the approval of the appropriate Ecclesiastical IJr other Religious Authority refuses on the grounds of faith or morals to appoint a particular teacher, hom an approved panel, to a panel vacancy for which he is eligible, the j\.hnister will decide, on consideration of the circumstances of the case, whether payment of salary under this rule may be continued to such teacher.

(b) It is not permissible for a manager, under this section

(i) to refuse to. appoint a teacher from an approved panel to a panel vacancy on the ground that the appointment would necessitate the teacher's residing away from home,



(b) in the case of an assistant teacher, the occurrence of an available vacancy which the Minister may consider it reasonable for such assistant teacher to accept.

The average daily enrolment in the amalgamated school shall, for the purposes of this SEction, be calculated by reference only to the enrolment of pupils of the same sex and age as the pupils who, immediately prior to the amalgamation, were enrolled in the Inrmcr school in which the teacher in question was then serving,

(3) In an amalgamated school, the staff of which consists of a principal, privileged assistant and one cr two junior assistant mistresses,

(a) one junior assistant mistress may be excluded from the redundant list and may be retained on the teaching staff so long as the average daily enrolment for the preceding school year is not less than 60;

(b) both junior assistant mistresses may be excluded from the redundant list and may be retained On [he teaching staff 50


long as the average daily enrolment for the preceding school vear is not less than 80.

(4) /1. j-uni:1r assistant mistress excluded from the redundant list under we provisions of ~c.::;jon;3'1 of tll:S rule. will cease ,'J IJ" &~t excl.ided as from the 1 st J ulv next Icllcwinz the school year in \\ hid, the average dailv enrclmcnt fails below 60 (II 80 as the case may be, and may be retaineu in the school C'niy on Vie conditions specified in section (2) Df Ih;s ruk.

,,;. 1;] 3;1 amaig amatcd ,,'hool the stall of whi~h com", 0, a principal, a privileged assistant and one or [\\0 assistants,

, one assistan; may be excluded frcrn the redundant Jist and mav be retained n" the teaching stafi H' long a, the average d~iiy enrolment for the preceding school year is not k"s than 70;

(bi both assistants may be excluded from the redundant list and may be retained 0:1 the teaching staff so long as the average .:i3iiy enrclment In the preceding school year is not less than 85.

:, (,;. An assistant teacher excluded from thi: redundant Ii,: LJnJ~r th; provisions of section (5:: of Lh:s rule, cease to be so excluded as from w<: l st July next flJl1o',"'ing the school year in which the average dailv enrolment falls bclo.v 70 or gs, as the case may be. and may be rCl:ained in the Sell'J'.'] only (In the conditions specified in section Ji of this rule,

(7) 111 ,J;) amalgarnatc;' school the. ;;taf1 of \\'hi:h:omim of a principal teacher, a rlinlcg~d assivrant , an assistant teacher ~nJ '. a iunior assistant mistr ess. hnth the assistant teacher and the ;unH'f assistant mistress mav be excluded from the redundant 1ist and m8Y be retained on the lca.:hing srafi S0 i;'ng as the average dailv enrolment

[or the preceding school year is riot less than 80. .

IF' An 2SW;Unt t%(her ex, ::id(;~; hom the r("~:1I;j31:t lis: under the provisions ol ~c~tj('.n i,:::- d !hi~ rule, wili (case tube so cx(;udcd afrom the l st July next Jollowing the school year in 'I hlch the a v erage dailv enrolment falls below 80, and may be retained in the school only on ilie conditions specified in section (2) of this rule.

,91 In an amalgamated school, the statfef which consists rf :1 pri~~lI1~j and two junior assistant mistresses, both Junior assistant mistresses may be retained on the staff, 00 long as the average daily enrolment for the preceding school year is not less than 60. If the average enrolment should fall below 60 for a school year, one of the junior assistant mistresses will be de-dared redundant as from the l st July next following and may be retained in the school only on the conditions specified in section (2) of this rule,

(10) W'here the question arises in an amalgamated school as to which of two assistant tea chers or as to which of No j unior assistant mistresses


is to be excluded from the redundant list, the choice of the as~istan~ teacher or junior assistant mistress to be 50 excluded sha:l be determined by the manager, subject to the approval of the ;\hm~tcr,. or by the "iinis!er in the event of the failure of the manager to indicate to ,the j\Unister the assistant teacher or the junior assistant mistress he desires to be excluded from the redundant list.

(11) Should a junior assistant mistress who h~s been de~lared redundant, refuse to accept a vacancy offered to her rn a school In the same parish or in the same neighbour.rood, the Minister may withdraw recognition from her unless satisfied that she has a reasonable cause fot such refusal.

(12) Should an assistant. teacher who has been declared redundant refuse to accept a vacancy which the Minister considers (hat the teacher should accept, the Minister may withdraw recogninon from the teacher.

(13) In an amalgamated school in w~ich there is a junior ass~stant mistress recognised under the terms of this rule, the full staff of assistant teachers (inclusive of the privileged assistant, if any) warranted by the average enrolment in accordance with the terms of rule 88 may be recognised in addition to the junior assistant mistress. If there are two junior assistant mistresses recognised under the terms of this rule in an amalgamated school, the appointment of an assistant teacher subsequent to amalgamation cannot be sanctioned if .i t would bring the number of assistants (inclusive of the privileged assistant, if any, and reckoning the two junior assistant mistresses as the equivalent (If one assistant mistress for this purpose) beyond the maximum prescribed by rule 88.

Provided that where there are two junior assistant mistresses recognised under the terms of this rule in an amalgamated school in which the average daily enrolment is sufficient to warrant the appointment of an assistant teacher under rule 88 one of the two junior assistant mistresses may be recognised as assistant teacher if ,h~ P()SSCSSC~ the qualifications

, d 1 ~,- -8(1\/'

required un er ru co; if or ! \ "pAl'

(14) The provisions of sections (3). (5), (7) and (9) of this rule under which recognition may be continued to assistant teachers and junior assistant mistresses in amalgamated schools subject to the maintenance of the prescribed figures of average daily enrolment for the preceding school year, are not applicable to teacher, appointed to amalgamated schools subsequent 10 the date of amalgamation. The continuance of such teachers is governed by sections (i.': and (6)(a) (If rule 88.

Teachers Declared Redundant.

99. Subject to the general arrangements In regard to the appointment of teachers, a teacher who is declared redundant, or whose past is suppressed owing to insufficient enrolment, shall not be in a WQnlC position under the T1Jlr:<, insofar as :hey relate to the quaJifiCllti~ in


Irish required for appointment, than if the teacher had continued to serve in L1e school in which he had been employed.

Staff Required in Schools recognised for Special Purposes.

100. (a) In the Model Schools, in Research and Practising Schools in connection with a Training College DT a University, and in special schools for Irish speakers provided for in rule 24 the ratio between the number of teachers on the staff and the num bcr of pupils on rolls IS

determined by the Minimr. .

(h) The special basis of stalling for Industrial Schools and for schools for handicapped children are set out in Schedules XIV and XV.

Continuance of Grants to Schools of less than 28 pupils.

101. In the event of a vacancy arising in a school with an average daily enrolment oi less than twenty-eight pupils, and within two miles of one or mote schools under similar denominational management, a permanent appointment may not be made until the Minister has considered a re-arrangement of the schools in the district.

Convent and Mona5tery National Schools.

102. (1) Convent and .\lonastery National Schools arc of two type<;: -

(a) classification national schools in which the staff, recognised under rule 88, arc paid personal salaries in accordance with the Rules {see rule 131);

(I:» capitation national schools in which capitation grants are paid in accordance with the Rules, and in which lay assistant teachers, 11 any, arc paid personal salaries (sec rule 133).

(2) The Conductors of Convent and ll"i.onastery na tional schools may elect to change from the capitation to the classification basis.

Staff Required in Capitation Schools.

103. (1) In any Convent or MQnastery ur other national school paid by capitation, tile teaching staff is deemed sufficient if the number of recognised teachers in proportion to the average daily attendance for the calendar year. corresponds with the following scale:--

Under 35 pupils teacher
35 but under 55 pupils teacher and a second teacher
corresponding to a junior
assistant mistress.
55 ,., " 95 " 2 teachers
95 ~, " 140 3 , ~
140 " " 185 II 4 "
185 " " 230 " 5 " cit
230 " 275 '.' 6 "
275 " 320 7 ..
and so fonh. (2) The Minister may sanction the appointment of a teacher or teachers in addition to the staff normally employed. These appointments are subject to such conditions as may be specified by the ?\Enister. The salaries of lay teachers so employed will be paid by the Department in the same manner as those of assistant teachers in classification schools. but deductions from the grams payable to the cond uctors, such as are made in respect of recognised lay assistant teachers under rule 142), will not be made in respect of such extra lay teachers. ~.'here members of religious orders arc so employed an additional capitation grant at a rate equivalent to the minimum of the salary scale for trained women and single men teachers will be paid to the conductors.

(3) /'J. teacher who is not in receipt of personal salary from the Department and who is serving as a member of the required minimum staff or recognised in accordance with section (2) above will not normally be eligible for continued recognition in that capacity after the end of the school year in which he or she reaches the age of 65 years.

Lay Assistants in Capitation Schools.

104. (1) Lay assistantsrecognised as forming portion of !.he teaching staff receive the same rate, of salary and are subject to the same conditions of service as. assistant teachers in classification schools." They must enter into agreements with the managers as required of teachers in classification schools.

(2) The Minister may sanction the appointment of lay teachers in capitation schools to special posts in these schools subject to such conditions as he may impose from time to time. Special allowances may be paid to such teachers.

Supernumerary Assistants in Capitation or Classification Schools.

105. (1) The manager of a Convent or Monastery national school may employ assistant teachers other than teachers en the recognised staff as required under the Rules, but such supernumerary assistants must be trained teachers or qualified under rule 78. A supernumerary lay assistant must be paid by the conductors a salary not less than rhe minimum of the scale to which the teacher would be entitled as an assistant teacher ina classification school

(2) Subject to the provisions of section (1) of this rule being fulfilled supernumerary assistants, who give full-time service as such, are entitled to the following privileges r s-,

• For the purpose of rule B 8 the recognition of a lay assistant teacher means recognition during the period Ircrn the date of appointment to the date from \O'hich the actual average daily attendance for the calendar yur is insufficimt under rule 103(1), for the continued recognition of the teacher. '


(0) the rccogmuon of their service for the purposes of probation and (If the teaching diploma;

Co) the recognition of their service in respect of claim for firs: appointment, or re-appointment in national schools.

(3) A substitute C311I1N be recognised for a supernumerary assistant teacher during absence from school duty owing to illness or other cause. Subject to the lCnTIS of rule 1120) absence owing to illness for a period not exceeding 31 days in any calendar year may be reckoned for the pmp0SCS mentioned at section (2\:0) and (b) of this rule.

Teachers whose School Work has been Estimated as "Not Satisfactory". l06~ (1) Teachers whose school work does not reach a satisfactory standard may have recognition withdrawn from them or be dealt with otherwise as the Minister may determine.

(2) Recognition is not withdrawn from <I teacher under this rule before he has had ample opportunity of remedying the defects in his teaching.

(3) Recognition i~ not withdrawn from a teacher under this rule on the reports of one inspector only; before recognition is finally withdrawn his work in 311 the standards Ior which he i~ responsible is inspected by the Divisional Inspector or by one uf the Deputy Chid Inspectors or by the Chief Inspector,

(4) Should it appedr nccessavy to \· .. ithdraw recognition from a teacher unocr lhi" rule a [ormal statement of the grounds on which it is proposed 10 rake 5UcJ) action is furnished direct (I' the teacher. Any representations or explanations which he ruav s~lb;nir in his own behalf are carefully 1..()lJSEJm:J hv the \lirl1S,~r b~f·.)f( final action is taken,

lncorrect Averages Furnished by Teachers; and Recovery of State Grants Overpaid to Teachers,

1{17, (1) \\,'here the returns of a\'crJg~, of enrolment and/or averages of attendance include in their calculation the enrolment and/cr attendance of pupils wh» were ineligible under the RI'1es for enrolment or wl1-:' were transferred [rom another national school in contravention cd subsecnon '.1' of section 6 l,f IhE' School Attendance Act 1921', the enrolmcru and ~nend"ncc of such ineligible pupils shall be disalle \\ d leer 'k. PlJri'rl~~ (.[ tlic pavnicnt nf <alarv 8nJ other grants tn the teaching .·la1'[.

\X'here tL.' {lIl1li,h;.'lg of incorrect ""cr~gl'S of enrolment and/,,~ averaac aucn.lance aflccts the payment cf S:ate Grants, rhe Minister !II <IV .rccovrr, by refund on the part of the teacher concerned or by d~dLJ,!inf1J If) whole i.' I" in part: from the salary or pants payable or which may become payable under t1;e Rules to the teacher in respect of service as a national school teacher, any resulting overpayment of State gra.H.!, m~lk 10 another teacher from the Vorl! for Primary Education


and, such refund or deduction may be made in one sum or In several sums or instalments as the Minister may decide,

(2) Where an overpayment in salary or grants in respect of service in a national school is made !D a teacher, such overpayment may be recovered by refund on the part of the teacher or by deduction from salary or grams payable to the teacher. or which may become payable to him from the Vote for Primary Education, and such refund or deduction may be made in one sum or in several sums or instalments as the Minister may decide.

Teachers who Falsify the School Records or Conduct Themselves Improperly.

108. (1) Where the Ministtr is satisfied that a teacher

(a) has conducted himself improperly, or has failed or refused to comply with the Rules or to discharge his duties under the School Attendance Act 1926,


(b) has falsified or collaborated with another teacher in falsifying the records nf 1I national school,


(c> has not complied with, or has collaborated with another teacher in not complying with any of the provisions of the Rules with regard to the keeping of the school records, with the object of establishing or maintaining an average of enrolment and/or an average of attendance, or of altering the average of enrolment and/or the average of attendance at the school, for the

purpose of affecting the payment of State grants, .

the teacher is dealt with as the M:nis[~r may determine, Penal action, including prosecution, withdra ..... al of recognition in the capacity in which the teacher is serving, or in any capacity as a teacher, withdrawal or reduction of salary, may be taken when in the opinion of the Minister such action appears warranted."

(2) Before action as set forth in section (1) of this rule is taken the teacher is afforded <in opportunity cf forwarding any sraternenr he may desire to submit in his defence.

Salary in whole or in pan may, however, be withheld at the discretion of the l ... Iinister pending full investigation of the circumstances of the case.

Re-appointment of Teachers from whom Salary has b-e-en Withdrawn. 109. In the case of teachers from \~ hom salary has been withdrawn, the Minist!:"r determines whether they shall be recognised if proposed for re-appointment.

• See Sch~du1c VII for the official procedure in ~aHI f)f ;r:~gubritie! in school records,


Teachers not Permitted to Engage in any Occupation or Office tending to interfere with their usefulness as Teachers.

11 O. (1) Teachers are not permitted to canyon or engage in any business or occupation or to be members of any association or to undertake any office or function tending to interfere with the satisfactory discharge of their duties as teachers.

:,2': Whilst teachers arc permitted to be members of county councils or other statutory local bodies, they shall not absent themselves from their sl;hoo1s during school hours or interrupt their school duties Ior the purpose of attending meetings or transacting other business arising out of their membership I"1f such bodies. except as provided in section (3 -, of this PIle.

'::', Teachers who are members of School Attendance Committees under the School Attendance Act, 1926, or of Scholarship Committee" Vocational Education Committees, Library Committees or School Medical Service Committees established under county, borough or urban councrls may, with the permission of the manager, be absent from school during the whole or part of a school day, for the purpose of attending a meeting of such committee.

Arrangements should, however, be made to ensure that a school will not be closed to enable a teacher to attend such meetings.

(4) Payment of salary may be allowed to a teacher for absence: from school under the conditions specified in section (3) of this rule provided that he has been absent from school on not more than six occasions for such cause during a school year, or On not more than ten occasions if the absence on all of these occasions was for the purpose of attendance at meetings of a Vocational Education Committee, and that the Minister is satisfied that his absences were reasonable and necessary .. This Iirniration does not apply in respect of attendance at meetings of School Attendance Committees under the School Attendance Act 1926.

:5" Teachers are forbidden to keep, or to act as assistants in keeping, publichouses or houses for the sale of spirirous liquors.

(6) A member or officer of a school committee (see rule 14) cannot.' be recognised as a national teacher.

Teachers may Ac; as Presiding Officers or Polling Clerks.

Ill. The employment of teachers as presiding officers or polling clerks in polling booths at a contested Dati Election or Presidential Election or Local Election Dr at a Referendum is not prohibited, except where absence owing to such employment would involve the closing of the school. If a teacher' absents himself from School in order to act as presiding officer or polling clerk, or for any other purpose in connection with an election, salary cannot be allowed for the day or days of such absence.





Note. In relation to we absences of teachers owing to illness or other cause the Minister reserves to himself the right to decide whether payment of salary or other grants may be allowed for the whole or any portion of the period of absence.

