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The Railway Children

Notes and Exercises


The story is about three children named Roberta, Phyllis and Peter.

They live in London with their parents (mother and father).

One night, their father leave but does not return home.

The children and their mother have to move to the countryside.

Mother writes and sells stories to magazines for money.

The children like to wave at the trains and become friends with an old
gentleman. He always takes the 9.15 train.

The old gentleman helps them in many ways. He also helps the children
to help find their missing father.


Time early 1900s.

Place England, starts from London to the country.

- nearby railway station and in the railway tunnel.

The children, Bobbie, Peter and Phyllis, and their parents are a happy family
living in London.


Rising Action
There is a problem and the father leaves. Mother and the children move to the

Bobbie reads the newspaper and found out that Father is in jail for spying.
Falling Action
Mother speaks to Bobbie about Father. Bobbie writes to the old gentleman to ask
for help. She does not tell her siblings about Father.

Father returns home and the real spy is caught.


Family Life

- the family is very close and supportive.

- The children care for Mother and do not want to see her sad.

They did things together as a family. For example, they organized a surprise party for
Bobbies birthday.


- The children always waved to the passengers on the train.

- An old gentleman always wave to them with a smile.
- They became good friends and he helped Mother and Father.

Acts of Kindness

- The children were kind to everyone. For example, they were kind to Mother.

The children were also kind to Perks and made a birthday party for him.

The kindness displayed by the children taught Mrs Ransome and Perks positive
lessons in life.

Moral Values

Kindness who is kind?

Responsibility - who is responsible?

Unselfishness who is not selfish?

Main Characters

Mother responsible, loving, forgiving

Bobbie friendly, loving, kind

Peter friendly, loving, protective

Phyllis friendly, loving, supportive

The old gentleman friendly, kind, helpful

Minor Characters


Mrs Viney

Station Master

Porter Perks

Mrs Ransome


The engine driver and the fireman

The two men who took Father away


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