Brinck-Hansen Lateral Load

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ENA C(by—2006 108, APPENDIX B GUIDELINES FOR FOUNDATION DESIGN OF DIRECTLY EMBEDDED OVERHEAD LINE POLES FOR LATERAL LOADS AND MOMENTS BI VARIABLES 6 = soil angle of friction y = soil density (vim?) e = soil cohesion (kPa) cov = coefficient of variation D = ‘effective diameter’ of foundation (nm) H = ground line lateral load GN) i = nominal failure load kN) Hoe = calculated value using recommended method aN) Fosse = maximum lateral load aN) Ki = _ factor that is function of soil modulus of elasticity and foundation geometry Ky Ke = factors that are a function of 2/D and § L = trial embedment depth (m) M = bending moment at ground line (kNm) p = ultimate soil pressure (kPa) a = vertical overburden pressure at depth z, gz = 12 (xray z = depth below the ground surface cD) fe ~ point of rotation at an unknown depth below the surface ) B2_ LOAD DISPLACEMENT CHARACTERISTICS AND FAILURE CRITERION The luad displacement relationship for laterally loaded piles (pole foundations) is highly non-linear with no clearly defined failure load. Figure B1 shows a typical load displacement plot. COPYRIGHT 109) ENA C(by1—2006 JH Hose H 1 (Pn = H) Ki Unstable behaviour: H> Hi. Lateral load, H Horizontal displacement, & FIGURE 81 TYPICAL LOAD DISPLACEMENT PLOT The ‘failure’ load (Z,) predicted by the method presented here represents a threshold load level at which soil failure is initiated. Below this level the soil/pole system demonstrates ‘stable’ behaviour whereas the system becomes ‘unstable’ above this level. ‘The Brinch Hansen method presented here is considered to be appropriate to the dimensional range and characteristics of poles in transmission and distribution line structures. The method is applicable to a wide variety of soil types and provides consistent results. Typically, the correlation between predicted and observed test results has been (a) _undrained conditions: Ff, = 1.01 Hee with COV = 0.36 Hi, = 0.60 Heo With COV= 0.37 (b) drained conditios where A nominal failure load Hox. = calculated value using recommended method cov It should be borne in mind that the accuracy of any solution will be limited by the accuracy of the input data. The appropriate component strength factor (Table 3.1) should be applied to Hi. ‘The Brinch Hansen method does not provide an indication of the pole rotation at the J, load. This should be calculated separately using methods recommended in AS 2159 or another suitable source. (As a general indication, ground line displacements of 25 to 50 mm may be expected at Mj, though the centre of rotation is dependent on the foundation geometry and soil parameters.) Note that if the load displacement plot is assumed to be hyperbolic and the initial slope and Ama. value are known, then values along the curve may be calculated, The initial slope is dependent on the modulus of elasticity for the soil and the foundation geometry. coefficient of variation COPYRIGHT ENA C(b)1—2006 ue B3 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINATION OF FAILURE LOAD/MOMENT The mathematical model of the pole/soil system is shown in Figure B2. ® ‘Soll pressure dstrbuton FIGURE B2 MODEL OF THE POLE/SOIL SYSTEM The system is subjected to @ ground line lateral load, H, and bending moment, M. The ‘effective diameter’, D, can be taken as the average pole diameter below ground for soil backfill situations and the auger diameters for situations where concrete or soiJ/eement backfill is used. ‘The pole is assumed to rotate as a rigid body under the applied loads about @ point of rotation at an unknown depth, , below the surface, At the point of failure this