General Conditions Governing Absence Owing. to Illness.

112. (1) For other than brief absences a medi .... al certificate staling the nature of the Illness and ,lhe period which the certificate covers must be obtained not later than the fifteenth day of absence and submitted to the Department through the manager. Subsequent medical certificates shall be submitted. as required by the Minister. Periods during which a school is dosed for ... -acation or other came and occurring in the course of a teacher's absence owing to illness are reckoned as part of that absence.

(2). (u) Should a teacher be absent from duty, owing to illness, for longer than thirty-one days continuously or for longer than thirty-one days in any calendar year salary or other grants cannot be paid for the period of absence in excess of thirty-one days unless a suitable substitute is employed.

(b) If in the view of the M.inister rhe appointment of a substitute for a teacher who is absent owing to illness for a period not in excess of thirty-one days is necessary in order to ensure that the school work shall not be unduly interrupted or seriously interfered with the manager may be authorised by the Minister to require the teacher to employ a substitute as a condition for payment of salary or other grants (0 the teacher in respect (If such absence,

(3) Payment of salary or other grams in respect of absence owing to illness shall not be rna de to a teacher fer more than 12 months in any period of four consecutive years. '"

(4) A teacher who, on completion of the maximum penod of absence with pay allowable under the terms of section (3) of this Rule, is unfit to resume duty may, with the consent of the manager (If the school, be granted an extra period of sick leave. without pay, not exceeding six months, provided that satisfactory medical evidence is produced to show

• This section of the Rule applies to all teachers who entered the ~rvice .fter 30th June, 1963, and 10 those teacher s in the service bef ore that date who opted for the pr ovisions as set out in !his Rule.

Teachers recogrused prior to 30ili June, 1963 who did not $0 opt will bot subject to the provuions regarding sick le9YC set out in Schedule XVUI.



that he is likely to be fit to resume duty by the end of such extra period, In such a case a temporary teacher may be appointed in his place subject T,' the provisions of Rule 92, A teacher may, with the concurrence of the Marngcr ICSGrDe duty on or before the termination of such <:XHa sick k3Y( subicct to the condition that the Minister may require that th~ tf,~cne: furnish a medical certificate of his fitness to resume, The teacher's recognition shall be Oil such conditions as would have applied had lie been in receipt of salary throughout the period of absence without p8 v If, however, a teacher to whom Ieave without pay under this section is not iit to resume duty at the end of the six months period his recogiiJ\i,m as teacher in the school will then (case and should his name be on :1;: approved panel it will be removed therefrom as Irorn that dare."

(5) A tta~her who is absent owing to illness may be required to submit to examination by a doctor selected by the Minister. The medical fees ;Hld any Iltcc<sar) cxpeme, incurred by the teacher m conncctmn with wen examination, will be paid by the Department, unless the teacher fails to satisfy the Minister that he has made II reasonable effort to complv with the instructions ISSued to him in connection with such examination, in which case the medical Ices and any expenses which h:ln already been allowed may he recovered by deduction from the It:l::h~i ~-.: salsrv.

!, r; ~,\ 1:'<1::1;:.:1' \I"h,-) desires to icave this country on sick lccve shall lli}L1':r<, ~h;-()1lrh tile mamaer of liie school, the prior permission of the Minister.

(c) Satisfactory medical evidence must be: produced to the Minister that the teacher is undergoing any treatment (including sanatorium treatment) that his medical adviser has recommended.

Cd) In any period of four years of recognised service the period of special sick leave so allowed and the period of sick leave granted under the terms of sections (3) and (4) of rule 112 (whether granted before, or after, or partially 'before and partially after, the period of special sick leave) when added together shall not exceed twenty-four months in all,

(e) The special sick leave granted under this section shaU be allowed only once to any teacher.

(f) The provisions of section (5) of rule 112 shall apply to the teacher during the period of special sid, leave allowable under

this section. .

:;p~l'bl Sid, Leave in 0:<10(':, .of Absence owing to Tuberculosis

l i:J, ; i: J1 3 tcacbcr :urni"hes adequate medical evidence tc the ~,1!(1i'1'" :;)1\ lie ;s s\JiIcriiH~ ircEl tuberculosis, hr. mav be granted con,i:ll<u)< Jew;c "f ,1hSIlrC I'h;rein~(tcr referred to ~s "special ~sick leave") [fL' .1 per il'd not exceeding eighteen m"n:hs from the date of the first Hlr;k;" ccrrificatc in which the tuberculosis is diagnosed Special '~ick leave h ;:P,i1!~J ~uh;ect to thr follcw1ng conditionso-.

(a> Til'! ,\\ini:q~r rr-ust be sa.isfied that there is ;J reasonable prospect that 'he teacher wil! recover and be Able to resume teachIng service.

'i'. On the eXriUHic,[l of a period of twelve months of special sick leave the teacher shell, if required, submit to examination by ;'I medical referee ~/-lroimeJ: hy the .\\ini~ter and in such event payrncnt of salary for any further period shall not be made unless it al-'peat~ from the report of the medical referee that the teacher is likely to he fit to resume duty at an earl" date, The medical fec and any travelling expenses incurred -"Y the teacher in connection with the examination bv the medical

referee must be paid by We reacher, -

(2) A teacher who, on the completion (If the maximum period of absence with pay allowable under the terms of section (1) of this rule, has been medically certified as not being fully fit to resume duty may be granted An eXtn period of sick leave, wi.hour pay, nut exceeding SIX months, provided that medical evidence is produced to ~hov.' that he b likely ro be fuBy restored to health by, or before, the end of ,hat extra period. In such a case a temporary teacher may be appointed in his place subject to the provisions of rule 92, If the teacher is subsequently certified, in accordance with section (3:, of this rule, to be fit to resume duty on or before the termination of that period ill: may, with the concurrence of the manager, be permitted to resume his post and his recognition shall be en the conditions that would have applied had he been in receipt of salary throughout the period of absence without ray, If. however, II. teacher to whom leave without pay has been granted under This section is not fit TO resume duty at the end of the six months period, his recognition as reacbcr in the school will then cease and should his name be on an approved panel it will b~ removed therefrom as from that date,

(3 ~ A teacher who has been found to be suff cring {rom tuberculosis shall not be permitted to resume school duties until he Iurnishes I certificate of fitness to resume :fr"r.1 the Chid Medica! Officer of the local Health Authority, Further certificates from the Chid }\tr;dicaJ Omen of the Health Authority of the area in which the school is situated will be required every three months during the period of twelve months from the date of resumption of dury, and ilt such time subsequently u the Minister may direct,

The medical certificates furnished under tfJs section shall include such d~(lIj!s as the Minister may require,

.. See. frOlnOle 10 Paragr aph 3 of this rule.



Infectious Disease in Teacher's Residence.

11 <i. (1) The absence of a teacher, under medical authority, IT consequence of infectious disease in his residence, may be sanctioned Ioi

a pcriod not exceeding, as a rule, six weeks. .,

[2') Payment for absence in excess of two weeks owing to infectious disease in' teacher's residence cannot be allowed unless t!)C Minister is satisfied that the services of a suitable substitute were secured at the earliest possible date.

Absence of Teacher at an approved Course or Training.

115. When a teacher holding an appointment a, principal. assistant or iunior assistant mistress in a national school enters with the approval of the Minister on an approved course of tra ining , he must, as a condition of payment of salary and other emoluments during his absence, employ a suitable substitute at his own expense

(2: (0: In a school in which there is only one teacher, the manager should, without delay. make suitable arrangements for having 1.,1e school business carried on during the teacher's absence whether through illness or other came. In such circumstances he may. subiect to subsection (b) Iotlcwing, avail himself of the temporary service of a teacher from a neighbouring national schoo I. with the consent of i: s manager and the teacher. The arrangements rhus made should be noti fied at once to the Department and to the Inspector, Temporary service so given by teachers shall be reckoned as service gi\'en In their own schools.

/\. similar arrangement may be made with the sanction of the ,\1iruste.r when the POSt of teacher is vacant in a one- reacher school.

tb; The arrangement sanctioned by subsection ; a) of this section applies cnly when a teacher !s absent for a period not exceeding thirty-one davs.

Absence of Teachers at University (Aurses~

116. '11 A teacher who has been awarded the Diploma see rule 158) may, ~ with the prior sanction of the Minister, be permitted to absent himself from his school for the purpose of attending cerra in University courses provided that

:"a) he is already an undergraduate and eligible for admission to

the courses;

(b) his Irish qualifications are satisfactory; (c> his teaching service is satisfactory;

(d) he employs at his own expense a suitable substitute;

(e! he signs an undertaking that when he has obtained his university qualifications he will. devote himself to public educational service in national schools,

(2) The permission granted under section (1) of this rule may be withdrawn at any time should it appear to the Minister that

(0) the course followed bv the teacher at the University rs not

, " .


Notification of Absences,

118. The absence of a teacher shall be notified at once to the manager and the inspector, either by the teacher himself, or by some person acting on his behalf. The estimated duration of the absence should be specified,

Absence or Married Women Teachers owing to Child· Birth.

119. A married woman teacher is required to absent herself from her school for two calendar months continuouslv during the period preceding and succeeding child- birth, and to provide a qualified substitute at her own expense, for such portion of the two months as IS not included in the ordinary vacation of the school


I c1 the teacher's work in the school IS not being conducted in a , satisfactory manner in his absence.

Recognition of Substitutes.

120. (1) The Minister cannot, as a rule, recognise the service of B substitute for an absent teacher except in the following circumstancesr-c-(0) absence covered by rules 112(2),113(1),114,119 and section (4) (b) of this rule;

(b) absence with the prior approval of the Minister at certain University courses or at a recognised course of training;

(c 'J absence with the prior approval of the Minister and subject to such conditions as he may determine, in order to enable the teacher to pursue a special course of study;

(d) absence in connection with duties arising from membership of either House of the Oireachtas.

(2:: Substitutes ate required to he qualified under the Rules, Where it is impossible to obtain a qualified substitute, the Minister may, with the concurrence of the manager, accept the services as substitute of a person who though not qualified under the Rules is otherwise deemed suitable.


(b! the work done by the teacher at the University IS not satisfactory;

Payment (or Occasional Brief Absenees,

117. (l) In exceptional circumstances payment of salary or other grants may be allowed to teachers for occasional brief absences with the manager's permission owing to causes, other than illness, which the Minister may consider reasonable.



(3) Teachers are responsible for the remuneration of substitutes employed during their absences owing to illness or other cause. Substitutes shall receive remuneration at not less than the minimum rates fixed Irorn time to time by the M.inister. Substitutes have no claim on the Minister in respect (If payment for service given by rhern.

(4) (a', W-hcn as a condition d payment of salary or other grants t:; a teacher absent owing to personal illness a substitute is employed, recoupment may be made to the reacher, ill rcspcciof his payment t.! lh~ suhsrirutc. of an !lD1011'1t equal to the appropriate minimum rate subject tc.rhe terms of subsections (b) and (e) of this section."

(b) When a substitute is employed during the absence of a teacher owing to personal illness prior to the date on which the substirute's employment is required under section (2;; of rule 112; recoupment may be- made to the reacher in re-spect of service given by the substitute; provided the teacher's absence is covered by medical certificate. Recoupment cannot be allowed in respect of payment made by a teacher to ~. substitute during vacation or other prearranged closing but may be allowed in respect of payment for brief closings such as those mentioned in rule 59 or for periods of unforeseen and exceptional closings (epidemic, inclement weather, etc) nat exceeding one forrnight.

(c) Rcccuprneru cannot be allowed when a teacher already employed in a recognised capacity in a national school acts as substitute for another reacher.

(d~ Recoupment under the provisions of (a) and (b· of this section wil! be made only on condition that the teacher applies to the Department therefor and forwards a receipt signed by the substitute showing that the latter has received [rom the teacher payment in respect of his 5(rvice as substirute at a rate not less than the appropriate prescribed minimum.

(5:, When a member of a religious community who Is on the recognised minimum staff of a capitation national school is absent owing 10 illness the pro .... isions of section (4) of this rule shall apply provided that the substitute appointed is rWI a member of the community ernployed as a supernumerary teacher in the school.

(2) Teachers should pay the strictest attention to the morals and general conduct of their pupils, to the development of a patriotic spirit and outlook and lose no opportunity of inculcating the principles of truth, temperance, unselfishness and politeness, and regard r or property, whether public or pri vate.

::1;. Teachers should promote both by precept and example, cieanlincs,;,n",at:;es~ and decency. They must, iherelorc, set an example of cleanliness ana nn,:ne:;~. :11 rhi'!r 0\1';) perscns, and in th~ state and genera: arrca ranee of th~ir Schools.

< 4) Teachers are required to l,'Kc all reasonable precautions to ensure th'~ safety of the pupils, and to this end shall Larry out all lawful ins.rucuons issLled by the manager. They should not, in any circumstances, allow the p'Jpils out of the school ground beyond the limit over which official C~,Te of them can be efficiently exercised.

(5 Teachers are required [0 study the subjects of the school curriculu:n and the methods of tca(hing tnern insofar as is necessary 10 make 'h·~il reaching imcrcsting, vi:al ana eflecrivc: they shall teach each subicct in acccrdance with the rccuircmcrus of the otficial programme, usin~ suitable teaching methods, and having regard to the ages) abilities and attainments of the pupils.

(6) Teachers ~hall take strict care of the school requisites and equipment. The school record books arc supplied free to the schools and are State property. ]\0 school record bock may be removed from the school except by the inspector. 0: with hi: express sanction.

(7) A copy of the Rules fo: National Schools should he retained ir] the schools and teachers should make themselves thoroughly acquainted lI.'ith these Rules.

Continuance or School '_"ork during Absence of Principal Teacher.

122, In schools staffed by two or more teachers the responsibility for the school work in the absence cf the principal teacher owing to illness or other (aUS~J devolves on the vice-principal, senior assistant, assistant or iunior assistant mistress as the case may he.

Keeping of the School Records and School Organisation.

123. The principal teacher (or in his absence the vice-principal, senior assistant, assistantvor junior assistant mistress, as the case may be), must carefully carry out the instructions in the Roll Book, Report Book and Register as to the keeping and care of the school records. Generally h~ is required to ensure that the f,,!lowing directions lire observed:-

(1) He should keep the Register, Daily Report Book and Roll Book accurately, neatly and according to the instructions prescribed by the Miaister.


Practical Rules or a General Nature.

12l. (_J '; Teachers should act in a spirit Df obedience to the law and loyalty to the State.

• This section of the Rule applies to alJ teacherv who entered rhe service Bfttr 30th June, 19"3, and to those tea (hen in the service before that datewbc opted (f)r th~ provisions as set out in this Rule. Teachers recognised prior to ~OIh June, 1%3, "','\r did nor 00 opt will be subiect to the provisions rt.gardiJl& !.irk ltan 8tt out.In Schedule XVIH.



(2) All attendances or half-attendances that are incomplete (see rule 56) should be excluded from the calculation of average attendance.

(3) An absence mark once entered en the rolls must not be erased, cancelled or altered in any circumstances whatever,

(4) Subject to the authority of the manager the principal teacher is responsible (in addition to teaching duties which may vary according to the size of the school - and which may b~ determined by the i\lini,ter either generally or in relation to any particular school - but from which {he teacher can, in no case, be completely relieved: for the discipline of the school generally, the control of the other members of the teaching staff, includingthe co-ordination and effective supervision of their work, til ... organisation of [he: school, the keeping of the records of the> attendance, the promotion of pupils, the time-table arrangements and their observance, the books used by the pupils, the arrangements in connection wirh the Free Books S cherne for necessitous children (~ee Schedule VI;, and all other matters connected with the school arrangements in each division.

(5) In schools in which special rolls are kept for each division it is {he duty of the teacher in charge of the division, subject to the supervision of the principal teacher to keep the rolls accurately and in acrordancc with the instructions in the Roll Book, to furnish the principal teacher with the weekly returns of absence, of pupils under the School Attendance Act, ] 926, and with certificates under section 15 (3) of the Act, and generally to perform any reasonable clerical work necessary in connection with the records of the attendances and absences of pupils in the division, and in connection with the Free Books Scheme for necessitous children (see Schedule VI).

(6) He should co-operate as far as possible with the enforcing authority under the School Attendance Act, 1926, and furnish punctuallv a t the prescribed times the returns of absences of children as required under section 15 (1) of the Act,and supply such certificates and ether particulars as may be required for the effective operation of the Act.

(b) in a school in which there are two meetings daily, to be in attendance at the school 10 minutes before the time fixed for the commencement of formal instruction (secular or religious) at the morning meeting, or at 9.30 a.m. (except as provided in rule 55(6)), whichever is the earlier, and 10 minutes before the time fixed for the commencement of forma) instruction at the afternoon meeting.

The time between the teachers' arrival and the commencement of formal instruction must be spent in the carrying QUr of duties connected with the school work. supervision cf pupils, preparation of teaching materials for the day's lessons, hearing or correction of home lessons or other work, school records or accounts etc.

