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Biodiversity: the variety of life in the

world or in a particular habitat or

Biotechnology: the exploitation of
biological processes for industrial and
other purposes, especially the genetic
manipulation of microorganisms for the
production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.
Deport: expel (a foreigner) from a
country, typically on the grounds of illegal
status or for having committed a crime.

Refugee: a person who has been

forced to leave their country in order
to escape war, persecution, or natural
Tariff: a tax or duty to be paid on a
particular class of imports or exports.

Peacekeeping: the active

maintenance of a truce between
nations or communities, especially by
an international military force.
Geneva convention: a series of treaties Peacemaking: complicated concept
on the treatment of civilians, prisoners of
because peace can be Defined in so
war (POWs) and soldiers who are
many different ways. For our
otherwise rendered hors de combat, or
purposes, peacemaking is not a
incapable of fighting.
process of passive acceptance of
mistreatment, a turning of the other
cheek in the face of clear injustice or
abuse, or other weak images of
meekness or nonresistance.
Intellectual property: a work or
Peace enforcing: a practice of
invention that is the result of creativity,
ensuring peace in an area or region.
such as a manuscript or a design, to
Part of a three-part scale between
which one has rights and for which one
peacekeeping and peacemaking, it is
may apply for a patent, copyright,
sometimes considered to be the
trademark, etc.
Maquiladora: a factory in Mexico run by
Non-government organization
a foreign company and exporting its
(NGO): an organization that is neither
products to the country of that company.
a part of a government or a
conventional for-profit business.
Usually set up by ordinary
citizens, NGOs may be funded by
governments, foundations,
businesses, or private persons.
Prison of conscience: a person who
Global village: the world considered
has been imprisoned for holding political
as a single community linked by
or religious views that are not tolerated by telecommunications.
their own government.
Reconciliation: the restoration of friendly

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