Lauletta Observation 3

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Teacher Candidate. Grade/Subject_/a7 Lebo HiETORY District, Lesson Content_COoPVC/UP LA TMICFAY Time Allott; . SNC Supervisor_LA4ZLZ7 7A) Date. z Professionalism Meets ‘Approaches ‘Does not mest ‘Content Knowledge | Demonstrates apfoprate Demonstrates acceplable content Docs nat demonstrate sistactony knowledge of yf content, the knoviedge, th information conveyed to | content knowledge, conveys incorrect Information cfveyed to studentsis | stucetsis accurate. Content isnot |r biased information to stents accurate andunbased. Contents | alvaysstandards based or focused on | regulary. Content not based on Standards based and focused on | erteal input. standards and often wat focused on rita ingut ctealinpat Professional ‘Ropearance snes appropriate, | NotAppabl ‘Appearance isnatapavoprinte forthe loopsarenc ‘modest and apbroriatefor the School setting immodest, unkemat, {cites In the classroom, ‘or inappropriate forthe elassroam Punctuality Tctapecabe ‘OReniate to school erin completing Punctua and ofpetes al required duties on professional requirements attendance, grades, supervision sais ete) ‘Communication Skills ‘aes proesionanguage when speaking and ting, inal communiayhns with students, _adminstrfors, coleagues, and parents. Follows appropriate Ierarchy when (she has concerns ‘Uses informal anguage inthe dassroom frie wrtten communications which oes not efeea profesional isfosition, Sometimes follows appropiate hirareny with concerns ‘Makes frequent eorin grammar and speling in wtten ‘communications, ris unprofessional inwrtten and/or verbal ameuniations. Doe nofollow ppcopdat hierarchy with concerns, | ‘attitude ‘Consistentiy demonstrates enthusiasm fora aspects of teaching cup duties, Pics/metings parent contacts, ee Seeks svepétions from mentors and ‘accepts feedback, Seeks ‘ppertunties oleate, including tainngs. Treats al ttf with respect Sometimes demonstrate enthasiaem forall aspects of teaching nding utes, Pcs/reetigs, parent contacts ete, Accepts suggestions and feedback ‘Attends wanings when encourages Usually eats sa with espe. Seldom demonstrates enthusiasm for allaspeets of teaching including duties, PLes/mectings, parent conta, et. Does nat accept Suggestion or Feeback. Does not attend trainings when available. Does not always ret staf with respect Reflection on Practice Regulary eects instruction, assessment, spent achieverent ‘nd curricyjdn and makes adjustment to practice based on reflection Tees oeanionalyon strton, assessment, student achievement and Cunlclum, and does nt consistently ‘mate adjustments based on election Dees not ai, or eects bit does not make adjustments to practice based onthe data ‘Commendations, Recommendations, Notes and Comments: MRK eLpyopy Bie IM Nke ‘Lp PUPEAR A YICE Corpuryy ¢ Arr ops Bier C2. .ip0.0, Lit pron, Y ATH Ube Teacher Cndidoye 4 fed bate Le Ze Page 1 SNC Student Teacher Observation Rubric—Observation number ‘Glassroom Management/éffective Learning Environment Meets ‘Approaches: ‘Does not meet Physical Space Teacher andi flies pheal space | Tether les physical apace away tht | Tue of pies space aa wae inmeclastoom if waythtfecittes | somtimescauses drupbon othe fow of | pater cates nanan asrupon 9 ‘ugent and teapfermovemect insvction or student eneazement. Psat | the Row of struction or scent throughout ingfssoom. Psat | safe of dens nar conssterty agement, There ae Heuer assim ‘Step ofstodents refoced ‘erecta Soreness ofthe phils of acer Behavior ‘ees eidence of oer expecatons | Ts eitence behave expocatons bit | Sedans dona damonsvate awareness i that tudes ive olor students o not havea leer understanng of | behavior eapectatns