(2, Each member of the staff must enter in an attendance book under the supervision of the principal teacher, the time of arrival and departure each day. This should be done immediately after arrival and immediately before departure. (The ordinary school Roll Book may be used for this purpose.)

Attendance of Teaching Staff.

124. (1) In order to maintain effective supcrvrsron over the pupils from the time of their arrival at the school the staff is required.-«

(a) in a school in which there is only one-meeting daily, to be in attendance at the school 20 minutes before the time fixed for the commencement of formal instruction (secular or religious), or at 9.30 a.m (exceptas provided in rule 55(6)), whichever is the earlier:

Notification of School Closure and Absences and Resignation of Teachers.

125. (I) The principal teacher is required [0 give at least three school days' notice to the inspector of the intended closing of a school, specifying the cause and duration of closing, Any other cir curnsrance s necessitating interference with the normal school time -table shall be similarly notified to the inspector three clear days in advance.

(2) All closings of a school including closings for vacation, epidemic sickness, or other exceptional cause, should also be notified to the school attendance officer or officer engaged in the enforcement of the School Attendance Act 1926 in the school area, when the return of absences for the week prior to the dosing is being furnished 1O that officer.

(3) A school shall not be closed for any purpose without the prior permission of the manager. A teacher may nor absent himself from school on any day or days without the prior sanction of the manager, unless in exceptional circumstances where it is not possible to obtain such permission; in such cases, however, the absence and the cause thereof should be notified immediately to the manager.

(4) If a teacher intends vacating his post in a school he is required to give the manager appropriate notice in accordance with the terms of his agreement (see rule 18) and at the same time to intimate his intention to the inspector.

Preparation for School Work.

126. Each teacher is required to make adequate written preparation for his school work, to prepare weekly in advance a scheme of work for


each week and, at the beginning of each school year, to prepare a definite and detailed scheme of the year's work in each subject, suited to the needs of his pupils. At the close of every month the portion of the svllabus dealt with during the month should be noted in a progress record, The progress record is an important &eDo01 record, the. custodv of whi-h is one (1f the duties of the principal teacher. It should be available in the ,:;hn0] at all times and snould be kent f0r at least one complete slhr-ol year after the completion of the year to which it relates



Visite of Teachers. to Highly Successful Schools,

129. Teachers may, with the concurrence of the manager, be permined to visit highly successful schools, specially selected by the inspectors, for the purp,)se of observing the methods of organisation and teaching adopted.

Grants to Teachers of Classification Schools.

):~l. A "cJas~ification national school" is a school, recognised by the 1illnister, in which salaries and other emoluments are paid personally to members of the teaching staff in accordance with the Rules.

The grants payable are - (a) salary;

(b) annual allowance payable to principal teachers, vice-principal teachers and privileged assistant teachers;

(c) bonuses to teachers with special qualifications (rule 139); (d) children's allowances (non-pensionable) payable to (i) married men teachers, (ii) women teachers who are widows and (iii) w ridows whose husbands served as teachers subsequent to 31st March, 1951;

(e ) gratuity (non-pensionable) payable to teachers on transfer to the salary. scale for married men teachers;

(1) grants for instruction in Cookery, Laundry and Domestic Economy (rules 147,148 and 149);

(g) special grants for certain Gaeltacht schools (rule 1501

Cornplainrs al!ainot Manager 01' Inspector.

127. SJ]()!JU a teacher have serious grounds for complaint against the marB,gcr or :he imp-:'(10r, he mav submit his case,;n writing, direct tc t.he Mi!Jistu.

Correspondence not Conducted Direcrlv w ith Teachers.

128~ Carrcs;:,(nJencc j, nor. as a rule, conducted directly with teachers. except 3' provided in rules l\I6. 108, 127, 16J and H2. Official forms, nO'\T'.Tr, may be forwarded direct to teachers from the Department.

School Dlscipline.

130. (1) Teachers should ha ve a lively regard for the improvement and general welfare (If their pupils, treat them with kindness combined with firmness and should aim at governing them through their affections and reason anu not by harshness and severity. Ridicule, sarcasm or remarks likely 10 undermine 8 pupil's self-confidence should be avoided.

(2.' Corporal punishment should be administered only in cases of serious misbehaviour and should not be administered fo,. mere failure at lessons.

Grants to Conductors of Capitatien Schools.

132. A "capitation national school" is a school; recognised by the h1.inister, in which capitation grants are paid in accordance with the Rules.

The grants 3rt;-

(Il) capitation grant (including additional capitation grant for religious recognised under rule 103 (2) );

(b) grant, where the majority of the required minimum teaching staff of a school consists of lay teachers, in respect of each lay assistant in excess of the number of brothers or nuns on the required minimum staff;

(c) grants under (f) and eg) of rule 131.

(31. Corporal punishment should be administered O;1[Y by the principal teacher or other member of the school staff authorised by the manager for the purpose.

:~) Any teacher \\ he inflicts improper or excessive punishment wil be regarded as guiln' of conduct unbefiuing a teacher and will be subjcc: to severe disciplinary anion.

Grants to Lay Assistant Teachers in Capitation School!'

133, Recognised lay assistant teachers in capitation national 5(1:0015 receive grants under nile 131 (3\ (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) on the same conditions and in the same manner a~ tearbers in classification

• The amount of the crants payable. at nresent is set out in Schedules IX and X.



schools and in addition are eligible for allowances as special lav assistant

(see rule 104 (2) ) . .

(2) Subject to these Rules increments are granted annually to teachers in receipt of salary frem the Department provided no adverse estimate of the teacher's work is received from the inspector,

(3' A teacher whose service was estimated as "not satisfactory" 00 or after Ist July, 1960, may' on securing a satisfactory rating subsequent to that date and provided he is otherwise eligible under these rules, receive such increase of salary as would place him at the point in the salary scale he would have reached had his service since Ist July, 1960, been estimated as satisfactory.

(4) Service in secondary or vocational schools which is incremental service under the regulations applicable to those schools may be reckoned, with effect as from l st January, 1957, as incremental service for the purpose of placing in the appropriate salary~cales as set out in Schedule IX.

Alteration of State grants.

134. The Minister reserves the right [(I alter the State grams from time to time with the (on currence (If the A1inister for Finance.

Incremental Service and Award of Increments,

135. (1) Subject to the other conditions in the rules applicable to the award (If increments being fulfilled, service as follows may be reckoned Ior the pUrp0St' of the award of increments in the salary s~ales. ~t out in Schedule IX:- . .

~.a; in the scales for trained teachers set out at A( l)(a j of the Schedule, service' given after satisfactory' completion of a recognised course of training.

(i; as principal, vice-principal or assistant teacher (indud. ing service as temporary teacher in any of thes~ capacitics ) in a classification national school;

(ii) ?s lay .assistanr teacher (including service as temF0Tary Jay assistant teachcr . in a capitation national school in respect cf which salary is paid to the teacher direct by the Department: .

i iu' as iunior assistant mistress to the extent nece ssarv to Mrini' the teacher's salary up to the maximum of' the scale for a trained j unior assistant mistress, and'

. :., ;\:, ~ub~[itille or as supernumerary lay assistant teacher !!ive~ (111 or after Isr January, lQ47, lind occurr ing within the first two years of probationary service required under rule 95,

: Fin the Kales for untrained teachers set out at A (L (b) of the Schedule. service in any of the posts indicated at Ca) (i) and . ii:, above;

!c· in the scales for untrained teachers set out at Ail ') r c of the

Schedule, ' ,~ .

(i'! service in any of the posts indicated at (a) (i ), (ii' and (iv ) above, and

'ii'; ser~'ice given after 31st December, 1949, as junior assistant mistress recognised under rule 90(1);

i d : in the scale for junior assistant mistresses (untrained; set out

at A[l](di of the Schedule; .

(i~) service as junior assistant mistress recognised under rule 90( 1), and

(ii ) service in any of the posts indicated at (a)(i)) (ii) and (IV) above.

Salary while on Probation.

136. All trained teachers (other than those recognised under rule 83) and untrained teachers serving in the capacity of principal teacher, are on probation for a period of not less than two years and during that period may not be granted more than. one increment. When they have completed satisfactorily their period of probation, they become eligible, subject to the requirements in regard to incremental scr v ice, to receive as many increments in the appropriate scale as their incremental service would warrant.

Category of School, Payment ()£ Annual AilowaJ1CC,

137, (1) The category of average enrolment of a school for the purpose of the payment of annual allowance to the principal teacher is determined by the average enrolment for the first complete school year of operation as from Is: July of that year; annual allowance for any period of operation prior to that date is paid on the basis of a provisional category determined in relation to the average enrolment for that period .

(2) (a') The following are the recognised categories.c-,

Under 50 50·99 100·199 200·299

and so on by steps of 100.

(b) The category of a school is not altered unless the average enrolment for two consecutive school years falls below the minimum, or rises above the maximum, of the category in which the school is recognised. (3) (a) The rate of annual allowance payable to a principal teacher is determined, in the firs! instance, by the category of the school lit the

date of his appointment thereto. .



(b) Theprincipallcacher recognised in a school on the date on which the school falls into a lower category may retain, 50 long as he continues to be recognised as principal teacher in that school, the: allowance of which he is in receipt on that date, but his successor receives only the allowance appropriate to the category of the school on the date of

a ppoin tment.

(ej In accordance with subsection (2)(h) above a school is not placed, owing to an increase in average enrolment, in a higher category until the necessary minimum figure for that category is maintained for twO successive school years. A principal teacher may, however, receive the allowance appropriate to the higher category as from l st July following the first school year during which the necessary minimum average enrolment for the higher category has been reached. If the minimum average enrolment is not reached in the second successive: school year the teacher shall receive only his former rate of allowance as from Ist July following.

fdl The pi i ncipal teacher of an amalua mated school receives the allowance appropriate to the category ill which the amalgamated school is placed; on amalgamation the category is determined by the combined average enrolment of pupil> at the separate schools for the year ended

30th June preceding the date of amalgamation. .

(4 -i A vice-principal teacher receives an annual allowance in respect Df tll~ special dunes of the post. Payment of an annual allowance to Q vin>rrmcipal reacher ceases on the withdrawal of recognition in that cspaciry

: 5) ,'rhea tI\'.~ s.:h,.d5 are amalgamated and the principal teacher of one ~f the schools is recognised as privileged assistant teacher in the ;t.rnalgarnat~.d school. such privileged assistant teacher continues to receive, ior the duration of his recognition in that capacity, the annual ailowance of which he W<l~ in receipt immediately before the amalgamation of the schools

pleted their probation and that their work continues to be estimated as satisfactory teachers in classification national schools and lay assistant teachers on the recognised staffs of capitation national schools, who hold any of the special qualifications specified in section (2) of this rule are, subject to the other provisions of this rule, eligible for annual bonuses in addition to their ordinary scale salary. (Schedule IXC).

(2) The special qualifications approved for the purpose of this rule: shall be as Iollows:-

(a) Third year course [If training completed before 315t December, 1956.

(b) Teaching diploma obtained ::IS a result of attendance at Uni-

versity lectures.

(c,' Higher Certificate awarded under rule 8i. (d; Higher Froebcl Certificate.

\f') Ard Teasras Gaeilge awarded by the Mjniste:r. (n university Degree.

(g) Higher Diploma in Education.

(3) Untrained teachers are eligible for these' bonuses only from Isr October, 1956.

(4) In order to be eligible for these bonuses junior assistant mistresses will be required to hold the qualification in Irish neCeS511f) for the award of increments;

(5) Payment of the bonus for the Higher Froebel Certificate shall be discontinued as from the date on which a teacher in receipt of the bonus ceases to be an infant" school teacher, For the purposes of this rule an infants' school teacher shall be a reacher (mistress) whose duties include the instruction of children in infants' classes or first or second standards,

(6) This rule does not apply (0 teachers who are members of the recognised staffs of special schools fer the education of handicapped children; in regard to these teachers the Minister may define the COndirions govcrn;ng payment of b0f1.US fnr special qualifications.

T~ with ~ qualifications.

139. (1) Subject to the conditions that they have s..1tisfactorily corn-

Grants Payable to ttle Conductors ol Capitation National Schools. ~

140. (1) Ii capitation national school when aided for (he first time, may not be paid capitation grant at a rate higher than the minimum appropriate to the average attendance.

(2) Every school haying a capitation rate less than the maximum may reach we maximum rate by annual increments, as filled by the Minister from time to time, provided that the work of the school is satisfactory, (3) The Minister reserves the right to reduce the rate of capitation grant if the character of the work done in the school is rot satisfactory. (4) Where a majority of the required minimum staff of a capitation 5(111)01 consists oj lay teache:rs a special grant is made to the school

• S« Schedule IX for rates,

Children's AJlowancn (non-pensionable)

1:18. Subject to certain regulations children's allowances (non-

pensionable) are payable to:-(.1) married men teachers,

I b) serving teachers who are widows and

(c) wjdow~ whose husbands served as teachers subsequent to J1st March, 1951.



in respect of each Jay assistant teacher in excess of the number of brothers or nuns on the required. minimum staff,

aided on a capitation or classification basis. When aided {or the first time, a fosterage school paid on a capitation basis may not be paid grant at a rate higher than the minimum appropriate to the number of pupils in average attendance.

Average Attendance in Capitation National Schools Reduced owing to Exceptional Causes.

141. If in a capitation national school the average attendance in any quarter is seriously reduced owing to exceptional causes, the capitation grant may br paid, if claimed, on the average attendance obtained bv applying to the average enrolment for the quarter in question -the perccntage of average attendance ![1 average enrolment secured-in the corresponding quarter of the preceding year. In such cases the manager shall set iorth dearly the exceptional causes. The Minister wilt deci-de what constitutes a serious reduction in the average attendance.

Substituted averages cannot be allowed for the purpose of appointment or retention of teachers.

Research and Practising Schools in connection with Univmitiet.

145, (1) Teachers recognised under the terms of rule Sl in Research and Practising Schools in connection with Universities may be allowed to enter the appropriate salary scale at such point in the scale as the Minister with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance, may deter" rrune.

(1) The teachers of such schools may be granted an additional increment or increments on the conditions that apply to teachers appointed to schools for Irish-speaking children.

Deduction from Capitation Grant.

142. (1) A uniform sum in respect of each lay assistant teacher en the recognised minimum staff is deducted by the Department from the capitation gram payahle to the conductors of capitation national schools. The Minister shall determine the amount of this sum from time to time.

(2) W'hen a lay junior assistant mistress is employed in a capitation national school in which the a v eragc attendance warrants a staff of one teacher and a second teacher corresponding to a junior assistant mistress, the actual salary paid to the iunior assistant mistress is deducted from the capitation grant.

(3) A deduction will not be made under sections (1:1 and (2) of this rule in respect of a lay teacher who is recognised in a capitation national school under the terms of rule 103 (2) or who is continued under the provisions of rule 97.

Payment of Teachers' Salaries.

146. (1) The salaries of teachers are payable quarterly, but a payment on account is allowed after the end of each of the first two months of the quarter for service given by teachers during these months, the balance due for the quarter being payable after [he close of the third month, Teachers who So desire, may receive payment of instalments of salary twice monthly.

(2) When a teacher transfers from one school to another, salary may be allowed for an intervening period of authorised school dosing, owing to vacation Or other cause, if the teacher's service is otherwise continuous. (3) Teachers entering the service for the first time, or re-appointed after a break in ser .... icc, can be paid only from the date of actual entry on duty.

(4:' Should a teacher leave a national school and authorise the manager or some other person to receive payment of money accruing to him from the Department, such authority must be given in writing to enable the payment tobe made.

(5) If a teacher dies without leaving a Will (or having made a Will which it IS not intended to prove) and if Letters of Administration have not been and are cot intended to be taken out, payment may be made to the next-of-kin on a declaration made before a District Justice, a Commissioner for Oaths or a Peace Commissioner, on a form which will be supplied on application, provided that the whole amount due to the estate of the deceased from public funds does not exceed £500.

Schools [or Irish-speaking Children.

143. (1) An assistant teacher appointed to a school for Irish-speaking children, recognised under rule 24, may be granted, as from the date of appointment and provided he ha f completed his probation, an additional increment within his scale.

(2) A principal teacher appointed to such a school may be granted as from the date of appointment two additional increments within his scale, provided he has completed his probation.

(3) The additional increment or increments granted under the terms of this rule will be payable only so long as the teacher continues to serve in a school recognised under rules 14 or 25.

Graats to. Fosterage Scbools.

144. The manager of a Fosterage School may elect to. have the school

Grants for Cookery, La.1U!d.ry or Domestic Economy."

l47. Special grants as fixed by the Minister from rime to time may be paid in respect of instruction of girl pupils of national schools ir

• See Schedule IX for rates.


Cookery, Laundry, or Domestic Economy. The instruction may be given in national ~L'hr.l(,h of vocational schools.

person (manager Dr teacher) by whom this expenditure is incurred. The balance of the grant Is paid to such teacher or teachers en the staff of the

school as may be nominated by the manager. .

(8:' Utensils purchased out of the grant for Cookery, Laundry, or Domestic Economy are public property, and as such should be carefully stored and looked after. They must not be removed from the school and the teacher will be required, on resignation, to hand them over in good condition to her successor.

