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CONTACT: Michelle Dean

PHONE: 206-337-1464

March 21, 2010

RNHA Statement on the Healthcare Bill

Lakeland, FL – Republican National Hispanic Assembly (RNHA) National Chairman Alci

Maldonado released the following statement regarding the passage of the Healthcare Reform

“The passage of the Healthcare Reform Bill today by the House of Representatives is a massive
government takeover of the best healthcare system in the world and catastrophic for the
American people. The House of Representatives failed to listen to the will of the people versus
their own agendas. The fight is not over; we will speak loudly at the polls in November. God
bless America!”


The mission of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly is to build a membership organization to foster the principles of the
Republican Party in the Hispanic community, provide Hispanic Americans with a forum to play an influential role in local, state, and
national Party activities, increase the number of Hispanic Republican elected officials, and create and maintain a network of
Hispanic Republican leaders.

Paid for by the Republican National Hispanic Assembly. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. - Twitter: RNHA

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