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Apparent obvious
Augmenting to expand/to add
Array range/number
Aforementioned previously mentioned
Attainment achievement
Attributes aspect/characteristics/elements
Altruism selflessness (not selfish)
Beget (Engender) - produce/create/generate
Benevolence kindness/goodness
Contend claim/argue/maintain
Contagious spreadable/infectious/transferable
Combat fight/battle/against
Colossal very big/huge
Cognisance knowledge/awareness
Counterparts competitors
Deprived in need
Deteriorate decline/get worse
Deluge great quantity
Deemed consider/judge/view as
Entail require/demand
Instil introduce/administer
Immense vast/massive/huge
Indispensable essential/necessary/crucial
Indulge to get involve
Imparts relates

Impoverished destitute/bankrupt
Manifold multiple
Midst middle
Myriad countless
Monetary financial
Preponderant superior
Pivotal important/determining
Pursuit hobby
Prodigies genius/mastermind
State-of-the-art modern/ultra-modern/futuristic
Salient major
Soaring - rapid increase
Upsurge an increase
Underprivileged disadvantaged/have-nots
Underprivileged disadvantaged/ in need
Vulnerable unprotected
Vigour healthiness/ good health

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