(9: A record of the attendances of the pupils under instruction m1.JS( be kept in a special roll which should be obtained from the Department

before the commencement of the course. .

Ct1Pkcry, Laundry or Domestic Economy Courses in National Schools.

J 4&. .: l} The courses shall be those prescribed In th,' programme 1'£ instruction in force fur the time being fer national schools. An alternative course may, however, be submitted through rhe inspector for approval: such alternative course should be submitted at least one month hd ore the date fixed (1;1 the timetable for the commencement of the instruction.

G;!l:; enrolled i;] the fifth or higher standards and girls who h2V~ r'~;Lh['j the ci!'C of 10 yeag (evcn\!Jough enrolled in a standard lower tbarrfifth. are eligible to attend classes for instruction in any of these

. h.. • I

. n gr~nl may ~.\o be earned in respect of each g;rl receiving

instruction in inc SCG)[]d::ry Top of a national school for neryyf~r ,~uri I;;; \\ hi~;1 <1e fC']k,,·s ,he cour sc in Domestic Science prescribed for ,c(J'1cl:irv sd)(l(,j pupils irrcspecti: .. e of whether ·a gr~r:t has already bee:·, p.,;J f,'r instruction given '.0 her in accordance with the Prozrarnme ::-T

. ,:;. --....

I'rimarv Instruction !n Cnukcr y, Laundry or Demesne Econornv.

! Ii:; To W3TfJr..t pavrncnt of grants, pupils must continue to k insmK!d in the course oT;E~imlly taken 1Ij', Grants will not be- paid fer the 8li('r'131i\', ~yllabus in Cookery and Laundry, combined as a sinzle subie ct I. Domestic Economy}, in respect of pupils for whom grant, have already been paid in the. separate courses in Cookery and Laundry; nor l~ the separate courses In respect of pupils for whom grants have prenc' been paid for instruction in the combined course.

'.') The expenditu~e on equipment for these course, is 8 first charge on the grant payable III respect of the instruction anJ is recouped to the

Cookery, Laundry and Domestic Economy Classes in Vocational Schools for National School Pupils.

149. (1) Any girl who iE in the fifth Or a higher standard may be enrolled in these classes, but girls who have reached the age of 10 may also attend, even though they are enrolled in a lower standard than fifth. (2) The syllabuses of instruction shall be those prescribed in the pro· gramme of instruction in effect for the time being for national schools,

(3) Managers of national schools desirous of entering pupils for instruction in Cookery, Laundry or Domestic Economy in vocational school classes must apply to the Chief Executive Officer of the a ppropriatc Vocational Education Committee before June preceding the school year in which the instruction is sough, and produce to him a letter from the Department (Primary Branch) containing sanction (or the proposed arrangement.

(4) The classes shall be at all times open to the inspectors of the Technical Instruction Branch of the Department, who will report as TO the character and efficiency of the instruction

(5) The holding of the classes shall not entail any charge on the funds of the Vocational Education Committee .

(6·j The Department will make a grant in respect of each girl taught Cookery, Laundry or Domestic Economy under the condition, set oat above. who has artc n ded at least hal:' of the prescribed minimum number of lessons in the subject taught. The grant will not be paid for ar.v pupil for more than two years in Cookery lind one year in Laundry, nor for mor~ th~r. three years in the alternative syllabus in Cookery and Laundry, combllle~ ~$ a single subject. Only one grant wiilbc paid In respect of a pupil m anv year. Claims for grams In resr'~ct of attendance made before the receipt by the Chid Executive Officers :}f Vocational Education Committees of the official registers will not be enterrained.

(7) To warrant payment of grants, pupils must continue to be instructed jt~ the course ~riginally taken up. Grants will not be paid for the alternative syllabus In Cookery and Laundry combined as & single

, 3· Instr u.t ion may be given during normal school J)(HlfS Dr either v,lwll\ or pMth: i''Jtsid~ normal school hours, but should be given at ,Uen ,1 tin;c as will ensure that the school day is not too. long. particularly 'or chiidrcn living at a JlswiKe from the school.

. +. l n J" »nc-rcorn s,:h~)L)1 in which (>~ln>er ... ', Laundrv or Domestic Ecnn,:mlY is t.:ug!1t, pupils no! receiving imtruc~jon in Of!~ of these subi<'~EG'H) be dismissed at 20 p.m and the lesson in the .ubiect may be

j:iwn from 2.0 f(. 3.30 p.n' .

. <:c; A ;:~J"t. may \'f nrnd in respect of each girj,,·ho is taught cL:. "f t;!~",c :-,:b'ect, ID ) rli"u;,:lnai s("h""'i. provided she ha', attended at L:'~l rdi iill' minimum r.l.m:bcr of lc.,:'or.s prescribed. The grant is net p:l~',1l1i'~' in rc"rC~'[ cf a»v pupd f(,~r more than two vears in Ccokerv nor fur ;)1.1r( than one yea~ in Laundrv (being a total course ·of three ,:ears" ,·nd r-nlv C'C"!C sr,~n rnav be claimed in respect of a pupil in any' year. h t}, .. ~"" n: D')lr,c,:(,. Economy the grant is payable for each of duct"



subject (Domestic Economy), in respect of pupils for whom grants have already been paid in the separate courses in Cookery and Laundry; nor in the separate courses in respect of pupils for whom grants have previously been paid for instruction in the combined course.

(8) The grant may be reduced or withheld if the proficiency attained is not sa tisf actory,


(2) The Archbishop of Dublin is recognised as manager of the college.

(3) The administrative and professorial staffs of the college arc appointed by the Minimr with the concurrence of the manager.

(4) The conditions relating to the entrance examination and the regulations governing the admission of pupils to the Preparatory College, their maintenance in the college, and their subsequent admission to a T raining College are laid down by the Minister. Copies of these CODditions and regulations may be obtained from the Department 'Primary Branch).

(5) Preparatory College students who have been declared eligible to enter a Training College are required to enter in the autumn of the calendar year in which they complete their Preparatory College course: in exceptional circumstances the Minister may agree that entry be deferred to a later date. Where entry is deferred the student may be required to pass a test in oral Irish before being admitted to the Training College.

(6) If, having been declared eligible to enter a Training College, .B student shall fail to do so, or if she shall leave the Training College without the consent of the Minister, the parent or guardian shall. upon demand, pay and refund such sums as the Minister may determine as being due in consideration of maintenance, tuition and other expenses in respect of the periods spent by the student in the Preparatory College and the Training College.

Special Grants for certain Gaeltacht Schools.

150. (1) In a school situated in th~ Gaeltacht as determined by

Gaeltacht Area Order or Orders made under the Minist.:rs and Sccrct artcs (Amendment: Act. 1956, in which instruction in the various subjects of the school programme (other than English) is given entirely through the medium of Irish, a special grant of ten per cent of scale salary may be made to each member of the teaching staff whose work is satisfactory and who is competent to give instruction through the medium of Irish.

c: 2) For capitation national schools which fulfil the general conditions for the award, the special grant will be on the basis of ten per cent of the capitation grant.


151. The Minister reserves the right to refuse to assent to the admission of any particular candidate to an examination for entry to the Preparatory College or to the Training Colleges, or to his admission to these Colleges or to his admission to an examination for qualification in any capacity in a national school.





153. (1) For the purpose of obtaining a sufficient supply of trained teachers for service in national schools, aid is granted to approved Training Colleges for 'the maintenance and instruction of students who are preparing to become trained national teachers or who are already serving as untrained reachers in national schocls.

(2) Before aid is granted to a Training College the Minister must be satisfied that the premises are suitable, that the arrangements for the general control, management and administration are satisfactory, and that adequate provision is made whereby the students may obtain, as part of their training, practice in teaching under supervision in national schools.

(3) The bishop of the diocese in which the Training College IS situated is recognised as manager of that college.


152. f 1) The Preparatory College for Protestant girl students is a residential college pro v ided equipped and maintained out of State funds in order W provide a suitable secondary school course, under the most favourable condirions .. Ior young persons who desire to prepare themselves fp, admission to a Training College to become national school lc~(hers. The (Qllq:c course extends, as a' rule, over four years. Irish is the language (If ordinary use in the college.



(a) Preparatory College students who have successfully completed their course in the current or the preceding year;

(b) candida res who have qualified for admission at the Training College Entrance Examination of the current or, in certain circumstances, the preceding year;

(c;. graduates of a University who may be exempted partially or wholly Irom [he. Training College Entrance Examination:

. d) untrained teachers who have passed the Training College Entrance Examination within the preceding five years or who, lf1 special circumstances, arc declared bv the Minister to be eligible for training. (Sec rule 78(2';,) . .

The Mni,tef may require a certain number of places in the Training Colleges to he reserved each year for untrained teachers.

(3 j Candidates for admission to training must not be under 17 years of age, and candidates, other than untrained assistants, iunior assistant mistresses or graduates of a University, must not be over 21 years of <l.[!e: on the l st August in the year of admission to training.

(4) Before a candidate is ad. .. nitred to a Training College

(;:;r\ the medical officer of the College must certify that he is of sound and healthy constitution and free from 'l71Y physical or mental defect likely to impair his usefulness as a teacher; the medical certificate shall include such details as the .I\ii~ister may require;

(b) the candidate must sign an agreement relative to the obligations imposed on him in respect of his admission to the College and of service subsequently as a teacher in B national school; the agreement includes an undertaking regarding his liability, in certain eventualities, for the payment and/or repayment of the cost of his training;

Ie) the parent or guardian of the candidate must sign a guarantee that the candidate will fulfil faithfully the agreement referred to at subsection (b); the form of guarantee includes an undertaking regarding the liability of the parent or guardian for payment and/or repayrnc nt, in certain eventualities, of the CD5t of the candidate's training.

(5) J n exceptional circumstances, a member of a religious communirv who undertakes to serve as a teacher in a national school mav with th~ a~proval of ~he Minister. be admitted as an extern student to ~ Training College, subject to ~h~ fulfilment of such conditions, including payment of fee, as the Training College authorities may require. Such extern students are not boarded or lodged at the expense of the college, and no grants are payable by the Minister in their regard.

Extern students may be admitted to the examinations for students in training and may become eligible for the award of the diploma in teaching.

(4) The principal or other officer in charge of the administration of a Training College shan be a person competent to control and manage the college in accordance with the regulations and requirements of the Minister.

(5) The authorities of a Training College appoint their own s!"ff~ of professors and other officer, and, ~llbject to the approval cf the ,.,lini~ter, arrange 1 he salaries of these officers,

Payment (If Grants and Fees.

154, (1) Annual grants as Jix.:d frdm time to time by the ,\liIlister with the concurrence of 1 he Minister Ior Finance are made to Training Colleges.

(2) These grants, together with such annual fee as may witn the approval of the Minister be charged to rhc students, are payable to the college, through the manager, Ior the maintenance of the college.

If a Training College student satisfies the Minister that he is not in 3 position to pay the annual. fee, the Minister may advance such fee in whole or in part to the Training College on his behalf, subject to subsequent repayment. When sucn student obtains an appointment as a teacher in n national school, the amount advanced will he recovered from the salary of the teacher by instalments fixed by the Minister.

(3) In addition to the ordinary annual expenditure on the upkeep and maintenance of the Training College, the Minister may authorise expendirure from the college funds on the extension or improvement of the college buildings, the purchase of educational apparatus and appliances. or such other suitable purpose as may be approved by the Minister.

(4) The accounts of a Training College must be kept in the manner required by the Minister and be ready at all times for the inspection of an officer of the Department authorised by the Minister for the purpose These accounts are audited annually hy an offi ccr of the Department.

Admission of Students.

155. (1) Subject to such regulations as may from lime to time be made by the Minister, the authorities of each Training College arrange their own terms of admission" and on their own responsibility nominate the applicants for admission to the Training College Entrance Exarnination.] They must submit for the approval of the Minister a list of the candidates for admission to that examination.

(2) Subject to such regulations as may be approved by the Mini~ter [he following classes of student-teachers and teachers may be admitted to training by the authorities of the Training Colleges:-

• (}\\See Rule 152. (b) The ~dmi~lion to traininj! of any one or more of tl1e ,:I&s;~s t eferred to in secucn (2.) ct rule I S5 may r.e dlscontinued in an)' )'Ot<

t 'me rqmhnions and svllabus for the Training College Entrance Examination 8!f put>1ished in a ~erafalf parnohle: from !jme 10 time, and may be cctained from the Depzrtrnent (Primary Branch).



Duration of Course.

156. (1) The course of training extends over two sessions, each commencing in the autumn and terminating after the following midsummer examination,

(4) A student who has not been in trasrung either as an intern or extern throughout the college year may not be presented by the college authorities for examination except with the permission of the Minister.

Training College Examinations,

157. (1) At the end of their first year of training students must pass the examination in the prescribed programme asa condition of being summoned to complete their course. A second trial is not allowed unless the failure to pass has been due to illness, certified as the time, or to other cause accepted by the Minister as sufficient.

(2) At the termination of his course of training a student must

(a) pass the final examination in order to be. recognised asa trained teacher and to' be eligible for the award of the Diploma in Teaching on the usual conditions (a student who fails, may, on the recommendation of the Principal of the College, be allowed a second trial at the next following annual examination; a third trial may be allowed in exceptional circumstances);

(b) be certified by the medical officer of the College as of sound and healthy constitution and free from any physical or mental defect likely to impair his usefulness as a teacher; the medical certificate shall include such details as the Minister may require (see also rule 93 (l) (a)).

(3)1\ teacher is regarded as trained from 1st July of the year in which he completes his course of training, provided he passes the final examination in that year. Should he fail the final examination kis not registered as a trained teacher until I st July of the year in which he passes. A teacher who has failed the final examination may be recognised provisionally pending his passing that examination.

Diploma in Teaching;

158, (1) (0) The Diploma in Teaching is awarded to each exstudent who having passed the examination at the end of his course of training shall have served continuously for a period of two years as principal teacher, assistant teacher, lay assistant teacher, supernumerary assistant teacher, or iunior assistant mistress in a national school (or, with the antecedent approval of the Atinister, in a public elementary or other school elsewhere), and shall, in respect of those years, have been favourably reported upon by the inspector.

(b) Continuous service of not less than three months as substitute teacher for a teacher, or teachers, absent from school in circumstances in which the Department's Rules require, or approve of, the employment of a substitute teacher, shall be reckoned as part of the probationary service for the Diploma if the service is satisfactory.

(2) (a) Teachers who completed their course of training in the period from 1931 to 1962 inclusive, must for the award of the Diploma have obtained the certificate of competency to give instruction in the school programme "through the medium cf Irish.

(b) If 1I teacher has not qualified for the Diploma within live years from the date of first appointment, the Diploma cannot, as a rule, be awarded subsequently. The Diploma is not disallowed on the report of one inspector only.

(2) (a) The Principal of a Training College has po",er, in certain circumstances, to require any student to discontinue his course of training during, or at the end of, the first year. The Minister may, at any time, require the removal from a Training College of a student whose health, in the opinion of the Minister) is not satisfactory.

(b i During the final year a student may, with the approval of the Minister, be required, or permitted in exceptional circumstances to discontinue his course of training, subject to such conditions as the Minister may Impose.

(3) A student is not eligible for employment in any capacity in a national school between the date of entry to the College for his first year's course of training and the date of conclusion of his final year's course of training (see rule l5i (3)) unless with the special sanction of the Minister previously obtained.

Grants to Practising Schools.

159. Grants are made to the PractiSing School or School, of a Training College on the same conditions as to other national schools. The Minister may sanction the payment of extra remuneration out of the Training College funds to teachers in Practising Schools,

Repayments by Persons entering Civil Service,

J 60. Persons upon whose training for the position of a teacher in National Schools money was expended by the State, must, upon entering the Civil Service, repay such money to the Minister. The repayment must be made in such manner as may be arranged by the Minister, with the co~~rrence of the Minister for Finance, and may be reduced by on~-t.hlrtleth for. :ach year of recognised teaching service subsequent to tratnrng. I~ ,lIddHlO~ they must repay in such manner 85 may be arranged by the MJnlster, With the concurrencs of the "'tinj~ter for Finance an" amounts which may be due to the Stare in respect of Training College fees advanced to a Training College on their behalf.



of the teacher's work after an interval of six months. An mspector shall not lo w er the estimate of the work of a teacher, other than a teacher 0" probation, except at a general inspccrinn fallowing such notice.

<: b:1 Til,: written notice referred to at subsection (a) of this section ~h(,111::l be sent to the reacher by registered post, following oral notific a don on the day '1f the inspector' s v isit.

;' c'j In [he interval between the issue of the notice and the holding of the general inspection, the inspector should visit the school at least once, in order to afford the reacber such assistance as may be possible.

C d'] A dear interval of six months, exclusive of periods of illness OT vacation. must elapse before a general inspection is held following the j,S'JC of such notice, Furthermore, such grner31 inspection should not be held for at le~,r six weeks after the re-opening following the summer vacation or other prolonged closing.

