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Change Is Inevitable!

by Marie T. Russell

Change is inevitable. Notice your reaction to that statement. Change IS

inevitable. Pay attention to your body's reaction, your mind, your emotions.
Did you feel any fear? Any 'oh-oh' kind of feeling? Any insecurity about
what change might bring? If so, it may be because you need to create an
underlying belief that change is wonderful and that it always brings
improvement over the present.

What is it about the present (or the past) that brings us such a feeling of
security? It certainly isn't because we have a record of world peace,
prosperity for all, crimeless streets, complete happiness, etc. If we look at
the state of the world, and even of our own personal reality, one would
think that change would be welcomed with open arms. So, what's the

Change is wonderful. Think of the wonderful things that have changed in

the past ten, twenty, or thirty years. Whether you look at world events
such as the Berlin Wall falling, or at your own life, change always brings
good. Even at times when it seems like your personal world is falling down,
when the rubble clears it always shows that it was for the best.

I can recall different events that occurred in my life—such as my being

fired from a job, being refused a renewal visa when I lived in Jamaica, my
parents dying when I was 20, or a good friend dying in a car accident... At
the time I was experiencing these events, they all seemed like
catastrophes. Yet, in retrospect, they were all liberating, enlightening, and
empowering changes in my life and were really for my highest good.
Because we do not see ahead to what the future holds for us, we
sometimes, with our limited perception imagine things to be much worse
than they are or will be.
CHANGE! You must change! Change is inevitable. Notice again your
reaction to these statements. If you still experience any hesitation from
within, any fear or doubts, you might want to start telling yourself
frequently (daily at least), that all change is for the better. Things are
constantly changing and evolving and getting better and better. That is the
nature of the Universe. If you believe in evolution, then you necessarily
must believe in change bringing about good. If you believe that God
created the Universe, and that God is Good, then again, what loving father
would doom his kids to hell?

To look at your attitude of change, take a piece of paper and write at the
top: I f ear change because... or if you're the kind that 'isn't afraid of
anything', you could write atop the page: The reason I resist change is...
and then write whatever comes to mind. It may be such things as:
...because I don't know what will happen ...because I have no control over
it ...because people (thus change) can't be trusted ...l feel comfortable
where I am now and change might rock the boat ...I'm not good enough to
have a better life, etc. Whew, enough already!

Once you have your list, make sure you cancel all those old beliefs and
reprogram yourself with such affirmations as: I trust the Universe and the
people in it (myself included) to constantly supply me with Love, Joy,
Peace, and Prosperity. God (or my Higher Self) is in charge of creating a
wonderful reality for me. Change is comfortable for me. I am safe. My life
changes for the better and I deserve it! The planet deserves change and

Create your own affirmations in response to whatever your fears are. If we

admit to ourselves what our fears are, then we can proceed to wash them
away and replace them with Light, Love and Peace. The first step is to
acknowledge what we are feeling so that we can proceed to heal and
transform our fears and beliefs.
Once you begin to accept change, you can do numerous things to keep
you on the change path. You might want to start singing any of a series of
songs (or make up your own) which affirm that every little thing is gonna
be alright! Or you could remind yourself on a daily basis that you are
willing to change and to create a better life for yourself. You can use such
affirmations as: I am safe. Any change in my life is for the good. I welcome
change and give myself permission to change easily and happily. Change is
a happy experience for me. Change equals growth All is well. If you do
that, you won't get caught up in fear in the midst of your change.

Change is good. Let's change our daily reality from a living hell (or
purgatory) into a heaven on earth. Change your focus. Change your
beliefs. Change your attitude. Heaven's already here. We simply need to
focus on it and open the door.

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