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What Is
Military are forces authorized to use
deadly force, and weapons, to
support the interests of the state and
some or all of its citizens. The task of
the military is usually defined as
defense of the state and its citizens,
and the prosecution of war against
another state.

History of Military

History of military can be defined as the history of conflicts. Whenever there is a

conflict, negotiations and wars are the only two solutions to solve the conflict, where
wars are the most common one. In ancient time, for example, when the Zhou Dynasty
took over the Shang Dynasty in 1046 BC in China, the military force played an
important role in overthrowing the former dynasty. About 3,000 years later, military
also played a significant role when the Allies countries won World War II.

Todays Military
With the development of technology, the scale
of military has been decreasing since World
War II. Instead, modern weapons are invented
which will cause significant damages and
people losses. The sole use of atomic bomb in
humans civilization which occurred in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II
not only brought casualties to over one
hundred thousand people, but tremendously
affected their younger generation children
because of nuclear radiation. After World War
II, weapons even can cause more damage
have been invented, and nobody can imagine
how the World War III will affect human

Social Perception of Military

As one of most fundamental and important parts of protecting the country, and its fellow citizens and their interests,
most individuals respect the military and what they do. In order to protect the country and fellow citizens, many soldiers
sacrifice their life. Your name is not known, but the feat is immortal are the best words to describe how social perceives
military. In the United States, public favorability of the military has increased considerably in recent years. By 2007, 47
percent claimed a 'very favorite' view of the military and 84% expressed a favorable view.

Perception of
Military from Itself

As the final defense line of a country, soldiers usually bear pressure that ordinary people cannot imagine. The U.S
Army has dozens of military base overseas, some are located in safe regions such as Europe, South Korea, and Japan;
however, some are located in extremely dangerous regions like Afghanistan and Iraq. Chaos caused by war not only
threatens their lives, but challenges their psychological qualities means they live in a circumstance which consists full of
fear, anxiety, and hopelessness. Therefore, when they return from those military bases, they consider themselves as heroes.

Changes of
Scale And
Regulation of

Due to the issue of population, the scale of

military was much smaller than today. In
addition, the regulation was also not precise. A
soldier could be easily judged death penalty by
his superior officer.

Military Scale Rank:

I. China
II. United States
III. Russia
IV. India
V. North Korea
VI. South Korea

Changes of Weapons And Arms of Military

Military had used swords, arrows, and knives to fight against the enemy
for thousands of years before Industrial Revolution. After that, guns, cannons,
warplanes, warships, and tanks were invented for wars. After World War II,
scientists focused more on missiles including nuclear weapons. Nowadays, the
five permanent members of the United Nations and other several countries
own more than 10,000 nuclear missiles, which will significantly destroy the
world when a war happens.
The Rank of Amount of Nuclear Missiles owned:
I. United States
II. Russia
III. China
IV. France
V. United Kingdom
VI. Israel
VII. India

Features that have never

Despite the extreme difference between
ancient and modern military, the sole
feature that will never change is to protect
the country, and its fellow citizens. No
matter how hard the task is, and no matter
how extreme the condition is, military will
not hesitate to complete their mission.

The Relationship
between Military,
common people, and

Military bases are considered not related to common peoples lives; however, there is an important relationship
between military and common people. When visiting military bases and observing how soldiers are trained, it is easier
for children to develop their patriotism, which is extremely important for a human being. In addition, the reason of
society maintains peaceful and safe is because of millions of soldiers. Military not only is established for the victory
of a war, but secure the order of a nation.

Possible improvements of military

I. Decrease the distance between military and society

II. Increase the diaphaneity of military
III. Care more for those permanent disability soldiers
IV. Increase the welfare for those who serve in military force
V. Encourage people to join the military

Sociology 001

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