(c) The general inspection held following the iS5U~ of 3 formal written notice need not necessarily be hekl by the inspector who issued the notice.

(7;' A request for a general inspection of his work (sec subsection (b) of section (4) of this rule) may be made by any teacher paid personal salary by the Department (IT by a supernumerary lay assistant teacher in .~ capitation school. A request for a general inspection of fI capitation school may be made only bv the manager Of principal teacher. The request should be made in writing to the district inspector in the first three months of the school year.

(8) The inspector will furnish at least once in every rwo years a School Report on the work of every school in his district. The report shall contain a short minute on the work of the school as a whole,

(9) (a) Annual visits by the inspector for the purpose of general inspection to review the work of the school shall be made to capitation schools in which the work was estimated to be not satisfactory at the previous general inspection.

In capitation schools in which the work .IS estimated as satisfactory a general inspection may be held whenever the inspector considers it advisable

(b) The procedure set out in section (6) of this rule shall be followed by an inspector who proposes to give the manager and principal teacher of a capitation school a formal written notice of the intention to hold a general inspection of the scbocl after an interval of six months.

(10) \Vhen a Divisional Inspector or an inspector of higher rank visits a school within <I month after the date of a general inspection, or at a later dare when specially directed to do so, fOI' the purpose of re-assessing the teacher's work, the Divisional Inspector or inspector \~f higher rank may, if he thinks fit, furnish a fresh report after consults tion with the inspector who furnished the original repor., and this fresh report may be substituted for the report of the general inspection


161. (1" Inspectors are tne agents 0/ the 1I1illistcr and SllpP!Y him ",'ittl' such ;o,:~i information as or. It1Ry require for the effective adrninistratior. of the 5\,E{;!n1.

:i) Inspectors arc nut authorised to decide upon any question affect:ng a national school or the general business of the Minim:., and may ;1:1[ giv~ direct orders in a school (mher than a Model School). The) ~!W.l!(1, however, C8!l the attention of managers and teachers to any rules which appear to them tc be infringed and should, as may be necessary, communicate personally or in writing with th~ manager with reference tn I he ~en'.:ral condition of the sr hoo1 or to matters requiring the manager's attention, making S~JC]-. suggestions as they may deem necessary,

(3) The inspector should pay frequent incidental visits to the schools in his district in order to collebora te in the work of the teachers and to help young teachers and others who, in the, inspector's opinion, are lTI need of his assistance and advice.

:4) (a) Annual visits by inspectors to schools fer the purpose of general inspections of the work of {he teachers are obligatory in the following cases.-«

.y, teachers whose work was estimated as "not satisfactory" at the previous inspection:

(ii:, teachers on probation, trained or untrained.

(h': WhCl (I request for a general inspection is made in accordance with the previsions of section (7) of this rule the general inspection should be held at such time as may be agreed upon with the applicant. (c) General inspections may be held on the work of teachers not

included under subsection (a: of this section when the insnector thinks

it advisable. "

()) The form of the report to be furnished by an inspector following a general inspection on a teacher's work shall be in accordance with the instructions laid down by the Minister from time to time.

(6) (a) -,,:I7here the work of a teacher has' deteriorated to such an extent that the estimate "satisfactory" is no longer merited. and where, on at least two previous occasions during the preceding t ..... elve months, an inspector has pointed out the defects observed in the teacher's work and suggested remedies for them, an inspector (other than an unattached inspector) who is not satisfied that a genuine and reasonably successful elf ort has been made tv remedy the defects should give the teacher a formal written notice that it is the intention to hold a generalinspection


previously furnished. The notice required under section (11) of this rule must be given by the Divisional Inspector or the inspector of higher rank.

ell) Three dear school days' notice in writing of the precise date of a general inspection shall be sent to the manager and teacher.

(12) When the inspector pays an incidental visit to a school with the intention of spending a considerable time in it, he should, when practicable, cause the manager to be notified of his visit.

(13) Extracts from general reports and school reports are furnished to the managers, principal teachers and teachers concerned. Extracts from reports of incidental visits arc also furnished, when necessary, to' the managers and to the teachers concerned.

Appeals against Inspectors' Reports,

162. Wht're it is desired to lodge an appeal against an inspector's rep on -

(1) The appeal must be lodged with the Department (Primary.

Branch) by the teacher, either directly or through the manager, within 14 days of the receipt of the extracts from the report by the manager and the teacher. If, however, the extracts are received during the time of the school vacation, the 14 days will be reckoned from the date of the re-opening of the school.

(2) A copy of the appeal must be sent to the inspector concerned on the dart: on which the appeal is forwarded ro the Department.

(3) The inspector is required to furnish without delay to the Department any observations he desires to make on the appeal.

(4;. All appeals againsrinspectors' reports, except such as are deemed by the M.inister to be frivolous or vexatious, will he forwarded ro the ;\}'p~?"j Board ior consideration.

(5~i A Board of Appeal appointed by the hlinister, consisting of a chairman and two other members. investigates reports of general inspections against which appeals have been made.

A representative from a panel, nominated annually by the Irish National Teachers' Organisation and other teaching bodies, is selected br the ,\:\inistcT, according to the nature of the case, to act on the Board. ~ f) The functions of the Board of Appeal are-

(a) to receive

(i) subject to section (4! of this rule. the appeal submitted

to the Department by the appellant teacher;

(ii) the report against which the appeal has been lodged; (iii) the detailed reasons submitted for such appeal, and

(iv] the observations submitted to the Department by the inspector whose report has been appealed againsr;

(") to ascertain whether the conditions governing the making of appeals have been fulfilled, to decide whether there i, •



prima facie case for investiga tion and to recommend I re-inspection of the teacher's work where the Board conaidtn such re-inspecrion desirable.

to suggest to the Minister when a re-inspection is recommended, the name of an inspector of rank not less than that of Divisional Inspector for dealing with the appeal, or of rank not less than Deputy Chief Inspector where the report of a Divisional Inspector is concerned;

to make a recommendation to the Minister in regard to the action to be taken on the report of the second inspector - the Minister, however, retaining full freedom to act on the recommendation or to take action on the appeal as he may think fit.



163. Prizes and exhibitions from the interest accruing from the Reid Bequest, are awarded under the conditions contained in Schedule IV.



164. School health services and schemes for the provision of meals for school children are administered by the Local Authorities under regulations made by the Departments of Health and Social Welfare, respectively. Enquiries on these subjects should be addressed to the appropriate Department or to the Local Authority concerned.



165. These Rules may be altered or rescinded by the Minister with, in the case of rules involving finance, the concurrence of the Minister for Finance.



HI. Use of Nauona! SCilOflis in cN:nec:i;';l with Elcc\i'm~ for Mc;nlwn of the Oireachld~


VI. Schemf' for the Provision l\f. Fi cc B~-'c·k~ for ~~Lf:,-;",it(}u~ Children in National School,

VII. Speci;)1 Offc:81 PrQ,Nure In C"~O, of Irrcguj"ritie~ in School Records



io j



VIII. Insurance of Nati:)nal. Schn0; Teachers under the Social
~'cHare Act~ 104
IX. Grant, ft(;l~ State Flinds to :he S;aITs of Naticnal Schoors 105 x.

Annual An,y.\"r.(C (~r:'Tl-P~!'Si:'nlD;C:: i:'l re'T2cr of- Children of !\~3::on;i.l Tt'Jchc!"!-l


(;'r.:Jn~o;; hl\"';lr~~~ th.e Prra'__'j:t:':\~~ of ;:1 First S~Qc"k 1A S dh"'! 01 ReqlJ:~;t~'!

~,I L

(J_:;~-Ir ·:·::'l',:;:ii(1<. th~. (rIc): (Jf He2.ti~lf ·3i1d Ck.c·ming NdtiOflJl






Teaching of ir.ish


The Min',mum !'igure, l,r Average Lnrolrne-u required lot tile purposes of RI_:le ~~( 1.:' ;lnd (2~1


Provision- regdrdinl: Sick Leave arrlicable [\1' Teachers reco~n;<e[j prior to 30th j une, 1963, '" ho did not- opt Ior the Revised P,(,\'i\iQ['I~


11 :




11 S




9" )-



(Sl't rules 14 arid 15)

Regulations at to the' Ccnst uuticn and Procedure of rllt C{lmrnirue

(If the ...

. .. Nationa! Schoot,

Co ......

Roll No .....

(a) Insert number

rnernber s .


1. The Conunirtee shall consist of (/1)

...... ' ...... '" members who shall be elected

by (b) """." ,, .

(b) Gj';c par nculnrs.

(c) Insert names arid

addresses of members

2. The following are tbe present members of the ComITJitte~;':'_ (c)

3. National school teachers are act eligible [Dr IT1~m~ership of School Committees.

4. Vacancies on the Coramitvee may be filled by co-option after due notice has been given to each member of th~ Cornmittee, and subjec: to the approval of the ,"'fini~ter ir, each use.

5. The Committee shall appoint one of its members to act as Secretarv,

1'>. The Committee shall nominate it suitable person to act as manager vi tl" school, and may, at .II tr..e~tir.g duly summoned for that purpose, remove the manager and appoiut another. The manager i~ the person who is ·:h~rgcd \\ i.':' the direct government of the schC'CJ1, the appointment D1 teachers subject l(, the i1ilpro"al of the Minhter, their removal and the carrying 0[1 d the nccessirv correspondence wit,1-j the Mbist!r.

7. The Committee shall meet at Ieas: once a Veal. A special meeting of th( Cornrnlttee rna y be he;d at anv time M the wdlten :e-q\ii~h':-n ('f ...

members. Due notice of each meeting, and 0f the business 1(' b~ tTlIns,,"c:d thereat, Sh3U h~ given to each member. .,.. > .mernber s snal] l.Jj·r:~ ,1 quorum.

8. The members present Sf. any metting shall appoint a chairman of that meeting. Everv question shal! be decided by a majority of vote s nf the mernbers present and voting.

9. The names cf members present snd (heir V~!ing upon the ir~e8tivn shah be recorded.

10. In case of an equality (if votes, the chairman sha''j have a UC(I:'ld or casting vote,

] 1. The proceedings Df the Committee shall not be invalidated by any vacancy or vacancies in their number, provided that a quorum is present.

12. The proceedings of each meeting shall be recorded 'n a minute book. [n be kept by the secretary, and the firs! business of each meeting after the appointment of a chairman shall be the reading, considcrarion, and dgning of the minutes of the previous meeting.




Transfer af pt<pih 10. whom the ACl appli.~> from on£ National School /0 <mather. and 1h8 DUlies of Principal Teachers under the Aa.

I. AUd:ltion is drawn to the provisions of subsection (4) of Section 6 and of

Section 1 S (1), (2), (3) and (4) of the Act as follow,:-

Section 6(4) "The parent of a child to w hom this Act applies may transfer the child from one national school to another national school at any time either with the consent of the Minister or when the transfer is made because of a change of the ordinary residence of the child, but in any other case II child to whom this Act applies shall only be transferred irom one national school to another national e chool on or at the first opportunity after one of the following days, that is to say, the l st day of January, the ht day of April, the Ist day of July, or tbe. l st day of October".

Section 15 (I) "The prindpal teacher of every national and other suitable schn,)l at .... ·hieh any children to whom this Act applies are enrollee Dr attending shall communicate at the prescribed times and in the prescribed manner to the respective enforcing authorities of the several school anendance areas in which ruch children respectively reside the prescribed particulars of ever; such child who is absent from such school and the rr"crib,~d r~rticulars of such absences.

:~' "n~", fr;:l(Jr;j~ t-aher (,f every n~~k~r:ai 1. .... :- ·:,the~ ~ui~~b]~ ~(--n·yd ~~h"dl [ Oi~ di2H!~nd ~ur~~,~' .. n lh:::- :prf"s(-ribf~ f(irrr~ t-,:; any ("_nf~'ror.g rluth(:rity ~L~ n~~-f~,<-:.i'·e 3ge? a::. s~'2rf!d .in the ~~~Il')l re s of all or an,' ~)f ~hae ·;>:,]j,en 3Iiemli!!g sud: school and the prescr ibcd particuiar s cf the attendr~fj'::~~_ :H_ :'~T;d (lb~,~pr:c~ ~n)nl ~:tKh scbc":-J~ ~/ ;,1I c':' ?n:: of those ch,iJ.~J~r~!1

·c'.-hl·~ a: !., (;. !", jrr:-: 1 ~~ -'~'hC!l-!' :hi~ Act ii.p;<. i es

:;, ,:' \i~'~l'=~~l ;j child i<: w!~c'.~n th~:~· ~61.·~·t applies J~ rernovcc tr orn ~ nati.;:~nal "cc'd,tr (>c; school, ~he principal teacher of such ~ChODi sb all on demand give 10 the parent of such child a certificate in the prescribed form stating the period during which such child was attending such school, the number of attendances and absences of such child at or from such school during the prescribed portion of such period, 'and the class in the school in which the child was placed for instruction immediately before his removal from the school, and the parent of the child shall exhibit such certificate to the principal teacher of any national or other suitable school to which he applies for the admission of the child.

(4) The}'rincipal teacher of every national or other suitable school shall , at the beginning of every quarter commencing on the 1 S[ day of January, the l st day of April, the 1st day of July, or the Lst day of October, furnisb to the Secretary of the Juvenile Advisory Committee for the place where the school is situate, or, if there is no such Committee, to the nearest local office of the Minister for Industry- and Commerce, the names and addresses of all children attending the school who will attain the age of fourteen years during such quarter. "*

2. A child to whom the Act applies and who is regularly transferred from one national school to another in accordance with subsection (4) of Section 6 of the Act, should be admitted to, IUId enrolled in, the school to which the child is transferred, whether or not the Certificate under subsection (3) of Section 15 is available at the time of transfer.

• The functions of the Mini~ter [or Industry and Commerce under Section 15(4) of the School Attendance Act; 1926, have been transferred to the Minister for Social Wclfar.e.


3. The and:ldanccs of c:hi1drc::a enrollecj during !.he course of a quarter ill contravention of ,ubsectiQn (4) of SEction 6 of the Act wall be escluded in calculating the average attendance .. nd avenge mroimd:lc lit the national school to which they arc irregularly tranaIerred tor the particular qUJl'ter and for any year, including that quarter.

4. Whd:l a child is transferred from one national school to another. the principal teacher of the lCbool in which the child wu formerly enrolled WOllld enter on the first .... eekly Return furnished thereafter to the Eniorcinl!' Authority the name o[ the child and B statement ill the Jast column "tran~erred 10 ... _ ..... ................ _ ....... National School." Similarly the principal te.ather of the school to which the child has been transferred should tt:lttl' the child's name

with a statement "transferred from " Nation.a1 School". .

S. (a) The returns under subsecuon (4) of Section 15 are furnished to enable the Juvenile Advisory Comminee and the local officers o[ the Department of Social Welfare to communicate with the parent or guardian of every child of fourteen years of age who is leaving school ..... ith a view to ~eii~teri::tg the child for employment. Wllrn it is known that i child proposes to remain at school [or at least another year the principal teacher Should give this intermarion on the return $0 that ~e issue of the invitation to register maY be deferred.

(b) It is important that the return be ~nt at the beginning of every quarter in respect of every national school, Even when no pupil of rhe school ... ill reach the age of fourteen years in a particular quarter the return should be sen! .... ith

"Nil" noted thereon in the firS[ column. .. .

6. Principal teachers must comply ruictly with the requirements of Section 15 of the Act in furnishing the prescribed returns on the appropriate forms and at [he appointed times.

UJ' of Schools and

public rooms




The scherne'" for the administration of the funds held under the Will of the late R. T. Reid, Esq., LL.D., of Bombay, was by approval of the High Court of Justice dated the 31st July, 1934, amended to read as follows:_

The following sub-sections of the Electoral Act, 1923, apply to the use of national schools in connection with elections 01 members of the Oireachtas r.L,

30. (1) The returning officer at any election may use, free of charge, lor the purpose of taking the poll at such election, any room in a school receiving! a grant out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas, and any room the expense of maintaining which is payable out of any local rate, and may defray any expenses incurred by the person or body of persons, corporate or incorporate, having control over the same on account of its being used for the purpose of

taking the poll as aforesaid. .

30. (3) A candidate at any election shall be entitled, for the purpose of holding a public meeting in furtherance of his candidature, to the use at reasonable times between the receipt of a writ for the election and the day of the poll of a suitable room in any public elementary school situated within the constituency Ior which he is a candidate.

Provided that this sub-section shall not authorise the use of any room used as part of a private dwellinghouse nor authorise any interference within the school

hours of an elementary day or evening school, .

Provided also that charge may be made to cover any actual and necessary expenses incurred by the local education authority, or by [he managers of the school, in respect of the preparation of the room before the meeting for the purposes of the meeting and after the meeting for school pUrrO<CI, and for heating, lighting, and cleaning the room.