teacher responses ee Undertandngateroorexgecators, | them Tere are ncorteces herece or redrecion ae Teacher ecopyfon of mute acherence | semonsrated when ecopaingorrecrecing | inconsistent or Go not deastrat cating corredrecion oneeded demonstrates | ston Inti motivation somtimes | fora students ntsc matiation saat onsen, taressandcarngo al | rurtred and praises used ieee” | nurtured and praise ruse nee nein notation nurred | Sdsrae bused soproprsth Establishing Rapport | Teteocrerconpate hos estbisheds | The Jasavoom endvormentis prTesional | Suen behaviow demonaate Wat they me profesionl gfagrepprtwithstwierts | and ox students el tha they can explore | ae uncomforabe or uneasy or ot el sevcenced rarelonea ince rewidess andthe Fs, omever some | emotional sa inthe casroom feeinganéghovoraby ste evonment: | Suds behaviors domoasrtes tht they | environment Te teacher candste’s veer stots wiingtoealore new | Gorat‘eeleamforatiar emotional ste. | wordor actions demonstoe alk of [earingan tak academe iss Spooprine boundaries re mcorastety | este and rapport wah user, mamaines Dacron bounds ae not maintained Beginning of Cass The eacher ands pees sis | Thee io evince of ovine for ‘mned and ttre aeademi thatacstructre, re notacadem or | neat tudes when they emer the Sciviesofan sppronriatelenginto | erento long to engages stents ‘ssoom, “Housekeeping” a ceria ‘snot applicable ‘fecive.“Mowstcepineanaencal— | des consent interupinstucona ‘tes sometimes Setractrom orierupt | tne Insetonal tine Ending Class Tnsuction and suse engagement | Tnsnicion and ident engagement Tudenis ohn Rap waning sora asitentivetends tothe ea of cass | somber extent thee of cabal to | minutes giro te endo nd spend {belt bet withthe teachermainainng. | beth bt there ae sigan istanees ‘ie not engage planned learing ‘not applicable stractured atvty unl stutensare | (Sevraltimesina weet of dseneagement | sctuies, or engage n zc orto sed bythe tener. orto the endof the ering peta ‘eend ofthe leaving pred. Transitions Tassivons ee ‘Trarins sometimes ree planning fut | Tranatons conse ect aakoT nounced, gf renconsstentandsometinestake ecesive | planning and take excessive amount of ‘andor step the ow of ‘imeorinterapt te ow ofistracton me aring when msructon sted not applicable ‘rsructon orreqaretheteacherto | resuting nthe techeravingto regain | nd vesting clssoorncomroltates sesinconvol onpoloftheinsracinaleneronment. | sway om nstuctiong me Tere are routine ToTacave | Roulresarein place totum inassenmenis | Tete aera outs m lace wey ave Rodents tring naire an up gated workaneforerbting | plemented inconsstrt resting king perf wrk, dtbting ad iectng meters and textos bt | signin es of trio me or ‘lecng méteralsanéteoooks which | theytoke mote than 2 manutesand cause | dsvotonto the Ian proces ot not applicable ‘exutinmiamalinrefinsructoral tine | lossofinatracanal tine oraredarptveto | example, students handing owt mae 0 cr duruptontotte ening precestond | the kamng process. sneer at time) Tmplementation of | Rautorsareeytent armen acitas | ovines re cnden Torsone acts, | Rouines ae leider, earaing cae ‘warstucensdanengageinwihost | cbrypioncftheleeringentormentis | grocest often derupted ana students 3 ‘drecteayr superior dupten of | rinmalend some stusetsdemonsate | not demondrae independence in ‘ewearéngenonmentsminmaland | sppinpite veo ndependence ‘erfrming routine tasks ‘anot applicable ‘nutents demanarate appropet ee ee independence ‘Commendations, Recommendations, Notes, and Comments 8 WARP Berlei ppyitrRreely COMpENlee AP STIRT Of CALL. THE TEACHER COIEEY P\CPUTUfS S70LbiT © coh NCMBEMENT 1 AIEEE TALK WARE ® COltpgsr SRLS PRINTED AL cenpmens PB WE SULLY SReten pri COPIKUCTL Piiesepyy, 7 PUT LEAS YNT