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Program name
Project name
Activity name
Geographical area of
implementation (District/Sector)
Responsible Institution
Implementing partner
Type of beneficiary(ies)
Number of beneficiaries
Activity start and end date
Type of assistance (where
Total quantity of goods distributed
(where applicable)
2. Description of project implementation: You explain activities conducted (including
trainings, meetings, methodologies used, method used to select trainers or STIs,
monitoring methods used, selection of Trainees, distribution of start-up kits, Distribution
of stipends, distribution of start-up capital, ) during the period of implementation, you
explain the expected results and compare with the achievements. In short you describe
the project implementation phase.

3. Challenges to the implementation of the project/activity:

Activity Completion Report/MIDIMAR/SPIU/M&E

4. Lessons learned: (Summarise the lessons learnt in implementing the activity. What
would you do differently to the benefit of beneficiaries? Include any positive or negative
examples that might serve to improve the effectiveness of any future similar activities.)

5. Sustainability of impact: (Do you consider the outcomes/outputs of the Activity to be

sustainable? Why or why not? How should it be beneficial to the )

6. Other information/comments: (Please provide here any other information/comments

you consider relevant in assessing the implementation of the completed Activity or the
likely implementation of similar Activities in the future. Feedback received from other
sources can also be provided here.)

7. Conclusion and Recommendations:

Activity Completion Report/MIDIMAR/SPIU/M&E

Activity completion report submitted by

Name + Signature

Activity completion report approved by

Name + signature


Where relevant, please enclose:

List of beneficiaries assisted/participants
A copy of the report/document produced/any other supporting document

Activity Completion Report/MIDIMAR/SPIU/M&E

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