30. (4) U by reason of the use of any room under sub-section (1) or (3) of this section any damage is done to such room, or to the building [If which it forms part, or to the furniture, fitting or apparatus of such room or buildinc, the damage shall be defrayed by the returning officer or by the person by Whom, or on whose behalf, the meeting 15 convened as the case may be,

30. (6) A person having charge of a school adjoining or adjacent to, or forming part of a church or a convent or other religious establishment may. within twenty-lour hours after receiving notice from the returning officer or' ~ candidate of an intention to use such school or any part thereof for the purposes of this section; object to SUI~h use by sending a statement of such objection [Q the returning officer. Any objection made under this sub-section may, on the application of the returning officer, he over-ruled by the Minister for Local Government if :~e thinks it right :;0 to do, but unless and until such objection is so over-ruled. no part oj[ the school referred to in such obiection mar t-c used under this section by the returning officer or any candidate.

Every three years commencing 011 the Lst day of JuJy, 1920, the Senior Inspector for the County of Kerry shall select six of the most efficient national schools attended bj' boys in the said County and the income of the said Srock. applicable hereto and the said Cash shall be distributed annuaUy among the said schools, The amount \0 be allocated to each such school during the said period of three years shall be fixed by the said Inspector with the approval of the Department of Education fat Saorstat Eireann and shall be applied for the purpose of assisting boys of limited means to attend the schools more effectually by providing such pupils with books and clothes or by lhe payment of money Ior the use lind benefit of such pupils.

The distribution of any money so allocated to each school shall be entrusted to the manager thereof and it> shall be the duty {If such manager after consulration with the teachers to select the pupils to whom such awards shall be made,

At the end of each year the manager shall submit and vouch an account of all sum, expended under this Scheme for audit by the Inspector.

The mode and condition of distribution by the manager shall be such 35 shall be recommended by the inspector from time to time and approved by the Department of Education for Saorstst Eireann,

AU awards to pupils shall be determinable at any lime in case of immoral behaviour, negligence in attendance or gross incapacity.


(This Section of the Scheme applies to Candidates admitted to the Training Colleges in any year- after the lst day of July, 1931).

Prizes of Twenty Pounds each (payable in two equal annual instalrnems) shall be awarded each year to the five best male candidates fr om !be Count" Kerry competing at the Leaving Certificate (Secondary Branch) examination 01 that year who are successful in gaining admission to one cof the Training Colleges for the training 01 National School teachers recognised b} the Def'llt· ment of Education lor Saorstat Eireann,

The method of selection shall be according to merir as determined by ~he Department of Education in its absolute discretion.

These prizes shall be paid out of the income of the <aid Stock applicable hereto and the said Cash, If any portion of income of this fund shall be unapplied in anyone year the Department of Education for Saor<t~t Eireann Ill." either apply il: towards granting an additional prize or rriz:, i'~ ~~\. ~ur-5e~L:e~t year or in increasing the. amounts of prizes alreartv .. \\.~r,"ed or ;n<ly invest sarne to the credit of this fund in. which ('a~c tht· income Jr"ing tl'Hcf~om shall be applied towards the purposes tel out. in part "B" d this Sdumt. If at an)" future time the income of the fund sh~lI incr~3S(" or diminish the Department of Education for Saorstat Eireann shall be empowered !O !n'r~.l't nr diminilh the amount of the above l'riu rateablv.


;1"hi, section "f the Scheme [.,n'~ into oper.uion on :ht ! st d~v "f July 1934),

This scheme should he read and con str ucd as if the expression ",\'1ini~ter for Education" \\ ere suosurured for the expresxions "Department of Education lor SaorS(lIt" Jnd "Depanrnem I)f Educarinn" t"J:cthrr '\\ i(h 'lICf! consequential modification s as may be necessarv.



Two Reid bhibition5 of the value of Forty Pounds each per annum, or one of. Eight)' Pounds per annum at the discretion of the Department of Education for Saorstst Eireann tenable for not more than four years may be awarded to male students past or present or teachers (natives of the County Kerry) of any of the Training Colleges recognised by the Department of Education for Saor snit Eireann who shall have matriculated in Dublin Uuiversil}, and entered Trinity College, Dublin, to enable them to proceed to their Degree in Arts in the said University provided that any Exhibitioner who shall fail in any year to pass the examination or examinations necessary to proceed to his next College year shall thereupon forfeit all right to any future paytnent of such exhibition,

The exhibition shall h~ awarded by the Department of Educauon for Saorsrat Errcann according to merit as shall be determined by the Department of Education in its absolute discretion provided however that in case no rn aie student or teacher (I[ sufficient .merit shall be available (c,r an award of an exhibition Then vacant the Department of Education for S~ors:at Eireann me I· in such case awar d the exhibition 10 a female student past or present Dr teacher who shal) fulfll the necessary conditions and who shall be deemed by them to be of sufficient rnerit l'ROVIDED ALSO th~; 10 case n,' arr<ication shall have been received OD [he 15th day of OCI>:1be. in ill: year in Which an award of an Exhibiiion then vacant is 10 be made fwm 3. Student of Tri.n;'·, C"lleW, Dublin, the Department of Education may in such c.ase "ward th~ Exhibh~n to a male or female student past or present or .e acher (such studen: or teacher being a native of Kerry) who shall fulfil the neressarv condition.' arid who shall be deemed hy the Departrnent to be of sufficient merit and also shall have been matriculated in the National University (f Ireland and shall have entered one of the Consntuent Colleges of the said university: Such ~xhibiti(Jn or exhibitions shall be awarded upon the same terms and $hall be ~ll~i~ct to the same conditions as an exhibition awarded in Trinity College.

These exhibitions shall be paid out of the income of the said Stock applicable hereto and the said Cash. If any portion of the income of this fund shal! be unapplietl in anyone year the Department of Edur at icn for Saor stat Eirearin may either apply it towards grantin]; an additional exhibition or exhibitions in any subsequent yes r or increasing the amount of exhibitions alreadv awarded or m,.,. inve st same to the credit of said fund in wl.ich case the income ari,:~c therefrom ~.h"1J he 3prlied towards the purpc se set. out in Part "C" of [hi, Scheme. If a: am' [utur e ~tme the income CIt the Iund shall increase or di:T,;1 the Department (If Education Icr Sanrst;.! Eireann shall be e~rl'\\·~rd t·:) increase or rlimini'h the amount of the above exhibitions rateably.


I. The Iollowing regulations Brrly :0 a reacher's residence erected with the

aid of a State Gran::":_ .

':i) I: must be used exclusively for the occupation of the teacner or

teachers a ctually [or the time being in charge of the national school L'1 connection with which it wa~ erected, and ~USI be rent fr~e to

such teacher or teacher" .

(ii) Where it is vested in the Minister i' h I<.~pt in repair by the Com. !'T'-1SS10nCr$ of Public \X:Otk.~.

2 -. Teacher,' re sidence s provided by loan under Acts 38 lind 39 Vic, ch. ~2. 1S7~. arid 47 and 4~ Vic., ch, 45. HS4, must be used ell'c1u,;vely for the ;"Tn~':ndJ:i(>n of national school reacher s. It is the earnest wivh of. th~ Minister t;13: the r e-idence s should be rem fl ce to the teachers.

3_ \ln~re an official residence is provided [or a teacher, a caretaker's agreement betl<~eT1 the :n3na~er and the teacher must be executed, and a duplicate sent :.~ the Department (Primary Branch).







Whne the Minister is satisfied, from a report by an inspector that there is R prima facie case of deliberate irregularity on the part of a teacher, o{ such :II nature that the true figures of enrolment of pupils or the true figures of attendance of pupils are not shown (whether the case Ts one or actual Ialsification of the records or failure to complete roll-call at the proper lime or of irregular action under rule 65(5) or any other irregular action .Iffecting the average enrolment or average attendance) with the result that payment of State grants might be made or has been made on the incorrect average enrolment or average attendance so produced the official procedure and action shill be as follows :.-

(a) Payment to any teacher concerned may be suspended under rule 108(2) from the date on which the pri:tl<l facie evidence or the irregularity i~ firs! obtained.

1. The State grant will be paid on the basis of the number of children enrolled in the second and higher standards in the school on the 1st Julv of the preceding school year. No grant will be payable in respect of children enrolled in infants' or first standards,

2. The grant will be paid, on application, to the man igcr, [0 be applied lO the· best advantage in the provision ilf school books for necessitous children attending the school.

3. The amount of the grant will, except as provided at (4) and (:5), be calculated on the basis of one shilling per pupil on all pupils enrolled In second and higher standards.

4. No gran! will. be paid in respect of Schools in which there are no children enrolled who are deemed to be necessitous for the purpose of this scheme. The .\tinister may, at his discretion, refuse a grant, or allow a r e duced grant only, ,0 a school in which the number of necessitous children enrolled is. small or 6 school enjoying an endowment or other grants which may be applied in whole or in part iot the provision of free books.

5. The Minister rnav, at his discretion, allow an increased !;rant to sohool s in Gaeltacht areas or in the County Boroughs in which at ka5l 50 per cent of the pupils are deemed to be necessitous for the purpooe of this scheme. The grant in such cases, however, may not exceed two shillings per pupil on toe number of children enrolled in second and higher standards.

6. The+principal teacher shall kee~' a record of the arnour.t cf the grcn' received and detail s of its disbursement.

(b) \'1;;here criminal proceedings are instituted and the teacher is acquitted, or where criminal proceedings arc not instituted, a full official enquiry wlll be held by two members of the higher inspectorate, at which the teacher may, ill his own expense, be represented by a solicitor. The solicitor may advise his client and suggest questions ,0 the presiding inspector to be put, at the latter's discretion, to a witness. The solicitor may also cross-examine any witness but the presiding inspector shan have full authority to disallow any question or questions as he may think fit.

(c) If the Minister is satisfied, on consideration of the report of such an enquiry; that a teacher has been guilty of deliberate ~rregularilies, as already indicated, the teacher will be dealt with in accordance with the terms of rule lOS.

7. Boo;';_s supplied [0 nccevsitou- pu"ii' under thi, Scheme ,Lall be deerr;~J to be the property of the school

8, Each pupil should be instructed to keep the b_"),(5 clean and have ther.r covered. The books should be coilected from each pupil at 'he end of e~ch school year or when the pupil passes on t,) a higher standard or lcave s the ~d:"o:

9'. In the operation d the scheme cbim.'. of vcr y neccsitous children such as those whose parents are in receipt "f home assistance, widows: pensions or financial aid from charitable organ isation, or are Gl'.!!al workers in receipt of ver y xmal] wages, should be !TIn a; (\1:;'. il' ['i)~;ibk before the claims of the le.I·; needy are considered






All lay persons serving as teachers in national schools whose total annual emoluments do Dot exceed £BOO are insurable under the Social Wdfare Acts. Enquiries in regard to insurance or other matters arising under the Social Welfare Acts should be addressed to the Secretary, Department of Social Welfare, DUblin.



(I) The following are [be scales of annual salary payable 1st February, ISl64, to teachers in national schools, other than mernhers of religious orders serving in capitation national schools ic.,

(a) Trajnrd. Teachers

(i) MClrTied Mtn (Principal s ,md Assistants>

. £750 by 5 increments of £28 to £890 by 5 increments of [34 l0 £1,060 by. 5 increments of £39 to £1,255 by 2 increments of £45 to £1,345 per annum.

(ii) WOmtn and Single Men (Principal; and Assistontsr

£605 bv 5 increments of £22 to £715 by S increments of £27 to U50' by 5 increments of £31 to £ 1,·005 by 2 increments of 05 to £ I ,075 per annum.

(w) tf'ONIttl servinG as i,miM IlHiHa1J! mistresses in accorda'lCe· uu]: rule SlO(I)

£605 by 5 increments of £22 to £715 by 5 increments of £27 to £850 by 3 increments of £31 to £943' per annum.

Note: Single men teachers who qualified tor recognition 85 trained teacher prior to 31st October, 1946, will be eligtble, On reaching the maximum of the salary scale, for , further of £40 on completion of one year's satisfactory service.

(b) Uti trained Teachers (Principa/l arzd Assistants, fl h o (cert a"f'oi'lI~d a' such beior« lstJanuQr).', 1921

(i) Married Mal

£685 by 5 increments of £29 to H30 by 5 increments 0: 08 to £1/J20 by 5 increments of £45 to £1,245 jscr nn:1U.'TI.

(li) WOlf'ltn and Singl~ Men

£540 by 5 increments of £24 to £660 by 5 increments of £2~ (0 £800 by 5 increments of £33 to £965 per annum.

Note : Untrained teachers who were not appointed before 1st January, 1921, but who received qualification before that date may, as from lst July, ISl51, LDd subject to certain conditions, be granted payment of salary in accordance with this scale.

(c) Unzrained Feachers (Principall and AHiJlatlu) [irst appointed on, or after, hr J.:mU(1r)'J 1921. (alha than those ln duded in (b) !lb01.1e)

(i) Married Men

,[595 by 5 increments of £22 to £705 by 5 increments of [30 tr, ;[855 by 5 increments of £42 to £1,06.5 per annum.

(ii) Wonrm and Single Men

£450 by S ir.crernents of £20 to £550 by 5 increments oC £24 to £670 by 5 Increments of £27 to £805 per annum.

(Note : Teachers recoznised temporarily under Rule 78(2){a)Oi) and (b) pencing training, mny net proceed beyond £530).

(d) 71mior AssiHant MiSlreHtJ

(i) Untrained, Stroi,Jg in accordatlct will. TUlt 90(1)

£450 by 5 increments of £20 to £550 by 5 increments of £24 to £670 by S increments of £27 to £805 per annum.

(ii) Traintd and Untrained, seroi'Jg irl accordance ",j/h rule 90(2) £450 plus £40 afler Jive yean.' satisfactory service, to £490.

2 Ca) A man reacher who marries on, or after, l st Janua!:;, 1950; is placed, as from th~ date of his marriaf;e, at the point jn !.he 3ppropriat~scak far married men teachers corresponding to the point which he has al~dy reached in the Kale for !ingle men teachers.



'tfi ~A..: scrvinz man teacher who is qualified in aC(Crd2:1Ce with the ;(':£.ula~iOD~ receives a gr-atuity of ;() 00 on transfer tn t~~e scale Ior rnarried rncr..

A 'ingle m2:1 trained teacher, who q,IJlifled pr ior to 31~: October. 1<J4f_ ~:.~)d who, after reac hing the maximum of the s;:,Jary scale r(~C:':l;..<.es d fur~:hC'j" :',(!t:H:1! '"C~ norc following (l/a:<ili, above. v.ill not l.e eligIble, If h~ marries at a leiler catc than f cur ye ars i:d!et ~f.'c'.lring such Iur ther increrncn r, ro receive a g~,)\Uil' of £lO() «n tr.l.ndcr :0 ',he scale for marrrcd mer; trainee te;~( h·':-f_".

1\ ,:~.'r-(>l im.r crrcr t ~-\-f. ~~,,;;~ry at lh,: r;-tte nf £56 j-er ar .. OU.:ll i.., payarle to ~H '\\'id~w !!'3che~ c" in the service .

. 1 'fhe J.~J~;:~~,n~ ('i the: ::lnnllal mcr ernent. a\,,';uded :'0 a tc..:crchtf whr~e figure o~ ::'<i:;~r'r ]ic~ ~el';.\r-rn '~Wt' iucr e mental points of the. scale, :~l3.H b~~ the '.;o;j;~j',~;"'~ :lpp;,':\rri:J ~r:: l~~ the Iowcr (\f" the :wo j~.cLcmcnt:'il prints he~\\-ctr.. ,\ ~i(_ h hf~ tl"gure t'f <alarv Iics, provided that this doer. riot f0:!->e hi~ figlJr( ()f~;,da~\' ab,-,yc till figurc vhich a le-.l((let ~H t~f i;L~r.E1eJiJtdy l--;:~'hcr p~:i;1l \y,);_;l._i n:'.~('i\'f. on the d r:f ~ ~;~.1!C ir:(rt'n'~r~:,

\,('her. nJe ~j\l,-lrd cf ~~t; i~i~::UrlCr.t w,)uid ::rm~ a tcachers' r;H~ (:I s al ar y tn ~. fig:_lre l("~s by £.?~ 01 :1 .'i"1~;-I.llr:r amount, than the apprr-r riate n~jx;nlUTn ~,Ja;-y, l~;e 1~~~'rer._ie:"I:;t ~-::l::r\- t~c ~:f :.otIC;' arnoun: :1S to pb.ce the reacher ~t the rnax iu.urr,


The amount of a child's allowance ~hal! be fi.'!.eG from time to time bv the ,\1in;,ter, wh, the concurrence of the ,\jini;;:er for Finance. The Regulations gcverning the 2" arJ and payment r;f the-e allowances are set forth in Schedule X.

The annual allowance <It present p;dd in lest'ec: of an ecigible chil~ is £32.






