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# How to use your Twitter archive

The simplest way to use your Twitter archive is through the archive browser inte
rface provided in this file. Just double-click `index.html` from the root folder
and you can browse your entire history of Tweets from inside your browser.
--In the `data` folder, your Twitter archive is present in two formats: JSON and C
SV exports by month and year.
* CSV is a generic format that can be imported into many data tools, spreadsheet
applications, or consumed simply using a programming language.
## JSON for Developers
* The JSON export contains a full representation of your Tweets as returned by v
1.1 of the Twitter API. See for more inform
* The JSON export is also used to power the archive browser interface (index.htm
* To consume the export in a generic JSON parser in any language, strip the firs
t and last lines of each file.
To provide feedback, ask questions, or share ideas with other Twitter developers
, join the discussion forums on

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