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SNC Student Teacher Observation Rubric Observation Number__/_Date BY Teacher Cancidate_£OL2Y Lead Teacher ASSOLE Grade/Subject__“Zaronlg Ais aay District. spear aP. LO. Lesson Content tine atonss 2 E Ag Ik PLOS SNC Supervisor__4AGL 2-7 TA. date_ C254," Professionalish ‘Meets ‘Aoproaches ‘Does nat mest Content Knowledge | Demonstaterspproprate ‘emonaates accep content | Does no demonsiate oon towledge ofthe content the | ksowledge theinfomatoncnmeyedto| content knowedge, conveys ncrrect ‘normatoncomeyedto stunts | shades accurate, Content isnot | or biased nermation to student Sccurte andunbiased. Contents| alayestandardstaedorfocsed on | regular. Content tnt ted on Sandarés based and focused on | eftcalinpt $andords and often nt focused on sealing ‘eangut Professional ‘opearncesbues appropiate, | NotAppiabie ‘Appearance not paropte forthe ‘Appearance ‘modest and speoprate forthe ‘Shoal sting ~ immodest unkem, $tvites inthe csroom, ‘riaporopate forthe dasoom sees Punetuaiy PoncaTand compleeraequred | Wot Aap ‘On ae to shoo or COMIC dies on tine profesional requrements {stendanee, grades, superson sist Commnonicaion Sle | Uses pofesnaTanguage when | ies formallangugeln he caoom | Makes requent von mararnnar speatingand wing na trinwriten communications which | and peng mitten ommuneaons ath stasents, | doesnot reflect a rotesionl ‘ommuniston ors unprofesonl ‘éminitrotors colleagues, and | depeation. Sometimes olows invriten andor verbal frente. Folbwsapproprste | appropriate hrrehy with concerns. | communtation. Does not follow ere when he hs concerns appropriate errehy wth concerns "ittade Conant demonstrates oyraym {Leb paps Eatin ser —fronbree—L fetcntite PACINE. Teacher Candidate, Page 3 Date £6, VE: if PRESENTING fer Quesrupih “7 Of SbbbEsTIN: GO GE. # GOTH PERSPECTIVES OF Ail ge “A CAP on PHYSICIANS’ FEEL" ‘SNC Student Teacher Observation Rubric Observation Number, Date: a SN PFOA] LEARNER PURSE Ch pte 6 Sfp uh Abate, Instruction: Meets ‘Poprosches Does not meet ‘Objectives TA TT OTST — | gS NT —— | OS SERS ETOTAT Gotomureconbteroydooiyesone | qesomiesoncines depajsand | eurloesresmcon les Scrmencxedtosuieessntines | oumocsétoraens aawgincion | conminatedte sts eg gion Swdenscan Stren aot orate he taconite tone Sclnetewecte mrnenge, | Regeln qo tron | oes ae Connections wo rior | ste stem nae peo] lesan ORSTRE HSISC TE {ene Ua IT OE Learning ‘econ toprlrny cent | comin opr korg ert conection penn set Sovenccrtastantrmenew | epureneorvaesseartortenen | expen o br ataas forte ew iting tough iy vcs, ‘Sonmetteughty ecb ncion | lexan ron ey sot in Imuvtonandotersonegeto sist | weahersitapertoeumansmuaere | sadonersvaegrto et womtsceres ‘turstdtassensytnowtboutte. | stewoytnowsima te conet stares | Sendyinow rte fn wth ou he Tomentandtheymatecomectorsto | sonetresconeteateconmcins, "| came Suen comotarccde IHenewconent susenoravarcaine | Scmmnenconetandgrorirnne | eonacansbetwsen one een ; sodant Engagement] tose Gone CST SOTAIE | (Gn ae ORE TB USSG Tr ORT RTOS ae avariety of engagement strategies and | often teacher centered and use of active include engagement strategies that focus, itcentoppotunesfrsvuewreser | erapenen aegis wircanaet cnavcowte, Terese Greandsucre tecureamcnfanons | Oporunertorsirtorcnrese | cypounastorsnents proce Sntose Tew opeotuntestar” | canonto pany seucuedsotat | kfomatanor angen nero oA Shurnswpecesnennormatonor | couenstantchonsttnk Studeetsae | stages that acne egse suet Stepenuncnangotconeresr | omacivevenoacemaroceingnen | Suse ease conte teow SShomine:suiemtnggesen's | Womalororcepennguncmsnare, | Ti ‘Sra ebve Seto enngonon cnt beeen Sporn fr | ear aad | Te ota be aA ea Te HIE no RI Cinemancrmvesvowpengrnaes | sadersiotemetsogneor tee wefew | srtegsin ib chroom aire Metacognition Grotaiteraprcketengcrnage: | oporinnestoenpgemrecciener | wameton “ eS county proves oaporunnes tim ona eseaeges we icrswaenstocmpgetnpctceto, | redeosetsent: tangent teenth ag agape soo Formative