A grant d n Isi.biec; to a rninirnum ~r.n: of £ 1 R per c!a~") m8V be pad 1..:1 rc-pccr oi e ar l, girl who i~- [~iJgh1, anv of i..e at'·qye -ubj ecrs, provided she 3t!cr.;_~ej ~t I(:~i~;: one-half ~:'1 L1(- rr.inimc:n nLr1~b~r of ]e.~.::.~')n.:. which con~~it:Jte the course TLe gran:] r~y~I::Je in rt"rl:(t c..~f CODJ..:ery, Laundry and [1(1n~e~tk Econornv cb~;;:e:; jn n .. -ITl0:j:ii ~(h()oh ar.d similar classes in vocational school s hr national school PI';o:)<.

The fc-ll('~;'in:~ cor.d~:ion~ arr,jy' to (i;:.ssC'·~ Lcr~·:Ll.:.:rcJ i:i national ~(hr:(:;s: ............ .:1) instruction must be given for at least five months 1.1 the school year.

Ca,ses s;'0L::d, at. H r r-c]in no: later than I H Ko\'cmb~r>

I:ii: J class should norrnall y be Iirnited to 20 pupils bt:t should n01, in any event, exceed 24,

~ll;; a course in Cockery must "'n~i<: of at least 25 lessens [,r.d a course in Laundrv rnus: consist cf a: least 20 lessons, and each lesson rnu~t be of not lE~~ th:IIT one-and-a-half hours' duration. A cour sc in Domestic Econornj- must consist of not less than 25 lessons, of which at le~~\ 15 must be le-scns in Cook erv arid SIX in Laundry,

'.n) 111~ grar.t IT:JY be reduced O~ \\llhhdd if suitable equipnlcn: iI not r;('\ iJeq (I: if the rroReicncy i~ not s3tisfa(iOiY ..

(vi the roll bonk must be marked or, ali days set down on the rime-table fer instruction in the particular subject before instruction ~e:;:ias,

(I'i) a small o:t~:1J;:nce of pup;l, c r even the: absence of the pupils on any occasion. d\!.-, not relieve [he teacher fram the marking of the special roll for that day,

(vi;) an ab-ence mark once entered en the rolls rnn v not be erased, cancelled or altered L'1 any drcu:r.'[J~ce< whatever,

':vi,ij 10 receive cr edi: for ~:lendance at a lelsDll in one [If thee" subjects on any day except Saturday a pupil must be credited with an attendance or half-attendance, as defined in rule 5 Ii, for that day,

The Iollowing (onciili,'n' orrl) te· ChS5~S (,)nducled :n vocational .'choo:' for national school purils:-

j; a cour se of instr urt inn In Cookery or Dorne st ir Economy shall extend over five rnonth , of .he year ~nd shall include 1101 ~e" than 2~: lessons ot one-und-a-na'f hours' duration each. Of the cour -c irr Domestic b,onoJr.\" ct least 15 le."ons .,hal! be ir: Conker), and six in Laundry. A course d in-trrction in Laundrv ~hall extend ever 'lve months of the' year and sh;1I1 inclu.i« not lc" ',\l:m 20 lessons 0f one-and-a-half hours' d ur a t inn ea ell,

.Ii) the utrendan. c d birh .i; m-trucu.-r: :11'"q lvc recorded in special regi~tej', and attendance must be marked before the beainning of the lcs son. T,' rcceiv~ credit fer ~:lendancc at a k"nr,. on any C;lY on which the national ',,'hool \\a' in "rcr~tion " p;lri! mm: he cr~ditcd 3t that ~chool with an ,,,cndln(C or llJJf-.1l1cnd,lr.Cf c,~ defined in rule 56 for that d~}',

: ,.,) J class ,I~[,llld n0rm.,lh· he l;m,;ed 10 2fJ fu;,ib, but silDlJld not, in an)" ~venl, exceed 24.

(i\-; cl.i~'~~ should" 81 ~ nde. j-,c:.:in nllr bter than I <t )-;'o"eOlher


,; I) Principcl I cachers

l.a!tf:;(lrv of schco! I1c(O"./;'I.,·

1. - I i.~lE' r ..:: U 'U - 9'1 ti In - 19q .>IU - 299 _'UiJ - 399 ~()O - -199 SOli - 599

s. 95 125 185 245 305 370 430

lcr ccc'J ;J:jJElOn,,: IO() nn its in ,a~~~ory. a:) additional allowance of £60 i, payable.

:.2) Via 1'1'i"cir~! Teacher" 95

:3) Tcaciu r: hoUlng St-eci«! POHs iIi Cupila,j">1 Schools 95

~J) Thir.' year cour-c cJ

J 9~1;" ()1 ~reJ.l h~n~

tt,);: completed before 31 s; December, L)ip:c~~"lJ "=:~li:1c.j .1f:cr :;l~~e:1d:ul~e at

t ~n~n:?r~i:l: !C~ tUI(' . ., } I,}'

it:, Higher Certificate awarded under Rule 87 n

:L) 'l'ninrsilY Degree (ra,~) 32

,",'Gtc :-';-ot more [hal one of the bonuses at ',a) .0 :c) may be held ar (Inc time

(d': Higher Froc:-,ci Certificate 14

(e) Ardte;"t~< (~Jeilf.c ~w~rdd n" the ,\-\ini'ler 2-'

if) Higher Diplcm'l :1 Ldu, ati~n' 1(:

(g; M2,ter', D~~r~e (Po«: 1(,

(h\ BarhdN's l'e~TceTlon(1L:r": and .'or Master's Degree (HQ:I~urs:

and/or Hi~hcr Dlpl(1m~ CBonnurs: - onc bonus of . j ~

N"I),C: A~y (lr.e (lr !11C1fC of :hc b(1r;~5e~ ur,cer (d) to eh) inclusive mJ\" be he,d ;,,) ~dditjun to the b"nu~ under (a: "r (b) or (c) but the total amount i'<Hble iO! t'~l"Fl'~1 to 8DV te'acher may not c){Ceed Q rate of £65 per annum,






(1) Th, following are the annual grants payable from 1st February, 1964;


.\1inimum Rate

Max;;num Rate


Schocls with an aver a ge atrendanc c of 200 pupils or less

Each of the Each of the

Erst 100 remaining

r-upils pupil,

Each of the Each of the

first 100 remaining

pupils pupils

{Tht rtgulariclls(ame ,'lIo ,flul 011 1.'1 Apru , 1951)

£ s. d, £ s. d.


n 19 6

16 7 6

l , An allowance in respect of e .. ch eligible child may be paid to> servmg national teachers "';:'0 are either married men or widows, ~"t)rc: to the'~ regulations.

2. Except as provided in paragraph 13;c] a child's allowance is no: p"!dtk for any day or days in respect of which salary is not plJ to the teacher by the Department. Payment of a child' ... allowance wiJj 110t, he wever, be interrupted on account of a period of special $lck leave wrrhout pay granted under rule 113(2i.

3. A chlld's allowance ~iH cease to be payable on the date on which the parent to whom these regulations apply ceases to serve a s S nationu] teacher, save where provision is made under the~ regulations [or the pay· rnent of a chil,fs allowance after the teachers retirement or death ..

4. A child 'hall not be regarded II s an eligibl e cail d of J tea chef for th e purposes of these regulations unie ssthe child is:-

(a) the child or step-child ot, or child legally adopted under Section 9 of the Adoption Act, 1952, by the person to whom these regulations apply, and

(b) is dependent 00 such person, and (e) (0 is not over 16 year, of 8g~, or

(ii) if over 16 years of sg e, is under 21 years of age and either i' attending wholetirne a school or college or is an invalid.

5. An eligible child shall UI.~ to be reglfded ~ cligiblr on legal adoption hy a person to whom paragraph 1 above does not apply.

6. A payment period will, until further notice, be the s~ ~alendJr month, commencing 00 Ist April or ht October 10 each year.

7. Except as provided .in pllTBgTapb 8 the number of children's allowances which may be paid to • teacher tOt Illy dJ.y will be determined by the number of his/her eligible childree, as defined in paragraph 4 above, on the first day of the payment period. The Dumber of allowances so determined will not be varied during the payment period by reascm (If atl}· increase or decrease in the number of eligible children which takes plac e after the first day of the payment period" Subject to the provisions I~t thi~ paragraph, payment of an allowance for Ulf day in a payment period can be made only if all the conditions for pa)'1Jllllt af( fulfilled.

R. A teacher who is II widow m;IY be paid a child's allowance in respect of each of her cligible children as fTl'm the day following the dale of death of her husband or from the first day of service after she becomes _. widow, w hichever is the later, but an allowance 'Will not be papbJe lor a child born after the teacher becomes B wido,", and after the first &i y of a payment period, until the first day of the nut following pay~t period.

2~ I ()

15 5 0

2~ 2 0

16 7 6

Schools with an ave-ace attendance in ~XLe~s ('I 200 cupil'

:,2) No school with an average attendance of pupils in excess of 200 unit' shall receive an amount of capitation grant less than the sum that would be payable if :he average attendance were 200.

(3) Additional Capitati-»: Granl i'l rfJpar or Brother or ,\')0, ret:n;:f,isd ,"' Exna A.«i'la'H.

The rare of additional capitation grant payable in respect of a member of a relif,\o\l' comrnunitv who il recognised as Extra Assistant is £605 per annum.

'4 Sp~(illl P~V',,(1115 Pi rupcn of LJ}' AS;;SiQIH Teachers.

fa) Each L1\' assistant recognised continuously on the required minimum staff from a dale prior to lst April, 1921-£IR.7.6 per annurn.a.,

:bi Each by axsistant in excess of the number of Brothers or Nunx (:n :ilt' r cquir cd minimum H3ff-£30 per annum.

(5) lncf cmcnts (l' Car:iillil~,·l GraHl,

Each school having a caphation fate less than the. maximum may reach that maximum toy annua! increments of 2~, 3d. subject (0 rule 140(2),

(f,) Tiedu ction (r<'1n Capitolfio'l Grant,

The urnforrn annual deduction ir respect of each lay assistant on t:ce rr(oanisec' minimum ~tJIT referred to in rule ID~(l) i~£737.

A child born after the first day of • paymmt period will DOt be taKeD .11:110 account until the first d~y of the next PByIDeDt period, and a chad .. ho CClllle3 to fulfil any of the conditions of puagrapb (4) after the first day of Ipaymmr period will continue to be ukm into account up to the end of that payma.l period.




9, (s) 'iY<beD a married man, or a widow, who has served: as a national teacher after 313t March, 1951, retires with a pension or disablement ~ra{Ui1Y in respect of service as a natrorial teacher, allowances may, ~"hje(t to the provisions of these regulations, continue ro be p;:;jj to him ... her in respect of his/her eligible children,

(b) A child shall not be regarded as an eligible child of such relireJ teacher unle ss the chlId WJ~, cn the' fin: day of the payment rer,,'tl wit nin wilich the teacher retires, an eligible child of the teacher, subjcc [ 10 the exception th:'l a child born between such firs: dav ~nJ the Ortte. (,f the teJ,(her's r ct ir erncr t shall r-e.r(';:dr'::('~ as an- digit-lc child f r om the kit dJy of ',he ~r.SU~I.g ~'Jy;1)!'nl per JOG,

10, The continued rayrrocnt (If any allowances under the terms of r~r,agraFh 9 S,h8U be- slJbjc(t to the conditions whicn ?rrl~' rc the }'aym~;1.r cf chi1dr~~'s 2~:CW;Jn.:c~ :n a ~erv~ng na tion al teacher t except tha:-

(ai the requirement of receipt d "alar), a\ a nation'JI teacher by the par en:

, fnf any day or day> Oil which a child '5 allr.wance i~ pavable shal! not apply;

(1,;, ,.,'hen a pension payable to a retired n at ionul reacncr ceases other" ise than 00] the death of the ren~j0ncr, or when, In the case of 2 tea,'h~, whr: rctir ed with a gra[l~i,y, the terms of par azraph 23 of the Nati"nal School Teachers' Superannuation "Scheme 193~, would have applied to him/her if he/she had retired with a pe nsion, a child's alto ..... a n cc payable (0 him/her shall c eu ,e to be payable,


11, (a) When a married man, N a widow. who has served a s a national. tocher ahc' the 31 st .\\arch, 1951, ,

(l; dies while serving a s ;;J na·jon;j,l teacher, or

(iiI die' aJtn rctircrrrnt wirh a pension or d:';'lh!~[11ent gr a tuity in

i~'~;lt~-t of ~~:n']::e- a s :1 national teacher,

all""3n'T' mav, s;l~,ie:: tn tile pro\'ioir),,< ci t hr se re~\lhT',,,~, be ra,iJ in r e 'T'~r ~ "f 11,,"'1;([ el i gibic ch il dren,

'b'" /\ d1,lJ shall not be nprdfo ~, or; ciigible d;ile: d such teacher or retired teacher unless the ~hi:d w,,~ an eligible child on the first doy of lr,e rJyr;:en: (,p.ri,,'] v, :tr.i:1 whicn such reacher or r er ir ed teacher ce aser to he ~ ~elvj~c naticn al teacher, "uhien, however. (0 the ~lrCerl;on~ th;lt,,--

'i) o c~:ld rom between the firs' day of the payment period within whic h the t<,a(h~r retir es and the date of the teacher's retirement shall he rc~'rdeJ B, an ei;f!ible child from the first dav of the

en suiru; pavrnen: pcr iod, and '

'ii) a pt,,!buml'US c;lilcl of a ;~;\"h"[ who dies "r,ile serving will be r('~~,lrdF;.:J ;J~ 3D cli~ih:f>" (hl·) (d q,::-h tc,1.;:hn Irorn !}-,~ fir-'< d~n o! the ;'Jyrr. e m :~eri()d f!']lowing the date of the child's birth,

t 7.. (a.) TIle aH0WJ~..:es p s vable in r(,~~'":Cl of l:~C' elicible children of .:;; dccra"cd mar ned man wbr- i" :,IJf\ .ved cy lli~ l\'iJ,:,w ~~;,!1 he pavable only to her, no aHc\' ".,nu': lleing pa yal-le for an v chnJ who i"~ 0\)1

dependent 00 her. '

0') Allowances paysbl~ in respect of:he eligible children of

(i) a der cn ,cd married man, who was l're-:JeccJse<l h,' his wife, or (ii) 8 deceased married man, after the death of his widow, or

(iii) ~ deceased widow who W~5 a leather or l\ retired teacher,

shall be payable to the guardian of the-children but allowances which hal~ CT~ -cd til be PJY8~h~ I.~ 1'h{' wj .. :!--.\\· n~ h('~ rr ·m;; rrj'l;':c" ~-h~dl r\"'~ on her death, b~ I'~id to a guardian,

1; The pavrnent of any allowance under the terms of r~ragDt'h 11 shall b~ subject to the condition s set out in paragraphs 4 to 7 inclusive, except a' indicated U1 rH~~r~ph 12 ~hovc, and !(I the following provisii:lns:_

(a) no allowances may be paid for children in respect of whom, JuT any reason, allowances formerly paid to the parent (teacher or retired teacher) ceased [0 be payable;

(b) 3 child's allowance may be p;__lld in respect of each (if the e~i~lbic children cf a deceased rnarrred man who was a t~",'''cr ,,~ r ctire c teacher;

(c} 111 the case of a W1J0W whose husband was a teacher or retired teacher, and who is herself J teacher} payment l,J anv allowance s "under tl.e terms of paragraph l1(a) in respect of the el igrble children d her deceased nusband shal] not be subject II) the requir crnent (Of rcc.e.p: of salary by her as a teacher;

(d) allowances paid under paragraj:~h ] 21.-a) to the widcw 0f .d rr.arr ied n12;J who a teacher or a reiired teacher shall cease :G t.e raY{l;:1t> 0:1 he: re-marriage;

':e) pavrnent of a child's allowance to a guardian shall ~'e subrcct :,) the gi\'ing of a written undertaking by such per son th~t tne ;,;i(\\\ ,)nee wili be Bpplied for the exclusive benefit of the child,


14, Any information which the .".Iinis~er may require to sati sJv luruself tho! the conditions for payment of B child's allowance are fulfilled shall ce furnished to hi:n in such rorrn and at such intervah a, he may direct, by the per soa to whom the allowance is payable,

1~, (a) No! more than one allowance may be raid under .hc se reculations in respect of anY child.

(b) \X'hen provision is made for the payment of children's allo« ance s Gut of State funds, or the hmds of loca! authorities, Or the funds dar" board or cody established bye,: under the aurhorirv of an Act of th'c Oireachtas, Dr ar.v b(13to cr body receiving grants' frJJTi" S"tJle flJ;lJs, in respect of any ser vrce reed~p.:j l.y a parent of an;: child or chih::!re:--, to whom these reg',!l;lti0n~ appiy, the ,\tinister may :llodlfy the provrsions of these regulations !J1 r cspect of such lh~drcn and may withheld or reduce anv child's allowance which would o:her.\'j;c b'e payable under these regulations,*

l~, Any question JS to whether an allowance is payable in respect of ;'''Y child, or as to the payment of a child's allowance il'f any per iod, "f in regard to any other matter arisin; our of these re~u!atior., shall be drddtd bv the

~\.1jn ~~te;, ~

Note i-s-: Payments under the Children's Allowance Acts 1944 to 1952, will, not be taken into accoun,t, under this sub-paragraph, but ac~ount, \\'11) be taken of the prov.sion made foe the payment of children s allowances 1(1 secondary and vocational teachers. civil servants, univershy ~~~~s, erc., and the provisions made for t.'ie pa)"tl1c::rlt of allowances to children of deceased memben of the Garda Siochlln. and the Derence Farc~s, etc.