ORME At TEACHER Chevaprie » nTRED Preparation and Planning for Instruction ‘Meets ‘Aoproaches Doesncimest WS THE vecripHee ¥ CNTART™ TIS ACT 8 Payzihe REMLR CENT CHEN SOR CORRECT CEONNCR RESCUES Fo 7 eAHEL Teacher Candidate Lode pow, Date. — LE SNC Student Teacher Observation Rubric—Observation number. Tessons are consistently based | Some lessons are based on NAS, | Few ifany lessons are based on fon the standards for the content | NG35, or do not consistently include | the NAS, NGSS and da nat include area -Nevada Academic (35 Standard fr literacy in C38 Standards for teracy in Standards (NAS), Next cortent areas or Standards of Math | content areas of Standards for | Generation Science séandards | Practices. Math Practices. (055), and incluae’common Core Standards for literacy in content areas and Standards of Math Practices lesson Plans Lesson plans are consistently | Lesson plans are consstenty ‘Lesson plans are not consistentiy prepared but lack some ofthe prepared in advance or Conponents that are required for | frequenty lack the required effective lessons, or are not components corsistenty submitted in a timely student discourse, opportunities | manner {for student metacogrition and formative assessment ‘Questions ‘Questions areianned forboth | Questions are planned for oral and | Questions are not planned for in coral and writen activities and | writen activities in the lesson but | the lesson move stugénts to higher ‘move to higher cognitive eves less cognitive levels more than half | thay half the time, the time, ‘Material and Supplies | Materaisforthe lesson are | Materials forthe lesson are ‘Materials ae often not ready for consistently prepared in sometimes prepared in advance and | the lesson or not legible, advance, ready,friorto the | easly accessible. Sometimes appropriate forthe learners or materials are difficult toreador | age appropriate. When prepared See. not at the level appropriate for | in advance, materials ae not thelearner or not age appropriate. | easily accessible adapted 4s needed and age appropriate Pacing The teacher gandidate has ‘The teacher candidate hes There sno evidence that pacing considereg/acing when corsidered pacing sometimes or has | Is considered regularly prior to planningfessons and can adjust | effculty adjusting during Implementation ofa lesson the plan as needed during instruction Instruction “Commendations, Recommendations, Notes and Comments! Nz Tint SLA SEAN TIEO. LULCTROMC OVER, HERO ITI ATE FR. PH Ledpoph, Ake WKCAL mM fregiaty fhtfaheo 1) gloppbe : Teacher Candidate Date. y Page 3 HME cortZUle® po eGELLYH Léatee porpansy SNC Student Teacher ObservAtisif Ral os, Page 5 Date. wAS SNC Student Teacher Summative Assessment Document Teacher constiate_ AA] Ba suc Supervisor__// 7 AU. Date. ‘Meets expectation: Approaches expectations =1 | Professionalism a2 at 0 Content Knowledge ¢ 7 ce 50 Professional Apperance 4 Bn 7 Punctuality a aa a0 Attitude ay ol a0 Reflection on Practice 5 aa 30 Classroom Management/ ae aa De ] Effective Learning Environment Prhysial Space a ot 30 nn 7 a Establishing Rapport, Z aa 20 Beginning Class 4 aa 20 Ending Clas, % 1 20 Transitions y 4 50 Materials and Supplies a a4 ° Innplementaion of Routines a at 20 Preparation and Planning for e2 oa oe Instruction Standard aed Lessons wy ot a Lesson Plans o4 be Materials and Supplies yy at ao Pacing a at ao n o2 a1 7 oo ‘Objectives at 38 LL Gy a ce Student Engagement g aa 20 pporntestorecogion aa 00 Formative Assessment % aa 0 Pacing w aa 20 Learner Centered Classroom a aa ° { ‘Assessment of Student Learning 0 2 on no Formative Assessment a Bo Summative Assessment 20 Feedback and Grading ary 2

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