rotation produces a soil stress distribution as depicted in Figure B2 with the ultimate soil pressure, , varying with depth below the ground surface, z. ‘The ultimate lateral soil resistance at any depth, =, below the surface can be expressed ae: where & “ Ky Ke Ky + cKe vertical overburden pressure at depth z= yz soil density (see Table BS) soil cohesion (see Table B3) factors that are a function of 2/D and the soil angle of friction, @ (see ‘Table B4) coPyRIGHT Mm ENA C(byt—2006 Values of K, are given in Table BJ, and those of K, are plotted in Table B2. ‘The limiting combination of H and M to cause failure may be obtained by considering the equilibrium of horizontal forves and moments, aud solving the resulting simultancous equations for the unknown depth of the centre of rotation, z,. In general form the equations are’ Horizontal equilibrium H = K-Fh wisn A= [pDe r= [eDae Moment equilibrium M = Fm-Fin where 2 distance to resultant load F;, z= distance to resultant load Fp 11s usually more convenient (o solve the sesulling equations by trial and error. That ia, for a given horizontal Joad, H, and a trial embedment depth, Z, the unknown depth of rotation, z, and moment, M, can be determined. The process is repeated by varying L until the required Mis obtained For non-cohesive soils, e.g. dry sand, the depth of rotation is typically 2/3 of the total depth. For cohesive soils, e.g. clayey sands, the depth of rotation is typically slightly more than half depth. As the eccentricity of load increases z converges to either 2/3 or 1/2 of the total depth. Where a bed log is used the calculated soil forces F; and F; may be based on the Brinch Haneen method, The forces should be baced on coil pressure p, and the areas of the bed log and the pole foundation. COPYRIGHT ENA C(b)1—2006 na TABLE BI OVERBURDEN PRESSURE, Ky Angle of frietion § EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENT FOR vo | « a] 20 [26 [sor | ase | a> | ase 10 o | os0 | iso | vas | 2a | ai2 | soo | ses [1350 | arr 15 o | os2 [146 | 197 | 302 | 446 | 653 | 967 [iars [23.72 20 o [oss [tai | 207 | am [a7 [7m [rose [i596 [2559 25 0 | oss | 136 | 26 | a37 | soe | 746 [ria7 [irr [2743 30 o [ose [130 | 224 | 351 [sos | 78s [ise _[is2s | 2925 35, o [ost | 133 | 232 | 364 [sso | 826 [i250 | i932 [31.00 40 o [ose | 136 | ass | 375 | 570 | oi [izi2 [2037 [32.74 a o_[oss [ass | ae | sae [san [99 [ia70 [2130 [34s 50 o | 060 | 142 [249 | 395 | cos | 924 [142s | 2236 | 36.13 60 0 | oa [146 [ase [an | 635 [979 [is27 [2423 [3939 10 o | os [150 | 265 | 425 [| 660 [1027 |1620 [2598 [42.55 50 o | os | 153 | 2m | 437 | 682 [1069 [i705 [2703 | 45.59 90 oom [ase | 277 | 447 | ro2 [ior [i782 [2018 [4354 10.0 0 [00s | 13s [282 [ase [719 [ai [iss [3068 [5139 12.0 0 [06s | 162 | 289 | an [747 [1200 [19.79 |3334 [sos 14.0 0 [069 [16s | 26 | az | 720 [izes [20s [3377 [ots0 160 o [070 | 168 | 301 | 492 [789 [i290 [212 [3796 [65569 18.0 o_| on | 170 | 305 | 500 [sos [i325 [2265 [3995 | 71.20 20.0 0 | om [am | sos [sor [xis [iss [sss [4177 [7546 COPYRIGHT 13 ENA C()1—2006 TABLE B2 EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENT FOR COHESION, Ke Angle of friction Dl | & a | 2 [25 | so | as] am | ase vo | a8 | s7[ oa | a2 | 102 | 0 | io [ ms | uno [472 is | 33 | 4 | 27 | 95 | 19 [ isa [206 | 2e4 | wos [ais 20 | 37 | es | sa ws | na] va | v7 | as | aon | 750 2s |_60 | 73 | 90 | 12 | ia | 191 | 264 | 380 | sos | 81 30 | 62 | 76 | 94| ua | tsa | 205 | 287 | 20 | oo | 1007 35 [64 | 79 | 98 | 24 | to | 27 | we | 7 | we [nas ao | 66 [1 | wi | 8 | 167 [ 227 | 326 | 490 | 769 [ines as | o7 | 83 | 13 | 14 | ita | 236 | 3a2 [ san | me | ias0 30 [68 | sa | 10s | 14 [ 177 | 244 | 356 | ses | sea | 167 0 | 70 | 87 | 109 | 19 | ies | 258 [seo | sos [ on6 | tora zo [7 |es | ua | ves [ 91 | 260 | soa [ oxo [i077 [race #0 [| 72 | 90 | ma | v7 | 197 | 277 | us [676 | iso | 2008 90 | 73 | 01 | ns | m9 | 201 | 205 | o2 | ros [1233 [28 Too | 74 |92 | 17 | tsa | 208 [ 291 | vas | 36 [30a | 278 0 [| 75 | 94 | me | ass | 2x0 | sor | 46s | 73 [sis | 2670 a0 | 76 | 95 | 120 | 157 | ara | soo | oer [ son [inno | 293 160 | 76 | 96 | 22 | iso | 27 | ss | asa | a53 | ro04 [iss wo [77 [96 | 123 [ 161 | 220 [ 320 | sos | s79 [iors | 3380 zoo | 77 | 97 | v24 | 1a2 | 222 | 24 | saa | oa [oma [573 ‘The over burden pressure and earth pressure coefficients, Kz, KZ at depth 2 as given in the table above can be calculated from the formulae below NOTE: For more information on these formulas refer to the original Brinch Hansen paper. Ky = Iesing do = 1,58 +4,09tan‘o 10 tan? (dn + toy = [oP tan? Gx 50)-Neot 1 Ge ° api 1d Ko =e tan +2 9)-€ e costan( x +59) Grae 1 Y tan(tn— 4, cosptan(7t- 59) N.d?K, tang KR ing (Ke -K)) sin Mn+ ho Kis kta, = at KT Ki = copyaicHt ENA C(b)1—2006 la Kos eF* cosgtan n+ L9)-Ieate KE = Na? a, = ang g® +Kta,= KE = D lea, = where: z - depth (metres) D — ~ pile diameter (metres) @ — soil friction angle (degrees) B4 TYPICAL SOIL PROPERTIES ‘The following tables give guidance on typical values of soil parameters for design purposes. TABLE B3 TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF COHESIVE SOILS Term L_SReAE strength Ga) Field guide te consistency Unsaturated [Saturated (in unsaturated state) Veyor | <2 “é__| Brades betweon fingers when squeezed in hand son | 121025 61012 Can be moulded by light finger pressure Firm 251050 | 121025 | Can be moulded by stone finger pressure su S010 100 | Pein 40 | Cannot he moulded by fingers. Can be indented by thumb Very silt | 100t0 200 | 5010 100 _ | Can be indented by thumb na Tard 3200 3100 | can be indented with dticuly by thumb eal COPYRIGHT ns ENA CQopt—2006 TABLE B4 TYPICAL PROPERTIES OF NON-COHESIVE SOILS ‘Angle of | riction, § (degrees) Soil type [Loose gravel with sand content Medium dense gravel with low sand content Dense to very dense gravel with Jow sand content Loose well graded sandy gravel ‘Medium dense clayey sandy gravel ‘Dense 10 very dense clayey sundy gravel Loose, coarse to fine sand Medium dense, coarse to fine sand 30°- 35" Dense 10 very dense, coarse to fine sand 35-40" ‘Loose, fine and silty sand 280-30" Medinms dense, fine and aliy snd 308-358 Dense to very dense, fine and silty sand 35-40" TABLE BS TYPICAL SOIL DENSITIES Density (kim) Sot tyre Unsaturated Saturated Cohesive soils 161018 91011 "Non-conesive sols Gravel 1610 20, 9510125 ‘Coarse and medium sands 171021 93510125 Fine and sty sands 17510215 9510125 Rockisoil mix—granit and shales 1751021 9.510 125 Rock/soil mix basalts and dolerites 17525 10 16 Rockisoil mix —limestones and sandston Bw 6510125 NOTE: The saturated densities given above result from influencing combinations of soil density reduction for submerged conditions and soil density inorease due f0 soil porosity for the different soil types. The density of non-cohesive materials should be determined in situ. For consistency of results, it is recommended that the test method from the appropriate Australian Standard he used to evaluate density (and other) soil parameters. BS REFERENCES BRINCH HANSEN, J. and CHRISTENSEN, N. H. The Ultimate Resistance of Rigid Piles Against Transverse Forces. Bulletin No. 12 — Geoteknisk Institut: (Copenbagen 1961) +92 AUSTROADS Bridge Design Code, Sectio 3: Foundations. «92 AUSTROADS Bridge Design Code. Section 3: Foundations —Commentary. coryRIGHT

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