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Pembekalan OSN Astronomi

Tingkat Propinsi Kalimantan Barat

Pontianak, 11 Juni 2014

Oleh: Devilim, S.Si.

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Bintang : Jarak

Jarak ke bintang paralaks bintang sudut


Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Bintang : Jarak

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Bintang : Pengukuran

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014


Bintang : Jarak

Bulan purnama 0,5o

1 parsek = 3.26 tahun cahaya

Contoh soal:
Sudut paralaks Sirius adalah 0,38. Berapa jarak Sirius
dalam: parsek? Tahun cahaya?
Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Bintang : Terang

Terang bintang (brightness) dinyatakan dalam

satuan magnitudo
Hipparchos : 6 kelompok terang bintang
magnitudo semu

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Bintang : Terang

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Bintang : Terang

Introduced by Hipparchus (160-127 B.C.)

Vega (0), Venus (-4), Sun (-26.8), Moon (-12.6),

Faintest objects observed with HST (+30)

What does it measure?

measures ratios of actual amount of light energy

receive 2.5x more energy from a mag. 1 star than
a mag. 2 star
difference of 5 magnitudes is 100x difference in
received energy

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

How does it work?

2.5X2.5 = 6.25





2.5 X
2.5 X
2.5 X
2.5 X
2.5 X

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Difference of 5

Bintang : Terang

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Bintang : Terang

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Bintang : Terang

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Bintang : Terang

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014


Rigil Kentaurus (-0.01)

Spica (+1.0)
Which looks brighter?
How much more light do we receive from it?
One level of magnitude means 2.5 times more
light received!!

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014


Spica is actually more than 1000x more

luminous than Rigil Kentaurus!!
If Spica is putting out more light, why might it
appear dimmer in the sky?

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Brightness and Luminosity

Brightness: How bright a star appears.


Luminosity: How much light the star is actually

giving off.


Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Apparent brightness

apparent brightness diminishes with distance

inverse-square law (brightness diminishes as 1/D2)
Apparent magnitude = magnitudo semu
Absolute magnitude = magnitudo mutlak

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014


the actual amount of light a star shines into

space each second
The farther away (d) a star of luminosity (L) is,
the less bright (B) it appears

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Both stars have apparent magnitude +4
4 ly

12 ly

What can you conclude

about their luminosities?
Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Luminosity & Brightness

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Magnitudo Mutlak

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Magnitudo Mutlak

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Contoh soal:

Magnitudo mutlak sebuah bintang adalah M

= 5 dan magnitudo semunya adalah m = 10.
Jika absorpsi oleh materi antar bintang
diabaikan, berapakah jarak bintang tersebut ?

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Contoh soal:

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Bintang : Spektrum

Bintang meradiasikan gelombang

elektromagnetik (cahaya) mengikuti hukum
Cahaya terdiri dari berbagai panjang
gelombang spektrum
Analisis spektrum spektroskopi
informasi tentang bintang
3 jenis spektrum : continuous, absorption,
Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Spektrum Cahaya

Spektrum dapat dijelaskan dengan

menggunakan konsep atom
Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Spektrum emisi

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Spektrum Absorpsi

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Spektrum Kontinu, Warna, Suhu

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Warna & Suhu

Hukum Wien:

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Blackbody curves

Temperature and brightness

As T increases,
the wavelength
for peak
As T increases,
the brightness
Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Spektrum Kontinu

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Hukum Radiasi

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Hukum Radiasi


Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Spektrum Bintang

Spektrum kontinu ada panjang gelombang diserap

di atmosfer

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Komposisi Kimia Bintang

Garis absorpsi (Fraunhofer line)

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Spektrum Berbagai Bintang

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Kelas Bintang

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Kelas Bintang

Sebagian besar materi bintang =

Hydrogen & Helium

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Spektrum Berbagai Bintang

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Kelas Luminositas

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014


Bintang bergerak dengan kecepatan tertentu

terhadap matahari radial & proper motion

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014


Star radial motion determined by spectrum

analysis Doppler shift
star spectral lines (ex: iron) compared
with a reference spectrum
Star: moving away redshift
moving toward blueshift

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Equation for Doppler

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Few Question:

1. In what wavelength region would you look for a star

being born (T = 1.000K)?
2. Your body is about 300K. What is your peak

3. Suppose molecules at rest emit with a wavelength

of 18 cm. You observe them at a wavelength of
18.001 cm. How fast is the object moving and in
which direction, towards or away from you?
4. About 1,470 watts (W) of solar energy hits each
square meter of the Earths surface. Use this and
our distance to the Sun to calculate its luminosity.

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Few Question: (Cont.)