Grnscizctantomienrna | wecmalandnomatomee | oneimvesonad cot ome rt Assessment formative assessment to gauge student “Ssessmert when used formative assessment one nee [Snrgttosontnason | Scrat omens Pacing The ti rae ooniy | Tsar arcane sesh p er | Pong oe as Bors TO ross std eung ismnngbetsheomsseninmontnngand_ | root student Tice are peds ot Speen mconatthe | rogoauanert. theese pedy | newer few stews we oe feinttscertefodea seen | imrahersanesdeaswefouned tha | engrwthheewng sn actin Eimneoertsdontimevnenst | taandaclomagaanyepimesto | Umetsauand Meany Sion wenotacieyargecan, | nove th tonewlesrnng tne when irmngaisepacagwnch soo tastr | seems sone arorretetnsanang, {cos teach er Conte inane evar {Greovinthelsont aces Teamner Centered | Cass cominsrucson and sts re | Ceavoar indaodion codes ome mutant | Gstvam navonion Tose an teacher Glassoom ‘Srcntthentctler eran | woderioaiedewrhtthetic, "| Sur engage wine cnet ‘Commendations. Recommendations, Notes and Comments: 5 sSreecnrp perinre ENB AGED pal wok UF PETICrY® © IR Contecrt) FO Hp AMOkAbs CONCEMT of Lav! > LEMME SPEC. APtap) PROTEC AS TeRCHEL Stplfoegs Trfolby FERCHER Poe tr ani §- _ * Leah Ahelerstar ints RLF SPULT EMG RCT, CopyTen! An. x RERLUDLICY Of Pfr Cf Abt EA OL GOMEEES SPONYT LBAL Ty zen UF Lael. H# TEAHR g PAL Clase goo rare Befieriey (MEER CTRL Srpeng LMEHALIS O00 LE fe: ENN Teacher Candidate Date, 1 SP tlohee MOREA PITA BZKN, MNRLILL OF PUOHITAL COMTI. Apps, aries ‘SNC Student Teacher Observation Rubric Observation Number. Date: ‘Assessment of Student Learning Meets ‘Approaches: ‘Does nat meet Formative Formative acrement dice | Formative sesccement is used Formative ‘Assessment, instruction and isan integral | during instruction and sometimes | consistently partof planning, lesson delivery | results in adjustments to instruction | used to adjust instruction orto and differentiation meet student needs. Formative assessment used ‘consistently throughout instruction to monitor student Understanding and adjust instruction ‘Summative ‘Summative asessments are | Summative assessments are based | Summative assessments are Assessment basedon the standards and | onthe standards but are designed | designed based on instruction or designed prior to instruction _| after instruction has occurred taken from textbooks and other 1 Not observed (Backwards Lesson Design} in| rather than as a tool to guide sources not connected to the ‘order to guide the planning and_ | instruction and planning. Rubrics Instruction. Rubrics are ate used inconsistently for major routinely used for major assignments and tests. assignments and tests, provided ‘na timely manner and provide standards. Rubrics are not used. PR PVE MALES TICBE " SpRATEEY LPSPeO“l” clear criteria for students Feedback and ‘Specific feedback s provided on | Feedback Is not consistently Feedback is occasionally Grading student work. Student workis | provided. Student work is provided. Student work isnot graded in atimely manner, and | sometimes graded ina timely traded in a timely manner, arades are entered correctly and | rranner, grades are entered grades are either not entered ina timely manner correcty, but not alwaysin a timely. | correctly or not ina timely “Commendations, Recommendations, Notes and Comments 1» DAhrs uf ar ny [fier prive ALCL CMT 6 SMALE ohove Gg) cel ESET RUNS ROLLE SUMMArVE LE agate Lvatoarres) Of Courinr Kprook elise’: ANF PMA “ » eer oes WAL RekLenrea jN Ndi Wb WR Neng So RAVE FHEIR Hh eS FO AMM Wing VOOR heey 5 = oF oo CEN. (‘the ~ oe y a aon SENMMER THES of, 4 e 7 PHONG pee SY hf oomlsranitir. SIRKIH: ie THY bik HON Ge youk. OPS oprONNIZY FO PIRI *PY AkE Go) NoT Site) = we SPRDAS reve 13-2073; used 21014; evsed 221-18, piped 310 Teacher Candidate Signature: __ ACL LY SNC Supervisor Signature:___ 4 ALE T7 A Lead Teacher Signature: 2708 ctcres IM SF MER EAL AES ORT AM REO TH © TEACHERS ConcLbiNe PYESTMUNE STRAT LEY, eT fh mS HK wb pr soe eT Teacher Candidate, Page 5 Date.

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