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Passage Master

Name: ____________ANDREA CELAYO__________________________

Book:____The Kite Runner____________________
Chapters: _______20 to 25_____________

Page __230_____ Paragraph(s) ___6___ The first 3 words of the paragraph

are:__ I remembered how.
This is interesting (or puzzling) because:
The paragraph describes the soccer field where Baba used to bring him when
he was young and he describes that the field was now dilapidated due to the
decay of the city. (Which is an important thing to mention in the story.)

An interpretation that can be made from ANOTHER PASSAGE, found on Page

___253______, Paragraph ___3____ is
He was watching the Baba he remembered in his childhood, very brave and
very strong, wrestling a big fearful bear. In reality the one who was wrestling
bravely the black bear in the Sulaiman mountains, was him.
In the reality he was fading and fading and fading out but he saw himself in
the image of his brave father fighting the bear, I really think Amir more than
fear and respect Baba, he admired and loved him quite a lot because Baba
was very important for him and he was always striving for Babas

In today's reading, a CONNECTION to my personal experience and/or my

knowledge appears on Page ______261___, Paragraph ___1___ and is
Your father, like you, was a tortured soul, Rahim Khan had written. Maybe
so. We had both sinned and betrayed. But Baba had found a way to create
good out of his remorse. What had I done, other than take my guilt out on
the very same people I had betrayed, and then try to forget it all? What had I
done, other than become an insomniac? What had I ever done to right
things? When the nurse--not Aisha but a red-haired woman whose name
escapes me--walked in with a syringe in hand and asked me if I needed a
morphine injection, I said yes.
I think we all have our own scars and our own family traits and I feel I have
a lot of traits from my father as well.
I inherited a lot of things from him, some things are good and some things
are bad. I feel very identified with Amir because I am always looking for my
fathers acceptance though Im not so close to him because sometimes I am
scared to let him down. I always doubt if I have made the right decisions or

My comment or question about this story is:

It was a little bit difficult to read it because I got too emotional, I felt
identified with the narrator. But I liked it a lot and do not regret choosing
this book. It is worth reading it.

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