4. Proxima Centauri, the star nearest to Earth

other than the Sun, has a parallax of 0.772
arcsec. How long does it take light to reach
us from Proxima Centauri?
4. Bintang A mempunyai magnitudo semu
3,26, dan bintang B magnitudo semunya
13,26. Bintang manakah yang lebih terang?
Bagaimanakah perbandingan energi yang
kita terima dari kedua bintang tersebut?
Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

From properties
calculated, plot diagram:
Hertzsprung-Russell (HR)

HR Diagram

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

For stars of similar chemical composition, the mass

of a main-sequence star alone determines all of its
other characteristics.
Knowing the mass (and chemical composition) of
a main-sequence star tells us how large it is, what its
surface temperature is, how bright it is, what its
internal structure is, how long it will live, how it will
evolve, and what its nal fate will be!

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014



Betelgeuse: 3500 K (10% as bright/unit
area as Sun) but 100,000 times as
luminous--must have 1 million times the
radius must be 1000x that of Sun!

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Globular Cluster in Scorpius

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Life Cycle of Stars

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Life Cycle of Stars

Birthplace: Interstellar clouds & dust

Orion nebula

Orion image at
S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

from Small Magellanic Cloud

Image at

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud:

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Interstellar eggs

Movie at
Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Birth Baby: Protostar

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Large & Luminous

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Growing Up: Star

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Growing Up: Star

Fusion begin
Protostar (min. 0.08 Msun) become Star
< 0.08 Msun failed brown dwarf

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Lifetime of Star

mass & chemical composition Fate of Star

Higher mass shorter lifetime
Increase T & P speed up nuclear burning
Fuel used structure change

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Low-Mass Elder: Red Giant

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Dying: nebulae

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Ring nebulae

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

White Dwarf

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

High-Mass Elder

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

High Mass Elder : Go Bang!

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Our Galaxy
= 100 nm = virus
= 10 m = cell
Earth orbit = cm
= pin head
Solar system = 20 cm
= saucer
Nearest star = 250 m
= lawn
Jewel Box

Naked eye
Galaxy Center


Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Solar system


come in different sizes (dwarf, large, giant)

come in different shapes and classifications

are fairly close together, relative to their sizes

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Spiral Galaxies

have flat disk, spiral arms, central bulge, and a

surrounding halo
some have a barred bulge
are fairly large (no dwarf spirals)
have lots of gas and dust and younger stars in their
arms, but older stars and little gas or dust in their
halos and central bulges

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014


Image at
Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Spiral galaxy--Andromeda

NOAO/AURA/NSF Images at and
Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Image at

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Image at

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Elliptical galaxies

range from spherical to football shaped

range from very small to giant
have very little gas or dust
mostly old stars
similar to the central bulge of a spiral

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Elliptical Galaxies

Images at
at/large_web/results/50/ and
Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014


have a disk but no arms

have little or no excess gas and dust

Image at

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Irregular Galaxies

any galaxy that isnt a Spiral, Elliptical, or

usually have lots of gas and dust and young
may have a distorted shape from interaction
with another galaxy

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Irregular Galaxies

NASA and NOAO/AURA/NSF Images at
S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014


We now think that galaxies in groups and

clusters often collide
The Milky Way is moving at 300,000 mph
toward the Andromeda Galaxy
They may collide in about 5 billion years
Stars dont usually collide
New orbits, gas piles up to form new stars

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014


Image from

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

the Antennae or Mice

at Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

The occasional results of two

galaxies colliding: ringed

Images from

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Supermassive black holes

almost every medium to large galaxy weve check

has a supermassive black hole at the center
the larger the galaxy, the more massive the black
we dont know which comes first, the galaxy or the
black hole
we think that these black holes are responsible for
some of the galaxies with jets and lobes which give
off radio waves, x-rays, etc.

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014


Image at

at the center of a large galaxy

Image at and

Galaxy Clusters

the Local Group

includes the Milky Way, the Andromeda, and

over 30 other smaller galaxies

the Virgo Cluster

hundreds to thousands of galaxies, 60 million

light-years away
giant elliptical at center, formed by galactic
the Local Group is falling toward the Virgo
Cluster at 60 to 250 miles per second!

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Coma Cluster

Image at


clusters are bound together in larger structures, called

these superclusters have been mapped, and are
grouped into long strings
300 million to a billion light-years long
100 to 300 million light-years wide
and only 10 to 30 million light-years thick

in between these strings are huge voids of galaxies,

although some astronomers may have detected hot
Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Evolution of Galaxies

Image at

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

How big is Our Universe?

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

Devilim, S.Si., Immanuel Christian School, OSN Astro 2014

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