Avtragt Enrolment Amount of G.ranl


SO or UDder 16

!!l to 7S J 8

76 to 100 20

and an additional grant of £2 for each additional 25 units of average enrolment.

The grant towards the provision of cookery utensils is £3~.

Grants towards w Cost cl Hating .&nd Cle&nin,g Nati=.a1 SchoolB under Rule 51..

(1) The ga.!1t5 .IiIvailable zowards w .cOS! .01 !hI= ~tin.g .and ckanini; of

national schools .are set out at (6) .and (7) below. .

(2) The- heating grant .is related to me C05t .of Lhe .type cl hr.ating ~ m use; fot grant purposes, wee separate types .of heating are t.ea>gni~, viz., Low J'Iesrure Hot WaW', Electric Thermal SlOl:age and Other.

~3) TIre cleaning grant Is .related zo the costs .of mau:ri.lll.a .and IIoCrVicoe6. A higher E.rant .is available in~spect <of schools where cicanCl'1 lLte rq:ula.rly .and constantly employed zhroughout the school rcar.

(4) Where heatin.s and cleaning services have not b~ £atUIactorily rendered the may znake JI deduction from, or withhold altogethn. the &rant that ..... auld orherv .. ise be available.

(5) No heating and cleaning gram is payable in respect of any JChooI the .aJst of me heating and cleaning of which is otherwise .ddrayed from State fuads.



System .of .Heating
Ca,egory Low ~re.rurt Electric Thermal Other
Hot Water Storage
e £ f
One l.eacher 11 14 8
T .... o J..cadJers J9 23
T hree l.e.achCl's 1.5 ! 30 15
FOIli teachers 33 35 21
Five teachers 41 , 44 27
and so forth, &llOW-1 and so fonh, allow- 33
and so lonh, lIl.lo",.
ing £8 for eich m~ £9 lor each mg £6 1m' uch
additional teacher addit i(1n'di teacher additional lUocher
on the IeCOgniiedl on the recognised: on thc recognised
staff. staff. .:.afr. Assembly Halls of £1,500 ~. :ft. £!ld orer .. , OS.

(7) MAXIM1..~M A'1h"CAL Cl..E.A...·· .. m~G GRANTS

(a) Where JI deaner,is regularly and =ns:anuJ un"loyed th:'04!-'1U~[ the school fur;-

Category Ma~erials Services To:a!
:: £ £
One reacher I ~ 19
TWD reachers 2 25 ~-
Three 3 34 T
rDur .; 40 4~
Five S <16 51
Six " 6 52 58
Seven 7 58 65
Eight B ~ 71
N~ 9 109 7g
Ten 10 15 @5
£le\'eD 11 81 92
and &0 lorth (m.a.rimum) plus i! per
all='lilg £1 for additional (uchJ,r
each lOddltional in respect of
te.a cher en the :'>.1 a ,~rial$
recagnised .naff 115


(0) Wh~r~ a cleaner is Dot regularly and constantly employed throughout the school Ye.'lt:_

Category Grant .

One teacher £8

Two teachers £ 13

Three " £16

plus £3 per additional teacher on the recognised ~taff



1, 'inJere the .\1inister is satisfied that the conditions set out in this schfme

are fulfilled a grant of rwo-thirds of the ezpenditure incurred 00 painting the school premises and externally at regular intervals IDa}, t>I allowed, subject to the L",ita::on> L."ldicated in the following Ulble :-

.. Matilllum Grant Allowable
Number of [ T(ltal for
C!a~,rDOIlH Ex :er~al Internal External and
Internal Pain ring
£ +---------
e £
1 16 25 41
2 32 ~o BI
3 4~ ~5 123
4 64 100 164
S 8D 125 205
6 96 150 246
7 lIZ 175 287
8 128 200 328
9 144 270 414
10 16J 300 460 and so forth, allowing for every additional classroom an adctitiooal £16 for external painting and 00 for internal paicung,

• Note: The scale of maximum grant, set forth above is subject to review from time to time,

For gr,ant purposea a domestic economy room or a science room wih be regarded as 3 classroom,

Far a s-chool with r.V~jJ or more cia ss rcorn s to u·bi\:h is a·~ta;.:~t1 an assembly hail, L'1e maxrrnurn gran: may be L"lU'eased by £33 for external p3~"1l~'1~ and £133 fDr intemal painung

Z, The scheme will operate initially for a trial period of five wars from

15: A,rJl, 1962 and 115 op eration will be Hvie"'e~ at Lie end of tbal perrod.

3. The grants may be made 111 respect of all national school s, Wr.e:Jl(r

vested or non-vested, ..... ith the exception of schools "hich ale vested lJ1 the Minister f,x Education, The cost ~( paintir.g da s sroorns temrua:ily unused will be allowed -o t~n" tor grant purposes.

4, In the case of ~ non-vested school used for hOL'1 na :ion~l and se(C!r:j~r.'

school purposes, the grant will he based on the n;l-nber of cJHSToo;m in use for national school pJrpose, only,

5. A grant for external pair:tin~ may be allowed every four year s and a

grant for internal painting ever y eight ye azs.

6, Grana for paLming will be subiect to the ccndition that the work shall have been cone ~ali~(a'tN!ly c·,d, rhl![ all orh~r "·c,lrs Of m.];"/~,, 3f1Ce, ;r.c/uding uphup 01 t choo] surr,olmdings, playgn'u~a, UC, ,md arr'nd.:"c~ /0 Hl1lilQlion, ho1'pe t>tlWl prcperly executed rnlir~l)' QT local tXP~~It.

7. All works of painting, repair and main[en~DCe must be carried out in

accordance with the Departrnerus standard specification,

8. All arrangements Icr the execution of the works and for payment of the

contractor must be made by the manager. In no circumstances will L'Je Department enter into correspondence with C'Clntrat"lors,



9, • Managers should invite tenders from at least three contractors for painting works estimated to cost up to £500 and invite tenders b~' public advertisement in the newspapers for works estimated to cost over £500.

10 ... Managers should enter into 8, formal contract for the -~xecution of the wor;':s_ The completion of the works in accordance with the Departmenr's standard specification should be an express condition of the contract.

1 !. Applkatil'n for grant must be made on the standard form of application

(R.F.200) which may be obtained from the Department on request. The application must be supported by a voucher from the contractor lndicarinc separatelv the expenditure on -

(a) E)[ternal Pa inting (b) Internal Painting

(c) Repairs and Maintenance.

The app:ication form and voucher must be submitted to the Depar tmen: lhrough the District lust-ector unless -5pecial arrangements have been mace

to the contrary. .

12. If the painting work has nOI been carried out satisfactonly, the ...... 1inistrr may make a deduction from, or withhold altogether, the grant 'l'hich would otherwise be payable"

If' all necessary works of repair and maintenance have not been carried out to the satisfaction of the Minister, the grant for painting will be withheld until they have been attended 10.

l3. Where schools are painted by means of voluntary labour, B grant of the

vouched cost' of the materials may be allowed subject to the limits set out in paragraph 1. All such work must be done to the Department's standard ~redfication and the rnanager will be required to furnish I! certificate to this eflect.

14. No grant is payable in respect of expenditure on painting resulting from

damage by fire.

IS. The dec ision d the ,\1i,'1i~;~ on any matter arising out of this scheme

lindudin& the am·CUD[ of grant to be allowed in any particular case) shall be final.



A. Classiiicotion S chool s

In Ind~strial and Reformatory National Schools in respect of which grants are paid on a classification basis, the provisions of rule 88 regarding the appointment of assistant reacher s are modified by the sub stir ... :.tiCln of the following figures of average enrolment for those specified in that r,l]e:-

One assistant teacher 31 units
Two assistant teachers 6] "
Three " 91
Four. " 121 "
Five 151
Six " 18! "
Seven 216
Eight 251 "
Ni..'le " " 286 "
Ten " 321 "
Eleven " 351 B. Capilll!ion S[iw"lJ

l. In Iridustria! and Reformatory National Schonls in respect of which grants are paid on a capitation basis, the minimum staff required for the purpose of payment of the normal capitation grant is determined in accor-dance with rule 103(1). The Minister may, however, sanction the appointment in those schools of such number of extra teachers - to be known as "EXtra Assistants" - a, would brL.'1g the total staff 10 the number that might be recognised on the minimum St1ft' if the figures of averag-e enrolment in A above were substituted for the ligures Qf ave-age attendance set out in rule 103(1).

2. 'Where under the arrangement set out above, lay teachers are appointed as Extra Assi<t~nl~ in capitation schools, no deduction will be made from the Capitation G;aIH payable [0 the Conductors of the school" in respect of the salary paid to these teachers. Where under this arrangement, qualified rnernber s rf ~ relic.ou. community are appoinre d as Extra Assistants, an sddiriorral Capitation Grant at a rate equivalent to the minimum of the salary scale for [rained women and single men teachers will b~ paid to the Conductors of the school in ~rTe~t of each qualified member of the community so appointed.

• Note: Paragraphs 9 snd 10 do not apply where the work is done by means of voluntary labour.







National schools [or handic.2pped children are divided for staffing purpose, intO Jour categories as folJow~:-

With reference to Cifcular No, 16/59 relating to inspection, the Minister for Education desire. to cal! .Ipecial· attention to the fact that in future a teacher's work in the teaching of Ir ish will be sssessed as a whole and that Ihe=~ will not be separate assessrncn.s of Oral Irish and Written Irish, It should be understood, however, that the Inspector, when making hi, asscssrncnt of the work as a whole, !'",ill attach greater importance to Oral Irish than te \vritten Irish. In this connection the Minister wishes to stre ss his desire that the teachers should make every effort to advance as far as posvible and 8S quickly J, possible the speaking of Irish amongst their pupils. If, with this in view, a teacher is satisfied In relation to pupils whom he may have in a junior class in any year that, having regard to the level 0f their intelligence ctc., he would be likely [0 make more progress with them in Oral Irish by transferring the emphasis from teaching through Irish to the teaching of Irish Conversation, then such teacher will be free to act accordingly. That of course wjl] be on the understanding that his work in the case of Irish will be assessed principally from the point of view of the ad\'anc~ made by the pupils in the spoken tongue,

Caugory A - Blind and Partially Srghted, E'll,)lionally Disturbed, Cerehral Palsy:

An'lUtll Ater age Enrolment l1p to 1.5

16 to 30

31 to 45

46 to 60

61 to 75

76 to 90


Principal and As~is:ant Principal and 2, Assistants Principal and 3 Assistants Principal and 4 Assistants Principal and 5 Assistants

Cateeor-; B - Deaf:

One teacher for each complete group of 10 pupils ir. average annual attendance:

CaU[;N)! C - M~ntally Handicapped:

lIvuagt Enrolment Slafr WarratJ:ed'

12 to 20 Principal

21 to 40 Principal and Assistant

4] [0 60 Principal and 2 Assistants

61 to go Principal and 3 Assistants

and w on to 160 and thence hy steps of 15, the reouired averages !n be rnaj nrained fer the periods stipulated in rule 88(3),

Cuteg cry D - Other Special Schools for Handicapped Children:

Acer ag« Annual Enrolmcm Up to 24

25 to 39

40 to 54

55 to 74

75 to 99

roo to 124 125 to 149

Stai] WaTTanud Principal

Principal and Junior Assistant Principal and Assistant Principal and 2 Assistants Principal and 3 Assistant.1 Principal and 4 Assistants Principal and 5 AS'istar.ts.




The minimum figures of average enrolment required from l st October, 1964, Ior the purposes of Rule 88(1) are as fl1l1ows:-


a junior as(.i:t;:~nt mi~tre~,,: one a ... <istant teacher

two a~.i;tanl teachers

36 units 60 " 90

140 200 " 250 " 300 340 350 "

an II th assistant - an additional eacher from a ] 2tb assistant to a r a 17th assistant and upwards -

Provisions regarding Sick Leave applicable to Teachers recognised prior to 30th June, 1963, who did not opt for the Revised Provisions.

(See Footnote to Rule 112(3) and (4) and Rule 120( 4)(a)

Rule nz

(3) (a) Payment of salary or other grants in re spect of at ser.ce ~wi"g tc, illness cannot be sanctioned for more than six months continuously or Icr n;,'r~ than six months in any calendar year except as provided in subsections {~.' an. (c) of this section,

required Irom Lst October, 1964,

(b) In exceptional cirrurnstances payment of salarv O~ other gra:1t5 ill respect of absence for a further period of silt months rna)" be allowed subjer t to 1:,( provisions of subsection (c) of this section.

28 units
45 "
80 "
third 125
fourth 180
fiflr. 230
sixth 280 "
seventh 320 "
eighth 330 (c) Except as provided in section (4), payment cannot be made in respect of absence owing to illness if the teacher's absences with par exceed in the aggregate fifteen months during the last four years of recognised service.

and for each additional a'~ist2nr teacher up to an l l th assistant - an additional SO unit« an d for each additional assistant teacher from a 12th as~i5WH to a !t>th R,~i>ta,,: ,_ an additional 40 units. For a 17th assistar.: and upwards - add an additional 45 units for each teacher,

(4) If, on the expiration of the period of absence allowed under section (3). a certificate is furnished by a medical referee appointed by the Minister that the teacher is likdy to be fit to resume his teaching duties at an tarly date, the Minister may allow payment of salary for an additional period of absence nc: exceeding SlJ; months, The medical fee and any travelling exren,r.' incurred bv the teacher in connection I'.ith the examination by the medical referee must t~ paid by the teacher.

Ru/£ 120

(4) (a) When as a condition of payment of salary or other grants to II teacher absent owing to personal illness a substitute is employed, recoupment may be made to the teacher in respect of his payment to the substitute of an arnour.r not u:aeding two-thirds of the .appropr.iate minimum rate, subject to the term, of subsections (b) and (c) of this section.

(b) ~:t'hen a substitute is employed during the absence of a teacher OWinG to personal illness prior to the date on which the substitixe's employment is required under section (2) of rule l12, recoupment may be made to the Jeachi'r in respect of service given by the substitute provided the teacher's absence j., covered by medical certificate. Recoupment cannot be allo ..... ed in respect of payment made by, teacher to, substitute during vacation or other pi'~·arranget.! closing but may be allowed in respect of payrnenr for brief closmg s such a~ those mentioned in rule,59 or for periods of unforeseen and exceptional closina-

(epidemic, inclement weather, etc.) not exceeding one fortnight. ~

(c) Recoupment cannot be allowed when a teacher already emp1e>yed in a recognised capacity in II national school acts 8~ substitute [0: ano<.l',er teacher.

{d) ftet\)~:p:i}!~ct::.t ~u:".i.d,~r ~t}H~, rJt·rni~~:_~ln;n~ fJt) ~)E Lhit; :):r~·cLi;~:.n ~-~'-Lli bL .:uit:~d:::

cd.:d).- un (>:Jnt-Uijc:?D ~112l ~t:H{l:ltr ~qTp:rh~_~ :~;;~ d;~t"!': 1)~~1:r~~.rtrn~;~·~~ H:n::"; f{}~'Si:p}l;rd~; f; rec~~;;p":~ ,d g11:i!ld by ItU: 5:;~k;;·;ti;f~,;jt:: :~.Ju~ t ~+b(:: LH L1~t h_}~S n~~-;:~~~;:;:··~~-t: t7

l{:iH~:n~:"f rr~~~:J1l1F';';"rH in ~·'C;-:::P1~:; .. ·t ot f"HS ::JeI·~:j,~_.:·t·· the .ttpr)tt~;:rtf~Jl_t· 1'H'~::.;;tttl:E·d rn~~::L::iI~·rn.

F. ~:

Gc~~&;e~k J~~ir£!f.:-;:teT trmr

H()i' 1~;r;::~d;~JH~ fl'~:<l!Jil'€li with Itglic' Officffii S~ F;"rl~igf~tatinr:Li: ~Rrii; ~:~2_ftfJ ~d~.y -or Jartti2J.1r~ ~. N05 ..

, "

if', 0< UlfUGHILE,

M.mW!tef a©;r EducJll.ltnr,vlli:.

I (;mEC:U~ n:n \tfule ru.akili1l~ t,liIT t)b~; :r~lldes ;wd Reg~~:h"}r.t1i. bi'i~'~~~'ltiJi;e; ifrF.ance, mf.:huled. ihn tht !;)t\f!g{Jtmg mid ReguIa!.tioThr.:.. ."

(:ill'lr'tml ~~~&er my lWmod ~n,j sealed with the Oift~ciaU ~~tj-~1 ~~[ th:;:

",," • ~'!i:'. hi ~1 b.!- f."...· l!·n~'

!.umlst~~ll' ror r-mance, t S .Ii t Qii)' 0 !l."etnr!l.afy~ i;f§l~.

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